metal detector rental Sanford Florida Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost engagement ring in the water off of dock, Lake Maitland, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you have lost a ring or something precious to you…do not wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Call ASAP…call now 321-363-6029!

Lindsey texted me saying she had dropped her engagement ring off of a dock and into 7 feet of water and weeds and asked if there was any way I could help her and her husband! They had been sitting on the dock and enjoying the cool evening breeze and Lindsey said she was kind of fiddling with her 2 rings and all of a sudden they both slipped off and she happened to actually catch her wedding band but her engagement ring fell to the deck and then she heard it hit the water. Her dear husband Cole, spent a total of 6 hours diving and trying desperately to find her ring but to no avail. A search on line led them to one of my stories on web site and after talking with them I agreed to conduct a scuba dive search around the dock. Neither one of them had actually seen where the ring fell into the water so I figured to start right under where they were sitting. My wife and I arrived later that day with all my gear and as I suited up I said a short prayer to God Almighty and asked that He might help me find this special ring and be a blessing to this dear, young, newly wed couple! Normally there are lots of metal targets under docks but here it was super quiet as I swept my XP MI-6 pin pointer through the mud and slowly made my way across the back side of the dock. I had stuck a 10 foot PVC pole down into the water about where we were able to determine the most likely area where Lindsey’s ring could have rolled and landed…and we were right on target! Five minutes into the dive and the very first signal that sounded off was Lindsey’s lost engagement ring! I swam back to my starting point and stood up and took off my mask and said, “Anyone want to see what I just found?”

How I thank God for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to help Lindsey and Cole!

How can I help you? Call or text me anytime and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost Engagement Ring in the grass, Melbourne, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jessica called me to ask if there was any way to find a lost ring in a small grassy field! Come to find out her husband had put her ring in the pocket of his shorts as they headed out to walk their dog. Jessica went on to explain that two weeks ago they were married in the Florida Keys and afterwards had rented an apartment in Melbourne and would be heading back to Georgia the very next day at 11:00 am. So early the next morning, after I dropped my grandson off at school, I made the 90 minute drive to hopefully find her ring and get it back to them before they had to leave for the airport!

After meeting Jessica and setting out some markers I got to swinging my Garrett AT Max metal detector hoping and praying that her ring was somewhere within the marked of area. Jessica and her husband had spent hours looking the area over and even spent a good part of the night with flashlights trying desperately to catch a glimpse of her lost ring in the sparkling grass. Jessica was not exactly sure what her ring was made of…silver or white gold…but the two different metals sound similar but the numbers are very different. And since she was not able to confirm the type of metal I had to check every shallow target and thank goodness the area had very little trash.

Twenty minutes later I heard a beautiful shallow signal and as I parted the grass with my pinpointer…there was Jessica’s lost engagement ring! I said a silent prayer of thanksgiving as I took in the moment and then sent Jessica a text that said…”Come see what God has just helped me find!”. And what a thrill it was to watch Jessica’s face light up with JOY!

Have you lost a ring or something precious…or know of someone else who has recently lost an item? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…tickled pink to be a member of

Lost ring in Big Sand Lake, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Jason asking if I could help him find his wife’s diamond engagement ring that was thrown into a 10 foot deep canal! Of course I had more than a few questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding her lost ring. Come to find out one of Jason’s sons got a hold of his mom’s ring and, for some strange reason, decided to run outside and give it a toss into the water! After hearing the story of what all happened I decided to take my kayak and check out what I was up against. Turns out the water was exactly 10 feet deep with lily pads on both sides of the canal and at least a foot of silt on the bottom with a whole lot of aquatic weeds of different kinds as well. Jason pointed to the “area” where he was fairly sure the ring landed and I dropped a weight and marker for the following days search.

Scuba was required and I opted to use my Blu3 Nemo Dive system and the hand held Pulse Dive scuba detector combined with a PVC grid layout that measured 6 foot by 10 foot. After clearing a path thru the lily pads I towed my PVC grid out over the target area and let it sink to the bottom. I spent the next two hours scouring the bottom and moving my grid to be sure I was covering, what I thought was the exact spot, where the ring hit the water. And as I was finishing up…Jason’s dear wife came out to see how it was going and she said, “I think it landed more to the right!” So with one last push I switched out my battery, moved my PVC grid and prayed to God that Mrs Jason was correct! I swept my hand held pin pointer all the way around my grid and as I was finishing up I got one last small signal. I grabbed down into the mud trying to feel the object that was causing the detector to beep and finally found a small circular object. At first I thought it might be just a washer or rusty nut but as I cleared the mud away I held it up close to my dive mask and I could just make out a shiny diamond…and not just one diamond but a whole bunch of diamonds! I literally started yelling and hollering…”I found it, I found it, thank you God, thank you God!” Jason and his wife were stunned and so, so thankful to have their ring back…especially since they were moving the next day to California!!

Lost something in the grass, in the sand or in the water and need help?

Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….super blessed to be a member of

How to find a lost ring with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Central Florida Ringfinder…Mike McInroe…Ring recovery Specialist and Metal detecting Service! Call ASAP, Anytime. 321-363-6029

What is the first thing you do when you lose a ring? You mark the exact spot where you lost it or as close as possible, then you contact myself or one of the ring finders in your area!

Ken was working in his yard, doing yard work and cleaning out his swimming pool, and covered quite an area while doing so. When he came into the house and while washing his hands he realized his wedding ring was missing. He told me he has worn his ring for the last 7 years and he was desperately wanting to find it!

When I arrived at his home I was met by Ken and his dear wife and their little son. He showed me around his back yard indicating where he had done certain jobs, like draining the large hose for his pool, picking up debris here and there and where he had worked on his pool filter system. I began by systematically working my way around the yard trying to thoroughly cover each area! Earlier Ken had indicated where he unrolled and rerolled a large flat hose and that grassy area was where Ken’s lost wedding ring was hiding! Ken and his wife were thrilled to have their token of love back on Ken’s finger where it belonged and I was privileged to be involved in that awesome reunion! Again I said a prayer to my heavenly Father for helping me find Ken’s lost wedding ring!

Give me a call or text me ASAP and let me help you find what you have lost!

Mike McInroe….delighted to be a member of

Lost diamond ring in yard, Ormond Beach, Florida…Found!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from a lady in Miami who was anxious about finding someone to help her daughter find a lost ring. The mom went on to explain that her daughter lost her diamond engagement ring in the thick grass and was at the local Walmart looking to buy a cheap metal detector. Somehow the concerned mother had found website and assured her daughter that there was hope of finding her lost diamond ring. A few minutes later I called Brittany and got a few more details about what happened and I assured her that I would pack up my equipment and come ASAP!

An hour later I pulled up in front of her house and could see Brittany walking thru the yard looking for her ring. It had just been raining quite hard and Brittany was afraid that her ring would wash down the ditch and disappear into the storm drain under the driveway. I tried to reassure her that rings dropped in grassy areas very seldom get moved around by rain and being as they are mostly made of gold, which is heavy, plus the opening in the center of the ring and too if there is a diamond sticking out the side….all these variables cause the ring to hang up and they just want to go down deeper into the grass. Brittany also felt very embarrassed about exactly how the ring ended up in the yard and again I assured her it happens all the time and the main objective now was to try and locate her lost ring and get it back on her finger where it has been for the last 8 years!

For these kinds of searches I carry a few inexpensive rings with a small piece of surveyors tape tied to it that I use for a test throw to help me mark the approximate location of where the actual ring may have landed. I encouraged Brittany to remember how she felt and to do exactly what she did the day before. Bless her heart–she even asked me to turn around and not to watch as she went into action. The test ring laded out in the yard some 40 to 45 feet away and I promptly set up my 4 small flags around the spot where the test ring landed and began my grid search. And sure enough not 8 feet away from the test ring I got a reading of 46 on my ATMax metal detector and it showed two inches deep. I pulled my pin pointer out to help locate the object and there it was…a beautiful white gold diamond ring…just waiting to be found! Brittany was so, so happy and I was almost as excited to be the one to find it for her.

May God bless you Brittany and may your marriage and your ring remain strong and in tact!

Lost something and need help? Call ASAP!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a part of

Lost gold ring in grass, Winter Park, Fl….Found and Returned to owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe….Metal Detector Specialist….Call ASAP, Anytime…321-363-6029

Anne was having a very rough week and then she found! With renewed hope she reached out to me and her rather sad story has a very happy ending. Here is the short version in Anne’s own words.

“I had lost my father’s ring a week ago while playing frisbee in my back yard with my dog on Monday, November 9th! I came home from work and it was drizzling a little and I wanted to give my girl some exercise and burn off some of her energy before the rain really set in. I was playing with her and the ring flew off. I think the rain and cooler weather loosened it on my finger and my grass is a nasty combination of St. Augustine, Dollar weed, Bahia and who knows what else. It feels like a spongy carpet.

It was my dad’s ring (he died last November 1st followed 8 months later by my mom on August 10th) and it isn’t fancy or worth a bunch of money but it is gold, has three diamonds (my dad use to refer to it as his “3 Amigos ring”) and means the world to me!

I spent, I can’t tell you how many hours (no joke, at least 30 hours in the last 7 days) on my hands and knees, in the dark with a flashlight, in the rain, with sweat running down my face, tears steaming up my glasses and the heat! I even bought a Bounty Hunter 2200 metal detector…and nothing. I had a friend help as well. I think I needed professional help (maybe in more ways than one…lol!)

I googled “HELP ME FIND MY LOST RING” and found Mike McInroe. I sent him an email which he responded to quickly. He was at my home within an hour and a half. Where it took me over 30 hours in a week, he found my ring within a half hour! I was sooooooo appreciative! I had been extremely upset by the loss. Thank you Mike! Sincerely, Anne-Marie”

Have you, or someone you know, lost something recently and need help to find it? Or maybe you have lost something years ago and have a good idea of the area where it was lost and you would like to have someone look for it.

Call, text or email me ASAP!

Mike McInroe…honored to be a member of

Lost cell phone along highway, Ormond Beach, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

In November of 2017, Jerry was visiting his brother and wife in the Ormond Beach, Florida area and was in a bit of a hurry as he packed up his car to head north for the long drive home. And in his hurry he forgot that he had set his phone on the top of the car! Here is Jerry’s account. “My phone survived a brief thrill ride on top of my car before sliding off onto the shoulder of the road, where it survived a couple of cold and lonely nights before you, Mike, came to the rescue. I tried to hire someone from Craigslist for an “Odd Job” but nobody was interested. The day before I contacted Mike, I asked a local police officer to go out where the signal was still pinging and have a look around. It’s a work phone and they probably wouldn’t have charged me for it but I had some video on there of my daughters last Tae Kwon Do belt test that I didn’t want to lose. Glad I thought of metal detectors and glad I discovered you (and! Thanks again! Jerry O.”
So glad to be able to help you Jerry and thanks for entrusting me with the job of finding your lost cell phone!
Mike McInroe…one of many helpful members of TRFers!

Lost wedding ring, Longwood, Florida…..Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Sunday evening Morgan was on her back porch and threw a ball out the door and into the yard for her dog to fetch. But not all dogs have learned the fine art of fetch and retrieve. As is the case with Morgan’s dog! So Morgan and her young son ran out to help demonstrate the skill of fetching a ball when thrown. They played with the dog for awhile in the yard and then retreated inside to the cool air conditioning. An hour or so passed before Morgan noticed that her diamond engagement ring and her wedding ring were not on her finger, where she has worn them for the last 7 years! A bit of panic set in and she began thinking of where they could be and remembered throwing the ball for her dog and being as she throws with her left hand, it made sense that her rings could very easily have slipped off at that time. And sure enough there in the yard, close to where the ball had landed, she found her diamond engagement ring in the grass. So she continued looking for her wedding ring but could not seem to find it. As she contemplated what to do next, Morgan thought about buying or renting a metal detector and decided to purchase a cheap detector at the local sporting goods store. On her way to the store she remembered seeing web site and thought of giving me a call to see if I could help her. I assured Morgan that there was a very good chance of finding her lost wedding ring and we made arrangements to meet the next day. It was interesting that Morgan thought she had not thrown the ball very hard, maybe 10 to 15 feet, as the ball only landed a short distance from the back door and her diamond engagement ring was found very close. So I searched high and low, in the bushes, under the bushes and rechecked all signals carefully to be sure a large deep signal was not masking her ring…but I could not find it! An hour passed and Morgan’s husband came out to see how I was progressing and he offered to trim two sago palms that were at least 30 feet from the back door. It was an excellent idea, because there at the base of the first prickly sago plant, down in the leaves was Morgan’s beautiful lost wedding ring! It was a tear jerking moment for all of us when we showed Morgan her ring and even her little son kept saying, “Mommy is crying!” And we all assured him those were tears of JOY! Lost your ring? Call, text or e-mail ASAP! Mike McInroe…proud to be a member of The Ring Finders!