metal detecting help Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost engagement ring in the water off of dock, Lake Maitland, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you! If you have lost a ring or something precious to you…do not wait until tomorrow because time will work against you! Call ASAP…call now 321-363-6029!

Lindsey texted me saying she had dropped her engagement ring off of a dock and into 7 feet of water and weeds and asked if there was any way I could help her and her husband! They had been sitting on the dock and enjoying the cool evening breeze and Lindsey said she was kind of fiddling with her 2 rings and all of a sudden they both slipped off and she happened to actually catch her wedding band but her engagement ring fell to the deck and then she heard it hit the water. Her dear husband Cole, spent a total of 6 hours diving and trying desperately to find her ring but to no avail. A search on line led them to one of my stories on web site and after talking with them I agreed to conduct a scuba dive search around the dock. Neither one of them had actually seen where the ring fell into the water so I figured to start right under where they were sitting. My wife and I arrived later that day with all my gear and as I suited up I said a short prayer to God Almighty and asked that He might help me find this special ring and be a blessing to this dear, young, newly wed couple! Normally there are lots of metal targets under docks but here it was super quiet as I swept my XP MI-6 pin pointer through the mud and slowly made my way across the back side of the dock. I had stuck a 10 foot PVC pole down into the water about where we were able to determine the most likely area where Lindsey’s ring could have rolled and landed…and we were right on target! Five minutes into the dive and the very first signal that sounded off was Lindsey’s lost engagement ring! I swam back to my starting point and stood up and took off my mask and said, “Anyone want to see what I just found?”

How I thank God for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to help Lindsey and Cole!

How can I help you? Call or text me anytime and let’s talk!

Mike McInroe…thrilled to be a member of

Lost Gold Wedding Band Found for Family after they Returned with a Metal Detector Expert..Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













IF you need the help of a metal detector expert Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Now  949-500-2136

*** Kyle and His wife live in Costa Mesa. They brought their children to Marina Park in Newport Beach Bay for the afternoon. It’s a popular family beach with no waves and lots of things for younger kids to keep busy playing on swings, etc.

They spent three or four hours there, returning home five mile away. That’s when Kyle realized his ring was missing. He had not been in the water but he had a strong feeling his wedding band had to be at Marina Park which is mostly beach sand. 

He called me saying he knew he can’t find his ring without a metal detector. He could meet me after I finished a my errand. I told him the area he lost the ring was on my way home and I would give him my ETA when I was leaving for the location he believe his ring was hiding. 

Kyle met me while it was still light outside. He showed me a 40’x50’ ft area he had been most the day. I asked him where he might think it would be. He pointed to where he had remembered putting on sunscreen. A few swings of my detector coil ..” Boom” Kyle’s ring in my sand scoop.

His wife went crazy happy celebrating the find. Kyle gave me the big man hug , then his wife did the same. Very emotional and I could tell how important this symbol of their love was to the both of them..

I can answer any questions you have about how to find your lost sentimental item .. I Will Try Anywhere … 949-500-2136

Lost Gold Wedding Ring San Clemente Beach Recovered by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

















Stan the metal Detector Man available to help you ..

call or text  949-500-2136

.. Kyle’s wife, Calli called me for help to find a gold wedding band. Calli and her husband Kyle believed was lost in the dry sand at San Clemente Beach, CA. They could be at the location to meet me just before sunset. It’s a 24 mile drive on the freeway with very little traffic, so the drive was easy.

They were not sure when the ring came off Kyle’s finger. He only realized it was missing when they returned home. I grid searched a 40’ x’40’ area thoroughly and couldn’t find the ring. I could say I was sure there was no ring in the area I had searched. 

After asking a few more questions they told me that Kyle had been surfing that same day, but he was a beginner and had only been in waist deep water. I told them that if the ring was out there, the odds of finding the ring  were not in his favor. I came back the next morning at 6am low tide. After an hour and a half as I was running out of area to search, I got a perfect signal. A couple scoops later I had Kyle’s gold ring in my scoop. He had been walking back and forth in the wet sand hoping to see the ring visually.

I held up the ring and he ran over to verify it was his ring. He immediately called his wife using FaceTime showing her the ring and where we were at the low tide zone. I was careful not to give him false hope because we had to take a chance that this could be where the ring came off his finger. Usually rings lost surfing are lost too far out to be found at low tide. At least at most of our west coast beaches.  I only tried this search because Kyle’s wife convinced me he was a beginner surfer and he wasn’t out with the other surfers.


  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)








Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. 

*** Allen and his friends were at beach front home in Newport Beach, CA. 92660. He was wearing his gold diamond watch with a matching gold diamond ring. These were both very expensive and very sentimental as Allen had been given these to celebrate a special occasion.

Sometime in the late afternoon the white gold diamond ring came off his finger disappearing into the sand. He and his friends searched for it several frustrating hours,  disrupting the party. 

Allen found my contact information after a google search. He was very excited when he called me, asking if I could come right away. It was just four miles from my place but it was late afternoon and with the traffic it took me about a half hour.

I met him on the sand near the patio of the beachfront home. He said he had been shaking his friend’s hand when the ring flew off his finger into the sand. There were beach chairs and longes on the sand. I did a preliminary scan of the sand before moving any of the beach furniture. “Boom” .. the beautiful gold diamond ring in my scoop.

Allen and everyone at the party was excited and relieved that the ring had been recovered. Allen wanted to show me the gold diamond watch that was part of a matching set that was custom made for him. We took a few minutes to do a photo-op. where he want me to take a pic of both the watch and ring. It was a very special search and I was happy to be available to help Allen.

If you lost your ring in the sand, Call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man” available now … Call or Text  .. 949-500-2136

Car Key Fob Lost in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..  949-500-2136“.

I was metal defecting at Corona del Mar State Beach in the city of Newport Beach, CA. When I spotted an area that looked like someone had been searching for a lost item. No body was near, so out of curiosity I ran my detector over the zone. Boom!  I dug up a brand new key fob for a Audi Suv car.

I usually turn car keys into the lifguards as that is the first place people go to see if their keys had been found. It was late, the lifeguard office was closed. I detected in the area for another hour hoping the people would return. Now it was dark so, I decided I would drive up to the street above the beach hoping to see a mobile lock service, AAA helping a keyless car owner.

Just for fun I pushed on the key fob buttons and Bingo, I found the Audi Suv.. I waited about a half hour then decided to leave two notes, with my contact information. ( one inside and one in the windshield )

The next morning I received a call from the owner. He was very grateful. He had a share set of keys but they were 450 miles away in San Francisco, CA.. The dealership told him it would be 3 or 4 weeks before they could get him another set of keys. 

Every thing worked out the way it was suppose to be. What is next?

Don’t wait, call as soon as possible… Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “.

Lost Two Hierloom Wedding Rings at a Malibu, CA. Beach Parking Area.. Found Using a Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)





Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Kallie called asking if I was available to help find two heirloom wedding rings lost at a beach in Malibu, CA.  She and her friend, Thuy had been at the beach earlier in the day. Thuy put her weddings rings in the pocket of her pants, then put the pants in a beach bag.

After returning home the rings we’re not in the pants pocket. She was devastated because the rings had been past down from her husbands great grandmother, irreplaceable. Her friend Kallie called asking if I could meet them tomorrow morning. I told her I would rather meet them at 8pm this evening. Timing is important especially at the beach.

It was dark when we met but that’s usually not a problem. I always have several different lights.

They showed me an area near a lifeguard tower. I began a grid search while they took one of my high powered search lights to check the parking lot. A few minutes later Kallie called me, asking if I could check the spot where they had parked in the dirt. Possibly the rings may have fallen into dirt when she put her pants into the car. 

I pulled off my grid search in the dry sand, walked a half block to where they were waiting. It only took a few minutes to find both rings. Initially they didn’t remember doing anything at the car before leaving for home. It all worked out fine. If we waited till the next morning cars would have been all over the free parking on the shoulder of Pacific Coast Highway.

Very happy ladies and the recovery worked out well.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Don’t wait call now!  Stan ..  949-500-2136

Metal Detecting for a Lost Wedding Ring at Seal Beach, CA . .. Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Frank and his family were at Seal Beach, CA. when he put his platinum wedding ring in the pocket of his beach chair. Last year he had lost the same ring in the surf for over a month and I was able to recover it. That time his wife called me giving me verbal directions. I knew it was a shot in the dark, but it turned out to be a successful search. She didn’t tell him and surprised him by hanging it where he normally put his ring while showering. 

Even though he had had the platinum wedding ring resized, Frank didn’t want to lose the ring in the water again. He put his ring in a pocket of his beach chair for safekeeping. This is such a common story, I knew we had a very good chance to find the ring as he contacted me within an hour of the loss. Our only possible problem could be, he did not realize the ring was missing until they got back to the car. ( a couple hundred yards across the sand). It’s my experience that rings in beach chair cup holders fall out when the chair is picked up or soon after.

This time I went out to the towel line and near a blue tent that Frank had given as a landmark. The tent was still on the beach. After a few grid lines, I got a few great signal in my earphones with a perfect platinum ID reading on my detector screen. A quick dig with my sand scoop revealed Frank’s Tiffany Platinum Wedding Ring.

I called him and he was able to meet me 20 minutes later. It was our first meeting and he told me the story about how his wife had surprised him after losing the ring in the surf last year. Every search is different and it’s always an adventure to search for items lost in so many different scenarios. In a lot of ways, it like gambling. I’ve got to believe the person has a general idea where the ring was lost. I do have a list of texts of people that have found their lost jewelry at a completely different location . It is just part of what we do as ring finders. Also many people do not understand what it takes to be a ring finder.  It’s a special challenge to find a known a known lost object, much different than wondering around a park or beach finding the odd valuable. 

I am retired having many things that keep me busy. I would rather be available to search for sentimental lost keepsakes than do anything else. It was a pleasure to meet Frank and return his wedding ring a second time. 

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me .. Call now !  Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. Email:

Very Small Gold Cross Pendant Lost in Grass.. Santa Monica, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..  949-500-2136

*** Mary was doing her yoga work out on a lawn when her necklace broke. The small gold cross that was a gift from her mother disappeared into the grass. She found my service on line. She immediately called me asking if I was available to yelp her. 

I left right away to meet her in Santa Monica, CA., where she was waiting to show me the location.

She showed me where the incident happened. As we looked into the lawn I caught a glimpse of gold in the grass and pointed, before I could say anything, Mary spotted it at the same time. 

After retrieving the petite gold cross, I checked it with my pinpointer and could not get a decent signal. I know this was so small that a metal detector may not have detected this. So happy that we were able to visually locate this very small gold cross. I believe the time of day and the position the sun helped to make this visible. Mary was was very happy that she waited long enough for this recovery.

Don’t wait, call as soon as possible… Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in the Sand at Monarch Bay Resort, Dana Point, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you lost your ring in the sand call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man” available now … Call or Text  .. 949-500-2136

**** Ann and Doug are from Chicago, IL. They were vacationing in Laguna Beach, CA. he lost his wedding ring.  They were enjoying the day at Monarch Bay Resort. After lunch they went out on the sand to take a walk near the water’s edge. In the middle of the beach Doug picked up a ball to throw it to Ann. His loose fitting gold wedding ring went flying off his finger into the soft dry sand. It disappeared immediately. 

The beach attendants assisted them to search for the ring without any success. Ann and Doug had to leave the area because they had be in San Diego, CA. that evening. As they were driving the 70 miles, Ann found my contact information on line. She called me at 4:30pm as they were driving, telling me they had lost the ring about 2:30pm. She verbally explained what had happened and sent me some photos of the location of the general area of the loss. The internet and cellphones are awesome.

I have been on that beach several other times but this time I could not get through the security gate. Just a little inconvenience, which meant I’d have to walk in about 3/4 of a mile. When I got to the beach and lined up with the landmarks Ann had given me, I found some rake marks on the sand. These had to be where they searched couple hours before. Starting my grid search I covered the whole marked off spot. Now I began a new grid area to the south. On the third 25ft. line got my first signal and only signal. Yes, it was Doug’s gold wedding band, out in the middle of nowhere. 

I contacted them with the good news. We discussed the best way to return the ring as mailing it was not proving to be the best option. They could not be returning to Chicago for several days. After discussing several ideas, I realized how important this ring was to Doug and I volunteered to deliver it to him at their hotel in San Diego. I was free and it wasn’t that much trouble, so I made the drive and met the both of them before 9pm. I do enjoy meeting the people I had the pleasure to help, that’s the bonus for me.  

Another happy day in the life of a Ring Finder and then people we are able to help.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me .. Call now !  Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136

Marriage Proposal on the Beach Goes Wrong.. Engagement Ring Lost in Sand.. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If you lost your ring in the sand call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man ”.. 949-500-2136 

*** Geisia was vacationing in Newport Port Beach, CA. with friends and family. Just before sunset they were all on the beach ready to be present when Matthew surprised Geisia, asking her to marry him. When he opened the ring box to give Geisia the ring, the ring was not there.

Panic set in amongst the group, but Matthew proposed anyway. Afterwards everybody in the group tried their luck at finding the ring in the sand, even though nobody actually saw the ring fall into the sand.

The next morning they spent the morning searching the car and the hotel room, because there was a strong probability it could have been lost before getting to the beach. Then they had to drive back to Sacramento, CA. . Four days after the loss Geisia found me while searching for ideas to find the engagement ring.

She realized that several days had pasted when we talked on the phone. There were several areas where the loss could have occurred but I offered to grid search the location on the beach. At least I could give her closure that the ring was not there.

Even though there were people on beach, I went to the beach before noon to cover part of the area where they walked in. It was close to where I live, so I returned to continue clearing the whole area after sunset. It’s hard to stay positive while doing a search where there so many other places the loss could have happened. I love to have people say, ” I saw it fall off my finger ”.. Even then, there are times when the item can not be found.

Long story, short and to my surprise after two hours I got a little weak signal that is typical for a small 10k white gold ring. ”Boom” Geisia’s diamond white gold engagement ring in the scoop. It came just before giving up on the search, because I had been running out of search space. I was more than 25 yards outside the search area box when the miracle happened.

I called them with the good news. Then the next morning, mailed it to them using next day mail service. She sent me awesome thank you messages and photos of her and all their friends.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136