97-year-old heirloom 10kt Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! TRF Celina, OH

Andrew’s mother was very happy to receive this lost 14k white gold heirloom ring on behalf of her son who was beside himself when he lost it.
Andrew’s mother (Ann) contacted me recently in the hopes that a lost 14k white gold heirloom ring could be found. Andrew had lost the ring during an outside gym class session on some practice fields that amounted to the area of about 1-1/2 football fields.
That’s a lot of area to cover when you’re looking for an item about the size of a nickel. Obviously, an area like this is easier to cover and able to be covered very methodically if you can get a couple of people working a grid pattern. I contacted a friend (Travis) and we headed out to try and locate the ring. After about 4-1/2 hours of searching with no ring to show and a storm blowing in we made plans to come back another day to finish covering the area in hopes of being able to reunite the owner with their lost ring.
Andrew was very close with his grandmother and the ring had been passed down to him when his grandmother passed away in December. He wore the ring on his pinky finger to feel close to his grandmother. We knew he was very sad to have lost the ring and that it was such a sentimental item that we were trying to do everything we could to cover the area and locate his missing ring.
We made a return trip to finish covering the area and hopefully recover his missing ring for him. After a little over an hour of searching, we (Travis and I) were able to locate the ring!
We messaged Andrew right away! Unfortunately, Andrew was out of town and was unable to be there for a photo and to take possession of his ring. He did however call his mother, who was more than happy to come down and accept the ring on his behalf! Knowing that there had been more than two dozen people walking around trying to locate the item prior to us searching, and numerous sports practice sessions, Andrew’s mother thought that it was a miracle that we were even able to locate his ring. She had warned him that wearing his grandmother’s ring could result in it being lost, as was the case, but it has now been located and returned to it’s rightful owner! It has been put up so that this sentimental family heirloom will not be lost again. A needle in a haystack really can be found! Another ring returned, another successful search thanks to teamwork, and another happy ending! We were very glad to see the ring turn up and to see it returned!
On a side note Andrew was very glad to have found TheRingFinders service online and says he would recommend the service to anyone!
Another successful return and another happy person!
I Was contacted this afternoon because Elaina could not find her keys that someone had buried on the beach. After arriving at the location and beginning to search she had her keys back in just a few minutes! Also got to clean up the environment a bit. First Target was a fork. Ouch! Glad someone did not step on it. Be careful out there..
This time of year in Ohio as the seasons change and the leaves start to turn, people are doing last minute tree trimming, yard work and clearing of brush. Sometimes with the cooler temperatures the rings fit a little looser.
Hunting was tough in the area but we still got it done.
Hunting was tough in the area but we still got it done.
A happy return. (10/18/20)
I received a call Wednesday (6/20/18) from Tim. While doing some yard work and planting some bushes at his home in Botkins Ohio the previous Friday he had realized that he had lost his wedding ring.
His 14k white gold wedding band had been a replacement for a wedding ring that he had lost a few years before. It had always fit a little loose and after planting the first bush he noticed it lying on the ground. He quickly picked it up and placed it back on his finger while thinking to himself that he really needed to get something done about the loose fit to avoid losing it. Minutes later after finishing his yard work he realized he had lost the ring yet again before he made it into the house. He related his story to me telling me that he was fairly confident that he knew a general area where it may have been lost. He was reviewing his options on what he should do. Should I buy a metal detector and try to locate it? Should I try to order a new ring? (Kind of pricey to keep doing that.)
After a few questions I told him that I was fairly confident that it could successfully be recovered and most likely in a very short amount of time. It had to most likely be in the area he thought and right on top of the ground. We made plans to get together Saturday (6/23/18).
Since the area was small and the target should be right on the surface of the ground I thought it might be fun to bring along a second metal detector so that he could try his hand at it as well. I set the detector up for him and after taking a few minutes to show him what a white gold ring would ring up like on the machine and explaining that it should be right on the surface of the ground we were off and looking for his missing ring.
Imagine the surprise when 5 minutes or so later I came back to where he was searching and asked his wife if she could take a picture for me. She kindly replied that she could take a picture for me and then I turned to Tim and asked him if a picture of this would be good.
I gladly held my hand out and handed him back his lost wedding ring!
5-minute hunt… 14k white gold wedding band recovered and returned…. Happy to see the ring returned and another happy ending! So glad to be a part of it!
Hello! My name is Josh Kimmel. I recently joined The Ring Finders. I am very involved with metal detecting and have a true passion for this hobby / lifestyle as well as a passion for recovering history in all of it’s forms. My passion for metal detecting goes beyond just merely trying to find pieces of the past, I also have a passion for helping others locate those special lost items that they thought may have been lost forever. That’s right!, I enjoying trying to help others find these items and strive to reunite people with their items. Jewelry such as class rings, wedding bands, engagement rings, gold, silver, platinum and other rings and jewelry to keys and even property markers. I have been asked to search for many different things and strive to do my best to locate them when possible. One of my favorite returns was of a silver and platinum class ring that had been lost for approx. 31 years when I one day found it and tracked the owner down to return it to her within 2 weeks. When people lose that precious, sentimental item it can be very distressing and I do what I can. Each lost item is unique and has a story of it’s own. When that item is lost by someone that story doesn’t have to end. With a recovery that story can continue.
If you are in the Celina, OH or Grand Lake St. Mary’s area or even the Ohio counties of Mercer, Auglaize, Van Wert, Allen and other outlying areas I just may be able to help. Why try to rent a metal detector or find a metal detector rental to try and locate your lost sentimental item or a particular metal item you would like found when you can contact a metal detector specialist that will use many years of experience as well as some of the best equipment to try and locate that item for you. Forget renting the detector and get a detectorist!
My years of experience and the equipment I use enable me to find and locate many different metal items in all terrains. Parks, private yards, school yards, tot lots, beaches, snow, water(up to 5ft deep), fields, woods, hillsides and anywhere else for that matter. Rings, jewelry, property markers, cache hunting, property searches and so on I’m always trying to help people with my experience. I even offer my services to Realtor s, Law enforcement, and insurace companies as well others and do what I can to help.
If you are in or around any of the above mentioned or surrounding areas of Ohio contact me and we can discuss the situation.