Long Beach metal detector rental Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Diamond Ring at Seal Beach, CA. Found by Member of TheRingfinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

… A few days ago I got a call from Matthew. He was at Seal Beach, Calif.  He had lost his Gold and Diamond ring in the dry sand. My first question was to verify that could wait at the general location for half hour. I didn’t waste time discussing other details. It was more important to get on the road.

I was able to drive to Seal Beach, meeting Matthew and Lilly on the beach. This was very important to make this a quick recovery.

Shortly after turning on my metal detector, I got the nice sound of gold in my metal detector headphones. Digging in the dry sand with my Xtreme Titaium scoop revealed Matthew’s awesome white gold ring.

I know this beach well and I’m sure the beach cleaning machine would have scooped this ring up the next morning with all the other trash. The towel line always gets sifted in this part of the beach.

If you need help finding an important metal item, call for help or information about how this service works. 949-500-2136 .. I will try anywhere.

Successful Search for Gold Chain Lost in the Sand at Huntington City Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call as soon as possible if you’ve lost something important that a metal detector can find. Contact Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text 949-500-2136 …, 

 I was at Huntington City Beach on a call out. While on that search for a cellphone on a massive area of the dry sand, Dave came off the beach to ask me if I had found a gold necklace. He had lost last night and had been searching for it since 6am.

He told me that he had wrapped his gold necklace in shirt laying it on the beach, while he took a dip in the surf. He picked up his shirt and realized the chain was missing after he returned home.

He was walking off the beach assuming that the chain was gone forever. I told him I could give the area quick search if he could walk me to the general area. The location was just a couple hundred feet from where I was, so I walked over to give it a quick scan. BOOM !! Dave’s gold necklace found.

Don’t waste time buying or renting a metal detector. Get an experienced metal detector expert that knows how  to conduct a proper search.Call or Text .. Now   Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. 949-500-2136   .. “I Will Try Anywhere”

Lost Silver Pendant Found in the Grass .. Costa Mesa, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you’re trying to find a lost ring or other important metal keepsake.. Call or text now for information on how our metal detecting service works.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** This was a recovery back in January 2024 .. Gary had hung his Silver Pendant on his Christmas tree. As in remembrance of his grandmother who had passed away. She had given this to him years ago.

After the holidays were over Gary took the covering the base of the Christmas tree outside to shake off the pine needles. The next day he realized he had not  removed the Silver pendant from the tree. After checking the tree that had been in the trash, the pendant was not to be found. He suspected that it could have been in the floor covering and could possibly be in his front yard.

He called me instead of renting or buying a metal detector. I met him that same morning and it didn’t take long to find the silver pendant. It was definitely deep in the grass and not visible.

I could see right away that this small silver pendant meant the world to him. It was a pleasure to be available to help Gary.

I can help you find your lost ring or other important metal item .. Call or text ASAP.. 24/7 .. 949-500-2136

Small Gold Pendant Found in Surf 4 Months after Lost .. Balboa, Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Newport Beach Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136

*** While metal detecting in the surf at Balboa Beach, I found a super small gold pendant that had two red garnet gem stones in settings. MIt was unique and for some reason it seemed familiar.

Later that night I went to my lost jewelry photo album, where I saw that this was lost 4 months ago along with 2 other items from a young lady’s necklace. I’m glad I keep photos given to me by people who have ask for help finding their lost items. I did find a small gold ring during the first search.

Next I had to find the contact information, so I could return it. Checked my texts and was able to contact WC who was shocked to get this unexpected good news. She lives quite a distance from me, so I mailed her the pendant. She agreed to send me a photo after receiving it.. This is not the first time I was able to find a keepsake lost months after the first search.. The ocean surf is unpredictable, moving sand and objects in and out with each tide change.

Types of searches .. Beaches, Parks, Yards and Water to 20ft …. I will try anywhere. If item is lost in a public place call or text  ASAP.. 24/7 ..Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Lost IPhone in Sand at Sunset Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned next Morning

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Metal Detector Man available to help you find your lost item… Member of TheRingFinders .. Stan Ross  … Call  949-500-2136 “ANYTIME “  The sooner the better 

*** Michael and his family are in Southern California visiting from Fresno, CA. His son Brayden lost his phone the night before in the sand at Sunset Beach, CA. . Michael called me early asking for help. He said the Find My IPhone app showed the phone still on the beach as we talked. 

I asked him to send me a screen shot of what showed up on the app. Also asked him to take a screenshot of google map with a pin placed as close to location. He was willing to meet me after they finished their morning appointment. I felt I had enough information and was off to the location. 

Arriving at the location before 8 am, I began a grid search from the towel line back 30ft. After 20 minutes I spotted the iPhone in plain sight. The next person walking down the beach could have easily found the phone. The problem is that phones that are locked can be difficult to return to the owner. 

I contacted Michael and he was able to stop by to pick up phone. They had not told his son, Brayden that the phone was found. They introduced me to Brayden and I was able to surprise him with his iPhone. They were all happy that they could drive home to Fresno without the disappointment of losing the phone.

Orange County Beaches Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136 … “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE


Lost Ring Found at Orange County, CA. Beach.. by MetalDetectorMan

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










If you lost a valuable at the beach, Call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..949-500-2136
*** Karla lost her engagement ring in the sand while playing with her daughter. After returning home she found my contact information while doing a google search.

She called me saying the loss happened at Balboa Beach. She didn’t know the street or lifeguard tower. I asked her to check photos. After checking photos, she told me it was lifeguard tower #10.  I was ready to roll to the location because it’s close to where I live. She sent me the photo.

When I received the photo of the lifeguard tower, could see tower #10, but it was not Balboa Beach. It was Huntington City Beach ( 10 miles away from  Balboa)  Glad I asked for the photo.

The photo had the buildings in the background. Also trash cans that gave me perfect landmarks to help me begin a grid search. The ring showed up shortly after starting the search. 

I was able to mail the ring to Karla because she could not drive to pick up her ring.. 


Available to help you now!! I WILL TRY ANYWHERE..

How to Find a Gold Ring Lost in a Grass Field … Dana Point, CA… Using a Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

***  Jim called me after finding my contact information at TheRingFinders.com metal detecting specialists directory. He had lost a large gold ring that was past down to him by his father. The loss happened earlier in the afternoon while playing a friendly game of football on a grass field in Dana Point, CA.  Jim didn’t feel the ring come off his finger, but he did notice it missing just after the football game.

He and his friends spent several hours searching the 50 x 30 yard grass field. He went to a local sporting goods store purchasing a metal detector that just frustrated him trying to use with so much metal trash in the old park.  It was already dark before he called me, but I agreed to meet him to see the location. The most important factor of most searches is to get the best idea of where the loss happened. It was so late that this search might have to be done the next day when it was daylight. Some public parks have 10pm closing hours.

It was already 9pm before I could begin the search. Jim had been at the park for over ten hours. He said he couldn’t leave knowing the heirloom ring that his dad had given him was in that field. It meant the world to him.

After choosing to start at the most likely end of the grass field, where there was a little lightning, progress was a little slow because of many trash targets. Two hours later, I was getting close to the end of the search zone. I was getting tired and had resorted to only checking the strong signals. It was looking like this search would have to continue tomorrow. It was possible that my grid lines were not straight, the ring could have missed. 

Then I got a strong double signal as my coil passed over a larger non ferrous object. With my high power search light I could see the gold ring in deep grass. I asked Jim to come over to answer a question about where he thought the ring could be. Then I asked him to look down. He blew up with an emotional reaction that is hard to describe. This ring that his father had give him was so important he was willing to do what ever it took to find it.  It took two hours to find finishing at 11pm. Persistence pays off again!


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ .. Available to help now .. 949-500-2136