lost ring finder Newport Beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold and Diamond Wedding Band Lost in Backyard…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

I received a call from Michelle explaining how she had lost two rings in her yard the day before. She was asking if I would be able to help her in the search for them. I let her know I could come that day, but she had ordered a metal detector, and wanted to wait for that to come, so she could search herself. I let her know that when she was ready, I would be available to come and help her. She called me later, saying she decided to forgo the detector, and asked me to come the next day, so we scheduled a time.

When I arrived at her house, she met me at the side gate, and took me to the area of the loss. She also let me know that she had found one of the rings, and that I was going to be looking for the wedding band. The grass was real nice with a thick thatch which could hide any ring that fell into it. I turned my detector on and found a small grate. I continued on, and got a real low tone in the headphones, put in the pin pointer, and there was the ring. She was impressed that the search took so little time to complete, but I have some of the best detectors you can get, and I trust my equipment when I am searching. So happy to have made her day!

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.



How to Find a Ring Lost from Beach Chair Cupholder .. Southern California Beaches.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

****  Julie called asking if I would help find her husband’s wedding ring.. She and her husband, BJ had spent the day at Riviera Beach in San Clemente, CA. The whole family enjoyed the day on the beach and upon returning home BJ realized his ring was missing. He had placed it in the pocket of his beach chair earlier that day;

I only asked if someone could meet me at the location. We had a very good chance of finding the ring as it had only been missing about two hours. BJ met me on the beach about an hour after the first phone call.

Most the beach was clear of people which was a good thing. We walked to the general area where BJ had a little trouble finding the exact place they had set up their day camp. Then he recognized some grapes in the sand that the kids had not eaten. Now we were in the zone. A couple minutes later I had BJ’s ring in the scoop. Another ring saved by TheRingFinders and a very happy guy that figured the ring was lost forever. Thanks to his wife, Julie for getting on the internet to find a RingFinder to recover the ring.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  available now 949-500-2136

Wedding Ring Lost in Surf .. Crystal Cove State Beach, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The white gold diamond wedding ring was lost in the surf about 11:30 am at a 4.1′ high tide. When Shawn’s wife , Ashley was in the surf in approximately ankle deep water, her ring slipped off her finger into water saturated sand, disappearing immediately. Shawn called me from their home 40 miles away.
I got to the approximate location that same evening as the tide was coming back in. Beach closes at sunset. As it turned out, Crystal Cove State Beach has four entrances,  I went to the wrong part of Crystal Cove , because Shawn said it was the first lifeguard tower to the right of the tunnel ( 2 entrances have tunnels under PCH).  Texted him a photo of the lifeguard tower and he told me it wasn’t the right location.
Returned to my car, drove one mile south,  parked then walked a quarter mile to the location. Twenty feet to the left of the lifeguard tower I started a grid to and from the incoming waves. Second pass, first target was Ashley’s wedding ring.. I sent them a photo of the ring in my hand. They came that evening to pick up the ring. It was great that she didn’t have to lose a nights sleep or worry about losing her ring forever. Another nice note was this next week they will be celebrating their fourth year wedding anniversary. A very nice couple who were elated and in disbelief that they could find their ring using the Internet and a smart phone while at home 40 miles from where it was lost.. Maybe a good tag would be: ” How to find a ring 40 miles away remotely from the comfort of your couch”. You’ve got to love it !



White Gold Diamond Wedding Ring Lost .. Crystal Cove State Beach, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recovered with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Patrick sent me a text message, asking if I was available to help him find his wife’s white gold diamond wedding ring. Silvia had taken her ring off to apply sunscreen three days before while at Crystal Cove State Beach, Newport Beach, CA.
She was not sure if she had put her rings back on after finishing the sunscreen application. In fact she was sure that her ring had to be in their car or at the house. No need to worry her husband Patrick, she believed it would show up. It was now three days after the loss, so Patrick thought it might be worth at try to call me to ask if I was available to try checking the beach where they had been that past Sunday.
I jumped at the chance to give it a try. That particular beach doesn’t have beach grooming machines and it is a little difficult to get to, so it isn’t hit by very many detectorists. I may have to wait for people to leave the beach which is not a big deal.
My first chance to search, I got a really nice yellow gold ring with a big diamond. I called Patrick to verify that I was looking for a white gold wedding band. Checking the first ring for markings, I could make out “made in China” engraved inside ( bummer).
Patrick had sent me very good photos and approximate footage they were from a cement footing. Bingo, the petite wedding band was exactly where he had described. I met Silvia the next day at a halfway point between my place and where they live. Patrick didn’t have to leave work which is another thing I try to do to help families in this crazy economy. It was a pleasure inter reacting with Patrick to find this ring. I bet we had 20 texts messages. I love the technology that makes this all possible.image


Platinum Diamond Ring Found in Surf … Capistrano Orange County Beach Park .. San Jaun Capistrano, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Jaimee called me late in the afternoon. Her dilemma was, that her platinum diamond wedding ring had come off her finger in knee deep water while throwing a ball. The tide was coming in and it was going to be a 6.2 ft. high tide. Chances of finding it now would not be good. Most important now was to meet them to pinpoint the location and the circumstances that led to the loss.
When I arrived at Capistrano Orange County Beach Park, Jaimee and her husband Jason met me. They are beach people and she told me she always leaves her rings at home when they go to the beach. This time it slipped her mind.  After losing the ring in the water somebody on the beach suggested they try to find a metal detector. They went online finding me at TheRingFinders.com.
The surf was very violent with a quick surging shore break. The tide rises about one foot an hour. It was looking like it would be better to wait till the midnight low tide. I looked at Jaimee’s desperation and thought maybe I should just try now. I went out where the waves were hitting me about waist high. After 15 minutes I decided to give up till later. Then, my first and only signal came into my earphones . It took several attempts with my sand scoop, but I pulled up a scoop full of small cobble rocks. Right on top of the rocks shining at me was Jaimee’s diamond ring. They were watching me and I held back my emotional reaction of finding the ring.
I walked up to Jaimee with the rocks and ring still in my scoop. I told her that I couldn’t search any longer. She agreed, that is when I told her to look in the scoop. No words can express the look on her face or the feelings I saw at that moment. This too, was one of those finds that surprise me just as much as the both of them. That is one of the reasons I say “I’ll Try Anywhere”.. It’s like the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket.. I switch that around to say, “You can’t find it if you don’t turn on your detector and swing it. ”
I love this service, I don’t like to call it a job.. I have had jobs before, but none of them made me feel this good.


Lost Platinum Wedding Band .. Crystal Cove State Beach, Newport Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Dave sent me a 6:36am text. I replied asking him to call me. Followed by a reply 6:45 call. We meet Crystal Cove State Beach at upper parking lot 7:15am.
Walking down to the beach which is about 500 feet below the cliffs, Dave tells me how he had put his platinum wedding band in his beach chair cupholder. He believed it could have been thrown into the brush behind where he had been sitting or dropped anywhere on the long dirt trail to the top of the cliffs.
I bet him that it probably dropped out of the cupholder the first few seconds. I was right this time. Another quick find, right in the small area of dry sand. Dave was overjoyed and couldn’t believe how well the detector worked to find his ring. He told me he has worn the ring for 22 years. This was the first time it had been lost. His wife consoled him, saying, if it wasn’t found, at least it was lost at the beach that is such a big part of his life. Dave has been surfing all his life. We both enjoyed sharing the happiness of the finding a ring that has such a sentimental meaning to him. I love this service..

Lost Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring .. Newport Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Lucia had been on the beach for the day with her husband and son. The guys were swimming when the high tide waves began to get close to their beach towels and chairs. Lucia had to quickly relocate everything by herself. After moving she looked into her purse and could see that the small plastic invisaligner case was open and empty. That was where she had put her platinum and diamond wedding ring. The invisaligner was laying on the wet sand but the ring was gone.
Her husband Frank got on his smart phone to search for metal detectors I the Newport / Balboa beach area. He found my contact information online in TheRingFinders.com website. It was less than a half hour that I was on the beach meeting them. A few minutes after Lucia pointed out where she had been, I was able to find her beautiful platinum and diamond ring. It was an easy find but if they waited one more day, it would have been in the Beach King sand cleaning machine.. I’m retired living very close to most Southern California beaches. I can usually get to any of them within an hour.
It was a pleasure meeting and helping Lucia and Frank. Also a bonus for them that their wedding ring was only hiding in the sand for less that two hours.imageimage



Lost Gold Ring .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found under Sunbather’s Blanket

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I was given a phone number of a lady named Daní by a metal detectorist in Santa Monica. The story was, this lady had dropped her ring in the sand and before she realized her loss, a family had set up there beach towels and umbrellas in the exact spot. There were words and the family was unwilling to move. The police became involved and the family said they would move when I arrived with the metal detector.
The beaches were all packed and parking was not easy. Actually the police did give me a temporary parking permit which was a bonus. Daní told me how she had set her custom made ring on the edge of her towel. She moved over about 30 ft. to get a better view of the water.
After a short time she realized what she had done. This is one of two matching rings that were custom made for Daní and her sister. They were made from their mother’s jewelry and her mother had past away just 9 months ago. Very sentimental and irreplaceable for sure.
Well, I’m not sure what happened, but the people that had set up over where the ring was lost, changed there mind about moving. In fact they said they would find the ring and keep it. The language was getting very foul and some of the other beach goers had words with the police.
Solution.. I tried to explain to the people how emotions get out of control sometimes when people lose heirlooms. They were very upset and not willing to move. I told the two police officers, that I was willing move down the beach and wait for the people to leave. I didn’t have any reason I couldn’t wait till dark, if I had to. The officers agreed that they would also leave.
I moved to the other side of the lifeguard tower while Daní and her friend got me a cup of coffee. It was less than an hour before the irate people left the beach. Daní ran over to claim the spot. I took two passes with my detector and there the ring was under about 4″ of sand. Exactly where the family had been laying.. I often say each search is unique. This was definitely one that would be hard to duplicate.. It takes more than a metal detector to have a successful search. I love this service.


Lost Diamond Tennis Bracelet .. Dana Point, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The day after Mother’s Day I was at a local beach going some recreational metal detecting when I received a call from Teri. Her daughter told her that she had lost the wedding tennis bracelet yesterday while at the family Mother’s Day picnic at Dana Point, CA. Her daughter had not wanted to ruin her Mother’s Day so, after searching all night she called her mother, Teri.
Teri was able to check her car, then went to the park to search the grass. She called me after finding my contact information on line. We discussed how I could search the lawn area to eliminate the possibility of the bracelet being there. Timing is important as the lawn mower or a person may find it before they can.
I met Teri and began a grid search of the grass area which was approximately 100 x 100ft. I told her that if it didn’t show up they could concentrate searching the other places her daughter had been before noticing the bracelet was missing. Towards the end of my search I could see how nervous she was getting. Then I saw her walk off towards the car. Five minutes later, I heard her yelling, I found it. It was in her car that she had search more than three times. Fourth time is a charm. A very happy mother and daughter.
It was a beautiful piece of jewelry with a diamond on each link. It was a gift from Teri to her daughter on her wedding day. Finding sentimental items with a detector is nice, but giving people the confidence to keep looking is part of the process also. I’ve got many stories of people finding their jewelry in odd places after I eliminated the hiding places like sand, grass or water.imageimage

Lost Iphone in Sand .. Three Arch Bay, Laguna Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

imageGlen called me late in the evening Mother’s Day. His wife, Hey had lost her celphone in the sand the night before. Because she had “the find my phone” application on her phone, GPS signal indicated it was in the sand near the fire pit. After spending most the day searching in the sand by hand and rakes it was getting dark. The battery on the phone had died and they were about to give up.
Glen found TheRingFinders.com while doing a Google search for metal detectors. After calling me I was able to meet them at Three Arch Bay which is a gated community with a private beach. My first time visiting this beach. It’s a beautiful beach even at night with a long set of steps down the cliff to the beach.
After meeting Hey, I could see she was tired and frustrated. They had built a fire in the firepit. So it was kind of a picturesque place to do a search. It took awhile, maybe 15 minutes to find the phone because it was 20 feet away from the location they gave me. I was careful not to dig aggressively as it would not be professional to break the Celphone.
It was great to see how happy Hey was and to know that her Mother’s Day ended in a positive way. I asked them to tell their neighbors and friends about our service.
