How to Find a Lost Ring in the Grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring recovered Lincoln Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Call me for all your metal detecting and recovery needs… Rob 402-580-6933

I got a call from Noah’s mom to see if I could help him locate a special ring that he had lost while playing basketball. It was a ring that his older brother once wore. What a blast to see siblings so close to each other. I got the story and pulled out my detector and……………Oh no. There was an underground dog fence giving off a lot of EMI. Bad thing was the house was vacant and I couldn’t turn it off. I started to make adjustments and learned that if I crept real slow I could hear signals amongst all the chatter. A few minutes later I let Noah be the one to operate the pinpointer and recovery the ring. The video shows the interference and the recovery.

Lost earring found Valley Nebraska

  • from Lincoln (Nebraska, United States)

Jenni contacted me to see if I could look for a very sentimental ring that was believed to be lost by a guest on a private residence during a wedding. Even though there was the possibility it may not be there, I knew how important this ring was after hearing the story so I headed off. Unfortunately I did not find a ring but I did pull up a recently dropped earring. It was one of the brides that she wore in the ceremony. She had given them to her friend to hold onto as the reception picked up pace. She had not even told me about it because she had already written it off as being lost. I was disappointed that we weren’t able to find the ring but they can now rule out that area and hopefully it turns up somewhere else.

Professional Metal Detecting service in Miami

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

This was an interesting recovery.  Somehow, her ring managed to fly off the third story balcony while doing her hair and land in the bushes below.  After all of us looking for a few hours, my detector located it almost 50 ft away!  We were all excited I was able to reunite them with her matching custom rings

Lost ring in Big Sand Lake, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Jason asking if I could help him find his wife’s diamond engagement ring that was thrown into a 10 foot deep canal! Of course I had more than a few questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding her lost ring. Come to find out one of Jason’s sons got a hold of his mom’s ring and, for some strange reason, decided to run outside and give it a toss into the water! After hearing the story of what all happened I decided to take my kayak and check out what I was up against. Turns out the water was exactly 10 feet deep with lily pads on both sides of the canal and at least a foot of silt on the bottom with a whole lot of aquatic weeds of different kinds as well. Jason pointed to the “area” where he was fairly sure the ring landed and I dropped a weight and marker for the following days search.

Scuba was required and I opted to use my Blu3 Nemo Dive system and the hand held Pulse Dive scuba detector combined with a PVC grid layout that measured 6 foot by 10 foot. After clearing a path thru the lily pads I towed my PVC grid out over the target area and let it sink to the bottom. I spent the next two hours scouring the bottom and moving my grid to be sure I was covering, what I thought was the exact spot, where the ring hit the water. And as I was finishing up…Jason’s dear wife came out to see how it was going and she said, “I think it landed more to the right!” So with one last push I switched out my battery, moved my PVC grid and prayed to God that Mrs Jason was correct! I swept my hand held pin pointer all the way around my grid and as I was finishing up I got one last small signal. I grabbed down into the mud trying to feel the object that was causing the detector to beep and finally found a small circular object. At first I thought it might be just a washer or rusty nut but as I cleared the mud away I held it up close to my dive mask and I could just make out a shiny diamond…and not just one diamond but a whole bunch of diamonds! I literally started yelling and hollering…”I found it, I found it, thank you God, thank you God!” Jason and his wife were stunned and so, so thankful to have their ring back…especially since they were moving the next day to California!!

Lost something in the grass, in the sand or in the water and need help?

Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….super blessed to be a member of

Lost Engagement Ring, Orlando, Florida….Found with a Metal Detector and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you lost a ring or something precious to you don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Please call ASAP….Call Now…321-363-6029

Carlos and his dear fiancee were taking an evening stroll around their neighborhood and at one point they began tickling each other and in the process lost their stunning diamond engagement ring in the thick St Augustine grass. They knew within feet of where they were standing when she felt her ring come off and began immediately looking to see if they could find it. The grass was so so thick that they began to actually pull the grass up in places to be able to see down to the soil level below. After a few frustrating hours they thought of renting a metal detector but being New Years Day…nothing was open and they continued their Google search. They finally came across web site and found one of my stories…that I post after every successful search and recovery! They gave me a call and we met up later that afternoon. It only took a minute or two to actually find their lost engagement ring in the thick grass and the main reason is that they knew almost the exact spot they were standing in when the ring was dropped. That was a tremendous help in making it a quick and successful recovery!

I thank God for allowing me the privilege and opportunity to help Carlos and his beautiful fiancee and to be able to reunite them with their lost ring!

Lost something recently…or long ago…and need help finding it? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029

Mike McInroe… honored to be a member of

Lost gold chain and pendents in the sand! New Smyrna Beach, Florida!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I got a call from Spencer saying he lost a very sentimental gold chain with a gold cross and an actual Spanish coin from the sunken Atocha! Both the cross and the coin were gifts to Spencer from his folks and he cherished them very much. Normally he would not wear his chain at the beach but on this particular day the organization he volunteers with had a large group of young children at the beach and they were playing in the sand and shallow water only. As the afternoon wore on Spencer was getting hot and decided to take off his shirt and as he pulled his shirt over his head his chain caught and came off along with his shirt. Spencer was standing on the wet sand and as his chain landed on the sand a rather large rouge wave washed over his feet and his chain instantly disappeared! Spencer was stunned and immediately dropped to his knees and tried to find his chain running his fingers back and forth through the sand hoping desperately to find his treasured possession! He spent that whole afternoon walking back and forth combing the whole area and all he had to show for his efforts was a bad sunburn!

Later that evening a friend on Facebook suggested he call one of the Ring Finders in the area and Mr Moye Howard suggested my name because I was the closest to that particular area. At first Spencer was discouraged about even asking me to come out and look because a family member was sure that the rough waves and surf had washed the chain way out into deeper water and it would be impossible to actually find. I tried to reassure Spencer that because his chain, cross and coin were gold and that gold is super heavy it would very likely still be buried in the sand close to where he dropped it.

My wife and I met Spencer the next morning early as the tide was going out and Spencer showed me exactly where he was standing the moment he dropped his chain. It was very high up on the beach and I set out my flags and began my methodical grid search across the sand. I explained to Spencer that I would be digging any and all signals just to be sure and my very first target was a large washer. Five minutes later I dug an aluminum pull tab and on the third signal I dug carefully and about 4 inches down I spotted a glimmer of gold and sure enough….right where Spencer had said he was standing….was his beautiful chain with the cross and the coin buried at least six inches further down in the sand! (Rough waves and soft sand equals deep targets!) Spencer was speechless and overcome with emotion and it was a moment of pure joy and relief that I will never forget. I thank God for the opportunity to be a blessing to young Spencer and his family and this is my hope and prayer for all who ask for my help!

Lost something and need help? Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029!
Mike McInroe….blessed to be a member of

Kissimmee Florida lost wedding/engagement ring Found by Ring Finder Mike McInroe

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Angela had given her wedding/engagement ring to her husband to put in his pocket for safe keeping and while pacing back and forth in their yard while talking on his phone…somehow her precious ring just disappeared. Angela thought that maybe her ring dropped somewhere in the house and she looked everywhere and could not find it. Later they determined it very well could have come out of his pocket while walking in the yard. Determined to find her ring Angela purchased a metal detector and tried her best but it made way too much noise and proved unhelpful. Again she went online and searched for a metal detecting service and a story from website came up and she found my number. We talked and I set a time later that day to meet and do a proper search. Their yard was not very big and the grass was quite short so I began searching the area along the side of the house and made my way to the back yard. Twenty minutes later I got another pull tab signal and I could just barely see Angela’s ring hiding in the grass! I called her over to see what I had just found and she was stunned and speechless….for about 5 seconds! And her beautiful smile is what I was hoping to see and the joy of being reunited with her engagement ring and wedding ring was a site I will not soon forget! I am so very grateful to be able to help people find their lost rings! Have you lost something recently and need a ring finders help?

Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be part of

Lost diamond ring in yard, Ocoee, Florida….amazingly found by owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Lost your ring, or other valuable jewelry, cell phone, keys or other metal object…call or text Mike McInroe at 321-363-6029 ASAP! I am a ring recovery specialist serving all of central Florida and beyond!

I was called to help Will and Rachel look for their lost diamond engagement ring and they described to me that it went flying across the yard and was nowhere to be found! (Every search for rings is completely different and this one was no exception!). Will told me that he had even bought himself a cheap metal detector and spent a few frustrating hours trying to figure out how to operate the machine. Later that evening they decided to go online and search for someone to help them and they discovered website. He read some of my stories and decided to give me a call and that led to meeting up the next day at their home. On this occasion I decided to invite my dear wife, of 42 years, to go along and she agreed to accompany me! Will and Rachel were very pleasant, friendly and super thankful to have more help in their desperate search and after a few minutes I began my systematic grid search of the front yard. I spent over an hour covering the whole front lawn, the flower beds, the neighbors yard and even out into the street….and no ring! It was there somewhere but I just could not seem to find it. I mentioned to my dear wife to take Rachel and look over the street really good and then to check the other side of the road as well. A few minutes later we heard Rachel let out a scream, “I found It!”! And sure enough there it was on the edge of the street laying plainly in the open so anyone could see it…waiting for Rachel to come along and pick it up! How I thank God for allowing us to be a help and encouragement to Will and Rachel and to see them smiling and happy once again!

Call or text me ASAP and lets talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe….thankful to be a member of

Lost Diamond in grass, Orlando, Florida…..Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In Tina’s own words, she says,”Saturday, March 11th I brought the dog out to do his business. He was taking his sweet time and as I was waiting for him I started fidgeting with my diamond ring, as I often do! With the first twirl around my finger I felt the diamond pop off of my ring. I was sure it just dropped straight down into the grass. I hurried the dog back inside and then returned to where I was standing so I could get a better look at the ground. It was no where to be found! I then woke up my husband and my son and they both rushed outside to help me look for my lost diamond. We even had a couple of our neighbors join in the hunt as well. After approximately 5 hours we decided to borrow a friend’s metal detector and we dug up a good section of our yard, but we had NO LUCK! We then waited until it got dark and went back out with a couple of strong flash lights to see if we could catch a glimmer of the diamond sparkling in the light but even that failed! It made it more difficult since it was just the diamond, with the prongs still attached and not the whole ring. So after exhausting all the suggestions we could think of I tried the internet and Googled “How to find a diamond in the grass”! Then I came across! There were a couple of Ring finder members in the Orlando area so I went with the one who had the most successful recoveries! I called Mike McInroe shortly after 12 noon and he was able to come by our house around 4:30pm that same day! He thoroughly searched the immediate area and after two hours my husband and I were starting to give up hope. And then all of a sudden Mike came over to me with my diamond in his hand!!! We were so so very thankful! It was truly a blessing that I found him on line and that he was able to find my precious diamond. We couldn’t thank him enough!”

Lost something special and need my help? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe….thrilled to be a member of

Lost wedding ring in grass, Longwood, Florida….found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Marybeth was playing with her children in the back yard throwing water balloons and as she raised her hand to catch one that was thrown in her direction it hit her in the left palm just right and knocked her precious wedding ring right off of her finger. She actually felt her ring come off and immediately she began to look in the grass around her. Unfortunately the type of grass was our famous St. Augustine grass that is super thick and is known to swallow up rings and the like!
She spent a few hours on her hands and knees looking and feeling through the grass desperately hoping to find her lost ring. Realizing the futility of trying to spot it with her eyes she began thinking that maybe a metal detector would be the proper tool for the job. Her first thought was to see if there was somewhere that would rent her a metal detector for the day and after typing “Metal Detector Rental” on her phone….up popped “” website and one of my stories!
Later that day I met Marybeth and she showed me the exact spot where she was standing and it only took a few swings of my Garrett AT Max metal detector and Bingo!!! What a privilege it was to help Marybeth find her lost ring!

Have you lost something and need my help? Call or text me ASAP….I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….so thankful to be a member of