gold ring Tag | Page 23 of 25 | The Ring Finders

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, Wells Maine, Dave Pennell

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service has its first member from Wells, Maine. Dave Pennell is an experienced treasure hunter that offers his metal detecting service for helping people who have lost their jewelry at the beaches, parks, lakes & yards, and other outdoor areas…

Visit Dave’s profile page at The Ring Finders…

Lost your jewelry in or around Wells Maine?

Contact: Dave Pennell

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, Indianapolis, Indiana, Timothy See

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service has its first member from Indianapolis, Indiana. Timothy See  is an experienced treasure hunter that offers his metal detecting service for helping people who have lost their jewelry at the beaches, parks, lakes & yards, and other outdoor areas…

Visit Timothy’s profile page at The Ring Finders…

Lost your jewelry in or around Indianapolis

Contact: Timothy See

Lost ring found by The Ring Finders member from New York…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Here is an email I received today from a man who lost his ring and now has it back! I’m proud of  this service and of the members of The Ring Finders Directory!!

Lost wedding ring...Found


WE FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much for your kindness, your responsiveness, and your offer to help because I know you didn’t have to.  Beyond being “metal detectors,” people like you and Jason are good samaritans that give people like me faith that there are people out there that choose to do nice things simply because it’s nice.  Thank you for returning my emails and calls, for comforting me in my misery, and for reaching out to your community for me.  Jason was an absolute ring finding superstar!  He came from three hours away, through floody dangerous roads, and came prepared with information on how my ring would read on the detector and different theories about how it could have fallen.  It was impressive.  If ever there were a ring finding professional, he was it.

I am forever greatful to you, him, and the fact that I found you on the internet under “ring finders”.


For all of the misery of this weekend, the feeling of finding it was almost worth the losing it in the first place.

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service, Highland New York, USA. Jason Feasel

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service has its first member from Highland (New York, USA) Jason Feasel is an experienced treasure hunter that offers his metal detecting service for helping people who have lost their jewelry at the beaches, parks, lakes, yards, and other outdoor areas…

Visit Jason’s profile page at The Ring Finders…

Lost your jewelry in or around Highland,New York ?

Call Jason Feasel

WW2 Gold ring lost, England, Somerset village, Spaxton, found by Mr. Paul Minton of The Ring Finders

  • from Rhondda/Cardiff (Wales, United Kingdom)

WW11  Concentration camp gold ring

Hi all

I just want to tell you a story that happened to me in 2008

I live in South Wales U.K. and I travel all over the country searching all the sites I have permission to detect on with many great finds

This one occasion I was at a detecting rally in the south of England in a small Somerset village called Spaxton the villagers had organised a weekend event covering about 100 acres of historical land with some of the land dating back to the bronze age

It was a warm day and I had gone back to my van to have some lunch and chat and show off our finds we had found with plenty of roman and hammered coins I was looking forward to the rest of the afternoon looking for more artefacts when a couple approached me asking me if I could help them locate a ring that had been lost a few years before

They told me that they was helping their neighbour to clear the overgrown back yard
When the gentleman who was helping them was clearing the brambles and needed a pair of gloves to handle them

He spotted a pair of gloves lying on the floor and went over to pick them up and unknown to him the lady whose yard he was helping to clear had taken off a gold ring and placed it on top of the gloves

He went over to the gloves and grabbed them not knowing that the ring was there, and in a flash the ring was sailing through the air into the undergrowth soon the whole group were looking for this ring and in the days that followed, they used all type of methods to find the ring even renting a metal detector but, still, with no luck

The lady who owned the ring was upset at the loss, not because of the value of the ring but because of the story behind the ring. Her father of 82 had given her the ring and told the story that went with the ring and how precious it was to him and an important part of the family history
He had carried this ring with him thorough all the time he was in the nazi concentration camps and he managed to keep it through all the marches the forced labour and searches, and the greatest sorrow was then to loose it through a simple accident

The lady had resigned herself to the fact that the ring was lost

After they had told me the story behind the loss they asked if I would be willing to help them to find the ring, I was their last chance. He said that he has always felt guilt about loosing the ring even with reassurance from the owner that it was an accident he couldn’t forgive himself

I picked up all my detecting equipment and got into his car and headed out to the area that the ring was lost and I thought to myself “this could be a long day”

When I arrived at the property I was taken to the yard where the ring was lost and there we enacted the whole scenario and based on the details I went to the area where I thought the ring could have landed,

In the years that the ring was lost the undergrowth had reclaimed the area where they had searched and I was looking at a lot of brambles and long grass

Like most of the detectorists in the U.K. I use a cut down spade

So with this cut down spade I began to hack away at the brambles and grass, and after a lot of sweat and profanities I managed to clear a small area, I thought then to give myself a break I will get my detector and search the area I had cleared

I switched on my machine put on my headphones and started to detect the area I had cleared, and within a minute I got a signal in amongst the dead leaves and hacked down foliage, I then used my foot to clear the area where the signal came from and there amongst the rubbish was this small yellow ring,

The gentleman was watching me working with my detector, I said to him “there it is” and with a look of disbelief on his face he looked down and saw the ring, I think for a few moments he stared at the ground not believing what he was looking at

He then bent down and picked up the ring and the realisation that the ring was now safe in his hand brought a large smile to his face and I think I heard a sigh of relief, as if he had been holding his breath since he accidentally lost the ring

I gathered up all my detecting stuff and headed back to the car, and all the time we walked back to the car he was constantly thanking me over and over and asking me what he owes me I told him “I didn’t want anything as I was glad to find it”, and I thought to myself that I still had time to search for the rest of the afternoon

I never got to meet the lady who owned the ring as she was on vacation and wouldn’t be home for a few days and I only had one more day at the rally

The gentleman insisted I give him my address as when the lady returned from the vacation she might want to get in touch with me

A week passed and a letter arrived in the post, the owner of the ring was overjoyed that the ring was found and that she was sorry that she couldn’t thank me in person
But will be forever grateful

For me it was a rewarding experience, I had reunited the ring and owner and went on to find some more roman coins and a few nice ancient artefacts


Lost Gold Ring, Bear Mt. State Park New York

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call from our member in Illinois,  Lee Campbell, from The Ring Finders Directory and he called to tell me someone had contacted him from New York that needed help finding a lost gold ring.

I got in touch with Hong Lee in New York and he told me the story on how he lost his ring, he offered a $300 Reward if someone could help him find it.

At this time our new directory hasn’t got a listing in the New York area so I posted for help on and I was contacted by two treasure hunters.  One left his contact number and was quick to reply, the good thing was that he knew that he needed a permit to metal detect in that park…He took care of that and I gave him the information and the next day he found the ring!

I’m very happy for Hong and for the treasure hunter who was rewarded $300 for his efforts.

Below is the emails from Hong…


Dear Chris,

Thank you for your call.

My name is Hong who lost a ring just outside of the Ice skating rink in Bear Mt. State Park in New York. Last night, there was about 5 inch of snow but I hiked Bear Mt.

The ice skating rink is located where the trail ends. I was done with hiking and I took my gloves off. But at that moment the ring dropped due to the sweat on my finger. I saw it coming out of my left glove.

It was late at night, and so I went home. I went there again today, but they plowed the area where the ring dropped. The following link has the picture of the ice rink.

I assume that it is inside the pile of snow that is about 2 feet high and less than 100 sq feet and on heel going down. The snow pile is just outside the rink but it is not shown on the picture because it is to the right side of picture.

I bought Teknetics Delta 4000 and tried to find it for couple hours but only in vein.

I came home and asked around. I was told that maybe I should spread snow on tarp, using a bucket and shovel, and then use metal detector.

I don’t know if there is any professional who is nearby. But any info from you will be greatly appreciated.


Hong Kim


Dear Chris,

This is Hong.

The young man found the ring for me.  I would like to thank you very much. Today is New Year in Asian Calendar, I wish you Happy New Year.

I probably would not have found it even if I spent all day myself, but he was so professional that it only took him 5 minutes for it.

Thank you again,

Hong Kim


I love my job!

Lost anything?  Call me ASAP!

Chris Turner: 778-838-3463

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service/Marion/Illinois, USA/Lee Campbell

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Ring Finders...Lee Campbell...Marion, Illinois

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service has its first member from Marion Illinois, USA.

Lee Campbell  is an experienced treasure hunters that offers his metal detecting service for helping people who have lost their jewelry at the parks, lakes, yards, and other outdoor areas…

Visit Lee’s profile page at The Ring Finders…

Lost your jewelry in or around Marion, Illinois?

Call Lee Campbell

Metal Detecting for Lost Gold Ring/Vancouver/North Vancouver/West Vancouver/Delta/Surrey/Langley/Richmond/New Westminster/Burnaby/Coquitlam/Maple Ridge/Port Moody/Pit Meadows/Aldergrove/Abbotsford

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

If you have lost your wedding band or diamond engagement ring in any of the cities or towns listed above…Please note that you now have a second chance to find what you thought was lost forever!

Chris Turner from ”The Ring Finders” has a service that can find rings and other peaces of jewellery at beaches, parks, lakes & yards.

If the item was lost on your property it doesn’t matter how long its been lost for… I can find it, if its there!

Yes we can find lost jewellery in Snow!

We can also find your keys!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call Chris Turner at 778-838(Find)3463

The Ring Finders…(When you want your lost jewellery to Find you!)

Golf Course Gold/South Vancouver/Lost… Gold Wedding Band… Reward!!!!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I received an email from a young man who lost his wedding band at Fraser View Golf Course in South Vancouver…Here is his email…
I lost my gold wedding band on Aug 18th at Fraser View Golf course. I am sure that I had it because I was late and still wearing it on the first tee…. my mistake, I never wear it when I play and normally keep it in my car. After the round, I could not find my ring. it is a basic gold band with my wedding date engraved in it (08-31-2003). As you can see my wedding anniversary is coming up and the ring means a lot to me.
I am hoping you can help, in fact I can come out with you to retrace
my steps.

thanks again,


Well we retraced his tracks and eliminated the most likely possibilities and our thoughts are that it could be any where from the first tee to the last. Its a needle in a golf course sorta speak but there is a chance that someone can find it during their walk around the course.

Will is offering a reward if you find it and it means a lot to him, so please keep an eye out for the ring.

It was nice meeting you Will and don’t give up hope as there are lots of great people out there that might find and return your ring!

Thanks so much for the gift certificates to the Cannery! Very kind of you!!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call Chris Turner… 778-838-Find(3463)

The Ring of Love! Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I just finished my search at 3rd beach where I found a wedding band for a gentleman and my phone rings. It’s a British fellow who lost his ring at Spanish Banks Beach. We talked for a minute and I headed out there to help him find his ring.
We met at the beach and he shows me the area he thought the ring was lost then tells me that he and his girlfriend got each other rings and put them on each others fingers as a promise to get married when they get back home to Europe.

I can tell how much the ring meant to him and how much he loved his girlfriend. I started my search around the volleyball court and I found 2 toonies and a few pull tabs. I ask the people playing volleyball if I could search the one area that Graham was playing in the day before, and they said sure…(Thanks for that!)

I waited till the game was over and began my search. Nothing! I asked Graham if he was sure that the court was in the exact position as the day before and he said it was, just then one of the players told us that the court was moved to the left by almost half the width.

This was great news because it gave us hope that we could still find the ring…minutes later it was found! The excitement on your face truly made me believe that this was the Ring of Love!

I’m so happy I could help you out and I wish your lady a lifetime of happiness!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…