how to find a lost wedding band Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Band in Grant, Alabama…FOUND by Huntsville Ring Finder!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday (May 30th, 2024), I received a call from Chase stating he lost his tungsten wedding band on Monday, which was his 2-year wedding anniversary.  He had taken the ring off and put it in his pocket while doing the dishes.  Afterwards, he put 2 sets of keys in his pocket and went outside.  He took out one set of keys in front of his RV, and then took out the other set in-front of his car.  He later remembered the ring in his pocket, but it was gone.  We were both available on Sunday, so we planned a search for that morning.

I met Chase and his wife, Lindsey, at their home in Grant, Alabama around 9am on Sunday, June 2nd.  I had Chase show me where he was standing when he took out both sets of keys.  Not a huge area, but enough grass to easily hide a heavy tungsten ring.  I started searching at the first spot in front of the RV.  I didn’t receive any good ring like targets, so I moved to the second spot.  Soon after, I had a nice repeatable ring tone and could just barely see Chase’s wedding band!  I called Chase and Lindsey over to see if they could spot it, but it was hard to see amongst the grass.  Needless to say, Chase was very happy to have his wedding ring back!

We took some photos and chatted for a few minutes before my drive back to Huntsville.  Really nice meeting these folks and always happy to help!  I thank God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the successful recovery and safe travels.  Until the next adventure… please take care and God bless!

Gold Wedding Band Lost a Second Time…FOUND AGAIN by Christina McCree in Huntsville, Alabama!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Saturday morning (February 24th, 2024), I received a call from Susan stating her husband, George, had done it again!  George lost his gold wedding band a second time while working in the mulch beds.  George is now my second repeat client.  He had lost his ring in March 2023 doing the same thing and had used my metal detecting service to find it.  Susan told George that she thought they could find it, but George said no, we’re calling Christina, lol.  Thanks for trusting my service!  I was free the rest of the day, so I got ready, grabbed my gear, and headed out to meet George at his home in Huntsville, Alabama.

I met George about an hour and a half after Susan’s call.  He showed me the area he had been working in that morning.  He said he didn’t think it was cold enough for his ring to slip off, but then said he guessed he was wrong.  The area was pretty small, and George knew he had the ring on when he started.  I had my notes from the last time I found George’s ring.  It was a 25 on the Nox 900, so I knew exactly what I was looking for.  I got out my Minelab Equinox 900 and started my search.  About 2 minutes in, I had a shallow 25 beeping on my metal detector.  I told George, “I think we have it!”  I bent down, moved a piece of shrubbery, and there was George’s gold wedding band!  Thank you, Lord God!!!

George was so thankful to have it back!  I told him that I enjoy seeing him, but hopefully there won’t be a third time under these circumstances, lol.  We took some photos, and I was on my way home.  This actually might’ve been my quickest recovery.  I think it was under 2 minutes.  It definitely makes up for the longer, tougher searches.  Looking forward to the next adventure…

Wedding Band Lost While Walking the Dog… FOUND with Metal Detecting Service in Homewood, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Tuesday evening (December 26th, 2023), I received a text message from Amy stating she had gotten my contact info from LeeAlice (I had just found her husband’s wedding band the prior Friday).  Amy had lost her wedding band and wanted to arrange a phone call to talk about my ring finding service.  I was at dinner, but told her I would call as soon as I was done.

Amy explained that about 4 days prior her hands began swelling, so she took off her engagement ring and wedding band and put them in her pants pocket.  The next morning, Amy took her dog for a walk around her neighborhood in Homewood, Alabama.  During the walk, Amy was talking on her cell phone and reached in her pocket.  She felt the rings in there and took them out.  Amy briefly looked at them and then put them back in her pocket.  When she got back to her house, she went to put the rings on, but the wedding band was gone.  Amy went back out to where she took the rings out of her pocket and tried raking the leaves near the street to find the band, but had no luck.  I had the whole week off from work, so I told Amy that I could be out first thing in the morning for a search.

I made the 1 hour and 45-minute drive to Birmingham and met Amy around 9 AM on Wednesday morning.  I grabbed my detecting gear, and we walked out to the first spot Amy wanted me to search.  There were a few trash pieces among the leaves, but no ring.  We then walked to the next spot, which was an alleyway between the neighborhood streets.  I covered the entire right side of the alley.  This was the side Amy walked her dog on.  There was more trash in this area, but again, no ring.  I then started searching the leaves on the opposite side in case the ring rolled over there.  About half-way down the alley, I spotted Amy’s wedding band laying in plain sight on the asphalt (it had now been there for 6 days)!  I pointed at it with my orange Garrett “Carrot” Pro-Pointer AT.  Amy caught a glimpse and was so happy and relieved to have her ring back!  Amy gave me a big hug and thank you.  She told me that she was actually going to have me head back after I searched the first side.  I always like expanding my search area and make sure I rule out all possibilities.

We took some pictures and headed back to Amy’s house.  We chatted for a few minutes and then I was back on my way to Huntsville.  I thank God for another safe trip to Birmingham and back.  I also thank Him for directing me to Amy’s ring and give Him all the glory!  I wonder what the next adventure will bring…

Platinum Wedding Band Lost a Second Time… FOUND Again by Christina McCree in Hoover, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Thursday evening (December 21st, 2023), I received a text message from LeeAlice stating her husband, Jamie, had lost his platinum wedding band again and asked if I could help find it again.  I said absolutely!  This was actually my first repeat client.  Jamie had lost his wedding band over a year ago near the water spigot at their old house in Homewood, Alabama.  This time he lost it while laying mulch and bagging leaves at their new house in Hoover, AL.  I scheduled Jamie’s ring search for the following afternoon.  Coincidentally, I was heading to the Birmingham area in the morning for a different ring search, so this worked perfectly!

I met Jamie Friday afternoon after I finished up the first ring search in Irondale, AL.  Unfortunately, that was a no find, but we’re praying that the ring turns up somewhere in their house.  Jamie showed me everything that he was doing a few days prior.  Raking and bagging leaves, and then laying/throwing down mulch in the flower beds.  I felt like the throwing motion would be the most likely cause for his platinum wedding band to slip off, so I decided to start my search there.  I got out my Minelab Equinox 900 and got to work.

I covered the mulch on the right side of the house, but only had two signals from the extension cord power supply for their Christmas lights.  I then moved to the mulch on the left side of the house.  I received a good signal in front of their two cats (Quail and Cotton) that were sitting on the porch.  I took out my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT and scanned for the target.  About 2-3 inches deep in the freshly laid mulch was Jamie’s platinum ring staring back up at me!  I think that Quail and Cotton knew that dad’s ring was there the whole time lol 😊

Both LeeAlice and Jamie were in the house at the time, so I took a picture of Jamie’s ring laying on my hand with the cats in the backdrop.  They both ran out of the house and were so relieved and excited that Jamie’s ring was found, again!  We took some photos, chatted for a bit, and then I was back on the road to Huntsville.  I praise God and thank Him for another successful ring recovery and safe trip to and from Birmingham.

I had another successful search for Amy’s (friend of LeeAlice) lost wedding band the following Wednesday, blog post coming shortly…

Men’s Tungsten Wedding Band Lost in the Driveway…FOUND Bessemer, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

On Tuesday afternoon (January 18th, 2022), I was driving on I-65 north traveling home to Huntsville, Alabama.  I had just finished a nice long weekend getaway at Panama City Beach, Florida.  I was visiting my parents at a condo they were renting and went metal detecting with my dad.

I was towards the end of my 6-hour trip back and had just passed the Birmingham area when I received a text message from Daniel.  I had my car read the message and discovered that Daniel had lost his Tungsten wedding band somewhere in his gravel driveway in Bessemer, AL.  Perfect timing!  I was literally 40 minutes from his location and had all of my metal detecting gear in my car.  Had I been in Huntsville, it would’ve added an extra hour to my travel time.  I immediately called Daniel, told him where I was, and asked if I could reroute to his location.  He said absolutely!  I got off at the next exit, back on I-65 (but now in the southbound lane), and was on my way to Bessemer!

I met Daniel at the end of his driveway.  I didn’t want to pull in too far depending on where he lost his wedding band.  Daniel had been working outside all morning.  He explained that his driveway floods a lot and he was adding gravel to stop some of the flow until a permanent fix could be put in.  He also cut up a tree.  He wore gloves the entire time and knew he had his ring on, because he felt it vibrating on his finger when he was running the chainsaw.  After finishing up that work, he took off his gloves while sitting in his truck.  He got out and soon after noticed that his wedding band was missing.  Daniel also mentioned that he recently lost a lot of weight, and the ring was fitting very loose.  Plus, it was cold outside and his hands were wet, so perfect scenario for a ring to slid off.

I started searching where Daniel was laying the gravel in his driveway.  I found a penny and some junk metal.  There were a couple of iffy signals in about 6-12 inches of water.  If necessary, I was going to come back at the very end of the search and check those targets with my sand scoop.  I moved to the next location where Daniel was cutting up the tree.  No ring.  I then asked to search Daniel’s gloves and truck, because taking off the gloves would’ve been the most likely time that his ring would’ve come off.  Still no ring.

I asked Daniel where he was parked when he took his gloves off and got out of his truck.  I thought his wedding band might have landed in his lap and then rolled onto the ground when he got out.  I started searching that area.  I checked one signal with my pinpointer, but the target was beneath the surface.  As I was standing up, I caught a glimpse of his silver Tungsten ring just a few inches away!  I think I uncovered it when I swung my coil and knocked away some wet grass and leaves.  I told Daniel that I had just spotted it.  He caught a glimpse as well and was overcome with joy and relief!  He was also very thankful for my assistance and quick response time.  I have to say that these recoveries never get old, and they are the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done!

Daniel showed me a video of how bad his driveway floods.  Based on that video, his ring could’ve easily washed away if it wasn’t found that day, making for an extremely difficult recovery.  But I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  God is so good!  I thank and praise Him for another successful ring recovery and safe trip home!  I’m always happy to help and very blessed to be a member of The Ring Finders!  Looking forward to the next adventure…

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.

Missing…Men’s White and Yellow Gold Wedding Band…Found in Lake Tuscaloosa, Alabama!

  • from Huntsville (Alabama, United States)

Christina McCree – Ring Finder for North Alabama and surrounding areas…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

I received a phone call from Devin on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 stating that he lost his white and yellow gold wedding band the day prior.  He had taken the ring off and put it in the pocket of his swim trunks while applying sunscreen.  Devin forgot about it and went swimming in Lake Tuscaloosa with his kids.  He didn’t remember that the ring was in his pocket until after he was back in the lake house.  Unfortunately, the wedding band was no longer in the pocket.  Devin searched in the house and his path from the lake, but no ring.  My next day off from work was on Saturday, so we arranged for a search that day.  Lake Tuscaloosa is about a 2.5 hour drive one-way from me, but I definitely don’t mind traveling to help someone find their lost item.

On a very warm and beautiful September Saturday morning, my husband (Lindell), our nephew (Sean), and I headed on our way to Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the ring search.  We arrived just before noon and met up with Devin and his wife, Sarah.  I had Devin and Sarah show us exactly where Devin was in the lake and how far out he went.  Devin thought that the area he was in ranged from about 3-6 feet deep and was a fairly large area.  The water actually stayed shallow for a long way out.  Devin said that there was a sandbar feature where he went upside down under the water playing around trying to scare his kids.  We thought that this was the most likely spot that the wedding band fell out of his pocket.  I began my grid search there.

I had my Blu3 Nemo dive system and Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector with the 15 inch coil.  I made it out to the sandbar feature and began grid searching, slowly working my way in towards the shoreline.  It was only about 3-4 feet deep there.  Thankfully, there weren’t a lot of signals out there.  On about my fourth gridline, I received a shallow and loud 14 on the Nox.  I knew that this was more than likely Devin’s ring.  Diving down with the Nemo, I fanned away some sand and caught a glimpse of a ring.  There it was—Devin’s missing white and yellow gold wedding band!!!  What an amazing sight!

I surfaced and immediately yelled out the good news.  As I was making my way back to the shoreline, everyone began coming down from the lake house for the big reveal.  I presented Devin’s missing wedding band to Devin and Sarah.  Such joy, happiness, and relief!  It’s really such a blessing being able to help others.

A couple of important notes.  Devin and his family are actually from Louisiana.  They were staying at this lake house for safety while Hurricane Ida was making landfall near their home in Louisiana.  Devin and Sarah will be celebrating their 8-year wedding anniversary next month.  Their wedding rings were custom made with yellow gold from Sarah’s parent’s rings.  Their rings have an intertwined design on the outside of the band to symbolize how Devin and Sarah met.  Sentimental and irreplaceable!  I’m so happy that this wedding band will be going back with Devin and Sarah to Louisiana instead of being lost forever.  Its story now gets to continue on…

I give all glory to God and thank Him for another successful ring recovery.  I pray that I can continue helping others for many years to come.  Proud to be a member of The Ring Finders!

If you or someone you know has lost a ring, jewelry, or other metal item, please contact a member of The Ring Finders.