how to find a lost ring Rhode Island Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Cartier Diamond Love Bracelet Found in South Kingstown Rhode Island

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call for help from Jen, after she lost her diamond Cartier bracelet somewhere on her 10-acre farm.  I told Jen that I would be happy to search for her bracelet the next day, which happened to be St. Patrick’s Day.  My wife accompanied me on the search.  Jen thought she may have lost it while she was feeding the farm animals.  My search included the outside pens and inside stalls of the horses, goats, and chickens but no bracelet was found.  After I confirmed that she had cleaned the animal stalls recently,  Jen directed me to an area at the far end of the property where wood chips and animal waste are dumped.  I searched this area and located half of the two-piece bracelet.   The second half could not be found in this same area.  I believed that it would probably be the areas where the animals are kept or where the hay and feed are stored.  I reminded my wife to keep an eye on the ground as it could be sitting there in plain sight.  Jen and I went to the pod where she keeps hay for the animals and went inside to search inside the storage container.  That’s when my wife looked down and found the other half of the bracelet sitting on top of  the ground in plain sight right outside the pod.  My wife and I were so excited and amazed that both halves of the bracelet were found and in different locations on this large property.  Jen was thrilled to have her bracelet back!  It was a very happy and lucky St. Patrick’s Day all around!


Wedding Ring found in Cranston, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On February 8, 2015, I received a call from Steve regarding his lost wedding ring.  He explained that he had lost the ring while cleaning out the gutters and shoveling at his home.  Steve searched desperately for hours and even borrowed a metal detector from a family member, but he had no luck.  He decided to consult the internet to see if there was anyone who could help him.  Steve located me on The Ring Finders website, noting that I had recently found a military school ring in the snow.  He contacted me during a snowstorm to see if I could help.  I decided to go to his home immediately for fear that the new snow would only make the search more difficult.  I located Steve’s wedding ring in fifteen minutes under a few inches of snow.  Steve, and his wife, were amazed and very happy to have the ring back.

SteveSteve's Ring

Military School Ring Found in Saunderstown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On January 30th, I received a call from Christina of Saunderstown. Her son, James, recently got home from deployment in the armed forces.  While playing with their dogs in the yard, James lost his military school ring in the snow.  James was very upset about losing the ring.  After searching for hours and even trying his luck with a rented metal detector, he could not find the ring.  Christina got my contact information from The Ring Finders website and called me.  I went to their home that same evening, even though it was already dark.  After over an hour of searching, I located the ring buried under a few inches of snow.  In his note of thanks, James wrote: “When I first lost the ring I thought it was forever lost. There are very few people who go out of their way to help others but you changed your daily routine and came down to help on the same day. I can’t thank you enough for your help and your professionalism throughout this process of finding my ring.”

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Wedding Ring Found in Johnston, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Saturday, Jason lost his diamond wedding band while doing yard work.  Family and friends helped to search the yard.  Someone even tried to find it with a metal detector, but they had no luck.  Not knowing where to turn, his wife, Toni, decided to search the internet for help.  She found my information and gave me a call on Monday.  That evening, I searched the property for a few hours, mostly in the dark, but was unable to locate the ring.  I assured Toni and Jason that I would be back early Wednesday to continue the search, expecting that it would take quite some time given the size of the property.  Five minutes into the search, I located the ring in their lawn.  Jason and Toni were delighted!

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Diamond Wedding Ring Found at Green Hill Beach, South Kingstown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Two days ago, I received a call from Andrea, who was vacationing at a beach house in South Kingstown with her husband and three young sons.  Andrea explained that she had lost her diamond ring while playing football in the water two days earlier.  She was so upset about it that she had lost sleep and asked for my help.  When I arrived at the beach house, we took a small boat across a salt water pond and followed a path to get to the ocean beach where the ring had  been lost.  I searched for two and a half hours in the surf.  When I emerged with the ring on my little finger, Andrea was so surprised and delighted!  Her husband was shocked.  He was so certain that it couldn’t be found that he had made a bet with his son, a bet I’m sure he wasn’t upset about losing!  The best part was when their youngest son turned to me and said, “Thank you for finding my mom’s ring.”


Diamond Wedding Band Found at Oakland Beach Home, Warwick, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Yesterday evening, I received a call from Tempest, who asked if I could come to her home right away to search for her diamond wedding band.  She explained that she and her husband, Will, had been searching for the ring and couldn’t find it.  Tempest had seen my information on the internet while on Craigslist so she was familiar with The Ring Finders service.  My wife and daughter accompanied me to assist with the search, and we arrived at Tempest’s home at 8:30 PM.  Her husband, Will, explained that their three-year-old daughter had thrown the wedding band out the window, tryng to throw it to her mother.  Unfortunately, neither Tempest nor Will knew exactly where the ring had landed.  We searched the yard first and expanded the search to the neighbor’s yard, sidewalk, and street.  After searching for two hours, my daughter, Emily, found the ring about forty feet from the house.  Tempest’s daughter promised never to do that again!   IMG_1646IMG_1642

Diamond Engagement Ring Found at Narrow River, Narragansett, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

Two days ago, Marissa and Dave set out for a nice day of kayaking at the ocean.  The day quickly took a turn for the worse when Marissa lost her diamond engagement ring in a river running off of the ocean.  She jumped out of the kayak and frantically searched for the ring, but it had disappeared.  Surprisingly, it was Dave’s family in California who located me on the internet and suggested they call.  When I received Marissa’s desperate telephone call, I immediately headed for the beach.  It was late afternoon when I started the search, but daylight and the tide were against me.   I searched for four and a half hours, unsuccessfully. I was not giving up.  I returned the next day, expanded my search, and found the ring in fifteen minutes, buried underwater in a few inches of sand.  Words cannot express how happy Marissa is to have her beautiful ring back!

Diamond Wedding Band Found at Quonochontaug Beach, Charlestown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call from Lisa after she had lost her diamond wedding band while vacationing with her husband in their favorite RI fishing and camping spot.  She contacted me through The Ring Finders website.  Lisa had been collecting quahogs in a marshy area of a salt water pond, digging them with her bare hands from a raft.  When she finished, she realized that she had lost her ring somewhere in the mucky bed of the pond.  Lisa’s husband, Erik, led me to the remote area in the hopes of recovering his wife’s ring; however, Lisa did not hold out much hope of ever seeing the ring again.  After searching for five hours and just before we were ready to leave, I found the ring in my last scoop of the day.  I put the ring in my pocket, not letting on that it had been located.  After reaching the shore, I pulled out the assorted junk I had dug up. The last item I revealed was the ring.  Lisa and Erik were ecstatic!  They could not believe that it had been found!  Bringing such happiness to this nice couple quickly made the long search worthwhile.



Diamond Ring Found at Kelly Beach, Bonnet Shores, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

After locating me through The Ring Finders’ website, Paul contacted me a few days ago about a ring he had lost while swimming at a Rhode Island beach.  This ring was precious to Paul.  It was a beautiful gold ring with five diamonds that his mom had given to his dad on their 25th wedding anniversary–the diamonds signified their five children.  Before Paul’s dad passed away 11 1/2 years ago, he gave the ring to Paul, the oldest of the five children, who never took it off.  That is until 12 days ago when he lost it while swimming.  I met Paul at the beach early this morning when I could take advantage of the low tide.  Within 20 minutes, in knee-deep water, I located the ring about 8 inches deep in the sand.  Paul couldn’t believe it!  He was thrilled to have this special ring returned to him.  Thank you Paul for this opportunity.  I was so happy to be able to return this keepsake to you and your family!

Wedding Band Found at Woonsocket, RI, Home

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

I received a call today from a friend who knew I was a member of The Ring Finders.  He asked me to look for a ring for his stepdad’s mom, Cecile.  Cecile lost her husband about a year ago and has worn his wedding ring on her thumb ever since.  That is until yesterday when the ring was lost while she was doing yard work.  She was so upset that she looked for the ring until late last night with a flashlight and prayed to Saint Anthony.  After searching the grass in her front yard for about 45 minutes this evening, I found her husband’s wedding band.  Cecile was so happy to get the ring back that she cried and hugged me when she saw it.  She said she felt blessed, but not as blessed as I felt to have been able to return it to her!