best metal detector for finding rings Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring found under dock, Cocoa Beach, Florida…and returned to grateful owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Doug and his wife had just returned from a beautiful day out on the water fishing and as they unloaded some personal items onto the dock a very special ring dropped from the small table and bounced and managed to fall directly through one of the cracks and into the water below. This was a super sentimental ring and meant the world to Doug’s dear wife. Doug got right at trying to find someone who could retrieve the ring and looked up “Ring Finder” on his phone. service came up and he noticed a number of members of this service were in the area but none of them were equipped to do an underwater search of this kind. Doug eventually found my number and gave me a call.

It was the middle of December and I attempted a recovery dive but the water was just way too cold and we decided to try again later on the following summer. So in May when the weather and water temperatures were much more bearable I showed up to give it another try. The oyster shells were strewn across the bottom and this made digging difficult and the visibility was only a foot or two…until I would start digging and then visibility went to 10 inches. Other members of have shared a wonderful idea that helps with grid searching in these types of conditions and that is a sinking pvc square that will sit on the bottom which allows me to methodically search an area even though I cannot actually see where I am going or where I have been but by following the grid with one hand and scanning the bottom with my small handheld metal detector with the other hand…I can cover an area very thoroughly and when finished I am able to move the pvc grid to another area and thoroughly search that area as well until I find what I am looking for. (Doug had also informed me that a few years back the dock was completely destroyed in a hurricane…so there was an awful lot of other signals to sift through before God allowed me to find Doug’s wife’s lost ring!)

What an honor it was to help find and return this precious lost ring to its rightful owner!!

How can I help you? Call or text me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…counting my blessings as a member of

Lost ring in Big Sand Lake, Orlando, Florida….Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Jason asking if I could help him find his wife’s diamond engagement ring that was thrown into a 10 foot deep canal! Of course I had more than a few questions to help me determine the likelihood of actually finding her lost ring. Come to find out one of Jason’s sons got a hold of his mom’s ring and, for some strange reason, decided to run outside and give it a toss into the water! After hearing the story of what all happened I decided to take my kayak and check out what I was up against. Turns out the water was exactly 10 feet deep with lily pads on both sides of the canal and at least a foot of silt on the bottom with a whole lot of aquatic weeds of different kinds as well. Jason pointed to the “area” where he was fairly sure the ring landed and I dropped a weight and marker for the following days search.

Scuba was required and I opted to use my Blu3 Nemo Dive system and the hand held Pulse Dive scuba detector combined with a PVC grid layout that measured 6 foot by 10 foot. After clearing a path thru the lily pads I towed my PVC grid out over the target area and let it sink to the bottom. I spent the next two hours scouring the bottom and moving my grid to be sure I was covering, what I thought was the exact spot, where the ring hit the water. And as I was finishing up…Jason’s dear wife came out to see how it was going and she said, “I think it landed more to the right!” So with one last push I switched out my battery, moved my PVC grid and prayed to God that Mrs Jason was correct! I swept my hand held pin pointer all the way around my grid and as I was finishing up I got one last small signal. I grabbed down into the mud trying to feel the object that was causing the detector to beep and finally found a small circular object. At first I thought it might be just a washer or rusty nut but as I cleared the mud away I held it up close to my dive mask and I could just make out a shiny diamond…and not just one diamond but a whole bunch of diamonds! I literally started yelling and hollering…”I found it, I found it, thank you God, thank you God!” Jason and his wife were stunned and so, so thankful to have their ring back…especially since they were moving the next day to California!!

Lost something in the grass, in the sand or in the water and need help?

Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….super blessed to be a member of

Gold Wedding band Lost on the side of the road! Greenfield, Neighborhood, Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I arrived within 45 minutes and Mel showed me where he thought his ring was! He had searched the area with no luck!
I could see where Mel had been searching in the snow and quickly researched the area just to be sure that the ring was not there, then I moved a few feet forward and BANG, a nice sweet tone from my detector.
Mel was very grateful to have his ring back on his finger and also with the service which Theringfinders and I provided him.

Lost family heirloom diamond ring in Atlantic Ocean, Ormond Beach, Florida….found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Jade and her family’s Labor Day get away to the beach started out great! They arrived at the beach early and got their things all set out and could not wait to get into the warm ocean surf. Everyone was enjoying the water even though the waves were a bit rough…still it was the perfect day to enjoy the water, sand and sun! As they made their way deeper into the water Jade’s husband noticed that Jade was wearing the precious diamond heirloom ring that his grand mother had passed down to his own mother and then she had passed it on to Jade when they got married! With the hope of one day passing it on to their son, Everetts, when he gets married. Jade was sure the ring fit snug enough to not have to worry about loosing it and as she pulled on the ring to show that it was tight…off it came and dropped straight into the churning wave tossed waters!

Shocked beyond belief she let out a scream and immediately everyone came to help her locate the ring! Even when knowing exactly where it fell into the water it turned out to be so much more difficult to locate then they had ever imagined! Hours passed and they drove to a nearby store to purchase a metal detector and tried it but ended up shorting out the headphones as it was not a water proof metal detector!

Meanwhile, Jade’s son Everett found “ website” on his phone and decided to call me for help. As I listened to what had happened and the fact that they were very sure of the exact location where the ring had dropped, I offered to come out right away and do whatever I could to help them. Even though the surf was rough and the waves were fairly big I felt that her ring would be where it fell even through to the next low tide cycle. I asked Jade what the sand felt like under her feet while they were looking for her lost ring…soft or hard packed? She said soft in some places and hard in other places. And with that info I knew I had to search ASAP and I could not afford to wait till the next days low tide. It was around 5:30 pm Monday evening and low tide was coming up at around 11:30pm and I determined to search under an overcast moon and trust that by God’s grace I would be able to find Jade’s lost ring before it sunk too deep!

Under normal daylight hours I am able to use small wire survey flags to mark the sand and then by lining the two rows of flags up I am able to back my way into the surf and use the flags to help me go out and come back in a straight line. Once I get out as far as I can safely go I then take two steps over and walk out keeping myself lined up just about four feet off of where I went into the water. But in the middle of the night on a dark beach there is no way to visually see my flags! So as I was passing the time waiting for the next low tide I walked across the Ocean Shore Blvd. to the Dollar Store and began walking the isles to see what I could use to mark my path and progress. Thankfully they had some Halloween decorations out and I came across some 8 inch long glow sticks! I was able to use the two glow sticks to keep me lined up and began my night time search about 10:00 pm and little by little I backed my way out into the dark waters as far as I could safely go and the two glow sticks worked like a charm!

Earlier in the day as I was waiting for it to get dark I detected on the dry sand just to see if anyone had dropped anything and I used up a couple of hours of battery life!!! Not smart!! Reason being as I only have one battery and it lasts maybe 5 hours total! I water hunt using the Whites TDI Beachhunter and hip mount the box and it works great! Normally that is about all I can handle when working in and out of the surf in the hot sun and fighting against the current and waves!

After an hour and a half of covering the main target area I noticed my low battery light had come on and my detector started making the usual odd sound. I felt I was really close to the actual spot where she said the ring was dropped and now my battery was dying! I prayed and asked my heavenly Father to help my detector last just long enough to be able to find Jade’s lost heirloom ring! God then gave me the idea to go sideways out as far as I could where it was just over my waist and the sandy bottom had areas where it dropped away a foot or so. Fifteen minutes later I got a funny signal that sounded much like sunglasses sound only distorted like. I dug three scoops trying to retrieve the curious item. Actually it was the only signal I had gotten all the while and as I shook out the sand my head lamp lit up the scoop and there to my utter amazement was Jade’s precious lost ring! Words cannot express my joy and the emotion I felt and I let out a loud prayer of thanksgiving to my Father God!

I could not wait to get to the car and dry off and send Jade the good news! We talked and I assured them that we could meet anytime in the next day or two to pick up their precious ring! Early the next morning Jade arrived at our home and I was able to personally hand her the ring she thought was lost forever in the churning waters of the Atlantic Ocean! Google gave them a very, very slim chance of ever seeing their ring again but thankfully God came through and used little ol me to help them out of a desperate situation! And I am so thankful they gave me a call and trusted me to do what I could in their time of need!

Have you lost something and need help trying to find it? Call or text me ASAP…I am only a call away!

Mike McInroe….blessed and honored to be a member of

Lost ring in the bushes, New Smyrna Beach, Fl…Found and Returned to Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike McInroe…Ring Finder and Metal Detector Specialist…Call Anytime, ASAP…321-363-6029

Rocco had spent his Sunday afternoon cleaning up their back patio area using his pressure washer to wash away the Florida mold and dirt. It was a wet and soapy job and his large gold and diamond ring felt a little loose on his pinky finger but he wanted to finish up so he headed to the dumpster to throw out an old rusty grill. The dumpster lids were both closed so Roccco grabbed one of the lids and with force, threw it open and that very motion plus the wetness from the pressure washing, caused his ring to go flying. He actually caught a glimpse of the ring as it went up into the air but he was not sure as to which direction it went. Frantically he searched all around the outside of the dumpster, thinking surely it landed either inside the fenced area or just over the fence and into the grass. For a good hour he searched high and low but was unable to locate his large gold and diamond ring. So his next thought was that maybe it fell down into the dumpster itself and looking thru other people’s garbage is never fun but Rocco knew he needed to do it so he went thru what he could but still–NO RING!

Frustration and then mild panic began to set in and Rocco thought of looking for someone to help him and that led him to search “Lost Jewelry Recovery” on his phone and web site came up and one of my recent recovery stories. Rocco could not believe that there actually were people out there that help find lost rings. It was late Sunday afternoon when Rocco called me and we met an hour and a half later and I began my search. I have had some tough and challenging searches in the past 11 years and this one comes in right close to the top! It was dark, the no-see-ums were biting and I was looking thru piles of garbage. I detected all around the dumpster and out at least 30 feet past the wooden fence area thinking it flew allot further than first thought. Next was the garbage in and around the dumpster. I emptied every bag thinking that just maybe his ring fell into the top of one of the bags but still–NO RING!

After looking in almost every possible place his ring could have gone…there was one area in the front of the dumpster that I figured I needed to search. It was way to thick to get my metal detector to be of any use so I opted to use one of my really strong flashlights. I was hoping that just maybe I could get a glimpse of gold or a sparkle from the diamonds and sure enough as I crawled on my hands and knees under the thick bush I caught a tiny glimmer of reflective light. My pulse quickened as I strained to make out what I was looking at. I let out a holler and went to get Rocco to give him the GREAT NEWS!

How thankful I am that God allowed me to be a help and a blessing to Rocco and for showing me where his ring was hiding. Every search is a challenge and some are much harder that others but either way I do my very best to find what has been lost.

How can I help you? Call, text or email me ASAP! Anytime!

Mike McInroe…blessed to be a member of