laguna beach ringfinder Tag | The Ring Finders

3 Rings Lost at Laguna Beach, CA. Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need a professional mobile metal detecting service… 949-500-2136

… Taylor called asking for help to find 4 rings that were lost in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA.  She had put them on the edge of her beach towel and forgot they were there when she picked up the towel.

Shortly after shaking the sand off the towel, she realized the silver rings had disappeared in the dry sand. After a couple hours of hand searching the sand and waiting to see if a metal detectorist may be on the beach, she had to leave.

It was already 9:30pm when we talked. Taylor was 50 miles away which made it difficult to meet me at the location. The directions she gave me were good enough for me to make a 6 mile drive to search for the rings that night.

Shortly after arriving I had three of the rings recovered. I did call Taylor to verify that there were 4 missing rings. She said there were 4 rings. Also she told me the three I found were the most important and she was happy that I called her.

After more than an hour in the small search area, I could not find the 4th ring. Frustrating, because it should have been there. Sometimes it’s difficult to end a search. It would be nice to know where that 4th ring was, but that’s not going to be possible this time.

It was my pleasure to get Taylor’s most important rings back to her..

Available to help you find your lost keepsake .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”

Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Lost White Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Ocean at Laguna Beach Saved and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

















Ben called asking about how this metal detecting service works, an often asked question. He had been swimming the day before and believed his ring might be in the ocean. He didn’t actually feel it come off. Also, he didn’t realize his white gold wedding band was not on his finger until later that evening.

I explained that if he was swimming at a higher tide, we might have a chance to find it at the next low tide. It’s nothing I can guarantee as the sand conditions vary from one beach to another and time of the year. Also he didn’t feel it come off. The only thing I know from experience, is rings are commonly lost when fingers shrink in the colder ocean waters.

The only thing I can guarantee is, when I finish gridding an area I can say it’s not there. I was there at the location Ben showed me, but it was not low tide. I told him I may have to return at the next low tide. As long as I was there I could search out as far as the surf conditions would allow me. The most important factor was I had a 50’ to 75’ wide area that he was sure he had been.

I suggested that Ben go enjoy his day with his family. This was going to be a preliminary search and I would return later at low tide. Just before leaving the beach I got a nice signal. BOOM!! White gold wedding band just 20 ft. outside my search area. Ben’s ring showed an hour after we talked. He was amazed and very grateful to have his ring back where it belongs,

Best Friend Helps Recover a iPhone Lost at the Beach .. Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Finding a iPhone using Find My IPhone App and a Metal Detector… Metal Detector Man mobile metal detecting service … Call now ..949-500-2136


*** A Lady named Kim called me asking if I could search for a iPhone that her son’s best friend lost at Balboa Beach, CA. She wanted to help him so he didn’t get in trouble with his parents for losing an expensive phone.. 

The had a screen shot of the find my phone app. 

That was all I needed to get to the general area where the phone went missing the night before.

I made my way to the beach without them because they were unable to meet me there.. 

After a half hour I was able to locate the iPhone completely buried in the sand. 

I met them later that evening to return the phone and they were on their way to meet her son’s friend to surprise him by returning his phone.. 

People helping people, I love seeing this and being part of a good deed.


If you have lost a important item call ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. 949-500-2136


Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Sand at Bolsa Chica Wetlands .. Huntington Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Do you need help finding something of value? Call or Text ASAP … Stan the Metal Detector Man  .. 949-500-2136

*** Eric had lost his white gold wedding ring while throwing a ball. The loss occurred at Bolsa Chica State Beach in the city of Huntington Beach, CA. It happened under a bridge which connects to the tide water wildlife sanctuary.  He saw the ring fly off his finger and into ankle deep sandy water.

Eric was positive that he could find it using a shovel and sifting system. He returned two days later with a bunch of tools. Starting at 9am he had not found it after 3 hours of hard work. Frustrated and ready to give up he google searched for ideas. 

He contacted me and I said I may not have time to do a proper search but if he was at the location, I would meet him there in 20 minutes. Access to the location was over large break water boulders. Once down in the sandy river bottom Eric showed me the location which he had extensively dug up. It was saturated wet sand which can actually help a heavy gold ring to sink deeper. 

Turned I my detector, telling Eric I would give it a quick try, because I had to be somewhere else soon. I now had a good location so it would easy to search it properly later. WELL!! two quick swings and I got the signal. Big white gold wedding ring in the scoop.  Wonders never cease.. we just had a couple seconds to take photos before I had to leave. .. Another successful search and a very happy and grateful person that now knows who to call if he needs help finding a ring or other metallic valuable.

I Can Help You .. Available to answer any questions you may have.. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

Lost Gold Bracelet at Shaws Cove, Laguna Beach, CA., .. Found in the Darkness of the Night

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Timing is important call ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136  ..I Will Answer the Call.

*** Lily was at Shaws Cove in Laguna Beach, CA. She was wearing a gold bracelet and when she got home it wasn’t on her wrist. She was devastated because it was lost and it actually belonged to her boyfriend.

They had returned to the beach searching for a couple hours with no luck. Then she did a google search for metal detector service, where my contact information came up.

She called me  at 8:30pm while I was driving home from Santa Monica Beach. She verbal told me what happened and that the bracelet was most likely where they had been sitting. Then she added that it could have fallen in the sand as they walked off the beach ( 125 yards +-). Lastly she thought there could be a chance it was was in the first trash can at the steps.

It was pitch dark when I arrived at that beach. Even though I thought I knew that beach well, I had trouble identifying the place they sent  using photos Lily texted me. Tomorrow at daylight may be too late as a lifeguard told me there is a guy that detects that small beach almost everyday.

Finally I found the area they had been sitting and a few swings with my detector revealed the gold chain next to a 3ft.deep hole. I’m sure if someone would have filled that hole in the bracelet would have been push too deep in the sand to be detected with my equipment. I was relieved because I didn’t have to grid the walk off the beach or check the large trash can. I do long grids where the item may have dropped walking off the beach and I have searched many trash cans for lost rings, keys and cellphones.

Texted a photo of the bracelet to Lily and made arrangements to meet her a couple days later to return it . She was more than happy. A very nice lady and a pleasure to help her find what was so special to her and her boyfriend.


If you lost something of value, I may be able to help you… Call ASAP Anytime.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136   .. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Wedding Ring Lost on Beach for Four Days .. Newport Beach, CA. .. Saved and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












TIMING IS IMPORTANT .. call ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136  ..I Will Answer the Call.

*** Daniel called asking for help to find a white gold wedding band that he lost in the sand 4 days ago. The area of the loss was a very populated part of Newport Beach, CA. I gave him a short explanation of our chances to recover the ring as that beach is heavily hunted area by recreational metal detectors and it is also sifted by the city Beach King machine.

He understood and I said I could meet him at the location. This was the last day he would be able to show me the general location. He showed me a 20’x20’ area. I setup my metal detector and decided to start at the center. A half dozens swings of my detector and my first signal was Daniel’s white gold wedding ring that had been hiding in the sand at the towel line. 

Both Daniel and his wife were very happy and amazed that his ring was found so fast after so many days. I know all the possibilities that the ring could have easily been found or picked up by the cleaning machines. This is just another case to stay positive and give it try..

How to Find a Ring on the Beach … Newport Beach, CA. .. Call a Member of TheRingFinders ..       “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

                          .. Call Stan The Metal Detector Man

                          .. Contact Metal Detector Man .

                          .. 949-500-2136