cross Tag | The Ring Finders

Metal Detector Rental, Recover Lost Cross, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey On a nice hot day Anton and his family were enjoying the day on at beach. This can be some of the most sought after relaxation one could ask for after a long day at work. And while people are on the beach there are many things they will do like , swimming, running, relaxing, picnicking, throwing footballs, volley ball, wrestling, etc. OH NO did I say wrestling ? That’s when things went wrong for Anton. In one of the 3 areas he was wrestling around that day his cherished cross was pulled from his necklace and lost in the sand.  They searched for a few hours, even with their metal detector, without any luck. That’s when Nicole decided to give me a call to see if I was available to locate the cross. I met them on the beach a little while later and they showed me everything that transpired up to realizing the cross was missing. I started in the most likely spot and within a few moments I had his cross in my scoop. Another fantastic ending to a great day on the Jersey Shore.

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Abby’s Moon Phase Necklace.Lost,Found,Cape Cod,Freshwater Beach Pond.

While out searching for coins and jewelry in the water Rick Browne (Ring Finder) & I were approached by a gentleman named Matt. He asked if we were The Ring Finders from Cape Cod. We both responded YES with enthusiasm. We asked why? He said that his daughter, had lost her precious necklace the day before, and had we found it? We asked if it was in the water, or sand, and he said sand. We hadn’t done the sand area as of yet so let’s give it a try.

We met Matt’s wife Ronni, Abby his daughter, they were all on vacation from New Jersey. I asked Abby to stand where she last saw it the day before. They had been searching with flashlights the night before for over an hour with no luck. Just about then, Rick was already digging a target, and I had a target too. I dug down, and out popped Abby’s chain, with it had a Birth date, Moon phase Medallion attached to it. Abby and Ronni were emotional as one can expect. Congratulations all around for everyone. People clapped as I handed it back to Abby, Rick and I were so happy to be in the rite spot, at the time when needed. Congratulations, to Abby, her Mom Ronni, and Dad Matt, for not giving up and believing. Sincerely Leighton

Moon Phase Pendant and Chain

Abby with Necklace

Fingers CROSS-ED Lost Cross,14K,Gold,Cape Cod,Mass Saltwater Beaches

Fingers CROSS-ED

On June 27th Rick Browne from the Ring Finders called and invited me to search for a silver cross that was lost the day before. I declined because of the high winds, rain, and BIG surf, and lots of heavy seaweed moved into the search area. Rick said he was going anyway to give it a quick scan. He called me later on that evening and said I made the correct decision that it was useless, he could just about move the detector because of waves and thick seaweed.
We touched base on the next morning and again he asked if I wanted to give it another try. I said I’m in. We met up, and went to the general area he was told it was possibly lost. Still lots of seaweed but less waves. We made our way out into water, Rick went his way, and I in the opposite direction. After about 45 minutes we both shrugged our shoulders, we still had no signals.  I made my way over to the outside of the grid area, and finally i got a lonely signal, but it was low, not high like silver, hmm? Low tone usually means Gold. As I dug it, Rick kept heading out into deeper water. As I looked deep into my scoop, sure enough it was the Silver CROSS that we were searching for. Puzzled a bit, when I motioned to Rick he looked surprised. He made his way over to see what I had found. He said “That’s It”  I flipped it over and it said 14K.  Makes sense it was White Gold. (Silver Color)
Rick & I went up to car and took a few pictures, then called Mary and Dave her husband… They couldn’t  believe we had found it. They took no time to get to us. Jennifer and Keith her husband bought the Cross for their son Colin. It was for his Confirmation in Jan of 2019. It has a very special meaning. Colin was devastated when he lost it. Rick and I are so glad that its back where it belongs. God Bless him and his family for believing in us. We never give up.
Sincerely Leighton
Leighton,Mary,& Rick


Dave & Mary with Cross recovered

14K White Gold Cross

14K Gold Confirmation Cross

Cahoon Hollow, Wellfleet Mass Handed Down Lost 14 K Gold Engagement Ring / Wedding Band

Kiera called me yesterday, with a little doubt in her voice, about a ring that was lost by her sister in the surf.  Kiera’s sister Julia had just lost her engagement ring at the beachcomber, at Cahoon Hollow Beach, in Wellfleet, MA she said it was down in the surf where she was dragged out over the rocks, she got swept up, and pummeled in the current, and suddenly realized her ring was gone. They looked for over an hour as the surf was crashing them all over the area. Frantically they were not sure where to turn. Kiera said that the Lifeguard had mentioned that there were a couple of local guys that have found rings there in the past, that she should try them. Sure enough she googled Lost Ring and Richard Browne and My name showed up. Kiera wasted no time and got in touch with me through texting. I immediately called her back, I had her send as many pictures with reference points as possible. She said it was strait down from the sign in the picture, and in knee deep water.

Luck was on her side the next day, the water was not crashing as it was the day of loosing it, and the wind was off shore. Rick & myself got there about an hour before the low tide, 15 seconds into the hunt, I found the beautiful double welded ring, I put it in my pouch for safe keeping till Julia showed up. Needless to say we were all smiles when they showed up, she was very happy to hear that we were successful in recovering it for her. It was a ring that was passed down through a couple of generations. No words can express their heartfelt Thank You. Another great recovery for The Ring Finders.   Julia & Leighton

Leighton, Kiera, & Julia

Kiera & Julia



Never Ever Give Up ! Falmouth, Cape Cod Mass Engagement Ring

White Gold Engagement Ring

Two weeks ago Rick got a call from Jill, we got together the very early next morning. There was a Hurricane coming that next evening, and time wasn’t on our side. Together we do searches, for quite a few people each year. we really wanted to get this one back to the owner fast, she was newly engaged. This Engagement Ring is very sentimental to Jill. Well after chatting with Jill about where it was lost, and how deep of water, and being hit by a wave, she swore it was just rite there in shallow water on the slope. After 6 hours of search time between both of us, we finally gave in to the thought of it not being found that day… Maybe after the storm? We had also had thoughts of someone else finding it the night before, we had seen some scoop areas on the beach. We had also found out it was posted on local media. Was it found already?

The Ring Finders

Jill & Leighton

10K White Gold Ring

Rick called me last night two weeks had passed, Rick said lets give it another chance. Success today? Rick and I went rite down to the same spot where we were told it was lost two weeks earlier…. Nothing again after an hour. I said this is crazy, so I wandered over the other side of the Jetty, and as soon as I got into the water,  50 feet down the beach, and knee deep just as Jill said, one lonely signal and there in my scoop it shined like it was lost an hour ago. Wow I couldn’t believe it myself. I went back over  to Rick, yelled Game Over! He said what? I repeated it multiple times till he came out of the water, he looked down at my Caribiner. He said I cant believe you found it way over there… I chuckled, and said it was exactly where Jill said it wasn’t… LOL    After getting back to the truck we called Jill, and I told her I may have something that belonged to her, she asked if I had it… I said yes I believe so, and said can you meet us at the beach. Her reply was I’m on my way, see you in fifteen minutes. As you can imagine, she just couldn’t believe it until it was back on her finger. Sometimes, a Margarita girls night out can make you forget exactly where it was when you last seen it… Bottom line is that it’s back home where it belongs… Congratulations Jill

Lost Wedding Band Over The Fence Dennis / Yarmouth Cape Cod Mass

Cape Cod Ring Finders

Leighton Harrington & Richard Browne

On Saturday 8/14/2021 Richard Browne and I were out looking for a wedding band and returned it successfully to its owner. When we returned, we had another call to go out on, and it was a lost wedding band that the woman had on her finger since 1965. Very sentimental as one could expect. It was lost while playing ball in the back yard with her Grandson the day before. Rick & myself got there to be greeted by Roberto, His Wife Jaclyn and Ryan, who was there while it was lost. Ryan a small Pirate in his own special way, was very enthused, and very into metal detecting helped out with the search. After about 45 minutes, and all of us on our hands and knees with pin pointers searching the flower beds, I had the notion to check over the other side of the fence, hey you never know rite? Maybe she throws harder than we think. Luck would be in our favor, low and behold the ring was rite on top of the grass, and on the other side of the fence… Another great save and one for the Ring Finders. A great three ring return day yesterday. What a great feeling to tell someone that we have it in our hands and we can’t wait to get it back.

Lost Gold 18k Tiffany chain and Charm Truro Cape Cod Mass


Rick Browne of the Ring Finders called early and asked if I wanted to help him locate a Gold Chain lost in dry sand the day before. I jumped at the opportunity to help out. We arrived and found Alec at the parking lot waiting for us and we followed him to the area.  I asked Lindy his young daughter to stand where she thought she may have lost it, and upon my very first swing with my detector, I got a very familiar tone.  5 second hunt literally, Rick barely had time to turn his on.  It’s all in fun, this is what makes our hobby a great one. Returns of this nature are very special. This young lady will always remember this I’m sure.  I asked if she will wear it to the beach ever again. Lindy’s reply was NO.

Anniversary Tugsten Band Hyannis Mass

Leighton & Brian

Tungsten Band

Tungsten Band

Rick & Brian

Rick Browne from the Ring Finders gave me a text earlier this morning and asked if I were up for another hunt, I said of course I am in, Lets do it. We met up today at the Beach location where the Tungsten Wedding Band was lost the day before by Brian. Brian met us there and we all went over where and how he thought he lost it. We marked out an area on the beach, where he was building sand castles with his son, and where it may have dropped off into the waters edge. Rick went one way, and I the other, on the dry sand at first. Twenty five minutes later we still had no ring. I chatted about it with Brian again, and he said maybe it fell while he swam a bit further out, I checked out there too, still nothing. I then went outside the lines that he had made for us, and as I was searching, I mentioned to Brian if and when I find it, most likely it will be rite on top. I took two steps and got a nice loud target, moved my coil off of it, and looked into the two foot clear water, and I could see it, there it was just sitting on top just as I said it would be,  I called Brian over to witness it, and Rick joined in to.  Another successful hunt by Rick and myself. Brian’s Anniversary is this coming Monday. Congratulations Brian,  and Happy Anniversary. Leighton

3.5 Carrot Diamond In the Rocky Surf Duxbury Beach, Mass

Diamond Ring

Rock & Diamon just after recovery

3.5 Carrot Diamond 18K Gold Ring

Got another call from Rick Browne yesterday afternoon, saying that there was a lost diamond engagement ring on the beach, he wanted to know if I wanted to try for it. I Immediately said of course. Off I went in just a half hour we met, loaded up. and started to drive to the beach up north, to meet up with Rock, the husband of Angela, who had lost the ring when she had tripped and fell on some rocks at the beach a few days earlier. When we got there, Rock was so appreciative that we had answered him so fast, and met him within an hour and a half. I asked him how, when, and where it had fallen off of Angela’s finger.  He went over the story of how precious this ring really was, and that he had a choice over a Porsche or a Diamond Ring for then his bride to be over 25 years ago. He chose the ring. So we needed to get it back to Rock & Angela if we could. Rick and I went rite behind Rock and watched as he was very optimistic, and wasn’t sure how we were going to make this unfold. I told him no promises but we will give it our best shot. Lets face it, traveling 40 miles to put a 10 inch coil over a half inch ring, that’s buried a foot deep by now is very slim at most to find. Low and behold, Rick made a pass down and I went left, first target was a brass nail, and as I turned around heading back up slope, I had a faint signal, and one foot down, out on top of the sand was the BIGGEST Diamond ( 3.5 Carrots ) I have ever seen, or recovered for someone. Let me tell you, I was actually shaking, although I tried to calm my self down, I just couldn’t, it actually made me shiver as I looked back at Rock, I winked, and gave him the thumbs up, he just couldn’t believe I had Angela’s ring in my hand. He actually ran to me. I yelled to Rick and said OK lets go take some pictures. LOL He just shook his head, and said man what a team we are. P.S. Rick never said how big it was,  Maybe that’s a good thing, or perhaps he didn’t know either. I may have been to pressured to find it, Congratulations to Rock & Angela for making what we do so much fun. Leighton

14 K Gold Heavy Band Yarmouth Cape Cod

Sun Ring

Rick Browne (Ring Finder) Gave me a call to help locate a wedding band, that was tossed by accident from a finger while out body surfing. It was lost close to shore, and close to his home, but almost a week had gone by before Pam had contacted us to search for it. So off I went to meet up with Rick, we spent a couple hours in the rough surf, and pouring rain, to no avail. Pam had to leave shortly and I think she had almost gave up on it, but before she did, i really thought i had it a couple of times, and called her over only to see aluminum in my scoop, I was getting discouraged also. So we decided to go back again early next morning, again two more hours and no ring. We knew it was there, but where? it must have gotten buried fast in the very heavy surf. We let it sit for a few more days. We had made plans to go out detecting on our own, but Rick said hey Leighton, let’s give it one more shot for the band. I agreed, and off we went. This time a different machine in both of our hands, and much less waves, my detector made that small grunt we all love to hear, thirty minutes into the hunt, was a beautiful heavy Gold, 14K wedding band inscribed with both Pam and Keith’s wedding date. Third time was a charm. Persistence paid off and never give up. Its there. you just need the conditions and have to go over it.

Ring Shell

Heavy Band

Leighton & Band after Recovery

Keith and his band