lost silver ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond/Garnet Gold Ring flys away

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We are off to a an exciting 2025, so many calls this year already.

This afternoon we got a call from a lady who said 3 days ago she was working in her very large front yard, clearing weeds and frozen plants clean-up.  At the end of the day she realized her Ring Guard and her Diamond/Garnet center Ring were gone off her hand,

Very distraught, she search and searched, she even purchased a metal detector and it totally confused her because she had no one to teach her how to use it.  She had her husband and children out searching but no luck.  Her husband finally said ”just hire a professional”.  So she searched the internet and found The Ring Finders and called us.

As luck would have it we were only 20 minutes away having just finished another Ring find.  So we immediately went over and did our search.  After just a few passes through the yard and flower beds, when I got a solid 45 Gold Signal on our Garrett AT Pro.  We were able to put a big smile on her face that made our day….we love our hobby.

Lost Grandfathers Ring in Concrete Mix

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a gentleman who was mixing concrete for a row of 2 X 2 Steps.  He was making about 20 steps for a customers’ walkway.  In the process, due to some recent weight loss, his treasured ring which his Grandfather had worn his entire life and then passed on to our him disappeared.  Short story, he had the ring on, made 20 concrete steps and 2 hours later when finished the ring was gone.

He was pretty sure it was in the 3rd step as a bag of quikCrete had burst open and he had scooped concrete with his hands.  Upon arrival with our Garrett AT Pro Metal Detectors we began scanning each step.  Few normal beeps and noises until I reached the 1st step.  It was not a normal Gold Signal but it was extremely strong.  I told the customer, I’m not sure it’s your ring but there’s definitely something there.

He said OK and picked up the 2X2 step and threw it on the ground breaking it into pieces, then he yelled “There it Is”. He did a little dance in the yard, gave us a big hug and told us we made his year.

This hobby/business is so much fun…

Lost Tiffany Diamond Ear Ring Skydiving

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got call from Faith, she said she was Skydiving for the first time.  Once she landed in the field she was taking off her Goggles and felt her brand NEW (only had them 24 hours/10yr anniversary gift) Gold & Diamond Ear Ring flew off.  She immediately dropped to her knees with her parachute still attached and started looking for her ear ring.   Her partner and all of the staff at the Sky Diving Club searched and searched but with no luck.  They bought a metal detector NO Luck, the had someone come out with a better Metal Dectector- NO Luck.  Someone suggested she better hire a Pro, so she called “The Dallas Ringfinders”.

We got the call 1 week after the loss, we scheduled to come out after church on Sunday and met the couple and all 7 of the staff of the Sky Diving Club, everyone there had been searching for the Ear Ring.  Great thing was the staff had put out a orange cone at the landing location where Faith had landed.  Ellen & I got our Garrett AT Pro Metal Detectors and  our Garrett Water Proof Pinpointers and began our search… it only took a minute.  I got a solid 45 gold signal at less than 2 inches deep.  I checked the site with my Pinpointer but go No signal, I then cleared the dried grass with my foot and scanned again,  still getting the 45 Gold signal indicator.  I then bent down and slowly and carefully scanned the area with my pinpointer and got a hit on the edge of the thick grass I had cleared.. still seeing nothing I use my hand to slowly clear the grass and then I saw the “Glint”.  What fun to return a beautiful ear ring..

Lost Aggie Ring to the Yellow Duckies

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

What a fun search, we got a call from a retired Fire Chief in Lewisville, Texas.  He was helping out with a community Fundraiser where they pushed 40,000 Yellow Duckies off the falls and each duck had a value, they raised over $200,000 but our Aggie while pushing the final Duckies off the falls his Aggie Ring flew off into the pond.
He was very distraught over loosing his ring and tried to rent a Metal Detector but not knowing how to use it was a challenge, he actually was talking to the Fire Department Rescue Scuba Divers about trying to find it for him when he found “The Ring Finders” and called us.

Ellen and I met him on Tuesday morning and found his ring, I love what we do….

Another Successful Find for the Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Band returned to Owner who is in Hospice

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

    Today we drove 3 hours to find a gentleman’s Wedding Ring he lost gardening 6-8 months ago.  Today unfortunately his health has driven him into a Hospice situation.  His wife and adult children really wanted to have the ring found before he passes.   When his wife answered the door she broke down crying, “just knowing we were there to search for the ring”,  it was literally 100 degrees.  We began our search through the sticky blueberry bushes and all over the 3 acres.  The wife came out to speak with us, as Ellen was speaking to her, I continued to search.  And praise God not 10 feet from where she was standing I got a Gold Signal.  I reached down and got a really big smile on my face knowing  I had just found the ring.  The lady nearly jumped into my arms when we showed what we had found.  We so love what we get to do. Read the rest of this entry »

Lost Silver Ring Found in Land O’ Lakes Florida

  • from Tampa (Florida, United States)

Lost Ring Returned Silver RingItem recovered August 13, 2024. Neena had reached out in the afternoon about a ring she lost in the conservation area behind her house. I arranged a call later that evening to get a better understanding of the area and circumstances of her loss.

Neena said she had lost her ring while enjoying the quiet area behind her house back in November, 2023. She wasn’t exactly sure where it was lost, and the area where she was standing was small in size. She had looked for it herself, but wasn’t able to locate it. In addition, the neighbor had recently constructed a fence and she was worried the ring may have been found by the workers, or possibly lost in the small pond with all the rain we received from Hurricane Debbie.

She also mentioned that this particular ring had a high sentimental value to her as it was given to her by a life-long friend who had recently passed away. It was very important to have this ring returned!

I met Neena at her house the following day after work and surveyed the area. Because of the fencing, it was necessary to use a step ladder to be able to get over the fence in the back, which stood approximately four feet tall. I grabbed my equipment and used Neena’s ladder to scale over the fence into the conservation area.

Search Area Once over the fence, I started detecting near the ferns, where she said she spent much of her time when she lost the ring. I immediately got a loud signal with a high VDI, similar to how a silver item would sound. Upon digging the item from the ground, it turned out to be a crushed-up soda can.

I slowly moved toward the pond, thoroughly covering the area about 15-20 feet away from the ferns. I found additional garbage-worthy items, but not the ring we were looking for. I returned to the fence to Neena to again discuss where she was on the day she lost the ring. She mentioned she also walked along the edge of the pond to where it turns left and so I started back out to search the edge of the pond.

Approximately five feet past where I had stopped earlier, and on the very edge of the pond, I had another signal on the metal detector that sounded like silver. It was the ring! It must have been pushed into the ground by about 1/2″ (perhaps by someone stepping on it, or being run over by a lawn mower tire). I turned around and yelled “Neena! I found the ring!” I probably should have verified it was the one we were looking for so as not to get her hopes up, but it matched the description and found in the loss location. We hadn’t even had a chance to thoroughly clean it off yet, but she put it back on her finger and it fit perfectly.

Neena was overcome with emotion and very thankful I was able to help return this ring to her.


  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

I received a call from a lady, that a lady at the Lake Norman Yacht Club had a young lady loss a silver ring that meant a lot to her. She lost it during a water balloons fight. I met the 2nd lady at the gate, parked, unloaded my detector. We made our way to the back of the event area where the lady proceeded to tell me where the young lady had lost it. Two targets later and it was found!

The young lady wasn’t there at the time, she had jumped on a boat ride. I met her dad, and he texted the photo of the ring to her, and she confirmed it was her lost ring.

Dad posed for the photo!



Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com

Lake,Alcohol & the Ring Flies into the Lake Grapevine, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a really guy named Jordan.  He let us know that the previous Saturday while on a family day at the lake.  Actually Jordan’s birthday.  A mistake that sometimes happens when alcohol is involved, tempers flaired and his sweetheart in a moment of regret took off her ring and just tossed it in the lake.  They searched for over an hour even though the water was only 2-4 ft deep.  We set a time to meet Jordan the next day at Lake Lewisville.  Jordan brought his wonderful 24 ft Pontoon boat,  he took on a short ride to the Island in the middle of the lake where he and his family liked to beach their pontoon and spend the day just floating in the lake.  Upon arrival I jumped in and began search asking Jordan where his sweetheart was sitting and what direction she threw the ring.  We always ask if the person who threw the ring is athletic or not because that can make difference how far the ring may have gone,  I made several passes and then Ellen my wife hopped in the water and began to search as well.  The both use Garrett ATPro’s and waterproof Garret Pro-Pointers.  Ellen wasn’t in the wate 5 minutes when she called my name, I looked and could tell from the look on her face she had found the beautiful ring.  I walked over and sure enough, the beautiful White Gold Diamond Ring sat beautifully in her scoop.  Jordan heard us talking and was shocked that Ellen had found the ring in less than 10 minutes.  After some congratulations and photos we had a wonderful boat ride back to the marina.

Another Great Find for the Dallas Ring Finders


Dallas, Tx – the Aggie Ring Disappears

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

Rec’d a call from Mr. Garcia requesting our services to hunt for a most valuable possession…his Texas Aggie ring. (Anyone from Texas knows how much those rings mean to their owners!)   Mr. Garcia had been moving out of his current residence to move to another city so locating this ring was imperative to say the least. He picked up a broken pair of sunglasses and threw them sidearm across the yard, when he did he saw his beloved Aggie Ring go flying.  He had spent Friday evening (3 hrs), Saturday afternoon (2 hrs) and again Sunday, another 3 hrs but that important ring was no where to be found! We arrived with our Garrett metal detectors, Pinpointers and a can-do attitude and stayed in the Texas heat to help as best we could.  We detected grass, huge bushes and even areas where we felt it might have gotten kicked or raked over to, but, nada, nothing, it was still lost.  Mr. Garcia had no doubt whatsoever where he saw it bounce across his yard and knew it absolutely HAD to be there, somewhere. We decided to re-search the areas beneath the huge bushes, on hands and knees with only our Pinpointers and low and behold….found it!!!  Amazingly enough it was found under the roots of one of the largest bushes.  How it traveled to where it was found is beyond imagination but…when one method doesn’t work determination proves there’s always another.

Caddo Lake Lost Ring Mishap on a Kayak

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)


Drove  out to Caddo Lake for an individual to look for two very special rings. She is a nature photographer by trade (& a very good one) and had taken her rings off and placed them in the fold of her lap/shirt while in the kayak to get a pic of a bird.  Excited about the pic she continued to kayak around the cove snapping pictures and when it was time to head back in she paddled to the spot where she entered the lake.  Feeling the solid ground beneath the kayak she stood up to exit the craft and her rings plopped in the murky water.  In her panic to recover the rings she placed her camera equipment on shore and tried to feel around beneath the water to no avail. In the span of just a few hours she had purchased two different types of metal detectors and even tried to shovel clumps of Muddy Muck   from the edge of the lake.  However, a park ranger did not see the humor in that, made her stop and told her to call someone professional but that she was not to dig again.  She called us.  Due to the metal garbage in the lake we had to first remove all things that set off our detectors and then proceed to concentrate on the jewelry specified sounds.  One of her rings belonged to her mother (who recently passed away) and the other was her engagement ring.  After a couple hours searching thru the mud and the muck We found one beautiful ring which had belong to her mother.  The engagement ring is still elusive and we will have to travel back to continue the search another day.