Indian Shores Beach Tag | The Ring Finders


SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”


Fred was enjoying the beach with his partner, John, playing catch with a ball. When Fred went to make a catch. he felt his ring come off his finger.  The water was murky and too hard to search so they sadly went home without Fred’s ring. The next day John found SRARC on Google and  SRARC Ring Finder member, Stan Flack, was notified.  Stan arranged for Ed Osmar, Mike Shuler and himself to meet John at the beach.  After about an hour of hunting, Stan was lucky enough to find the ring.  A very happy and excited John could not wait to tell John the great news! Hugs all the way around! Another great effort, guys!


Quick Ring Recovery on Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida

Quick Ring Recovery On Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida

Maria was at Pass-A-Grille Beach with family enjoying a hot July day when she suddenly felt her ring slip off her finger! Thinking quickly, Maria asked her cousin to stand where she thought she dropped the ring as the others tried to find it. Having no luck, Maria searched “lost ring help” and located SRARC on the Internet.  Maria asked the cousin to stay in the water while she contacted team member, Stan Flack.  Stan passed Maria’s phone number on to Joe Szemer.  After speaking to Maria, Joe geared up and was at the beach within 30 minutes. Searching near the patient cousin, Joe decided to slightly expand the area and found the ring in just a few minutes. Everyone was elated with hugs and high fives all the way around! Nicely done, Joe!

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard.  If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring Lost then Found and Returned on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring Lost then Found and Returned on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

Julia joined her folks, siblings, and spouses/boyfriends in a condo on Indian Rocks Beach for the Christmas/New Years Holiday. After a week of beautiful hot weather a little wind kicked up and the chance to do a little Skim boarding presented itself. The whole gang headed down to the water with their boards and just as Julia was about to test her skills, her father warned her to take off her wedding ring. She reached for it and pulled just as her father yelled “Don’t take it off in the water”, but he was a second to late. The ring slipped out of her hand and dropped into the water and instantly was out of sight. They all looked until dark and even then got out their cell phones and searched by the light hoping they would see the ring shining back at them. It was not to be.

That evening, Julia’s sister did a search on the internet and found SRARC on the Ring Finders site. Mike Miller got a text at 10:30 pm that night asking for help. He put together a team of club members and they meet Julia and the family the next morning at 10:00 am. After spending a few minutes getting the story of what had happened and making the search area as narrow as possible the hunt began. About 30 seconds later, Rick Magyar took the first dig and there it was. The family were all amazed and we had plenty of smiles on all of their faces. Thanks to Rick, Stan Flack, Mark Sillence, and Mike for making the effort.

We at SRARC are all very happy to have made this New Year’s Eve a happy one for Julia.

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The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Tampa Bay Area

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in the Tampa area  can help locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”                                        SRARC

Don’t Wait…..Call now!

Gold Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

Gold Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

While checking his email Thanksgiving morning, member Stan Flack saw a request for help finding a ring. A quick call and some info exchanged, Stan arranged to meet Enriwue and his sister Kitty at the beach. The rest Enrique tells in his own words.

During the Thanksgiving break, my family and I were visiting with relatives on Indian Rocks Beach.  A number of my brothers and sisters, along with their families, were playing on the beach and enjoying the warm fall weather.  Having just celebrated my birthday and looking forward to Thanksgiving the following day, I was elated to be in the company of family and couldn’t have been happier.

After throwing the football with my brothers and nephew for a few minutes, I looked down in shock to realize that my wedding band was not on my hand.  I immediately called out to my family and we all began a search of the area.  After nearly two hours of searching on hands and knees and with the sun setting, I asked everyone to halt the search until the morning.  In reality, I knew that if we hadn’t found it by then, it was highly unlikely we would.

As a person who rarely misplaces items and never loses anything, I was devastated by the loss of my wedding band.  My wife was very supportive and insisted that we could “replace” it with a new special ring, but I knew that was not the case.  Years earlier, our wedding rings had been crafted from a single piece of platinum from a friend who was a jeweler.  Her ring remained on her finger, but mine was somewhere on the beach or worse, in the sand beneath the surf.

On Thanksgiving morning, I woke up and my mind instinctively began to trace the steps I had taken before losing my ring.  It was sickening to think that my ring was somewhere on that section of beach, but out of sight to my family and me.  My wife and I began to research metal detectors on my laptop and tried to identify any store that might be open on the holiday.  Within the first few minutes, we stumbled upon the website of the SRARC (Suncoast Research & Recovery Club).  We were amazed by the stories people had shared regarding the recovery of their special items, specifically wedding rings.  My wife decided to send an email to the group, suspecting that we would not receive a reply until after the holiday weekend.

To our surprise, she received a call on her cell phone within minutes.  The man who called was Stan Flack, and he wanted to ask me a few questions about my ring.  As I retraced my steps a day earlier with him over the phone he said, “well I live just minutes from that beach, I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”  I was astonished that anyone responded so quickly, and moreover that they would be willing to act immediately.  I met Stan and his wife Linda on the beach where I had lost my ring a day earlier.  They retrieved two metal detectors from their car and walked with me on the beach.  After a few minutes orienting themselves to the landscape, they began to search the area.  Each time Stan or Linda searched their “scoopes”, my heart pounded in anticipation.  After nearly two hours (and my own unsuccessful attempts using a spare detector), they decided to postpone the search until the following morning when they could amass a group of their colleagues from the SRARC to search the large section of beach.

I had grown up in the Tampa Bay area and had spent many years enjoying the Gulf of Mexico.  Some of my fondest memories involve the Gulf itself and the spoil islands, waterways, and beaches that adorn it.  I convinced myself that night, that instead of “losing” my ring, I would consider it a gift to the Gulf for the many blessings, including my wife and family, that were the product of the Gulf beaches and the experiences of my life.  I could always get a new ring.

Despite this outlook, I showed up earlier than planned on that same stretch of beach the next morning with a heart full of hope that Stan and his friends would find my ring.  One after another they arrived at the beach, until six of them stood before me and I offered again the story that I had told Stan and Linda the day before.  After Stan provided direction to the team, he asked if I would like to use a spare detector to assist.  Although unlikely that I would do anything productive, I accepted the detector as I refused to allow these good people to search for my loss while I sat on the beach and sipped my coffee.

As I moved along the soft sand, sweeping the machine side to side, a number of different audible chirps, beeps, and tones alerted me to different metal below the surface, or nothing.  Stan had explained the device to me, and described the specific tone and range reading that I would see on the display if I detected platinum or another piece of heavy metal.  After only a few minutes, I came across a loud tone that (as I will never forget), read “55”.  I ran my detector several times back and forth over the spot, and slowly scooped away batches of sand.  The tone remained consistent and I began to grow anxious, so I got Stan’s attention nearby and he came to where I stood.  I told him that I had a strong tone and he confirmed that with his detector.  He placed his scoop in the middle of the area, just inches from where I had searched and my heart raced.  As he emptied his scoop and sand fell from the small holes, only a large platinum ring remained.  His eyes wide open in surprise, he yelled “no way!”  I looked in his scoop, hastily retrieved my wedding band, and placed it on my ring finger.  In a split moment, I hugged him and we yelled in excitement.  As the rest of the crew gathered around us with smiles, laughter, and congratulations, the amazement of the moment began to settle upon us all.  I had located my own lost wedding band.

What an incredibly special moment.  What was most amazing was the reaction of the SRARC members on the beach that morning.  They were thrilled for me and happy to have been part of the event, but this was not their first time experiencing this feeling.  I could tell they had done this before.  They smiled, shook my hand and gave hugs, but then happily set out to search different parts of the beach and walk in the surf, some of them having driven 45 minutes or more to be part of the search that morning.

I must have told this story a hundred times already (some repeats to the same family members that smile and tolerate me as family does).  In the world we live in now, we rarely witness people do the right thing for the right reasons.  I was happy to witness that firsthand over the Thanksgiving break, and am so blessed to have met Stan, Linda, and the other members of the SRARC (Mark, Mark, Rick, and Ed) who made the trip that very early morning after Thanksgiving to help me.  Thank you.

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The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Tampa Bay Area

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in the Tampa area  can help locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”                                        SRARC

Don’t Wait…..Call now!

Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Set Lost, Found, and Returned at Clearwater Beach, Florida

Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Set Lost, Found, and Returned at Clearwater Beach, Florida

Steve and Elizabeth Yeagley and their two beautiful  little girls Sydney and Olivia were spending the day at Clearwater Beach on vacation from Lafayette, Indiana. Steve and Elizabeth had honeymooned at Clearwater 10 years earlier and this was their first chance to show the girls a nice sandy beach and the gulf of Mexico. To give the girls some shelter from the sun they erected a canopy and thinking ahead they removed their wedding rings for safe keeping and put them into a small pocket in the canopy roof. They enjoyed the morning and the girls just fell in love with the beach.

As early afternoon approached they decided to fold up the canopy and head back to their hotel for lunch. After picking up all the toys and putting the canopy back into it’s case, they headed for their room. When they reached the showers at the edge of the beach, Elizabeth remembered they had not retrieved their rings from the canopy pocket. When they opened the pocket their rings were not there. They quickly returned to the spot on the beach where they had been sitting and someone had already spotted Steve’s ring shinning in the sand. They then searched for Elizabeth’s rings but had no luck. Steve did a search on the internet for someone with metal detectors that might help. He Found SRARC on The Ring Finders site and contacted Mike Miller. Mike was able to respond right away and an hour later met him at the beach site. After searching the entire area that Steve thought the rings would in Mike started working the path that they had used to leave the beach. Mike worked back to where they had been sitting and still came up empty. A couple had come to the beach after Steve and Elizabeth had left and had set up a sun shade right next to where they had been. They were packing up to leave so Mike waited for them to leave and sure enough within a few seconds found Elizabeth’s rings right where the sun shade was sitting. Mike got lot’s of hugs and there were a few tears of happiness as well.

We at SRARC are happy we were able to recover Elizabeth’s rings and keep their vacation a happy memory with a great story to tell to family and friends.

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The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Tampa Bay Area

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in the Tampa area  can help locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”                                        SRARC

Don’t Wait…..Call now!

Wedding Ring recovered on Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

Brian was at the beach with family checking out the sea life and the small shells burrowing in the sand.   They all decided to head back to the blanket and  Brian went in the ocean to wash the sand off his hands.  When he got to the blanket he realize his ring was missing. He placed an ad on craigslist where ring finder member Howard Metts saw it and alerted Stan Flack because it was near his home.  A call went out for ring finders. Five volunteers showed to look for Brian’s ring. After about 40 minutes of hunting Stan came up with the ring. Unbelief and happiness could be seen on Brian’s face. Nice work by all!!

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Wedding Ring Lost and Found at Indian Rocks Beach, Florida

Thursday Mike went to the beach on Indian Rocks for a mid-morning swim. When he got down to the water’s edge he realized that he still had his wedding band on. Normally he would leave it in the car to make sure that he did not lose it. He placed the ring in the pocket of his pants along with his keys and left them folded on the beach.

After returning from his swim he picked up the pants and walked up to the sand dunes then headed south to the walkway where he had parked. On the way he got his car keys out of the pants pocket and remembered he had put his ring in there also.  He looked for the ring but could not find it. He immediately started to backtrack his steps looking for the ring but could not find it.

He went home and started searching for metal detectors and called Myers Detector Depot in Tampa to see about renting one. Phil Myers told him to google the Ringfinders and they would be able to help.

He called Mike Miller who was on Madeira Beach and the time. Mike Miller met up with him at the location and started to hunt. After  hunting for quite some time Mike Miller questioned the location at which time Mike Muthig showed him a picture he had taken earlier at the place where he discovered the ring missing and turned out that they had been hunting in the wrong location. Mike Miller hunted the new area for a few minutes but had leave  due to time.

They called Tom Jones and set up a call out for the Ringfinders group at 6:00 pm.

Tom, Stan Flack, Paul Hill and Jerry & Debi Snyder  started a search of the area. They hunted the area several times with no luck. Not willing to give up so easy the team started hunt the rest of the path that Mike had taken and Tom soon found the ring.

Mike said that he had started to give up and felt bad that the team was still hunting. The ring was returned and Mike was happy again

ring mike group

Engagement ring lost at Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida recovered

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard.  If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Engagement ring lost at Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida recovered

Linda from Clearwater was at the beach with some friends enjoying a sunny afternoon at Honeymoon Island when a wave hit her from behind and knocked her engagement ring off. After searching with no luck, Linda asked the guard station if anyone had turned in a ring and the Ranger told her that there were two ring finders looking for a cross at the beach for someone and maybe they would help. Linda found Howard Metts and Stan Flack at the beach and showed them the place at the next pavilion down the beach where she lost her ring.  After about 45 minutes of hunting Howard was able to find the ring and smiles were all around. Nice work Howard.

Honeymoon Ring Honeymoon hunt

Wedding Band Returned at Indian Rocks Beach

Howard Metts got a call from a National Geographics for the recovery of one of their camera crew’s lost wedding bands. The crew was filming reenactments of shark attacks and the cameraman was in waist deep water shooting the action when he felt his wedding band slip off. SRARC got a Ring Finders recovery crew together and scheduled a meet at the filming site the next morning. Six volunteers, Tom Jones, Howard Metts, Chris Duerden, Ed Osmar, Rick Magyar, and Mike Miller showed up and began the hunt. After about 30 minutes Howard Metts found the ring.

Taylor, the camera man, was extremely excited and overjoyed to have his wedding ring back. We were happy to see the joy on his face when it was put into his hand. Awesome job Howard and thanks to all who found time to join in the recovery.

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