Wedding Ring Found at Opal Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

On the last day of their vacation at Pensacola beach, Phil and his wife decided to visit a less travelled beach late in the afternoon. They were due back home in Fort Worth the next day and had to leave soon. I always try to provide service to accommodate and agreed to meet him in an hour to find his lost ring. I finished up what I was doing, jumped in the van (that fortunately had my detecting equipment already in it ready to go) and headed out. We met up a 6pm, got to the spot he lost the ring by 6:30 and started searching. I searched for about 30 minutes I got the signals that were unmistakeable a gold ring. Needless to say, they were relieved. The travel home plan was kept in tack and the lost ring worries were no more. Everyone was happy! The satisfaction I get helping people like Phil is why I do this!

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