This is kind of an unusual but very sweet story that was about two months in the making. I metal detect with my son in law, Dave Cartee, we share things we find and the stories all. The time. I was doing some random detecting in the Gulf at Pensacola Beach, testing out a detector, and just came across this silver ring. I got home and noted the ring was engraved with two names on the outside, Tori and Brock. On the inside was the engraving I love you. The first thing I thought was this is a promise ring and two young people are really missing this. That evening I was sharing what I found that day with Dave and described the promise ring. Immediately Dave asked me to sent a picture. I sent it and he called right back and told me that about two months prior Tori had reached out to him. That was late June. I asked Dave if he still had her contact information and he looked and found a phone number. I texted Tori with a picture of the ring and asked her to call. She was amazed, emotional and very grateful. We made plans to meet and return her ring a few days later. Both Tori and Brock were extremely grateful and told me they had given up hope on recovering that ring. But because of this was their original first ring, circumstance surrounding its return, the story of its lost, emotional let down and now return. That this promise ring had a very special meaning and story they would cherish and planned to pass this ring on one day as an heirloom. I assumed that meant there’s another yet to be written chapter to this story. Tori and Brock here’s wishing you the best and I am glad I could help and become apart or you story.