lost ring finder Santa Monica Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold and Emerald Heirloom Ring Lost in the Sand at Venice Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Geneva contacted me regarding a ring that was lost earlier in the day at the beach. It was now night time, and she was not going to be able to meet me at the beach, so I said I could help if I was given specific directions to the area of the loss. She sent a photo of where she had been earlier plus a satellite picture with the spot circled. I let her know that I would leave right away to do the search in order to have the best possibility of a successful recovery.

I got to the beach, and it did not take me long to find the area where she had been searching. I turned on my detector and began to grid. I got to about the middle of her search area when I received a good signal. I dug with my scoop, and had a real nice looking ring. I had to contact her because I noticed it had a crack in the band, and she told me that was the way it was. I wanted to get it to her right away, and she told me she was at a restaurant, so I let her know that I would drive it right over to her. She was very happy to know that what was thought lost for good, was back again.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.



Lost Ring in the Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Found by Member of The Ring Finders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


















Call as soon as possible, especially if the loss occurred in a public area.

…. Ryan contacted me asking for help to find a ring that was lost in the sand at Newport Beach, CA. I was very close to the location so it was easy to meet him while he and his friend were still at the location.

When I got to the place where Ryan and his friend had set up their towels, he told me they had been tossing shells out towards the sand when his ring slipped off his finger disappearing into the sand. After two hours of searching he had lost hope of ever seeing it again.

These are the easy searches. Mainly because he felt the ring slip off and he knew the exact area of the loss. It’s just a mater of turning on the detector and swinging it over the place where the ring was hiding in the sand. Usually the ring doesn’t get deep enough that a metal detector can’t find it. It still took a few minutes to find this missing ring because it wasn’t straight ahead in the direction they had tossed the shells. The ring showed up almost 90 degrees to the right and only 8 feet from where he sat while tossing shells.

A very nice young guy and it was great to see his smile and sincere grateful attitude when I handed him his ring. Being able to help people find things that are sentimental to them, never gets old. Can’t wait for my next call.


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE” … available now 

Stan the Metal Detector Man  … 949-500-2136

Lost Keys .. Fullerton, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Jasmine lost a set of house keys three days before she found me on TheRingFinders.com website. When we talked on the phone about the loss, I was concerned that it may have lost in a large area. Lately these key searches have been terrible failures because they lost them while jogging or on a long walk. I had just about given up on doing key searches. Jasmin assured me it was a small area.
The city of Fullerton is about a 24 mile drive and at rush hour traffic it was about an hour drive. When I met Jasmin she told me that she had searched everywhere she had been for the last three days. She even drove 40 miles back to work that first day. These keys were important to her because they belonged to her very good friend who had entrusted with the keys.
The only place she couldn’t check was a small lawn area and a small landscaped garden. The day of the loss, she had got out of her car with a handful of miscellaneous items. Before she went into the house, she went to look at a fruit tree that’s where her sunglasses dropped into the landscaping. I look straight down as we were talking and Bingo!! The two keys hiding in some plants.. The time of day may have helped make the keys visible. A very happy lady, Jasmin was. They may have only been a set of keys, but I do realize how much something as simple as a set of keys can upset a person. It was a pleasure to be able to meet Jasmin and help her find those keys. Too bad, I didn’t get to get my detector out of the car.




Lost Gold Ring .. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found under Sunbather’s Blanket

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I was given a phone number of a lady named Daní by a metal detectorist in Santa Monica. The story was, this lady had dropped her ring in the sand and before she realized her loss, a family had set up there beach towels and umbrellas in the exact spot. There were words and the family was unwilling to move. The police became involved and the family said they would move when I arrived with the metal detector.
The beaches were all packed and parking was not easy. Actually the police did give me a temporary parking permit which was a bonus. Daní told me how she had set her custom made ring on the edge of her towel. She moved over about 30 ft. to get a better view of the water.
After a short time she realized what she had done. This is one of two matching rings that were custom made for Daní and her sister. They were made from their mother’s jewelry and her mother had past away just 9 months ago. Very sentimental and irreplaceable for sure.
Well, I’m not sure what happened, but the people that had set up over where the ring was lost, changed there mind about moving. In fact they said they would find the ring and keep it. The language was getting very foul and some of the other beach goers had words with the police.
Solution.. I tried to explain to the people how emotions get out of control sometimes when people lose heirlooms. They were very upset and not willing to move. I told the two police officers, that I was willing move down the beach and wait for the people to leave. I didn’t have any reason I couldn’t wait till dark, if I had to. The officers agreed that they would also leave.
I moved to the other side of the lifeguard tower while Daní and her friend got me a cup of coffee. It was less than an hour before the irate people left the beach. Daní ran over to claim the spot. I took two passes with my detector and there the ring was under about 4″ of sand. Exactly where the family had been laying.. I often say each search is unique. This was definitely one that would be hard to duplicate.. It takes more than a metal detector to have a successful search. I love this service.
