Metal Detection Tag | The Ring Finders

Platinum Wedding Band Flies Off Guy’s Finger After Barbecue…Found in Essex, Maryland by Ring Finder

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

George’s platinum wedding band of 20 years – found by professional ring finder, Brian Rudolph in Essex, Maryland

A very happy George points at his irreplaceable wedding ring which he was previously worried that he would never see again until THE RING HERO, Brian Rudolph, came to the rescue!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

George threw away some barbecue coals at his mother’s home after a lovely afternoon cookout. While releasing the cold embers from his left hand, George’s platinum wedding band was presumed to have come off of his finger. At some point he looked down and realized the ring was no longer on his hand. George was devastated and began to look everywhere for his missing band.

After spending over 4 hours searching for the special keepsake (metal detecting, raking and weeding the area in question), George had enough. He decided to look online for a better solution to his problem and he finally did find his answer…THE RING FINDERS – an elite international directory of metal detectorists who are skilled in finding lost rings.

George reached out to me and I met up with him the very next morning. I greeted my client and his wife Stephanie who also was really disappointed about the loss of the ring. We also had a very special guest appearance who planned to make it out to this north Baltimore search site to watch “the show” – that celebrity happened to be THE RING FINDER’S CEO, Chris Turner himself! I was honored to have him come out and observe the search and recovery operation. It meant a lot to have Chris’ presence because he was and still is one of my top metal detecting and ring finding heroes! I started watching Chris’ ring finding videos over a half a decade ago!

George showed Chris and I a large patch of dead grass where my client had been searching for his 20 year old wedding band. He was afraid that maybe the ring ended up traveling further down the embankment and into the pond nearby. I decided to start scanning the grass up at the top of the slope and then work my way down the decline. I did this because many clients think the ring had ended up in front of them or off to one side. Yet, in reality, rings might end up coming off the person’s finger and landing somewhere behind the individual. And that is exactly what happened! I found George’s handsome wedding band just a few feet to the right and behind where my client had initially thrown the charcoal!

The couple was so happy to see George’s wedding band back on his finger! I cannot express enough with words just how wonderful it was to help such a nice guy get his ring found and also to successfully recover the ring while THE RING KING himself – Chris Turner, was there to witness the find and the fun reveal! What a special morning that was for all of us!


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Platinum Wedding Band Lost In Yard Clippings Redmond WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Watch this exciting recovery video and like, share and subscribe.

Yesterday a gentleman contacted me asking if I could help him find his lost platinum wedding band. He explained he had been cleaning up some yard clippings in a very small area of his yard and pitching them into a yard waste bin. He shared his wife was upset over this and that he had to figure out a way to get his ring back. After our brief phone conversation we set a schedule to meet up for the search the next morning.

Having been told that he had a full bin full of yard clippings I came prepared with a tarp, and a few tools to help with the work. After he showed me the area on the side of his home where he had been picking up the clippings it looked like a fairly straight forward search site. He was not wearing gloves and it had been a bit colder out. My first plan was to search the area where he had been picking up the yard clippings. He then showed me the full bin of scraps and when doing so I learned that he had recovered his other wedding band from the top of this bin at the same time he lost the ring I was called to search for. With this new knowledge I focused on clearing the bin of yard clippings first. After I processed the yard waste bin with no ring found we knew it had been cleared and continued on.

After working the side yard for a bit of time scanning the ground still with leftover clippings scattered about and still no ring. He had told me that it was a smaller platinum band but I knew it was still enough for my machine to detect. This just meant the ring could be easily hiding out and I would need to be very diligent in my search as not to miss the ring. In the middle of this work area there is two bushes that had been cut down leaving some sturdy stocks about a foot and a half tall like a porcupine. As I kept searching over the flat dirt and not finding his ring my growing concern was that his ring may have dropped down inside either of these two porcupine bushes. Finally I was left with very little options and started poking my pinpointer trough the deep stalks of the cut back bushes. After processing both bushes and almost no more plant to search my pinpointer went crazy! Bingo I had located his ring and he was very appreciative of all the services provided. It was nice to return this wedding ring of fifteen years back to this gentleman’s finger were it belongs.


Jeff Morgan



14k Gold Mens Wedding Band Lost in Backyard Renton WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Justin contacted me asking for some assistance on searching for his lost 14k gold wedding band. Recently he had lost some weight and his wedding band of ten years had become loose on the finger. Earlier in the day he went to Angle Lake Park for a swim with his daughter and nearly lost it. Fortunately he took his ring off and secured it to his key chain for safe keeping. He did have a strong memory of having his ring back on his finger once he returned home. He told me that he spent some time in his back yard and one of the actions he remembered was playing with his cat. He was dancing around the cat a bit and moving his hands about. Based upon the knowledge of the loose fitting ring and this bit of animated play and seeing the thick backyard grass I had a strong suspicion his ring was most likely in the yard.

Justin told me he had been looking through his yard for the past two months and just one week prior to my search he had purchased a basic metal detector. He admitted he didn’t have much success with the machine and this is when he went looking on line for fresh options. Fortunately he stumbled across and the rest is history.

Watch the exciting conclusion of this 14k Gold Mens Wedding Band search.


Jeff Morgan



100 Year Old Family Heirloom Diamond Wedding Ring Recovered Lake Campbell Anacortes WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Watch video link below…

Tyreece called and told me that his fiancé was swimming in Lake Campbell at their neighbors backyard dock. While she was wading in the water her young daughter, also in the water, reached out for her mother’s hand and pulled her precious engagement ring straight off her finger. This rings is a 100 year old white gold diamond family heirloom engagement ring. Fortunately Silver was able to report that she felt the ring being pulled from her finger and bouncing down her leg to the bottom of the lake. She put a dive mask on and swam under water a several times looking around but could see absolutely nothing due to the poor visibility. As so many others can attest it quickly becomes very discouraging to say the least when something so sentimental is lost in the water like this. The fear that it will never be found can be quite overwhelming to many people.

However after a quick Google search the couple did find directory and gave me a call. They reported that that water was not all that deep but the visibility was terrible. I assured them that this is a typical situation for me that I have developed quite a bit of experience searching for rings and small items of value in crappy conditions like this. I reassured them I would bering all my water recovery gear including my full SCUBA kit so we would have every possible opportunity of a successful recovery.

After showing up I was quite surprised to see how much bloom and silt was in the water. Fortunately Silver told me that she found the bottom of the lake to be more of a firm dirt composition apposed to a thick silty mess. This was encouraging to me that her ring would be a bit easier once I acquired it position with my dive detector.

As soon as I noticed how much silt and bloom was in the lake upon my arrival I knew I needed to construct my PVC search grid. Once again it paid dividends keeping me focused on a concise grid search not missing an inch. It was also a big help that Silver realized when her ring was pulled off from her finger and got me directly over the drop zone.

Watch the conclusion of this exciting recovery story and witness Silver’s excitement when she gets her family heirloom engagement ring back!


Jeff Morgan



Seattle Lake Union Lost Phone Recovery

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Natalie had just completed a fun day of Hot Tub boating on Seattle’s Lake Union. When she got back to the boat slip, got out of the hot tub boat her phone fell into the water below the dock. She did a Google search and fond me through my listing on TheRingFinders. I came out the next day and recovered her Google Pixel 3 phone just past 20′ of water. Unfortunately the phone was full of water but she was prepared for this outcome and wanted her phone back for the insurance claim. During the recovery dive an older iPhone with some old bank cards and an ID were found. I am in the process of getting that returned to its owner as well.

Check out the dive recovery here:

Special thanks to for allowing the recovery effort. If you get a chance check them out and tell them the SeattleRingHunter sent you over.


Jeff Morgan


Marilyn’s Lost Diamond Ring Recovered from Lake Marcel WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


Marilyn contacted me to help recover her lost diamond wedding ring. In early June she was on her private dock when her dog jumped up and his paw happened to catcher her ring pulling it off her finger. This ring was customer made and has a clasp to make it easier to take on and off the finger. Apparently so easy a dog can take the ring off with ease. Marilyn remembers precisely where she was standing on the dock and the direction she was facing however she never heard the ring hitting the dock or water. He husband had helped by removing several boards from the dock in the target area and they searched for days. They even got creative by attaching a plastic basket to a long piece of wood and also a kitchen strainer and had been scooping up gobs of silt from the bottom of the lake. At one point they even had a friend with a metal detector attempting to locate the ring.

As a fist step I searched the dock with my metal detector to make certain it simply wasn’t over looked. After that I got low on the dock and searched at arms length thought the water from the opening with no success. At this point having brought all my SCUBA gear I suited up and took the plunge. Being that this was a very shallow search it was partially obstructed by the dock and we sill didn’t have an exact entry point so it make the most since to to use the SCUBA gear. Having a drysuit also made the work more pleasant. The bottom of this man made lake was full of thick silt and having the ability to remain buoyant off the silt was also an advantage. All though some visual search methods can be used most often heavy metal items are covered by the silt or obscured by plant growth so by having a high quality underwater metal detector has prove to be a key component in the recovery of these lost items under water.

See the action unfold here:

With a little work I was able to get over the top of the ring with my metal detector and make the recovery a success. Marilyn was very happy to get her ring back with all of the diamonds still securely attached.. I’m also very happy they found The Ring Finders and we were able to make yet another memorable recovery today.


Jeff Morgan




Lost his Wedding Band in Riverbend Calgary Alberta

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

This guy is one happy husband. While out having a smoke out on the back deck he tossed his  cigarret but into to snow and off went his wedding ring. He went and searched for a long time in the snow and was unable to find the ring. I recieved a call from Clarance in a panic had to find his ring out he would be in the dog house with his wife. He asked me if I could go and find it.He  explained he was at work and couldn’t get away.He told me the area where it might be. I headed ver right away and when I arrived I could see all the foot steps in the snow where he was looking.I started doing a grid and in about ten minutes I found the gold weddding band. I hoped in my car and headed over to his work.He asked if I found it.I held up the ring and asked him does it look like this.He oh way baby that’s it. H e couldn’t thanks me enough. As you can see how happy he was after I returned the ring to him. Good thing or he would have been sleeping out side.

Kevin Niefer Ring Finders Calgary Alberta