I lost my ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Bethesda, Maryland Man Loses Wedding Ring…Found by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Dan’s platinum wedding band that was rescued from the ground by THE RING HERO, Brian Rudolph

Dan’s excitement and relief can be seen as he holds up one of his most special possessions which was found by detectorist Brian Rudolph

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (also known as THE RING HERO) searches  Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses and Vehicles. He Will Find Your Lost Item! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Dan lost his wedding band and he didn’t know where it fell off of his finger. The ring wasn’t even loose and by the time Dan discovered that it was missing, he didn’t know where to start looking for the irreplaceable keepsake.

Dan looked for about an hour around his house and outdoors but unfortunately the ring never turned up. At some point, the sad gentleman looked online to see if there were professionals that search for lost items such as rings. He was so happy to find THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists who specialize in recovering lost items of all kinds (especially rings).

I received a text from the client inquiring about my services. I was happy to discuss details about the disappearance of his beloved wedding band. I asked Dan if he still had the trash from a week ago during the time his ring went missing and he confirmed that he did in fact save the garbage. I encouraged him to first check the trash bag before setting up a time for me to come to his property.

By the time we finished talking on the phone, it was clear that the only areas that I could metal detect would be spaces near the basketball hoop / base, the side yard located behind the hoop, the neighbor’s side yard and the front yard including the bushes.

I arrived at Dan’s house the next day and we immediately reviewed all of the potential areas that I needed to search. His kids were excited to watch THE RING HERO at work.

I metal detected around the basketball hoop, all of the areas on the left side of the property, part of the front and side lawn of the neighbor’s house, the client’s backyard but towards the front portion of the house, as well as the bushes in front of the property. Nothing turned up.

The last place to search was the front lawn. Dan was playing soccer with his son before playing some basketball on one particular day and so it was a slight possibility that the ring could have slipped off somewhere in the grass or in one of the flower beds.

I metal detected in straight lines, back and forth across the property until I came to the area where Dan remembered retrieving the soccer ball at one particular moment during his play time with his son. As I neared the end of the grid lane, my metal detector gave me a very promising signal. It was in the range of a men’s wedding band and it was located above ground or maybe just below the surface.

As it turned out, when I knelt down to the ground to investigate the target signal, there it was, the ring that I had been looking for for the past hour! I could see the platinum halo below the grass line just waiting for me to recover it and return it to its proper owner!

I was so happy for my client! I surprised Dan and his family inside their house just minutes after recovering the ring. He couldn’t believe it! He studied it over and over again and I told him to check the inscription inside which would prove that I found his one and only wedding band! Carolyn (Dan’s wife) was just blown away by my efforts! The children were all excited and couldn’t wait to see where I actually pulled the ring from the ground!

Before I left the property, the family thanked me over and over again for being their RING HERO! It was truly a gratifying experience to rescue something so irreplaceable and so special to this couple – something that would have never been seen or worn again had it not been for my expertise and for my own personal reliance upon my Lord and Messiah…my true Ring Hero!


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Gold Wedding Ring found in Machesney Park Illinois

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)

I received a text message from Jeff asking if I could possibly help find his wife’s wedding ring that had been lost in their backyard about 4 months ago. Of course I agreed, we then set up a day and time that worked best for both of us to do a search. I met Jeff at his house a few days later after we both got off of work. He took me into the backyard and showed me the area that they believed that it was in. So I divided the yard in half, diagonally, and began a grid pattern from their backdoor to a large tree in the corner of the yard. On my 4th past I received a loud repeating 50 VDI signal that was “double tapping” on my DĒUS II. In my experiences, a ring on the surface or close to it will make this “double tapping” sound. I told Jeff, “This might be it right here.” I checked the snow covered grass with my pinpointer, which immediately sounded off! After a little digging with my fingers in the grass, roots, and dirt I could see a shiny circle peeking through! I said, “There it is!” And handed it to Jeff as he came walking over to me.

Another smile for the book!

Priscilla Beach Plymouth MA Engagement/Wedding Band Ring Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 13, 2024

An enjoyable day on the soft sand, in bright sunlight shining down turned into a day of despair and anguish over a missing ring. Victoria’s sister bought a detector to help locate the missing ring. A day of searching yielded nothing but a bit of trash. Victoria (Vicky) had a great bit more luck – she found a link to TheRingFinders.com which led to a call for help that I received. An enlightening and enjoyable conversation and a meeting for the next day was set-up.

I arrived about 5 minutes early and was greeted by the property owner. All was all set and I now had the area to search. From the rear porch steps, across some lawn, down a short set of steps and more lawn nothing alerted my detector. Next was a long set of stairs which had thickly covered land on either side. The blooming vegetation would be impossible to detect in, I said a quick prayer that the ring was not lost while Vicky was ascending the stairs, but rather it was indeed on the sandy beach.

At the bottom of the stairs and now on soft white sand I began to search again. At the end of my first pass next to the vegetation I turned to start a second pass. Two swings later and there it was, the sound from my headphones, that said “Here it is, dig!” One shallow scoop into the sand a quick shake and three small rock obscured my view of the ring. I pull the rocks out and was amazed at the beautiful ring that I had just found. OH NO…Vicky and Ginna were about half way down the stairs. The ring went into my pocket, we greeted each other and then I reached out to shake Vicky’s hand again. This time I had her ring in my hand, a surprised look and then the swelling of eyes and emotional disbelief over came the calmness that she had just a few seconds before.

As usual, pictures and stories about the ring and previous day’s search with Ginna’s new metal detector.

This lead to a few minute of instructions on how to use the detector and how to understand what the display could tell the operator. A couple of rings, a coin and a piece of iron were “detected”. Now I assured them had they waved the coil over the ring and understood the tone and display, she would have found the ring. And in the future she will be able to locate more desirable objects with less or no time “wasted” digging parts of lobster traps 10 inches down in the sand.

This return was another wonderful experience for me, not only because of the find and return, but that I think I have peaked the interest in metal detecting and what it has to offer for two wonderful sisters. I also learned just how much the ring meant to Vicky and her husband as he had designed the ring as an engagement ring and then had two more rings added to the engagement ring to transform it into the one beautiful wedding ring.

I just love my hobby, especially with times like I had today. Thanks for letting me help.

Sandwich, MA – Lost Wedding Band Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 11, 2024

It is the time of the year that lawns need attention, thatching, weeding, seeding, edging etc. As in the case of Ted he had to repair some thin spots in his yard that winter had taken its toll on. Ted had all the right tools and products to bring his yard back to its summer time beauty. The day’s chore was just about complete except for the clean up. The last item to be put away was Ted’s gloves. Off they came and as well, his wedding band.

Hours of searching, retracing his steps, nothing Ted did could find his ring. That was until he reached out for help from TheRingFinders. A few texts and a date and time were exchanged for a search. As the plans were set I reached out to my detecting partner Leighton and all was set. We met at Ted’s home and got the low down on specifics of were he had been working on his yard. The main areas were in the rear and one side of the house.

I chose to start on the rear grassy area and Leighton went to the area around the tool shed. Forty-five minutes had passed and I had only one possible signal, but my detector told me it was too deep to be the ring. Right on, but I just had to see what the target was. As it turned out it was an electrical connector of some type that even Google View has not been able to identify correctly.

I had covered the the rear grassy area twice and then headed to the side yard, mainly a mulch covered area. On my third pass the sweet sound of gold rang in my ears. Looking down I saw the ring, sitting on top of the mulch, no digging needed.

I called Ted over and asked him to pick up the, now located, ring. Joy and happiness was evident. It is such a rewarding feeling to help someone out of a nerve racking time. A bit of talk and and many thanks made for another entry to TheRingFinders’ Book of Smiles.


Lost Wedding Band in Grant, Alabama…FOUND by Huntsville Ring Finder!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday (May 30th, 2024), I received a call from Chase stating he lost his tungsten wedding band on Monday, which was his 2-year wedding anniversary.  He had taken the ring off and put it in his pocket while doing the dishes.  Afterwards, he put 2 sets of keys in his pocket and went outside.  He took out one set of keys in front of his RV, and then took out the other set in-front of his car.  He later remembered the ring in his pocket, but it was gone.  We were both available on Sunday, so we planned a search for that morning.

I met Chase and his wife, Lindsey, at their home in Grant, Alabama around 9am on Sunday, June 2nd.  I had Chase show me where he was standing when he took out both sets of keys.  Not a huge area, but enough grass to easily hide a heavy tungsten ring.  I started searching at the first spot in front of the RV.  I didn’t receive any good ring like targets, so I moved to the second spot.  Soon after, I had a nice repeatable ring tone and could just barely see Chase’s wedding band!  I called Chase and Lindsey over to see if they could spot it, but it was hard to see amongst the grass.  Needless to say, Chase was very happy to have his wedding ring back!

We took some photos and chatted for a few minutes before my drive back to Huntsville.  Really nice meeting these folks and always happy to help!  I thank God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the successful recovery and safe travels.  Until the next adventure… please take care and God bless!

Argument Between Couple Sends Rings Flying into Backyard…Found by Ring Finder in Springfield, Virginia

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Lisa’s platinum diamond engagement ring and platinum diamond wedding band recovered by The Ring Finder’s member, Brian Rudolph, after the couple’s terrible fight.

A very happy ring finder, Brian Rudolph displaying both diamond rings that were found in the back yard of the couple’s house after the husband threw his wife’s rings during a domestic argument.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Moses called me with frustration and sadness in his voice. He and his wife Lisa ended up in a fight. Lisa took off her beautiful rings and slammed them down on the table. The two rings were Lisa’s platinum engagement ring (which consisted of multiple diamonds down both sides of the band and a halo of diamonds surrounding a 1 carat cushion shaped diamond in the center) and also Lisa’s platinum wedding band (which consisted of multiple diamonds decorated down the lovely ornate style band).

Moses was so angry when Lisa took her rings off while she declared that they were finished, that he grabbed the jewelry, opened up their sliding door and threw both rings out towards the back of their house.

When things cooled down, Moses bought a metal detector that he called “a Chinese detector” and searched for the two rings for hours in the back yard. Unfortunately, the distraught young man could not find his wife’s rings anywhere. That’s when Moses went online and discovered the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. He found my contact profile and immediately reached out to me. I got all of the details of the story and we scheduled a time for me to come out to conduct the search for the two missing rings.

When I arrived at the property, Moses had already left for work and I introduced myself to Lisa. I made her feel comfortable and shared that this is a very common situation that us ring finders deal with on a regular basis regarding couples that get into fights and in the end the rings go flying.

I gathered up all of my gear, placed everything on a wagon and set up my search camp in the back yard. Moses did not know if the rings ended up in the neighbor’s yard behind his property. There was metal fencing which would end up being a problematic situation for me to metal detect along that area. So, I was hoping that the precious jewels came to rest someplace away from the border of my client’s property.

The first thing I did was lay down grid lines across the lawn, starting two thirds distance away from the house (approximately 50 feet from the back of the house). Just as I was walking to my first spot to begin detecting, my detector (which I was carrying with me, almost brushing the coil (the loop at the bottom of the shaft) softly across the grass as I moved into position on the hill slope) picked up a signal which I could hear in my headphones that I was wearing. Even though I was in the middle of the grid lane that I would eventually travel pass, I decided to stop, back up, and investigate the curious signal that my machine alerted me to.

I swung my coil a few times over the area where I heard the tone and to my greatest surprise…there it was…I found the first ring! It was Lisa’s gorgeous diamond engagement ring! I couldn’t believe it! I discovered one of the two rings completely by accident! What were the odds of that?! Earlier, I prayed to the Lord before beginning the search and my “Heavenly Hero” was already once again helping me to become, yet again, a ring hero for my clients! I was thrilled!

Within another minute or so, I found the wedding band not more than a few feet from where I found the other ring! The entire search was over within about 5 minutes! I could not have been happier and even more so for my two clients!

It was a special moment for me to safely return both sentimental rings to their proper owner. Lisa was most grateful and extremely impressed with how fast I was able to recover her treasures. I had to be completely honest with her in explaining that I had to give all glory and credit to God above for helping me stumble across the first diamond ring which quickly led me to find the second one!

Before leaving, Lisa allowed me to say a prayer for she and her husband. I then packed up my gear, headed back to my car, and drove away with a tremendous feeling of joy in my heart knowing how I was able to help bring that tumultuous and trial-filled chapter for that couple finally to an end.


To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device, go to the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING HERO, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE “BELL” to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view! 








Lost Platinum Wedding Ring… FOUND near Pell City, Alabama!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On a beautiful Sunday morning (April 7th, 2024), I was sitting on my outdoor patio rocking chair, enjoying a cup of iced coffee, watching birds eating at my feeder and two Bluebirds tending to their birdhouse.  A few minutes into my cup, I received a call from Emily stating she had lost her wedding ring.  She had been in a car accident a few days prior near Pell City, Alabama.  Thankfully, everyone in the accident was okay.

After the accident, Emily was standing near the wood line close to a gravel pull off point near the road.  She had a flat tire and was upset about the whole situation.  She lit up a cigarette and angrily threw the cigarette pack towards the woods.  She felt her custom-made platinum wedding ring with multiple diamonds and her son’s birthstone fly off her finger.  She had recently lost some weight, so the ring was loose fitting, but she hadn’t gotten it resized yet.  Emily and her family looked for hours, raking the pine straw and even buying a metal detector, but unfortunately, didn’t find the ring.  This was the ring Emily always dreamed about, constantly sharing photos with her mom, planning it for years.  Emily was absolutely devastated that the ring was now gone.  The sentimental value was beyond words.

Emily’s mom went on Google looking for ideas on how to find a lost ring.  She came across The Ring Finders website.  They (along with many others) were unaware that this metal detecting service even existed.  Emily’s call to me had given her some renewed hope.  I had an errand to run after lunch, but I told Emily I would be on the road as soon as I finished.  Pell City was about a 2-hour drive from where I live at in Huntsville, AL.

I met Emily and her boyfriend of 17 years at a nearby Love’s Travel Stop in Pell City around 4:30pm.  I followed them for about 10 minutes to the spot of the throw.  Emily’s mom and father stopped by shortly after we did to watch the recovery.

I had Emily show me where she was standing and demonstrate exactly how she threw the cigarette pack.  It was a sideways toss with her left hand.  I had her throw one of my test rings and it went straight out near where the cigarette pack had landed.  I put on my detecting belt, grabbed my Minelab Equinox 900, and started my search.  I spent about 40 minutes checking the main radius of where the ring should’ve landed.  I expanded out further, but came up empty handed other than the usual trash metal.

I asked Emily again about the angle of her throw.  Her boyfriend had seen her throw the cigarette pack, and mentioned she had a downswing at the end.  I know that rings can land at a person’s feet or even go behind them, so I expanded the search in that direction.  The search area was now on the gravel road of the pull off point.  I was still detecting and visually inspecting the gravel area.  I was making my way towards the left side, when my eye caught a glimpse of a large and gorgeous platinum ring laying amongst the gravel.  I quickly spun around facing Emily and her mom; with a huge smile on my face, and said, “we got it!!!”  They almost couldn’t believe it, lol.  Emily and her mom both ran over and gave me the biggest hugs, thank you’s, and praised the Lord.  The excitement, celebration, and relief were again, beyond words.  Truly, one of the greatest feelings.

The ring was slightly bent and had some scuff marks on the band, so it had been driven over.  But fortunately, all the stones were still there.  There was one diamond that was loose, so I gave Emily a baggie to keep it in until it could be repaired.  Everyone couldn’t believe how far this ring actually flew and the odd direction it went.  The last picture I included shows a dot where Emily was standing when she threw the pack and an “X” where the ring landed.

We chatted for a few minutes, took some pictures, and I was back on the road to go grab a bite to eat and then head home to Huntsville.

This ring is my 50th item recovered since I joined The Ring Finders on August 25th, 2018.  It’s been such a blessing helping others and it really provides me so much purpose in life.  I give all glory to God and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  And a big thank you to my husband, Lindell, for allowing me to go on all of these fun and exciting adventures, lol.  I look forward to going on many, many more.

Until the next one… please take care, God bless, and I love you all!

Ring found under the snow in the Kansas City Metro Area

  • from Saint Joseph (Missouri, United States)

I got a text from David and Kaylee about his wedding ring that was lost in the snow. Their mailbox is down at the bottom of a snow covered 45 deg. incline that’s about 20 long. He slipped coming up the snow covered hill after getting the mail and  put his hand in the snow to catch himself, the ring vanished.

After a few minutes of finding metallic trash (nails, pull tabs, etc.), I scanned a snow covered area with my Minelab 900 and a 75 popped up on the display. After moving some snow out of the way, I spotted the tantalum wedding band.

Platinum Wedding Band Lost a Second Time… FOUND Again by Christina McCree in Hoover, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday evening (December 21st, 2023), I received a text message from LeeAlice stating her husband, Jamie, had lost his platinum wedding band again and asked if I could help find it again.  I said absolutely!  This was actually my first repeat client.  Jamie had lost his wedding band over a year ago near the water spigot at their old house in Homewood, Alabama.  This time he lost it while laying mulch and bagging leaves at their new house in Hoover, AL.  I scheduled Jamie’s ring search for the following afternoon.  Coincidentally, I was heading to the Birmingham area in the morning for a different ring search, so this worked perfectly!

I met Jamie Friday afternoon after I finished up the first ring search in Irondale, AL.  Unfortunately, that was a no find, but we’re praying that the ring turns up somewhere in their house.  Jamie showed me everything that he was doing a few days prior.  Raking and bagging leaves, and then laying/throwing down mulch in the flower beds.  I felt like the throwing motion would be the most likely cause for his platinum wedding band to slip off, so I decided to start my search there.  I got out my Minelab Equinox 900 and got to work.

I covered the mulch on the right side of the house, but only had two signals from the extension cord power supply for their Christmas lights.  I then moved to the mulch on the left side of the house.  I received a good signal in front of their two cats (Quail and Cotton) that were sitting on the porch.  I took out my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT and scanned for the target.  About 2-3 inches deep in the freshly laid mulch was Jamie’s platinum ring staring back up at me!  I think that Quail and Cotton knew that dad’s ring was there the whole time lol 😊

Both LeeAlice and Jamie were in the house at the time, so I took a picture of Jamie’s ring laying on my hand with the cats in the backdrop.  They both ran out of the house and were so relieved and excited that Jamie’s ring was found, again!  We took some photos, chatted for a bit, and then I was back on the road to Huntsville.  I praise God and thank Him for another successful ring recovery and safe trip to and from Birmingham.

I had another successful search for Amy’s (friend of LeeAlice) lost wedding band the following Wednesday, blog post coming shortly…

Retirement Ring Lost While Smashing Pumpkins… FOUND in Brentwood, Tennessee!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday afternoon, December 7th, 2023, I received a call from Joe stating he had lost his large 14K yellow gold and diamond retirement ring he had custom designed 14 years ago.  The ring has an intricate design of a prized elk Joe had gotten while on a hunting trip in Canada.  The ring is one of a kind and very sentimental.  Joe thought it came off while he was smashing and throwing pumpkins out in his backyard to feed deer.  Joe lives in Brentwood, Tennessee, which is about an hour and a half drive from where I live in Huntsville, Alabama.  I don’t mind driving and actually enjoy making these trips, but the search would have to wait until Saturday since I had to work at my regular day job on Friday.  I told Joe that the ring wouldn’t go anywhere since it was on his private property.

I made the drive to Brentwood, TN early Saturday morning.  We had the threat of severe weather in the afternoon, so I wanted to beat the storms.  Before my trip, I prayed for safe travels, good weather, and a successful ring recovery.  I met Joe and his wife, Lesly, at their home around 8:30 AM.  Joe and I walked out to his backyard.  He showed me how he would smash small to medium sized pumpkins by throwing them very hard at tree roots on the ground to break up the pumpkins, and then throw the pieces in the woods/field for the deer to eat.  He didn’t feel or see the ring come off, but thought this would be the most likely chance when it did.  I had Joe re-enact the throws with the test ring I brought.  Both Joe and I thought the ring came off on the smashing action, so I started in that area.

I had my Minelab Equinox 900 with the 15-inch coil for this search due to the large area to cover.  I started my grid search and was pleasantly surprised at how quiet the ground was (little to no trash).  This would help speed up the search.  Joe hung around for a few minutes to see how it was going, but then headed off to wash his truck.

There were a few good sounding shallow signals that I checked along the way, but no ring so far.  About 20 minutes into the search and I had a loud tone.  I swung my metal detector to the side and saw that beautiful gold rim gleaming back up at me.  It was Joe’s ring!!!  I took off my gloves, powered off my detector and set it on the ground.  I didn’t touch the ring, because I wanted Joe to see how it looked—just slightly covered with a leaf.

I turned around and saw that Joe was busy washing his truck.  Lesly was on the porch watching me.  I gave her a big smile and two thumbs up.  She yelled, “you found it!?”  I said, “got it!”  Joe heard this and just about lost his mind (in a good way lol).  He ran over and gave me the biggest hug, thanked me profusely, and told me he loved me lol!  It’s really hard to put into words the reaction us Ring Finders get when we find and return someone’s very sentimental ring or item.  I can say that it’s one of the best feelings in the world and truly feels like my purpose in life.  I give all glory to God and thank Him for all these amazing adventures I get to go on and the people I get to meet.

Joe and I took some pictures and headed in the house.  I talked with Joe and Lesly for over an hour.  I really enjoyed our conversation and thank them for their hospitality.  We said our goodbyes and I was on my way back to Huntsville.  Looking forward to the next adventure…