Rent metal detector Edmonton alberta Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Platinum Wedding Band, Strathcona Athletic Park, Sherwood Park, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Theresa emailed me last evening requesting my services to find her husband’s wedding band which he had lost while playing baseball at the park.

Her husband Everett  called me this morning and explained that he had lost the ring at the ball diamond and had spent a considerable amount of time looking for the ring with no luck so I agreed to meet him at the park within 45 minutes.

When I arrived Everett and Theresa were  busy looking for the ring. While setting up my equipment I gave Everett some marker flags and told him to place the flags where he thought the ring could possibly be.   Everett did a fantastic job in marking the field and it was a huge area to cover.

After about 1/2 hour I heard Theresa shout out  “I found it” and I looked up and there she was about 30 feet outside the marked area where Everett had placed the flags.  Just goes to show you never know where a ring can end up!  Fantastic job Theresa in finding Everett’s ring.


Lost Ring Found Rosenthal Neighborhood, NW Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Received a call from a anxious young lady she had just lost her ring in a tots lot while she was playing with her son, after asking Annik how she lost the ring! Annik said she remove her ring while applying sun screen on her son, She put the ring in her pocket also she had her phone in the same pocket and not realizing she answered her phone and that’s when the ring fell out of her pocket.

Thank you Annik for contacting me to locate your Lost ring.