Caledon Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Wedding Rings found in the Curbside Garbage Bin after Searching Home in Brampton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Raj and her Husband were preparing for a trip out west to Vancouver and thought she had put her wedding rings on top of the dresser!

Both her and her husband had tried looking for them, and during their time away, she followed up with him as he thought she had!

When they arrived back home, they continued to search the home with no luck!

They called upon me on Canada Day to come down to search the home! I started off in the first area of the process: the master bedroom! I searched through every nook and cranny in the drawers, the bed/bedding, the flooring, the floor vents, the closets, the storage bins, the bathroom sink and toilet!

I continued on in the other bedrooms and bathroom with no luck. I proceeded to the main floor and continued my search process.

After an hour, I proceeded outside to the Region of Peel curb-side garbage bins where there were a total of six bags of garbage to search!

It never fails, but I came upon searching the very last garbage bag and lo and behold, I recovered Raj’s platinum engagement ring and wedding!!!

Both Raj and her Husband were absolutely thrilled, but what a small world it is as her Husband is a work colleague of mine!

Region of Peel Garbage ZERO – Ring owners ONE!

Check out the video of this incredible ring recovery and please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel! Thank you, Ally

Link below;

#CityofBrampton #brampton #Bramptoncity #regionofpeel #lostrings #lostringingarbage #ontarioringfinder #lostinhome


Sentimental massive silver and gold ring lost in cedar bushes Bolton, Caledon, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Three to four months ago Liz was throwing out a rotten jalapeño pepper over a fence into 15’ high thick cedar bushes. She watched her silver and gold ring fly off her hand in the same general direction. Liz searched for days and a few months and wasn’t successful in finding her ring.

Liz purchased her ring while visiting Portugal ti attend her Grandmother’s 100 Birthday 7 years ago! So the ring had special meaning to her.

Two weeks ago Liz and her Husband were watching Toronto CityTV news reporter Audra Brown’s segment on the global organization called “The Ting Finders”. The showed a couple of my ring recoveries and the charity aspect! Liz’s Husband said, this is for you!

After initial contact, I made arrangements to visit Liz in the small town of Bolton early Saturday morning!

Liz had shown me the area she threw the rotten jalapeño pepper and had cut back a number of lower cedar branches to get better access. Liz also mentioned that the silver ring was quite large, heavy and very loose on her finger!

My first thought was the trajectory of the rings path because of the weight. My second thought was the ring could be stuck up in the crooks of the upper branches.

First pass on her side of the cedars was unsuccessful which took approximately 20 minutes. I then proceeded down the back side of the cedars which was on her neighbours property and BINGO!! I heard the high tone of sweet silver! Looked down and saw the rim!

I walked back to the other side and surprised Liz  immediately compared to my usual slightly drawn out way!

Check out the video of the surprise!

Thank you Liz for calling upon me to help and for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! Thanks to Audra Brown’s CityTV news segment on “The Ring Finders” we were able to save Liz’s sentimental silver and gold ring!

Set of keys lost in a heavy snowfall in Caledon, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Ontario recently had a heavy rain, high winds, followed up by a heavy snowfall.

I had a call from Tony in Caledon who lost a set of keys in the snow somewhere in his driveway.

Tony had fallen in a number of locations because there was ice below 12 inches of snow.

I grid searched the first location, then the second and onto the third with no luck. We circled back to the second location and I widened my grid area. Within a few minutes I had a multi tone hit on my detector, spotted a portion of the keys and proceeded to surprise Tony!

Check out the video of this recovery;

Tony was very happy to get his guys back!

Thank you very much for your donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! My best fundraising year! Thank you!


Lost Diamond earring on a farm in Belfountain, Caledon, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Angela was out completing farm duties on a beautiful day in a lovely area of Caledon in the quaint village of Belfountain.

Angela and her good Friend Sarah are both horse owners and I’ve know them for a while now. They were loading the horses and the donkeys during the into a trailer throughout the day to head off to their winter digs. Eddie the donkey was not wanting any part of getting on the trailer and had to go for a walk-a-bout with Angela to relax.

Later that day, Angela realized one of her her diamond earrings was missing. Sarah immediately called me for help as she knew I was a metal detectorista and a proud member of the global organization called TheRingFindersDotCom. I had helped another one of Sarah’s Friends successfully recover and return two stainless steel throwing knives lost on his property!

I proceeded immediately after work to Angela’s home and discussed her path throughout the day on her farm. I was in for the very difficult task because any lost small earring or small linked chain is extremely hard to find with a metal detector because there is so little material. It is absolutely a needle in the haystack! I did however call upon a Minelab metal Detexperts and fellow RingFinders Laurie and Eric for advise on my metal detector settings! Park 2 mode and 40 hertz! BINGO! I was able to detect the other earring in Angela’s possession!!! I had hope!

First evening I attempted to check around to south end of the small barn and then looked inside were some equipment was. The evening turned dss asap and cold. My headlamp was helpful but Angela invited me in for a hot drink and dinner! We called it a night! She really felt there was no luck to find it.

On the second day in the late afternoon I proceeded to check in the chicken coop area then the other half of the small barn. I then proceeded continuing my grid search pattern into the laneway where they were loading of the horses and donkeys took place.

Within 20 minutes I had a strong tone and I was completely shocked and amazed that I spotted under a half inch of dirt the beautiful diamond earring was there. I truly was in disbelief as I knew this task was a tremendous challenge.

Angela since returned and was awaiting her husband Ariel to come home. I didn’t let on to Angel that I found the earring and was now looking for the earring screw back!

I was trying to think of ways on how to surprise her and her husband! I then was invited in to warm up as well the offer of another lovely dinner. I then asked Angela to do a starting video for the RingFinders blog for good luck and finally this was the golden opportunity to recorder the surprise!!

NAILED IT!! And check out my YouTube video!!

I have a “Pay-it-forward” program for recovering and returning clients item(s)! I usually have a reasonable call out fee which I waived. The reward for finding the clients item instead of me receiving a reward, is my request for the client to make an immediate donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!! The client then receives a tax receipt for the donation! We ALL WIN!!

I was absolutely HUMBLED with Angela’s incredible OVER-THE-TOP donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!! Angela is my top donator in the 13 years of my participation and charity fundraising for the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!!! I was completely humbled and felt my services were truly appreciated!! This is by far my best fundraising year for this incredible foundation!!

I can’t thank you enough Angel and Arial for your incredible donation!!! It was truly my extreme pleasure to help great Friends out!!

AMEN St. Anthony for answering my Prayer!

#pinkpowerally #treasurehunter
#lostearring #lostdiamondearring
#Belfountain #caledon #regionofpeel


  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I received a call from Brittany who very distraught. She had been having fun in the snow. She threw a snowball at her fiancé James and lost her incredibly beautiful 18k white gold & diamond filled engagement ring!
James had gone and purchased a metal detector. He tried his best to locate the ring with no success.

I headed out in -8C weather and arrived at 10:00pm. I started my grid search pattern in the gully from the driveway out. This is to date, my quickest ring recovery in 20 seconds captured on a “FB LIVE” stream!!! I then set up the surprised!! I used my Minelab Equinox 800 and the ring was a solid 12 VDI!


I am proud to use my passion for metal/scuba dive detecting to raise charitable donations for the KELLY SHIRES BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION!! I am truly blessed to have incredible benefits from my employer at The City of Brampton so I created my “pay-it-forward” program! I charge a fee to the call out. When I find the lost item, I don’t take a reward but instead I have the clients make an immediate on-line donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! The client then receives a tax receipt in the amount donated!! It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN!!

The charity helps men & woman fighting breast cancer with monetary assistance for medicine, scans, wigs, food, transportation, daycare or even rent!! Yes, MEN GET BREAST CANCER TOO!!

Thank you Brittany & James for trusting me and giving me the honor to help recover your stunning engagement ring!


Caledon, Ontario~Lost wedding band at a private retreat~still awaiting it’s owner to pick up

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-09-04 Caledon, Ontario

I local girlfriend Sarah had read some of my ring recoveries & returns posted on my Facebook page from The Ring Finders clients.

She asked to see if I could find rings underwater and I advised that I am scuba certified (open water) and have all the gear.

Sarah discussed that a patron of the Private retreat location had lost his wedding band about 4 years ago. She advise that the water is a very cold because it was a spring fed pond.

I gathered up all my gear and scuba tanks. I really love my Minelab Excallibur2 water detector but also brought along a new piece of equipment called the “Scuba Tector”. It’s a small hand held unit for tight locations or rocky/hard to get to spots.

I started at the location of the lost ring and boy was Sarah right….water was freezing the deeper I got. With-in 15 minutes I had a great tone with the Excal2 but due to the low visibility with the sediment I couldn’t locate it. I turned on the Scuba Tector and pulled out the 14k white gold wedding band!! Sarah also mentioned missing Ray Ban sunglasses further over!! I tried for another hour but no luck.

They called the gentleman whom had left his phone # and left a message. The gentleman was now working in Hawaii but was coming back for Canadian Thanksgiving. Unfortunately no update if he’s picked up his ring!!

  Alison’s scuba water detecting

Sarah at the private pond

Men’s Wedding Band Missing for 4 Years in the Barn Hay~Caledon, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)


So Farmer Jim & Karen McA knew I was a metal Detectorist and happen to mention that Jim’s Nephew Warren K of Orangeville was working bailing hay in the McArther Farm and lost his beloved wedding band. I was totally down for detecting in an old barn….like finding a freakin’ needle in a haystack full of century old iron nails and other goodies….

WOWZA, what a challenge for my Ring Find #2. Middle of December I went out on 2 occasions and at the 3rd occasions I decided to call Warren to get the deeds from the hay bailer himself. I decided to proceeded up a rickety wood ladder to get up where the hay was drying up top. No one was around until Uncle Jim showed up with a ‘specialty’ tea (hint hint). I called down “give me a few minutes”. Soon after I said that my detector went off BEEP BEEP BEEP…in the 12-13 range….and I was praying that this was it!! Oh boy was I praying to the Detecting Gods!!

I decided to get the iPhone video rolling ….just in case! And WHAM…there was Warren’s 14k platinum wedding band that had been missing for 4 YEARS!!! Uncle Jim couldn’t believe it…he thought I was joking!! I handed down my detecting and down the crazy ladder and showed him the ring. He was so shocked that after 4 years it had been found. I then said….lets surprise him. Here’s the video

Aunt Karen & I came up with a crazy idea to wrap the ring in hay….but inside 4 other gifts wrapped inside each other with a note for each opening. So the gift was dropped off at Warren’s Mom Debbie’s home. Karen told her that someone dropped it off at her house to give to Warren and a video was to be taken when he opened the gift at Christmas. Well Christmas came and went without Mom & Son connecting …..

Finally a message was sent in January to get his butt over to his Mom’s home and open a gift (LOL). Sure enough, Warren opened each and every gift till the last won! To his surprise and everyone else’s watching his beloved wedding ring was back home. Apparently he didn’t tell any of the Family that he lost his ring at the farm over 4 years ago….OPSEY!!!

What an awesome but very difficult ring find. Very proud to be given the opportunity in this crazy ‘needle in a haystack’ condition. BUT I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!

(PS. Thank Goodness for Jim’s specialty tea to warm up a cold lass on this adventure *wink)


Thought lost engagement ring in field while taking Family Photos~Caledon, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a phone call late in the afternoon from Jarom & Hannah H of Brampton, Ontario.

Church Friends & Friends of recent ring finder client Boris T again recommended me to assist in helping find a lost engagement ring.

The Family had gathered to have Family photographs taken in a beautiful field/pond setting in Caledon, Ontario. Hannah discovered she had lost her engagement ring and was unsure where it came off. I met Jarom at the location and we retraced their steps from the car, down the road where they had walked to the field, the ditch and a large area of the field. NO LUCK. …..2nd attempt, again NO LUCK.

I advised that I could pop over to their home in Brampton after work.

I was very happy to receive a message the THE FING WAS FOUND at home….in the laundry basket!!!

Wonderful news!! One very happy wife….and husband 🙂

Sometimes we don’t always find it….because it isn’t there. GREAT ENDING and a very lovely couple and Daughter xo