Metal detector rental Edmonton and St albert Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 14K Yellow Wedding Band, Forest Heights Neighborhood, Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Katelyn call to request my service to locate her ring while she was out in her garden getting it ready for planting season.

Katelyn showed me the area where she was picking weeds and cleaning up. She had also been digging up a tree root and thought the ring could possibly be there but unfortunately it was not.

I searched the whole back yard with no ring! Then she said she was along the side of the house cleaning up the flower beds and again no ring, so we headed to the front of the house and searched the flower beds!  Two hours of searching with no luck! I could see on Katelyn’s face that she was very disappointed so I decided to do a final sweep of the area just to confirm the ring was not in the garden. Bang! I received the ring tone I was listening for! Her ring was well blended in the lawn and without a metal detector it would have never been found.

I called Katelyn over and showed her where her ring was.  She was jumping with joy to have her ring back on her finger.

Katelyn was married two weeks ago and the ring was of sentimental value from a previous family member, not only that, it was also her wedding ring!

Thank you Katelyn,


Singel Key Lost In Snow Richie Neighbourhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Last night Chelsey was trying to enter the side door of her house holding onto only a single key and because of the fridgit temperatures we are experiancing here in Edmonton droped the key.  She could not find it anywhere. Her husband Craig shoveled the side walk but still could not find the key. Chelsey did a google search for a metal detector to rent and found me.  I was able to quickly find the key for her.

Thank you Chelsey and Craig for calling me.

20k Wedding Ring Lost! In The Uplands Neighborhood, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Edwin called me requesting my service to locate his wife’s 20k yellow gold wedding ring which she lost while getting into her car. Edwin told me it was the first time in her life she had seen and touched snow. She shook her hand before getting into the car and the ring flew off her finger. They looked for a few hours searching with no luck but within 5 minutes I had her ring back on her finger, Both where delighted to have the ring back.

Lost 10k Gold Wedding Band, Westmount Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta – Found

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received an email from Robert requesting my services to locate a family heirloom which had been given to him by his late grandfather. Robert told me he was gardening with his wife and he had his hands in his raised garden beds also in his flower beds. After he was done he gathered all the dead foliage into plastic bags and then he realized the ring was missing of his finger.
I told Robert I was out of town until Wednesday so I assured him that since the ring was lost on his property it was in a safe place and to not throw any of the garbage bags out until I checked them.
Once at Robert’s house he showed me where the ring could possibly be, and he checked the area for a couple of hours with no luck.
The soil in the five raised beds was eight inches deep and Robert told me that he was digging with his bare hands to the bottom of the beds. I used my propinter to check his beds and had no luck. I also checked the flower beds with no luck so then I checked his four garbage bags. The third bag contained his ring! Robert was very grateful to have his grandfather’s ring back on his finger.
Thank you Robert for entrusting me and The Ringfinders.

Norm Peters

Lost Gold Wedding Band McCauley Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call on Thursday from Mike requesting my assistance to help him find his wedding ring which he had lost a couple of weeks ago. When I asked Mike how he had lost his ring he replied that he picked up a runner off his dresser because it had some dirt on it. He had walked out of the front door to shake the runner and thought he had heard a ping noise but without realizing what it was, He returned back into the house. After a couple of days Mike realized his ring was missing from his dresser. He searched high and low for the ring in the house with no luck. He then recalled the ping nose that he had heard, and that it must have been his ring that hit the sidewalk and bounced on the lawn. Mike spent hours looking for the ring with no luck.
I stopped in on Mike this morning and he showed me the area where he thought the ring could be. I searched through dead leaves and pine needles and I told Mike that since the foliage was near the same colour as his ring it would be very hard to locate the ring with the naked eye. I searched the other side of his side walk and found his ring neatly covered in pine needles. Mike was very grateful that he had found me on the Internet.

Another happy client.

Thank you Mike and Maryann.


Wedding Ring Lost Abbottsfield Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


After a long three weeks of brutal – 30 Celsius weather, yesterday the temperature rose to -4 Celsius and people took advantage of it.   Stuart called me requesting my service to locate his ring which he lost while on a toboggan hill.  Stuart told me he had raked the area where he believed  the ring was lost and that he also had the kids looking but had had no luck.

Stuart called me to say he would be late so I went ahead and checked the hill. The hill was covered with footprints  but I walked  to where Stuart had raked and that’s where I found his ring.  Stuart arrived within ten minutes and as usual I asked a lot of question.  Stuart began telling me how his hill experience started and said the ring could be anywhere on the hill. I pulled the ring from my pocket and asked him if this was his ring.  He was lost for words and could not believe I had found it so quickly – another happy client.

Thank you Stuart for entrusting me to find your ring.


Lost Engagement Ring, Hawks Ridge Neighbourhood NW Edmonton. Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Doug called me yesterday afternoon asking if I could help him find his wife’s  engagement ring which he lost while he was walking with his children yesterday morning, while visiting at a friends house, I told Doug I could meet him within the hour.

When I arrive at the location, Doug told me he had walk roughly a Block and a half with his children and his dog. I asked Doug where did he have the ring. He told me it was on his finger for safe keeping, he notice the ring was missing when he got back to the house, you see his wife had entrusted him with her ring while she was attending a tournament in the city,

I asked Doug if he had done anything out of the ordinary while on his walk he told me that he was throwing snow balls at the back of the house, I told him we will start at that location which was a logical place to start when we got on the walkway, Doug said the walkway had been cleared of snow since he was last there.

Doug told me that he had spent a couple of hours walking up and down the walkway looking for the ring with no luck.
After about 20 minute searching the area where Doug was throwing snowballs I found the ring on the other side of the walkway Doug was very happy to have the ring back in his possession.

Thank you Doug for allowing me to locate your wife’s lost ring.

Lost Gold Wedding Band @ William D Cuts School, Larose Drive, St. Albert. Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Neil requested my services this afternoon in finding his lost wedding band which he had lost on Sunday. He had taken his ring off and placed it in the side pocket of his soccer bag with his keys and when the game was over he took his keys out and walked back to his car.   When he arrived home the ring was not in his bag and he figured that the ring would have fallen out when he took his keys out.

Neil and his wife spent a couple of hours yesterday searching for the ring with no luck.  He then went on Facebook looking to rent a metal detector and a reporter  from the local newspaper saw it.   This reporter had done a story about me a couple of years ago, contacted him and recommend him to get in touch with me.

I called Neil and met  him at the school half an hour later. He showed me the area and the direction he walk from the field. Five minutes later  I had his ring back on his finger.

Another happy client!

Thank you Neil