earring Tag | The Ring Finders

Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA Pearl Earring Lost and Found with RingFinder’s Help

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

September 15, 2024

A wonderful day at a nature center turned into a stressful night for Carolyn. While helping her children through the Nature Trail and before leaving the center one of her cherished pearl earrings came dislodged from her ear, however the earring back did not. Thinking of how to find the earring, Carolyn went to a hardware store that rents a metal detector. Luckily the store person knew a bit about the detector they rent and would not rent it to Carolyn. The reason was it just was not sophisticated enough to detect such a small piece of metal especially in an environment that would have many metal objects in the area i.e. pull tabs, nails, pieces of fencing etc. An effort was put forth and proved the rental cost would not be justified by the known detector’s results.

Another suggestion by the employee was to contact “TheRingFinder”, in this case. me. The sun would have set by the time I could have been on site. So an 8AM meeting was set. Carolyn and a few others returned to the event area before the sun set and frantic looking all over the parking lot and areas that could be seen before the sun set, but did not find the pearl.

In the morning I, along with Carolyn, started by first looking through the car’s seats, floor, voids between the center console and seats, cup holders to mention the obvious. Nothing was found and a quick walk over the parking area and on down to the kids nature trail. This was straight forward from the place the loss was discovered going back along the path of the previous day’s activities. Even with my adjustments made to my detector of choice for this search, the search was hampered by the many bits and pieces of metal in the area I had to search over. I stopped to do a bit of control tweaking because I was now on wood chips and not gravel and I wanted to have the best setup to find the earring.

Up to this point I was following Carolyn pretty closely, and she got about 10 feet ahead, looking down and at her foot was the earring. The was the end of my searching the area. Carolyn said if it had not been for the store emplyee’s honesty as to the rental detector’s capabilities, my logical thinking and implementation of a methodical search “we” would not have found the earring. We both agreed it was “Meant To Be”.

With a happy Book of Smiles photo, pair of earrings, need to get back to her children, the hugs, Thanks, Best Wishes, and a weekend to remember ended is short order as we parted to go on with each of our own day’s agenda.


How to find a lost earring in the sand at Spanish Banks Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you lost your ring/cell phone/keys or any sentimental items at the beach, park, lake or a yard… Don’t wait until it’s too late- Call ASAP 24/7  Chris 778-838-3463

I received a text message in regards to a lost earring at Spanish banks beach, I quickly called the young lady to discuss the search. I found out this was a very sentimental earring that was gifted to her by her friends in France when she left to Canada, five years ago. Most all jewellery I find has amazing beautiful stories attached to then and I get the opportunity to reconnect people with their lost items and help continue these stories.

We met at the beach and she showed me the area where she believe she had lost it the night before, I began my search and fortunately it wasn’t a very big area, but it was a very small earring and I didn’t have the other one to test so it was a matter of cleaning out the whole area changing detectors and using the sniper coil. 35 minutes later  I found her beautiful earring!


Stud Earring Recovered in Calgary. Not an easy task!

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

While wrestling with her daughter on the front lawn, she lost a recently received Mother’s Day pearl earring. Let’s see if we can get it back to where it belongs. Watch the video for the full story.

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost earring. She lost the earing while walking her dog. She was pulled down to the ground by the dog and the earing came off somewhere is the grass. We walked to the location and started the search. After search for a few, there was the earing in the grass. She was very happy to have the earing returned to her. This is one a her favorite set of earrings.

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Ring Found…..but in the most unexpected way!!!

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

I talked to Tina. She was desperate to get her ring back. She had lost it while walking on the Crescent Heights ridge overlooking our city’s downtown. What started as a lovely walk ended in panic when she got home and found her necklace was broken and the ring and cross that hung upon it were gone.

The cross was nice, but the ring, it was the last thing her mom gave her a year ago just before she passed. It was the only physical reminder she had of her mom and now it was gone.

Tina and I walked the route she had taken and the one she had already searched. For the most part it was on a hard packed heavily used path or the sidewalk across the street. I pretty well knew that if it fell there, it was already gone/picked up. There was a section in the park and I promised to search it.

She left and I looked. My friend Perry has a metal detector as well and I invited him to join me in the park as he only lived a few blocks away. We searched to no avail. So there ends the story.

Not so. Perry calls me a few days later. His neighbour messaged him and asked if he knows how to tell if a ring is gold or not.  When he finally gets to see the ring it turns out to be the ring lost by Tina.

It took a while but the ring is back in Tina’s hands. A little worse for wear but with a little TLC, it will be back in shape as a constant reminder of her mom’s love.  Just in time for the 1 year remembrance gathering in honour of her mom.  Tears flowed.

PS  We haven’t given up on finding the cross.










Tina’s Story

“One afternoon I was walking crescent heights in Calgary with my girls, one of which was a toddler who was on again/ off again getting a piggy back ride from mama. Upon our arrival at home, I felt what I thought was a hair on my neck to only discover my chain had snapped! Well on that chain was a ring left to me by my mother who passed away at the same time last year! I was devastated to say the least, we traveled a pretty vast distance with truly no rhyme or reason to our path. I went into panic mode and contacted the local school, put up posters and walked that area for countless hours- NOTHING!
The next day I posted something on Calgary lost and found to have someone suggest contacting a metal detector group, and from there I met Evan ( angel to say the least) in our chat I discovered he had already begun searching for the ring, not even knowing one another yet! (The school put out a post)
We met the following day, I showed him my route, he seemed doubtful yet optimistic as the distance was vast yet contained if that makes sense…?

This man searched for hours on end, and no ring to be found! Again just devastated. Especially as I was approaching the anniversary of my mother’s passing!

One day closer to the date, I got a message from Evan indicating that someone approached a metal detecting buddy of his and they believed the ring was found!!! My heart was in my throat- honestly.

Evan and his friend rushed to get that ring to me, and although that ring was damaged it was the ring!!! The band was damaged but all stones in place!

Evan went above and beyond to help me find this ring! From his countless hours of search, to holding my hand, and offering encouragement all along, to hand delivering the ring, but days before my mother’s passing anniversary.

In this case the ring finder was so good, the ring found him! I am forever indebted to him, not only for physical efforts but his support! Words can’t express what this man has done for me and if I ever lose anything again (fingers crossed I don’t) he’s the best guy for the case!

On a side note there was a cross on that chain too, and he still continues to search for it! I’m amazed at his devotion ( the thrill of the hunt? 🤔) either way I’m grateful beyond words! “

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Evan!

Lost Ring Found at Boat Launch

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Sometimes the journey is what matters. Shane called me about his wedding ring, lost 8 days after his 10th anniversary. He was loading his boat back on the trailer. While winding the winch, he felt the ring go and he was sure it fell into the murky water. After searching for close to an hour, he was forced to give up as he had his 6 year old twins with him.

While searching for ideas on how to find a lost ring, he came across the ring finders and my bio. We talked for half an hour and came up with an elaborate plan on what we would do when we got there. Starting with the detector and finishing with using a wet vac to suck up the gravel from under the corrugated concrete.

When we arrived at the lau


nch after a 90+ minute drive, we hopped out. His first comment was how much lower the water was and how much clearer it was.  He and I walked down the ramp and started to visually look for it. About 1 minute in, Shane bends down and picks up his ring. High fives. He has found his custom made rose and white gold ring..

The next 45 minutes were spent trying to learn how the simple metal detector he had purchased earlier worked. The end result….it doesn’t.

Thanks Shane for the opportunity to make you smile!!

Lost Diamond Earring found in Calgary

  • from Cochrane (Alberta, Canada)

Got a call!  Tom’s wife lost a diamond earring when it got caught in a badminton net she was moving. They looked for it without luck. That’s when they called me. Stud earrings are small and hard to find with a standard coil. I swept the second area with my usual coil but found it wouldn’t pick it up. So I swap

ped to my sniper coil and started the search. It didn’t take too long. Key to the success was the fact they knew where and when it was lost.

Lost Sentimental Earring Lost In Cherry Hill NJ, Found By Dave Milsted the Metal Detecting Man

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)
















Received an email from Jonathan earlier in the week. He asked if I could help him learn the metal detector that he just bought. I asked what was going on. He said his wife lost a sentimental earring somewhere in their yard. He bought a detector and he tested it on the earring that she didn’t lose and it didn’t beep.

I asked what kind of earring it was. He said it was a stud earring. I told him that studs are one of the hardest things to find due to the small amount of metal. I told him that I could come out and look for him.

We decided on Saturday morning. He showed me the area that they believed it was in, it was rather large. I brought 2 machines, my Equinox 800 and my Tiger Shark. I tested on the earring that they had. Both machines registered. I searched with the Nox it came up as a 1 on the meter.

I started searching. There were a lot of targets. There was 1 area of tin foil slaw (an area of small pieces of tin foil the was probably run over with a lawn mower). That slaw came up as 1 on the Nox.

Just over an hour into the search I was at the swing set. I got a 1 on the Nox. Looked through the grass and saw the earring. The post was bent. I had placed the other earring in a plastic baggie so I would lose it and could place it on the ground to test it. I put the one I just found in it and started walking to my truck.

Jonathan came out of the house and said I guess you didn’t find it. I asked if there was anywhere else that she might have been. I asked if they went through her car? I said let me give you this one back. He started to put the bag in his pocket without looking at it.

I said I might have bent the post. so he looked at the bag. The look on his face when he saw 2 earrings in the bag was priceless. He might be trading in his metal detector for a better one.

Metal Detecting for a lost Diamond Earring/White Rock/Cresent Beach/BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I had a search for a lost diamond earring that was pulled off the ladies ear by her puppy… The lady and her husband took the puppy to the vet to have it ex-rayed to make sure the dog didn’t swallow it.

The ex-rays didn’t show that the puppy swallowed the earring so they searched the area of the garden that they believed it was lost in, but found nothing.

I have to say that earrings are very difficult to locate due to the fact that there is very little gold on the post that holds in the diamonds. That being said I love a challenge, and this earring was bigger then most so I knew I’d get a good signal. This search was closing in on 2 hours and the search area was small but a few plants and shrubs made it difficult.

I was ready to grid search the rest of the backyard because I didn’t find it where we thought it would be, but for some reason I went back to the spot that I’d been searching(with my hands in the shrubs) and this time I received a faint signal and as I started to move some lose dirt out popped the earring.

The earrings were a 10 year anniversary gift and as you can see in the picture above…It made her day that it was found!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call 778-838-Find(3463)