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White Gold Wedding Band Lost at Descanso Beach, Avalon CA. .. Catalina Island

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)









imageErika called Monday asking me if I would or if I knew anyone that would search for a ring lost at Descanso Beach in Avalon, CA. “Catalina Island”

I know Avalon well and take trips there a couple times a month using a commuter pass for the Catalina Flyer ferry. It would be a nice excuse to get over to the Island combining a search with visiting friends.
Erika and her husband Nolan with their two year old son had planned this weekend trip to celebrate her birthday. They set up on the sand at Descanso Beach Resort to enjoy the afternoon. Her husband slipped his wedding band on Erika’s thumb while he went for a swim. Soon after, while playing with her son she noticed the ring missing. It had to be in a small area but the sand was not giving it up.. It was not a happy birthday with Erika feeling guilty for losing the ring.
Erika texted me the location where they had been sitting with photos. I left Newport Beach at 9:00am arriving at Avalon about 10:30am.. My friend Joe was there to meet me with his golf cart.. It had been four days since the loss but. Chances were still good that the ring was still in the sand. Today the cruise ship was in, so we just had to grid the area before people set up their beach towels. Luck was with me, it was a fairly quick search it wasn’t long till Erika’s husband’s ring was in my sand scoop. I hand been updating her by text during the morning so I sent her a photo of the ring in my hand..
We met the next day at a time halfway between between her home and where I live to give her the ring.. Her plan was to surprise Nolan with the ring when he got home from work. Ericka sent me a text message the next day telling me how well the surprise went. It was another special search having my friend Joe help me and witness how Our group works. Avalon is a small town with not much happening, so by the end of the day many of the local residents had heard about

Platinum Ring Lost in Surf .. Corona DelMar, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Matt and Kristy were enjoying a day at the Corona Delmar Beach. They have just moved into the area from Georgia. The surf today was very rough and probably much more violent than they are used to on the east coast. Matt waded out into the surf to his waist then dove under the incoming wave. After getting beat up by the wave he realized his Tiffany Platinum wedding ring was missing.
They spent the next two or three hours trying to find the ring as the tide was receding with no success. Returning home Kristy went to the computer finding my contact information on I was at another beach a few miles away. After a few questions, I was able to determine that the loss occurred at peak high tide. That’s a good thing, but by the time I got the call the tide was rising again. I told them the most important thing was that we meet so I can get an approximate location. It may require that I wait till tomorrow’s low tide.
We met in the parking lot 20 minutes after our phone conversation. Matt had a pair of dive goggles read to do some searching of his own. I almost didn’t take my detector to the water because the tide was quite high. As a second thought I grabbed my CTX 3030 detector and my long handled sand scoop walking to get the location. The waves were really powerful with a strong back wash which could be a disadvantage when trying to retrieve a target. Otherwise that means when digging a target it is possible to lose it in a violent wave.
I wasn’t very positive about this attempt but I walked straight out to give it a try. Matt was at my side when I got my first signal. He got very excited as I told him, this beach has a lot of aluminum trash don’t get excited. It took probably 5 scoops to dig this between several waves. I’m beginning to believe in miracles because in the scoop was Matt’s Platinum ring.
The beach was crowded in the water and on the sand. They all were watching as I walked into the water with all my gear. When the find was made I held my detector and scoop up over my head in a victory salute.. Applause and cheers from everyone made me feel like a rock star. This was another awesome adventure and again I was just as surprised as everyone. Another RingFinders success story that will someday be a household name when people need help finding lost heirlooms.

Ring Recovered Saturday, 10-10-15   Equipment used Minelab CTX3030 and Stavr sand scoop


Grandmother’s Gold Bracelet Lost in Wilderness Park .. Mission Viejo, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Krissy was doing a photo shoot with her kids at a wilderness park in the back hills of Mission Viejo, CA. Sunday 9-27-15. After returning home she realized her bracelet that had been passed down to her by her grandmother was missing.
She looked back through her photos noting it was on her wrist while doing the photo shoot. It was too late to return to the park. So she went to her Facebook friends for ideas of how to search for the bracelet. Many suggestions, one was to contact me at They printed up flyers and her husband Ariel went to the park at 5 am in the morning. He posted the flyers and searched with a flash light for several hours with no luck.
Krissy called me and I set up a meeting with her and Ariel to show me general area. We discussed the activities of the day that may have caused the bracelet’s loss.
It was a matter of setting up a game plan. It would take time to grid this area, so I told them it wasn’t necessary to stay. It would take time to thoroughly grid this location properly. They had their daily chores to take care of and I would call them if I found the bracelet. After an hour I heard a quick little blip of a sound in my earphones, looking down I saw the petite gold bracelet hiding amongst leaves and twigs in soft dirt.
A text with the photo of the find was followed with a call from Krissy who was in tears. She was ecstatic. We met an hour later to return this sentimental keepsake to Krissy. I could tell how  much this bracelet ment to her after she told me that the bracelet was passed down from her grandmother to her mother and then her.  It was another special moment for me to be able to help Krissy and Ariel.

Monday   September 28, 2015

Silver “I Love You” Ring Lost in Sand .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Alisa lost her silver “I Love You” ring in the sand about midnight Saturday. I received a text at 1:35am early Sunday morning. It was from Alisa asking for my help to find her silver ring lost at Santa Monica Beach. She would be calling me in the morning. I do take calls anytime day or night because it can make a big difference whether we have a successful search. Rather than wait for the call, I texted her back saying I would be on the beach in Santa Monica at 6:30am.

Alisa replied that her and her boyfriend Ash could meet me near lifeguard tower 25 at 7:30am. When I arrived I just started to grid the area around the lifeguard tower before they arrived. Texting Alisa, I told her I had started. She text me telling me the ring was lost near the benches next to the pedestrian walkway. It was about 100 yards away from the tower.. I walked over to that location and could see finger dragging impressions in the sand.
Starting my grid there paid off with a find of the ring before Alisa and Ash showed up.. I took a picture of the ring texting it to her.
When they arrived Alisa told me she didn’t feel the ring slip from her finger. She did know that the ring was on her finger when they sat down that evening. She noticed it missing before they left the area. Seven or eight bystanders and couple of police patrolmen helped them look for the ring in the sand for a couple hours.
The ring was special to Alisa as it was given to her by her boyfriend Ash, celebrating 6 months of being together. It was another fun search for me. I hope I never get tired of helping people find their sentimental treasures.     Sunday .. 9-20-15

Wedding Band Found in Sand .. Huntington Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Tuesday .. 8-18-15
Ben and his family were vacationing in Huntington Beach, CA. They’re from Las Vegas, NV. where it is hot this time of year. His wife and his two young daughters went out to the beach while Ben was surfing. Ben had forgot to remove his wedding band before venturing out into the water. He took it off his finger to slip it inside the sleeve of his wetsuit.
Returning to the beach blanket with his family, he removed his wetsuit. It wasn’t until some time had passed that he remembered his ring. Now he was sure if it was lost in the sand or the ocean.
They spent two hours sifting through the sand with their fingers. He then found me on .. He said he google searched ” lost ring ” if I remember right. I was 8 miles away so it was easy to meet him and the family within a half hours’ time.
I told Ben to keep an eye on the location as there could be a chance that another detectorist could come across his ring before I got there. All worked out well because the White Gold wedding band was right there in the dry sand. It had not been lost in the ocean which can be found but the process can be more of a challenge.
Everyone was happy, especially Ben’s wife. I like to joke around claiming, I save marriages. I know it does calm things down. It was a great day with an awesome sunset.


Lost Tungsten Wedding Ring .. Found in aPark .. Irvine , CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday Aug. 8, 2015

Brandon was at the PGF softball platinum championships .. Illinois Sparks vs KC Sparks played at Barber Park, Irvine, CA. He helps out with the event. Just before the game started he rinsed of his hands with some ice water. Standing outside the announcer’s booth he shook his hands and his tungsten wedding band hit the cement walkway bouncing into the landscape shrubs which sloped 30 ft. downhill.
He asked me if I had a extension for my metal detector because he thought the ring may be far under the shrubbery. It’s hard to tell what conditions we are dealing with while talking on a cell phone. I grabbed a long extension pole and a rake throwing them in my truck. Possibly I could tape a pinpointer to long pole. I wouldn’t know till o get there.
The shrubs covered a whole area about 30ft. down a 45% slope. There was actually about 12 to 16 inches under the shrubs that allowed me to climb beneath with a pinpointer. After that we raked the leaves down the hill where I passed the detector over the leaves. Brandon was raking the last section of leaves to the bottom of the slope when I heard him yell out.. I found it!! As he raked the last pile of leaves the ring being heavier fell out on the clear ground, making it easy to spot. The ring had bounced or rolled more than 25 ft down the slope through partially leaf covered hard packed soil settling beneath the leaves. It was getting to be that time of the search where we only had one more place to try. Things were looking bleak. The whole search was about an hour and a half, but we didn’t give up. Sure glad I brought a rake. These searches get emotional especially when it gets close to giving up. Then that last minute surprise pushes all the built up pressure to a joy of the recovery!! I really don’t have the words to express this. Brandon did tell me that this would definitely put him in good standing with his wife..


Lost Platinum Wedding Band .. In Sand .. San Clemente Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday 8-8-15

I was checking my emails early Saturday morning when I found that Louis had sent me an email at 11:30pm Friday night. He had lost a ring at the beach and wanted to know if I could help him find it.
I immediately sent him a reply asking him to call me as soon as possible, it was going to be a big day for beach goers. I still had no idea of what beach or when and how it was lost. I waited for his call curious about which beach the lost ring could be. If I could get on the road before 9am., I could get to most the beaches before people started laying out their beach towels and umbrellas.
Just about 8am Louis called giving me the information I needed to get on the road. He had been at San Clemente beach pier surfing with some friends Friday about 7pm. He had wrapped his wedding band in his shirt leaving it on the beach with his towel.. When they came in his friend picked up the shirt and the ring disappeared in the sand. Louis verbally gave me the location so I took off to claim the search area.
Louis was across town on the west side of Los Angeles. He said he would be driving to meet me but it was maybe an hour and a half drive. I arrived San Clemente Pier and started gridding in front of the landmarks that Louis gave me. It wasn’t long before the ring showed up in my sand scoop. I took a picture of it sending it to Louis in a text message.
When Louis showed up he praised me telling me that I may have save his marriage. I know he was joking but I’m sure it makes life better not to have to tell your spouse that your ring is lost forever. It was another good day for all. “TheRingFinders Rule”.


Platinum Ring lost 10 days .. Doheny State Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Monday 7-27-15 morning I had an email from Brandon inquiring about the cost of my service. He mentioned that he had lost a platinum wedding band ten days ago in the sand. The family had spent the evening at the beach enjoying a fire on the beach. When they packed up to leave he noticed his ring was missing. The beach closes at 10pm. Figuring it was lost forever in the sand they went home.
After ten days Brandon thought that there might be a chance to find it with a metal detector. His search online brought up
After exchanging a couple emails Brandon said he had to work , but Isaac could meet me at Doheny State Beach. It was near noon when I arrived. Isaac was there to show me the general location telling me that they had stayed most the night in the small area. Fire rings are usually littered with small metal trash which may have been a factor that kept the ring from being found by other detectorists. I set up to dig all metal trash and it wasn’t long till the ring was in my scoop along with a pull tab and a few rocks.

After returning the ring to Isaac I spent a couple hours detecting. I realized how lucky we were on this recovery. There were signs of a recent metal detectorist working these tables and fire rings. The lifeguard told me this beach has several guys working the fire pits every couple days. They missed this one for 10 days. Reminding me not to give up. I’ll try Anywhere.

Tiffany Bracelet Lost .. Venice Beach, CA. .. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday .. 6-27-15

Saturday evening I received several text messages asking me if I could help Lindsey find a metal item lost in the sand. She had believed that it was lost while playing volleyball earlier during the day.
I returned several texts explaining that 6am Sunday morning would give me the best chance to find her sentimental metal item. For some reason we could not talk on the phone. This has happened to me before because the person was occupied at a meeting or other function.
I left at 5am to meet Lindsey and her boyfriend at 6am in Venice Beach. We were able to get to the Volleyball court before the tractors raked that part of the beach. She then told me I would be searching for a silver Tiffany bracelet that “could have be lost while playing volleyball”
They played both sides of the court. I decided to start where we were standing outside the playing lines. Two grid passes diagonally across the court rewarded us with Tiffany’s beloved bracelet.
We were all surprised that it showed up because Lindsey could not definitely recall when it came off her wrist. Another successful recovery for


Ring Found .. Santa Monica Beach, Ca. .. Lost in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Wednesday June 17,2015

Olga and Hector are visiting Santa Monica, Beach from New York. Hector wanted to do a little work out on the gymnastics bars and rings on the beach. He gave Olga his small gold ring to hold for him. She slipped it on her finger for safe keeping. After a half hour she realized the ring was gone. It had to be somewhere in the sand where she had been watching Hector.
Olga found after a Google search on her iPhone. I was an hour away and after hearing her story, told her this would probably be an easy search. It was important that she stayed in the location. This will help make it a quick recovery. I was able to get to her location with the cooperation of Los Angeles freeway traffic.
I called Olga as I walked to the beach recreation equipment. She came walking out of the crowd saying she recognized me carrying my metal detector equipment. She pointed out where it might be. With less than 10 swings of my detector coil I got that sweet gold tone. Hector’s ring in the sand scoop. They gave me big Hi Fives and thanked me with a real sincerity. They even had enough time to take the walk on the Santa Monica Pier which they had planned to do before losing the ring. This never gets boring. Every search is special.

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