#lost ring orange beach al Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring in Orange Beach, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Joseph and Jennifer have their ring back where it belongs. It got a trip in the mail all the way to Oklahoma! I’m so glad that I could help. 😃👍

Lost Ring Found…. AGAIN!!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

My first ring recovery of 2023 is also another kind of first. This is the first time I have been called on to find the same ring for a second time. A little over two years ago Brenda and Henry called me to come out and find Henry’s 1968 University of Alabama class ring that had come off while putting out pine straw at their home in Gulf Shores. Henry had saved my number in his Rolodex so when it happened again in the exact same scenario, he knew who to call. Henry and I were talking to each other and he looked on as I set my machine to the area he was pretty sure that it had come off in. The first tone I got I explained was an iron tone and told him that I was pretty sure I remembered his ring was a 12-36 on my machine. Not thirty seconds later I got a strong 12-32. As I reached down and uncovered his ring, I told him that I wasn’t far off on the number and I would take it after 2 years. 😃. Henry was ecstatic as I gave him his ring back. I told him to keep a close eye on his ring this time but if he lost it again just give me a call and I’d be right there for the next time. It was a pleasure seeing you again Henry, give Brenda my best!

Lost Wedding Ring in the Gulf, Orange Beach-FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Doug and Kristen have been married for 27 years. They have raised a family together and been through good times and bad. One of the tough times is watching Doug battle cancer. Thank goodness he is currently stable and they were able to get away to Orange Beach for a vacation. One constant these 27 years has been Doug’s gold wedding band on his hand. That is until this week when he was throwing football with his son in the Gulf of Mexico and it went flying. They tried searching all around for the rest of the day and they even used a mask and snorkel since they knew roughly where it had landed. Unfortunately the ring had already buried deep in the sand and they were unable to find it. The next morning Kristen went online and luckily was able to find me through the Ringfinders and a referral or two from some very thoughtful people. Doug called and after just a few minutes I knew we had to find that ring!  I made plans to come that afternoon since I already had work scheduled for the day but I assured them that the ring would still be there when I got there. When I got to their condo I spoke with the ladies in the front office and they were kind enough to give me a parking pass. I grabbed my gear and headed down to the beach and met Doug and Kristen and their family. Doug immediately walked me out in the water where he thought he had been standing the day before. It was just less than waist deep and he explained how the ring had come off when he went for a football. I asked him if it went deeper or shallower and as he re-enacted the scene I got him to point exactly where he thought it might be. Doug wished me luck as he walked back to his family to sit and watch and I turned on my machine and got the settings tweaked for the saltwater. I started my search and took one swing to the right, one swing to the left and a small step forward. As I was swinging the coil back to the right I immediately heard a beautiful gold tone. I took a really deep scoop since I didn’t want to nick it. They had searched for over a day and it was already about 5” deep. On the first try I looked in the scoop and there was the ring that had been with Doug through so many memories. I indicated that I had it and started walking in. Nobody really reacted and Kristen told me later that they thought I was joking that I had found it so quickly. 😃 When reality hit they all got so excited and justifiably a little shaken up. I’m so glad that I could be part of the continuation of your story. Doug and Kristen, I wish you health and happiness for many, many more years. God Bless!

Orange Beach, AL – Lost Ring in the surf – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I really hope Lisa and her husband take the time to tell their story when they read this because this is one of those occasions where there was some serious skepticism going on. 😁 I don’t blame them a bit, it takes a serious leap of faith to call someone and explain where your wedding rings are and not worry. Luckily, they decided to trust me and gave me a call. Lisa had been boogie boarding the day before and when she came in all the way to shore a wave crashed over her and took her wedding ring with it. When I got there the next day it was noticeably rougher and we were worried that the ring had been pulled out to sea or buried so deep it would be hard to find. Nevertheless I started searching the area that Lisa pointed out to me. I spent a few hours searching back and forth doing my best to hold steady in the current until I was starting to worry. About that time a sweet little red headed young lady on the beach yelled out, “excuse me sir, are you looking for my Mommy’s ring?”  I asked her if her Mom was Lisa and she said yes. She went on to say that she thought the ring was down the beach a bit. I asked her if she was sure because her Mom had pointed out this area. With the confidence of a child she walked me down the beach a little farther and said she was sure it was in here. After only two passes I heard a gold tone and I was quickly on my way to tell Lisa that she owed her daughter a new toy or present. 😃 I was so happy to find this ring and it made it even better to show the whole family that they could trust their new friend in Orange Beach if they ever needed me again. 👍

Found, Wedding Band in the water near Pensacola Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

The shorebreak was still pounding on the beach this past weekend. Brett was playing in the surf when his ring slipped off his finger and disappeared in the foamy surf in about knee deep water. There was a strong down the beach current from the surf and Brett was afraid his ring got caught in the current. It was a big heavy ring with lots of area for the water to push on. He and his friends searched for quite some time with no success. Brett lived out of town and had go home but called me the next day and I said I would do my best to help. I started a search a few hours later based on Brett’s best recollection only to discover that the beach had change shape which is common on Pensacola Beach. The landmarks he relied on no longer existed. There were lots of people on beach the day before and once I got started searching four different people told me about the ring being lost and where it was lost, with each location being different in a 300 foot area! I called Brett and explained we needed to do a bit of detective work to locate the area to search. Fortunately he is very good at estimating distances. Based on structures off the beach, calculating the tide and waiting for the tide to reach the same depth as the time the ring was lost, I started the search again. Within about 45 minutes I got a good repeatable signal. Brett’s ring Apparently sank rapidly in the soft sand that was being agitated by the surf and soon was about 8 or 10 inch deep. After three scoops his ring was recovered. I immediately took a picture of the ring and sent it to him. It was a beautiful ring and Brett’s smile says it all. I was happy I could make his day.

Lost Ring before Tropical Storm – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Yesterday morning as we were all preparing for the possibility of Tropical Storm Fred getting closer to us, I got a call. Deborah and her family were down from Birmingham to witness her son Thomas get married on the beach the day before. Everything went great but the young man who was kind enough to act as ring bearer got a little over zealous on his walk to the alter. Even though both rings were tied  to the pillow, somewhere between the boardwalk and the place where the bridal party were standing, the bride’s rose gold and diamond band disappeared. 😳  Luckily, Deborah reached out to me promptly and understood that we needed to find it quickly before those waves in the gulf got closer and closer. I was already in the area and agreed to meet Thomas for a debrief of where everyone was standing. I used my largest coil and was able to cover a lot of ground while Thomas ran back to his car for something. I think he was surprised to see that by the time he got back I was already taking pictures of the ring with the big seas in the background. He was thrilled to have his new bride’s ring back and quickly called his family to tell them the good news. Congratulations to you all. I’m very glad I was able to help make a great ending to a story I know you will tell for years to come. God Bless! 😃

Lost Diamond Ring in Orange Beach, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Felicia and Scott have been down from Tennessee enjoying this beautiful Orange Beach weather. The first day here Scott got a little sunburned so the next day Felicia was being extra careful to put plenty of sunscreen on the little ones. Like a lot of people, she took her ring off so she wouldn’t get it too greasy and she slipped it into her swimsuit thinking it would only be there for a second or two. Sure enough, moments later she had forgotten all about the ring as she rushed into the gulf to play with the kids in the waves. A few hours later as they were walking to their car, she noticed it was gone and that’s when panic ensued. You can imagine the frantic search that followed and understand why she got up at the crack of dawn to go comb the beach the following morning. Luckily for her there was a nice man that saw her looking and suggested the Ringfinders service. She was quickly searching on the internet and before she knew it she had my name and phone number. When she called and told me everything I knew that it was most likely in the water. I told them I was on the way. When I got there it was pretty crowded but they had a very good idea where they had gone into the Gulf. I explained that I would go back and forth in a grid pattern to make sure I covered everything but not to worry if it took a little while. I saw them both looking anxiously on as I dug a couple of coins shaking my head that no, that wasn’t it. Then I got the tone I wanted to hear and I very gently took a deeper scoop so I wouldn’t scratch anything. As the sand rushed out of my scoop I saw the telltale glint of gold and diamonds. I turned and smiled and gave them a nod and Felicia came rushing to meet me at the water’s edge. Now Scott and Felicia have been together since the eighth grade so I knew she was going to be excited but I have to say that Felicia wins for loudest, most excited shouts of joy ever. She screamed for joy so long that several people asked if we had gotten engaged. 😃. Gotta love it, that’s why I do what I do. This is a beautiful ring and I’m glad I could return it to such a beautiful couple. Congrats Scott and Felicia. God Bless!

Lost Ring Orange Beach, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

The first ring recovery of the year is always special but this one was awesome for multiple reasons!  Not only did I get to put a wedding band back on someone’s hand where it belongs but I also got to take a picture without worrying about a mask in over a year. This first call of the season happened to be the exact day that I could consider myself vaccinated from COVID after getting my second shot 2 weeks earlier. Yesterday evening, my new friend Mary called and said that she and her husband had come down from Birmingham with the family to enjoy Spring Break. Her husband had been playing beach volleyball the afternoon before when he noticed his Wedding band was no longer on his hand. He wasn’t 100% sure that it had come off then but after having it on for 14 years he was pretty sure he felt it go flying in the sand. They quickly realized that a metal detector was a good idea and they went and purchased one. Unfortunately, they ran into the two problems that often occur with this solution. #1)- the detectors designed to be used on our saltwater beaches are very expensive and unfortunately the cheaper ones can be almost useless. #2)- when the machine starts beeping a lot, without years of practice it can be hard to decipher what you are listening to. They then proceeded to plan B where they dug in the sand for hours hoping to find it. This also usually ends up being a bad idea because that will actually just make the ring drop deeper into the sand and harder to find. Luckily a friend suggested me and Mary gave me a call. After talking for a bit, my wife and I headed that way and made it to Orange Beach before the sun set. It made for some great, happy pictures when less than 10 minutes later I was able to gently scoop up her husbands wedding band and return it to her. Mary FaceTime’d her husband and we all celebrated. I am so very glad that they reached out to me and I’m so glad that I was able to start out the 2021 ring return season with a huge smile. Thank you Mary for trusting me to find your husband’s ring.