How to find lost items on the beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Property Markers (4) Found In Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday, May 8th I received a voicemail from Anne Marie, in part asking if I could help find property markers. She also said they had purchased a cheap metal detector, and it was going off, but they couldn’t find the markers. She said she had attempted to call the surveyor that had done their original survey but couldn’t get a hold of them. Their intentions are to install a fence. I returned her call and told her I’d be glad to look for the markers and we agreed to meet today, Friday.

Today, as I was getting ready to go, I was checking my equipment, and my pin pointer wasn’t working properly. Not good! I had to stop by my Detector dealer and pick up a new pin pointer and then was on my way. When I got there, I met Anne Marie and her husband Dave, and we got to work. Anybody that’s ever looked for property markers knows there’s always at least 1 that is very elusive, in our case there were 2, both in the front yard. The first one in the front was between the water shut off, the septic overflow, telephone poll and a neighbor’s bush. There were also sheets of tin and some nails around the marker, all fun stuff! The second marker in the front was between the other neighbor’s water meter box, paver patio and a metal fence. Plus, the marker was buried deeper, probably from the added layers of dirt for the patio. Took Dave and I awhile but we found all 4 markers. Dave hammered in yellow markers that are now visible. Now Anne Marie and Dave can get their fence done.

Anne Marie and Dave – Thanks for trusting me to help find your markers. Good luck with your fence.



Sentimental Sterling Silver Necklace Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Just about 3:30 p.m. on Friday, July 28th, I got a text saying “Is this the guy who finds rings and stuff at the beach? I don’t know how to word it better.” I responded saying, “Yes, what you got?” He responded, “So I just lost a chain maybe 1 hour ago and I’m at a place named crescent sands. I was out body-surfing and it fell off and I’m not sure if it’s been washed up or not. I’ve had the chain for over 10 years and was wondering if you possibly could give me any advice on finding it?” At this point, it’d be easier to talk to him than text, so I called him. We introduced ourselves and I learned his name was Anson. I got a few more details, including confirming the time and how deep he was in the water. A quick check of the tide tables, and he was waist deep a little over an hour before high tide. This was good, in that, the closer I could get out there near low tide, the necklace should be in the wet sand. I told Anson I’d be there at 9 p.m. which was about an hour before low tide. Meanwhile I’m watching the weather and it looks more and more like a thunderstorm is brewing.

About 8 p.m. the skies were clouding up and the light rain started. I decided to get there early and try and beat the storm. I arrived at the condo and text Anson saying, “I’m here early to beat the storm.” As I’m walking out on the beach I see lightening way off in the distance and over the ocean. It’s time to get started.  Anson and his younger brother came out of the condo as I’m working a perpendicular grid line to the surf line. We verified the search boarder lines on the condo and I continued the grid search, high tide line to about thigh deep in the ocean. After about an hour and almost at the end of the south end of the boarder, I got a great signal with a VDI of 15. With Sterling Silver I expected a higher VDI number, but at this point I’ll take any signal I could get. I dug a big scoop of sand, checked the hole which was clear, and spread the sand out on the beach. It was pitch black out there by now, so I turned on my headlamp. I started spreading out the sand with my hand, hoping to feel the target. All of a sudden I saw a section of Anson’s necklace appear out of the sand. Boom! I gently pulled the necklace out of the sand. I was able to get a half descent picture of it and sent it to Anson with a text saying “This it????” He immediately responded “yes that’s it, Oh my gosh.” The next thing I knew Anson and his brother came running up to me from down the beach. This is when I got the rest of the necklace story. Anson told me he had received the necklace from his father roughly 10 years ago and he’s been wearing it ever since. He then told me his dad had passed away one year ago. So the importance of this necklace was much more than priceless to him. I was truly honored to be able to help get this necklace back where it belonged. Another thing that touched me deeply is his last text to me – “And I wanna just say god bless you. You have made my life better.”

Anson – thank you young man!



IPhone Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, Jun 25th, I was just about to start a search for a lost engagement ring when Chris walked up and asked if my detector could find a cell phone. I told him it could and he said his wife had lost her cell phone somewhere up in the dry sand. I told him as soon as I’m finished with the ring search, I’d be glad to help him.

When I completed the successful ring search, I found Chris and asked for the details on the phone. He told me that his wife had lost it somewhere between the pier and the beach access. That area was approximately 50 yards or so, so I asked him where they had been sitting and we’d start from there. He led me to an area underneath the pier and I swung the detector about 3 times and hit a good target. I dug a scoop of sand and he said there’s my wife’s phone as he reached in the hole and pulled it out. I love a quick recovery.

Chris – Thank you for letting me help find your wife’s phone!!



Gold Chain with 2 Gold Crosses lost in the dry sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, June 25th, I woke up to an early morning text from Aly saying “Hi There, I lost my daughters necklace with 2 crosses on it yesterday in the sand by my Condo. How much do you charge to look for it?! It was a present from her grandmother and she has since passed away.”I responded asking her to call me. I explained the details of me looking for lost items and she agreed to have me come and see what I could do. I told her there might be a parking issue, since this was Sunday and all the tourist are in town. She told me I could use an extra parking pass she had for the condo so I was on my way.

When I got to the condo, and Aly and I walked out on the beach, it was packed with tourist. She showed me the likely area of the loss and there was no way I could do a complete search at that time. Weaving in and around people, I was able to do maybe 10% of what needed to be done. I did what I could and told her that more than likely, somebody was sitting on the chain and crosses and I’d be back between 4 and 4:30. So I went back home to wait. In the meantime, I received 2 other calls which turned out to be 2 more stories. But back to Aly’s chain and crosses. I was back on the beach at Aly’s Condo about 4 and there were still 3 groups of tourist sitting exactly where I needed to search. I was able to eliminate a few more areas but not what I knew I needed to do. Aly had shared a couple of selfies she had taken with her daughter, Alexa. In the pictures, it gave me a pretty good angle of where they were sitting in relation to the life guard stand, which proved to be perfect. I texted Aly and told her the people were still sitting in the area and I’d be back in about an hour. When I got back about 6, the area was clear. I text Aly saying “I’m back” and started my grid search. Patience paid off, although I’m not a patient person. Within about 30 minutes, I got a solid signal and an 8 on the VDI (visual display indicator), which indicates Gold! I dug a scoop of sand, shook it out of the scoop and saw the first cross, then saw the chain hanging out of the bottom of the scoop. I gently pulled the entire chain and both crosses out of the scoop. I took a quick picture, wrote “BA Bam!”, and sent her a text. She responded almost immediately with “Omg!!” She showed up a short time later with Alexa, who took possession of her special treasure.

Aly – Thank you for allowing me to help find Alexa’s lost treasure.
