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Wedding Ring Recovered at Orange Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I met Jeff and Mandi at Orange Beach Alabama where they were enjoying a week of rest and relaxation at the beach when Jeff lost his wedding ring. This ring held unfathomable sentimental significance that culmination in a romance that spanned more that 30 years. The story began when Jeff and Mandi met at the University of Southern Alabama. They became very close while in College and frequented the area attractions including the beaches. Their favorite spot was Fairhope and more specifically the Fairhope Pier that over looked Mobile Bay. Some time near graduation they were visiting the Pier and Jeff proposed presenting an engagement ring, Mandi accepted! But it was not to be, much later Mandi returned the engagement ring and they went in different directions. But they stayed friends and because of the family connections stayed in touch. Twenty five years later, the romance rekindled. They were living in different states and developed a long distance relationship. After several years, they were vacationing near the beaches and Fairhope, which Mandi says is her “Happy Place”, and they decide to visit the pier. Once again Jeff proposed and gave her the same engagement ring from 30 years before! This time she accepted forever! Unbeknownst, their families got wind of the proposal and brought the party with them, to the pier! They were finally married after about 30 years, which brings us to the present when I recovered Jeff’s wedding band. In the picture above you can see the engraving inside the band. The entire engraving reads. At Last Love Mandi. Mandi showed me the ring that was given to her thirty years earlier and again four years ago. The day I recovered Jeff’s ring the surf was quite rough several waves broke over my head, but Jeff’s ring was found in about 3 minutes. I went right to it. I can’t help but think that I was meant to find it and return it to this super couple as testament to their faith, perseverance and love!

Ring Lost On Clearwater Beach, Recovered By SRARC

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted. We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Amanda was visiting Clearwater Beach with her parents and placed her gold ring from her grandmother and silver wedding ring in a cup holder on the beach chair for safekeeping. Upon leaving she realized the 2 rings fell out of the cup holder and were lost in the sand. Andy her father found our SRARC website and contacted Howard Metts who scheduled a hunt. Dimitur Alipiev, Gary Leland, and Howard Metts met Amanda and her father on the beach the day they called which was 2 days after the rings were lost. After an hour Howard came up with the gold ring and unfortunately after another hour of hunting the wedding ring was not found. Amanda and her father were grateful to see the gold ring her grandmother had given her. Great job Team SRARC!


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Received a call from Caleb that his newly engaged to fiancé Nichole (less than a week), had lost her engagement ring while out tending to the farm animals on their farm. They had looked for hours into the night with flashlights, metal detectors and many eyes to no avail.

We set up the date/time for me to come out to attempt to locate and home to give it back to Nichole.

I got off at 2pm, drove 2 hours and met up with Nichole and her mom. They proceeded to tell me the details, areas to search based on where they were and what they were doing leading up to her losing her ring and later realizing she had lost it on the farm.

We started in the goat pens 3 without goats and 2 with goats. I cleared them and then proceeded to the other areas to search. I cleared them and then expanded my search a little further from the areas in question. I kept going over them over and over again for over 2.5 hours!!

Finally, as a LAST effort to clear one of the pens that had goats in them. I stepped back in and scanned the pen with the female goats were being kept and heard a signal in the hay. Bent down and used my pin pointer and BOOM there was her ring! I had just barely missed it the first time I had gone in there!!!

Her mom had known I found it and we set up a story/surprise to capture her reaction on video!! Her reaction was PRICELESS!!!!

It’s moments like this, passion for the hobby and surprise of reuniting the item to its owner, is why I do this hobby and am a proud member of “The Ring Finders .com” Directory!

TIKTOK video link:

2023 ring count: 351 FTY
20 – Total recoveries/returns FTY
81 – gold rings FTY (6 recoveries – 3 returns) – (5 class rings – 4 US / 1 MEX)
92 – silver rings FTY (1 recovery, 1 return & 1 coin silver) 1×3 in 1 silver ring
3 – platinum (2 recoveries) – 1×2 in 1
1 – platinum & gold (1 recovery)
1 – gold & silver ring (1 recovery)
1 – Pandora LTE MET 54 (silver and palladium)
1 – silver 828 ring
1 – tantalum (1 recovery)
5 – titanium (1 recovery)
14 – tungsten (1 recovery)
1 – lustrium – (1 recovery) (1 class ring)
151 – mixed – copper – steel – aluminum – junk rings FTY


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Lost Gold with Black & White Diamonds Wedding Band at Ulua Lagoon…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring hunt began when I was called by Megan who lives on Oahu with her husband CJ.  She had purchased a detector from Walmart and went to Ulua Lagoon to try and find CJ’s Yellow Gold with Black & White Diamonds Wedding band in shallow water.  He lost it the day before playing with his young daughter in the water.  The metal detector she purchased at Walmart would start chirping in the wet sand and was impossible to use in the water.  Phil from Aloha Security Team saw her struggling and went down to the beach to let her know one she wasn’t allowed to detect the beach and second that they had a guy who would find it for her.  Relieved someone was available she called me and I just happened to be finishing a scuba hunt at Four Seasons but unfortunately I only had my scuba detector.  However, I was going to squat and do whatever I could as she thought it was only ankle to knee deep.  The hunt was unsuccessful.  I told her I would return the next morning to hunt.  When I arrived and the sun came up the area I needed to hunt was plastered with Box Jellies alive and dead.  I stopped counting at around 80!  I texted Megan we would have to wait two days.  Once I got home I started thinking about the unauthorized detectorist we found at Lagoon 4 and I decided I’ll put on my 3 mil wetsuit and booties and go dodge the jellies.  This morning I only saw a dozen or so but I was fully protected.  I started the hunt and on about the 6th leg I got a nice tone on the Nox 800 in knee deep water.  After one scoop there was CJ’s stunning ring in the scoop.  We met at the Hickam AFB Post Office for the return.  CJ was extremely thankful and I found out we served on the same ship USS George Washington CVN-73,  although many years apart.  Much Aloha to CJ & Megan!

Lost Engagement Ring Wildwood Crest NJ Found Ring Finders South Jersey

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t Wait To Call!


Stacey and Andrew were on the picturesque Crest Pier in Wildwood Crest, New Jersey for their wedding ceremony this past weekend when Stacy’s engagement ring slipped through the gaps in the pier’s wooden planks.
Meghan from the bridal party reached out to me, and within 15 minutes, I joined the family to help them retrieve the lost ring. I initially conducted a detailed search of the sand down below but the engagement ring was not there.
I returned to my car and grabbed my endoscope to examine the space under the boards and above the pilings. With Bill and another guest offering assistance, the engagement ring was found about 15 feet above ground level out of eyesight on the rafter. Thanks to teamwork, the day was saved, and the family and friends could continue their celebrations in Wildwood Crest, NJ!
See my website for more testimonials!
See more heartwarming stories of lost rings found!

Lost necklace in the sand, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey Got a call from Allison about a cross and chain lost in the sand, in Lavallette NJ. She said her son Jake was there with some friends, and before entering the water, he removed it and wrapped it up in his towel for safe keeping. Later on he remembered it was in the towel, but after looking around for quite a while it was nowhere to be found. After digging around the entire area with no luck, they used a metal detector, and had the same results. I met them on the beach, and they had the entire area marked out which is always a good thing. After searching the area in two directions with no luck, we decided to look to the south, which was the opposite side of where the towel was positioned in the first location. A few feet into the new area I received a faint but solid tone, and bingo, there it was. Most likely Jake came out of the water an grabbed the towel, and by the time it was opened enough for the cross to fall out he was about 25′ of so from the original location.

Click here to see my other stories

More recoveries with my metal detector

Lost Gold Ring w/ Tiger Eye Inlay Found in Ypsilanti Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Swinging Low, Swinging High….

….was the rhythmic motion Tom observed as his daughter was having fun on the swing set. As he was tightening some bolts on the set, she soared high thru the air. Leaning a bit too far back gazing at the bright blue sky she started to slip off the swing backwards. It was then Tom dropped his tools and rushed over to catch her and luckily, he brought her down safely. As nighttime was approaching, he gathered his tools and daughter and headed into the house. Settling in for a cozy night he noticed his family heirloom ring was missing. A short search in the dark brought no luck. I began a grid search around the swing set. No signals came thru my metal detector headphones. I decided to search a bit out aways from the set and got a clear signal. Brushing a few leaves from the grass surface revealed his beautiful ring pushed down into the ground like someone walked on it. Texting him to come out to where I was, he was bewildered to know it was out that far from the swing set. Extremely happy that his ring was found, his daughter was excited to continue having a great time on her swing with dad by her side!


Platinum Wedding Ring Lost in Driveway at a Anahiem, CA. home. Found using a metal detector service

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



If you need help finding lost jewelry call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. I’m available now to help you using the state of the art metal detecting equipment. I can also answer any questions you have about how to find your lost valuables.

*** Nik had pulled his motor cycle out his garage to do an afternoon ride. As he was preparing his riding attire, his gloves were pinching his left ring finger. He pulled his left glove off with his right hand. Then he heard the ping of his platinum wedding ring hit the asphalt driveway.

He purchase a metal detector from a local sporting goods store. There was only a 2ft wide strip of dirt with a metal cyclone fence. The long dirt area had dried leaves that could hide a ring. The metal fence was 6” above the ground.

Nik was sure the ring flew to the right of where he had been standing. I scanned 50ft to the right and just for a good measure I did 30ft to the left, even though Nik was insistent that the glove pulled the ring flinging it to the right. 

After two hours it was getting dark and I was ready to give up. Nik asked me if I could double check the other side of the fence one more time. I agreed even though I felt it was a waste of time. If it made him feel better that was the least I could do. My second attempt on the other side of the fence yielded nothing. Walking back to my car, I was casually swinging the detector when I got a great signal the opposite direction he had believed his ring flew off his finger. It was Nik’s platinum wedding ring.

Here’s what happened. The ring flew off his finger when his left hand popped out of the glove. He thought the ring was in the glove and went to the right as he pulled hid left glove off with his right hand. Confusing, yes, I’m giving up on trying to guess which way rings go when people are throwing things.  Just grid search everywhere, don’t try to figure out which way the ring went. 

Nik was very emotional and grateful to have his wedding ring back. It was not looking good after a couple hours in such a easy search area. It’s amazing to see all the crazy places these rings end up.


Call ASAP.. Time is the enemy.. I Will Try Anywhere … Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Member of the Ringfinders metal detecting service directory.. Call or Text  949-500-2136



Lost Gold w/Diamond Stud Earring Found in Washington Township Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Vampires in the Garden…..

….their monsters that lurk in your neighborhood that terrify you when your outside and want to suck your blood. That’s what happened to Robin as she was swarmed by mosquitos while pulling the last of her vegetables and weeds from the garden. Swatting at them she knocked her stud earring off into the grass. She searched with a toy type metal detector with no luck and enduring more bites from those pesky monsters, she reached out to me for help. With the mention of little vampires, I took a few garlic capsules and hit the road. Arriving on site I started a grid search with my metal detector. Searching in the bright light, I was not plagued by any mosquitos, but could tell that the woods next to the property was where they were probably hiding out. Metal detecting thru a small amount of house construction materials from long ago I finally got a great signal close to where the earring stud should be on the detector meter. Looking carefully thru the deep grass revealed Robin’s gold diamond stud earring! Texting that I found something pointy in the grass that doesn’t sting had her running out the side door. In total amazement she reached out and put the earring back into her ear! Thrilled that no extra garlic was needed she was thankful her earring was found and that no more little vampires will be haunting her Halloween!


Ring Lost On Holmes Beach, Recovered By SRARC

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted. We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Tiffany & Michael were down to Anna Maria Island from Connecticut for some fun and sun. They set up their area on Holmes Beach and Tiffany remembered she was wearing a very special ring so decided to protect it by tying it to one of the strings on her string bikini. During the day they ran around in the sand and tossed a football back and forth before going into the water to cool down. After returning to their area after cooling off, Tiffany noticed that her ring was no longer on her bikini. The area they had been in throughout the day was so large that it was impossible to search. They mentioned to a gentleman on beach named Bill what had happened. Bill suggested that they call SRARC ring finders. Joe Szemer got the call and contacted Mike Miller to see if he could respond quickly as the couple was going to leave in a short while. Mike headed down to the beach immediately and arrived just as they were leaving. Michael took Mike out to show him the area they thought he should hunt and then they left to return to Tampa. As Mike setup to begin the hunt, Bill came over and said he had been watching them the whole time they were there and that he should hunt in a completely different area than Michael had laid out. Since the area where the ring might have been lost (about the size of a football field) Mike went with what Bill suggested was the area they were most active in. After choosing to do the upper area first and having no luck Mike moved back to the middle and began the search of the lower area. After two sweeps the sweet sound of gold popped into Mike’s ears and sure enough there it was. Since Michael and Tiffany were already headed for return to Connecticut Mike will be returning the ring via USPS and is sure Tiffany will have a great big smile on her face when she opens the package. Thank you so much to Bill for putting Mike on the right track to finding the ring, without your help Mike would have never found the ring.