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Husband’s Wedding Band Lost in the Front Yard, Found and Returned Conway SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Saturday evening, July 1st, I got a text from Renee saying, “I need help finding my husband’s ring. We know the area of the yard just can’t find it.” I text back asking her to call me and gave her my number. When she called I asked for details and she said the ring got lost in the front yard. They had tried looking for it but were unable to find it. I told her I’d be there in the morning at 9:30 and she agreed.

When I showed up, Renee was waiting outside. She showed me the small area. Unfortunately, the path led directly into an area that included the power and cable boxes, as well as the water meter and line. With all the interference, the detector was pretty much useless. Hoping against hope; I detected the short grass up to and around the power area. I lowered the sensitivity way down on the Equinox and ran the coil over the rock area and the Saw grass plants to no avail. So time to pull out the pinpointer and check the Saw grass plants. I started probing the first plant and got a hit. I carefully separated the Saw grass blades so I wouldn’t make the target fall deeper into the plant. Renee had told me the ring was black tungsten with blue around the center. As I’m eyeballing the inside of the plant I saw the blue band. Boom, I reached in and pulled the ring out of its resting place. I was sitting on the ground with my back to Renee. I twisted around with the ring in my fingers and held it up for Renee to see. I stretched out and handed Renee the ring. I could see the relief in her face. So happy to get the ring back where it belongs.

Renee – Thank you for allowing me to help find the lost ring.



Lost Ring in the sand, Harvey Cedars NJ, LBI, “Aggies” Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

I had just gotten off work when Henry called. He had lost his  Texas A+M  ring in the sand while at the beach enjoying the day with the family. Henry explained that he had taken it off while he was fishing, and put it in the chair cup holder.  The chair had tipped over and when he looked for the ring it had disappeared into the sand. They had dug around for a bit with no luck, so he decided to call a professional. He had gotten my name from one of the locals, who mentioned the many successful recoveries I have.  I told him it would be about 30/45 min depending on the holiday traffic. When I arrived he pointed to the chair the ring was in, and the area he had been looking. Just like Henry said, the ring was right there, but it had sunk about 8″ inches or more in the soft sand.  We snapped a few pictures, and he gave me the thumbs up “Gig’em” Aggies sign.

.#njringfinder, #lostring,#lostcross,#bradleybeachnj,#manasquannj,#pointpleasantnj,#belmarnj,#lavallettenj,#ortleybeachnj,#seasideheightsnj,#seasideparknj,#shipbottomnj,#surfcitynj,#beachhavennj,#lostringLBI,#lostringholgatenj,#lostringsurfcitynj,#lostringlongbranchnj,#lostringnj,

Family Heirloom Yellow Gold Horseshoe Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Cherry Grove NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Bill inquiring about finding a lost ring. I explained how I operate and asked when and where the ring was lost. He stated that his granddaughter had almost worn it in the ocean. She remembered not to and walked back up and put the ring in a chair. At some point the ring went from the chair into the dry sand. It amazes me sometimes; how very good intentions go south so easily. I got the condo address and told him I’d be there in about 15 minutes.

When I arrived, Bill was waiting in front of the condo, and we walked out to the beach. I met Kinsley and her mother January. I could see where the family had tried to find the ring to no avail. I asked Kinsley a few questions, one being what kind of ring it was. She stated a yellow gold horseshoe shape with diamonds, or something to that affect. I looked at her and said, “how about we get the ring back on your finger in less than 2 minutes.” She looked at me like I was nuts. January told me that the ring belonged to Kinsley’s grandmother and the ring had been passed down to Kinsley. Now there’s a new twist to this ring find, a family heirloom that has got to be found. I turned my Equinox 800 on and started a very tight grid line. The first target was a pull tab which rang up as a 13 on the machine. A small gold ring could also ring up at 13. I took a few more steps and hit a solid 10. I knew I had her ring then. I reached down in the sand and instantly felt it. I pulled it up out of the sand and showed Kinsley who put her hands over her face. She was very surprised and happy to get her ring back.

Bill – Thank you for calling and trusting me to help find Kinsley’s ring. Hope you and your family enjoy the rest of your vacation.



Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Goes Swimming in the Ocean, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started on Monday, June26th when I got the following text message at 7:19am. “Good Morning, I got your info from your website. My son is visiting from Dallas and lost his wedding ring at sunset beach 2 nights ago. We were at the beach access between 13th and 14th, straight ahead at the water’s edge. It’s a white gold band engraved “Cris 4.29.22.” I’m hoping and praying you can help us. My name is Jill.” I didn’t see the text until almost 11am and when I did, I called her to get additional details. I found out her son, Tom had been in the water around 7pm, which was about an hour and a half after low tide. Jill also said she had a picture with a time stamp at 7:12pm of Tom showing the ring, and another one around 7:28pm of him without the ring. We discussed a few other factors and I told her I’d be there around 6 pm to work the outgoing tide. She said they’d be there around 7 pm to watch the sunset.

I showed up a little after six and stated a north/south gridline from the shore out to about waste deep water. I was chugging along when a young man approached me and asked if I was looking for a wedding ring. When I said yes, he informed me that I went one access to far. Well, I got a little more exercise if nothing else. When I met Jill, her husband, Steve, Tom and his wife Cris, they showed me about where they had been sitting while Tom was swimming in the ocean when he lost the ring. I started my north/south gridlines again, going out as far as the sand bar. I worked the area until just before sunset. I told Jill I’d be back at about 730am in the morning and called it a night.

I had called a buddy to see if wanted to tag along and I met him shortly after I arrived on the beach. My plan was to start west of where Jill and the family had been sitting on Saturday night and make my way east. There were very few targets, a few bottle caps and pull tabs and one penny. After about an hour and a half the tide turned and was now coming in. I kept the grid going and I was about 40 yards down the beach from where they had been sitting. I made the turn to come back towards shore when I got a signal. Being a white gold man’s wedding band I was expecting to see between 9 and 11 on the VDI (visual display indicator) depending on the width of the ring. This signal was bouncing around like there may be two targets close together. Or it could be caused by the way the target was sitting on the ocean floor, or the wave action off the sand bar, but a 9 kept popping up. I dug a big scoop of sand and checked the hole – I had the target in the scoop. I was going to walk back to shore to dump the scoop so I wouldn’t take the chance of losing the target back in the ocean. As I looked down on the scoop, I saw a shiny object and what looked like a half a ring. Again, not wanting to take any chances, I carefully reached down and pulled out a ring. I tried my best to read the inscription, but without my glasses I was lucky to see the ring! I walked over to my buddy and he couldn’t read it either. As we’re packing up to go, a nice lady was walking down the beach. I asked her if she could read the inscription and she read Cris 4 29 22. Bingo!! I had Tom’s ring. I took a picture and sent it and a text to Jill saying  “Ba Booooom!!!!” She instantly responded with “Whaatt??!!! We are soooooo excited!!!!” I called her and told her I’ll just run it by their house, if she’d give me the address since it’s on my way home. It was important to get the ring back to Tom because he and Cris were heading back to Dallas at 5pm. When I pulled into the driveway, everybody was waiting in the front yard. I handed Cris the ring so she could put it back on Tom’s finger. Returning someone’s treasure never gets old and their smiles tell it all.

Jill – Thank you for contacting me to help find Tom and Cris’ lost treasure.

Tom and Cris – I wish you two only the best. Take care of each other!!!



IPhone Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, Jun 25th, I was just about to start a search for a lost engagement ring when Chris walked up and asked if my detector could find a cell phone. I told him it could and he said his wife had lost her cell phone somewhere up in the dry sand. I told him as soon as I’m finished with the ring search, I’d be glad to help him.

When I completed the successful ring search, I found Chris and asked for the details on the phone. He told me that his wife had lost it somewhere between the pier and the beach access. That area was approximately 50 yards or so, so I asked him where they had been sitting and we’d start from there. He led me to an area underneath the pier and I swung the detector about 3 times and hit a good target. I dug a scoop of sand and he said there’s my wife’s phone as he reached in the hole and pulled it out. I love a quick recovery.

Chris – Thank you for letting me help find your wife’s phone!!



White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Outgoing Tide, Found and Returned Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, June 25th, I was sitting at home waiting to return on a search where the beach was packed with tourist when I received a text from Haley. Her text said “Hi my best friend lost her ring about 5 minutes ago at the north side of Cherry grove pier right by the water line. If anybody turns it in or finds it, could you please let me know!! It’s her engagement ring.” I immediately responded asking “You want me to come look for it?” She responded with a picture of the ring and said “Yes please!” I asked her to call me and gave her my number. Almost instantly she called and I got a few more details, told her I’d be there in 10 minutes, grabbed my Equinox 800 and hit the road. This is Sunday, so parking is almost non-existent for the beach. I’ve got a few hidden spots but even those were taken. I did find a spot that I’m not sure I parked legally, but I didn’t have a ticket when I returned to the car.

As I’m walking out on the beach I called Haley saying I was there. As I’m walking towards the pier, Claire came running up to me and told me she was the one who lost the ring. I asked what happened and she told me she was looking for shells. She continued saying that when she reached for a shell, her ring slipped off her finger and disappeared. She also said her ring was a little loose on her finger. I asked what her ring was and she responded that it was White Gold. We continued walking to the water line and she showed me, almost exactly where she had lost it. I noticed the waves were pretty rough breaking on the shoreline, so I wanted to see what I was up against. I walked straight out in the water, across a bed of broken shells, barefooted no less. After about 10 feet I dropped from ankle deep to about chest deep which explained the breaking waves. After I fought the current and made my way back up to a workable surface; I started a grid line back to where Claire, Haley and another young lady, whose name I didn’t get, were standing. I made my turn and walked back to about ankle deep and hit a great signal, showing an 8 VDI (visual display indicator) which was in the ball park for a white gold ring. I dug a big scoop of sand and shells, checked the hole, which was quickly filled back in, and knew I had the target in the scoop. I walked up to where the young ladies were standing and dumped the scoop. I checked the pile of sand with the detector and found the target. I think I told Claire that we might have it. I spread the sand out with my foot and we all were checking out the sand. Suddenly one of the ladies saw it barely sticking out of the sand and said something like “there it is.” Claire saw it and scooped it up. Bingo! She was now holding her precious treasure and holding back some tears. She was very excited.

Ladies – this was truly a team effort!

Claire, so happy you got your lost treasure back where it belongs.



Gold Chain with 2 Gold Crosses lost in the dry sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, June 25th, I woke up to an early morning text from Aly saying “Hi There, I lost my daughters necklace with 2 crosses on it yesterday in the sand by my Condo. How much do you charge to look for it?! It was a present from her grandmother and she has since passed away.”I responded asking her to call me. I explained the details of me looking for lost items and she agreed to have me come and see what I could do. I told her there might be a parking issue, since this was Sunday and all the tourist are in town. She told me I could use an extra parking pass she had for the condo so I was on my way.

When I got to the condo, and Aly and I walked out on the beach, it was packed with tourist. She showed me the likely area of the loss and there was no way I could do a complete search at that time. Weaving in and around people, I was able to do maybe 10% of what needed to be done. I did what I could and told her that more than likely, somebody was sitting on the chain and crosses and I’d be back between 4 and 4:30. So I went back home to wait. In the meantime, I received 2 other calls which turned out to be 2 more stories. But back to Aly’s chain and crosses. I was back on the beach at Aly’s Condo about 4 and there were still 3 groups of tourist sitting exactly where I needed to search. I was able to eliminate a few more areas but not what I knew I needed to do. Aly had shared a couple of selfies she had taken with her daughter, Alexa. In the pictures, it gave me a pretty good angle of where they were sitting in relation to the life guard stand, which proved to be perfect. I texted Aly and told her the people were still sitting in the area and I’d be back in about an hour. When I got back about 6, the area was clear. I text Aly saying “I’m back” and started my grid search. Patience paid off, although I’m not a patient person. Within about 30 minutes, I got a solid signal and an 8 on the VDI (visual display indicator), which indicates Gold! I dug a scoop of sand, shook it out of the scoop and saw the first cross, then saw the chain hanging out of the bottom of the scoop. I gently pulled the entire chain and both crosses out of the scoop. I took a quick picture, wrote “BA Bam!”, and sent her a text. She responded almost immediately with “Omg!!” She showed up a short time later with Alexa, who took possession of her special treasure.

Aly – Thank you for allowing me to help find Alexa’s lost treasure.



Platinum Engagement Ring Lost in LuLu’s Restaurant’s Big Sand Box, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a frantic call from Amanda saying that I had been referred by Joe Denton of Denton’s Detectors in Little River, SC to help find a lost Platinum Engagement Ring. She said she had placed both her wedding band and Engagement ring on top of her phone that was on the arm of her beach chair. Later she told me that her husband had picked up the rings for safe keeping and had dropped them in the soft sand. They had found the wedding ring but the elusive engagement ring was still buried in the sand. I told her I’d be there in 20 minutes and to please excuse my appearance when I showed up because I was a mess from doing yard work. She replied that if I find it I’d get the biggest hug no matter how sweaty I was. So, I grabbed my Equinox and headed out.

When I arrived and met Amanda, she showed me a 5 foot by 5 foot area where the ring should be. I turned on the Equinox and started swinging. There was a lot of interference but when I hit a solid 11 on the VDI (visual display indicator) I knew I had her ring. When I shook the sand out of the scoop and saw the ring, I looked at her with a surprised look on my face and she knew. When I handed her the ring, she couldn’t hold back the tears, and yes, I did get my big hug! She then told me that she had sent her husband to Walmart to get a metal detector and had just text him her ring was found. I’m sure he was happy. She also told me they had a flight to catch in an hour, hope they made it!

Amanda – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure.



Lost and found gold wedding ring Grafton Ontario

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White Gold Wedding/Engagement Band Set-Found!

  • from Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States)

Ryan contacted me several weeks ago about his wife’s white gold wedding/engagement band set she had lost in a grassy area of the apartments where they lived in Chattanooga.  Because of his busy work schedule he had a difficult time getting the search arranged.  I think he had actually purchased an off-the-shelf metal detector at a local store, but was apparently overwhelmed with the large amounts of metallic trash in the ground.  We finally managed to arrange a search on June 9th.  I arrived at the location at 7:15 PM on June 9th.  I started my search as soon as I got the story from him, because we didn’t have much daylight left.  Around 35 minutes later I found the engagement band portion totally hidden below the grass around four feet from the base of a large tree.  It took me right at an hour more to find the wedding band portion, and it was about twenty feet from where I found the other half.  It ended up being in an area outside of the original search zone.  The grass had been cut, so maybe that’s how it ended up being over there.  This portion of the ring was in full view of anyone walikg by, so it’s amazing nobody had seen it.