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Lost & Found Rings Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  778-838-3463

Timing is everything when it comes to looking for lost rings in a public area, especially if you post it on the craigslist. I got a phone call yesterday evening from a young man who lost his wedding band of 19 years while taking his keys out of his vest pocket. After discussing the search over the phone he told me there were two places where he reached in to grab his keys, one place was when he was on the sand, the other place was on a concrete walkway.

This gives me a 50-50 chance of possibly finding the ring for the young man, the fact that he placed it on the craigslist with the location might make my chances even less.  After talking to Jason for a little while I knew the beach pretty well and headed out to take a look for his ring, he lived quite far from the beach so I told him if he was comfortable with me going to look for the ring without him, I’d go and give it a shot.

When I got there the sun was going down and the tide was coming in plus I didn’t pay for parking so hopefully I can find the ring quickly. When I got to the location I phoned Jason just to make sure I was understanding where he came out of the water with his kayak and reached into his pocket. I set up my camera to do the video, to my surprise it was the first target I hit within seconds I was holding his beautiful gold wedding band.










I was so happy that Jason’s ring was still there for me to find…

If you lost your ring please go to www.TheRingFinders.com Find a member nearest your location and hopefully we’ll see your smile on our book.

You can watch the video of this fast find below. I love my job! I love the smiles!!














Lost ring in Eagle Mountain: found

When Bob got married, his wife gave him a custom 18K gold ring. He has worn that ring for over 50 years. Last weekend, while watching his grandson play flag football, he discovered that the ring was gone. The family searched for hours, but they didn’t find it. Bob found The Ring Finders, and gave me a call. I met Bob and the family at the football fields with my metal detecting equipment. They pointed out the areas where they thought the ring could be, and after about 30 minutes of searching, I found the ring!

While he was growing up in Wyoming, Bob’s family hunted elk for food. This custom-made ring is a reminder of that heritage: two elk teeth are embedded in the gold. Over the decades, the teeth wore down and cavities formed. Since he loved the ring so much, Bob got a dentist family friend to fill the cavities. This ring is one-of-a-kind!

Lost Gold Ring Found In Yard In Detroit Michigan

From Father To Son….

…..Is quite an often spoken phrase most of us have heard perhaps at family gatherings. More commonly it’s referred to a particular trait, habit or skill that the younger man has naturally developed from the elder person. No doubt that the pictured gentleman has acquired much knowledge and skills from his father, but this story is quite the opposite. Something very sentimental to him was lost a few days ago.
Going back 30 years, shortly after his father’s passing he received his ring. Quite stunned and thankful when presented with it, for a few moments memories of the ring came to mind, memories of him, his dad and the ring his Dad was so proud of always being a part of what they did together from a single age all the way to manhood such as fishing, playing cards, catching a football, working on a car, and theatrical gesturing while socializing with friends and family. Now in the past 30 years the ring has become a huge part of his life, work and family in the same way as his dad cherished it.
As the COVID-19 virus restrictions are being lifted, many people are hurrying going about tasks to catch up on lost time. Somewhere in the yard while gardening the family ring slipped off. When I got on site I set up my MXT and ran a grid pattern. He and his wife thought the ring was sterling silver so I was looking for a high meter signal but would check all signals that sounded solid. No high read signals came thru but as I swept over some high foliage I got an all so familiar gold signal. Brushing the new mulch aside revealed this very handsome white gold ring!
His back was to me so I signaled to the wife that I got it. I said to him hey how’d this big chunk of metal get here, it’s interfering with the detector and has to go. He spun around and angrily marched over, looking down to pull it up he realized it was his ring! Lifting it from the earth he held it to the sky and said thank you! to his Dad looking down upon us. Happy with the ring back, and it’s gold!, he’s anticipating a wonderful Father’s day and a new story to share with his children and grandchildren for years to come.


Found Ring in Aldergrove, BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  778-838-3463

I received an email a week ago in regard to helping a young lady find her husbands ring that was lost while throwing weeds over the fence in the backyard. After asking my typical questions I found out that the Ring had been lost two years ago, she saw something on Facebook about TheRingFinders that gave her the idea to call.

We talked for a while and she told me that they rented a metal detector but cannot find the ring, also that there were prickle bushes where the ring fell. I was very interested in the fact that the ring had been lost for two years and knowing that no one would’ve found that ring because it was just on the other side of the fence beside the road, nobody would be metal detecting for that ring there.

We made arrangements to meet in Aldergrove where they live, about 60 minutes from my house, in a weeks time. Today I met Justin & his wife Janelle & daughter, we talked a bit about where he believes the ring was lost and how it got there,  I was very confident I would find the ring so we set out for a little bit of a walk around the block to where the back of his fence was, thankfully Justin cut back the thorn bushes to give me a chance to sweep my metal detector over the area, I knew I was looking for a tungsten carbide ring so I brought a couple with me just to see a visual display number and show him how the detector works.










I found a few bits of scrap metal and within 10 minutes alongside the road by a ditch and only feet away from his fence, I found his wedding band that was lost for 2 years & 10 minutes!

I love my job! I get to make people smile! Please share with your friends on your social media, tell them about TheRingFinders.com Sharing is Caring…Together we can find more smiles!

You can watch the video of the search below…




Metal Detector finds ring & owner found years later! – La Jolla

  • from Arkansas City (Kansas, United States)

This is a pretty cool story about a recent ring return…. One year ago I was metal detecting La Jolla shores and found a mens gold wedding ring. It was very thin and appeared to have the initials JJ and the date 1938. After posting ads on craigstlist community lost and found with no response, I eventually gave up and assumed the owner was long gone. An entire year went by and I held onto the ring. Two weeks ago, I was metal detecting in the same general area as before, and I found a very unusual silver ring. It too had an inscription. I posted an ad on craigslist and hoped to find the owner. In my search to find the owner of the silver ring, I came across the facebook page “La Jolla Shores Lost & Found”. With some hope to find the owner of the silver ring I scrolled through posts all the way back to 2018. I then noticed a post for a “LOST GOLD RING, VERY THIN, INSCRIBED 1938” This caught my attention! In my pursuit of finding the owner of the silver ring I inadvertently found the owner of the gold ring! I messaged the owner and we confirmed that the ring I found was the same ring that was lost 2 years prior. The ring belonged to her boyfriends grandfather and slipped out of her bag on the way to the car. The ring was made in Poland prior to WW2 and is a family heirloom. I shipped the ring this past week and Mariane and Adam are THRILLED to have the ring back. We believe it to be a small miracle that all of the events unfolded as they did. It was meant to make it back home.

Lost Gold Ring in Williamsport, Maryland…Found

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)


I received an email from a young lady named Hannah who contacted me from Williamsport, Maryland. She was desperate to recover her 14 karat white gold 2 karat diamond engagement ring which had gone missing three days earlier. Hannah was so upset about losing the ring that she couldn’t sleep for days and she lost her appetite to eat. Upon her reading my enthusiastic email in wanting to help Hannah find her missing ring, she typed this:

“You’re literally an angel…Thank you for doing this!! I really hope we can get my ring back. I have been sick over this ever since I lost it.”

Hannah remembered that she went to bed with the ring on her finger. Then, the next morning she hung out on the couch for three hours watching TV before going outside to do yard work. The young lady was accompanied by her fiancé and future father-in-law. All of them worked on raking leaves, loading the piles into a pickup truck, and then dumping the leaves into the woods beyond the backyard lawn.

After a number of hours working outside, Hannah realized that her beautiful engagement ring was no longer on her finger. She was bewildered, not having a clue as to when her beloved ring disappeared and where it ended up. The whole family started searching (even on their hands and knees as they sifted through leaves and dirt) for the missing ring, but nobody could find it. Her future mother-in-law lent a hand in the search efforts along with another friend or two. Unfortunately, all of their attempts to recover the ring led to no avail. No one was able to find the ring.

Hannah shared with me that the ring was a bit loose, which most likely contributed to why the ring fell off her finger. It was also chilly outside and that didn’t help matters with shrinking her finger a bit. In addition, any type of manual labor certainly will complicate matters with the constant thrusting motion of the hand. Her fiancé Levi was determined to do everything possible to recover the missing ring. He contacted his friend from work who owned a metal detector and the two of them searched the entire property for many hours. Another friend of the co-worker also came along and he searched with a second metal detector, as well. But still no engagement ring was ever found. Initially, six or seven hours of detecting went into the search efforts. Then, on Day 2, Levi’s friend returned again, but he still had no luck. Once the co-worker gave up, Hannah’s husband-to-be continued metal detecting that day into Day 3, but that mission failed, as well.

After everyone’s recovery efforts were exhausted, Hannah and Levi sought help online and they discovered THE RING FINDERS website! They searched for a metal detecting service in Williamsport, Maryland and my name, Brian Rudolph, popped up! Next, they sent me an email requesting my help. I immediately responded to Hannah’s email, and happily shared that I would be more than excited to help in the recovery efforts to get that engagement ring back on her finger as soon as possible! We set up a time for me to come out on a Friday morning which would be four days later. Levi would continue to search for the ring during the week and we agreed that he would let me know if he found it. Unfortunately, he still could not find the ring with the metal detector that he borrowed from his co-worker. Then, the night before I was scheduled to search for the ring, I confirmed with the couple that I would be arriving in the morning and we set up a time to start the search.

I recall driving to Williamsport, Maryland with a cheerful smile on my face as I had fun gazing at the beautiful countryside that I was passing through. I would end up driving by some old towns and several farms along the way, and I enjoyed every moment of the journey. I arrived at 9:30 a.m..

I couldn’t wait to start the search and solve this mystery of the disappearance of Hannah’s lovely engagement ring. The white gold band had a very large 2 karat diamond in the center surrounded by multiple diamonds on each side. It was exquisite. I was told that the ring was presented to Hannah while the couple traveled abroad a few months earler. The proposal took place on an old romantic bridge at the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. So, if one does the math, the ring had not been on the bride-to-be’s finger for very long at the time that it went missing. In addition to that disappointment, she was looking forward to wearing the “ice” the day after my search during her wedding dress fittings. So, not only was I trying to recover the ring to continue the beautiful proposal story, but also, Hannah wanted to include the diamond ring in her pre-wedding story with the fitting of her gown the next day. I won’t say that I felt pressure in finding the ring, but I did feel a sense of urgency and an extra bit of passion in my determination to find this lost friend in time for Hannah to have it on her finger for the wedding dress fitting! In fact, I gave Hannah my word that I would not leave their property until her ring was recovered!

Upon arriving, Hannah showed me the areas where she walked and worked outside on the day of the disappearance of the ring. She took me to the side yard just in front of the main side door entrance to their house. There was an area of grass in that region to check. Hannah showed me where she raked leaves in the front yard and then along the other side of the house. We then headed to patches of lawn on the other side of the driveway. Next, we then toured the back of the house. Hannah continued to show me all of the possible places that the ring could have disappeared, including areas located in the woods where the family members were throwing piles of leaves from her future father-in-law’s pickup truck which he backed up to the edge of the grassy lawn.

I reviewed with Hannah all of the possibilities of what happened to the ring and where it may have ended up. This included the need to check Hannah’s car (she recalled having to do an errand that afternoon) and inside the couple’s house (I concluded this because Hannah could not remember wearing the ring on her finger after getting off of the couch to go outside and help with the yard work). The last time she remembered wearing the ring was when she went to bed with it the night before she had done the yard work (now a week had passed since the time that she had lost her ring). Unfortunately, Hannah had no recollection of wearing the ring after she woke up. Therefore, I needed to search in all of the possible locations that we reviewed.

Once we finished going over all of the possibilities as to where Hannah may have lost her priceless ring, the most logical place to start the search was in her car. It would take minutes for me to search every crevice and corner with my endoscope. If it was found there, it would save me hours of detecting elsewhere! Unfortunately, the beautiful keepsake was not to be found in the vehicle and so I eliminated that possibility from the get-go! Next, I needed to take the search inside the home. Hannah and Levi agreed with my plan. So, I bundled up my in-house recovery gear and I headed inside for me to start the second leg of my search for the missing ring.

After spending about an hour and a half searching for the ring in the bedroom, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, hallway, and vestibule areas, the last area inside the house to investigate was the living room. I used my endoscope again in order to view and record video of all of the inner parts of the sofa to see if the ring had slipped off of Hannah’s finger while she was watching television on the couch. Once again, I did not locate the ring, which made me conclude that the keepsake was most likely out on the lawn or in the woods somewhere. There were no leaves bagged up to be recycled, and I requested that the couple not throw away any of their garbage until I inspected it. This reassured me that the ring was still somewhere on their property, waiting to be found.

When I knew that the ring was not in the home, I returned to my car and got out all of my metal detecting equipment to gear up and start searching for the ring outside. Hannah had been working outside in multiple locations on her property, including the sides of the driveway. Therefore, there were all kinds of places that needed to be metal detected to assure that we were not missing any spots where the ring could have ended up.

I was shown an area in the left side corner of the backyard that was adjacent to the neighbor’s yard where Hannah remembered throwing some sticks on the day of the disappearance of her ring. I detected that whole section but nothing turned up but miscellaneous aluminum items. It took a while to clear that area because I was metal detecting under all kinds of tree branches, as well as getting electrical interference from power lines that were under the ground. I then moved my way towards the woods where the leaves were thrown from the truck. Before I searched beyond the backyard lawn, I metal detected several tall leaf piles that were raked up along the left and right sides of the path leading into the woods. That took a long time to level out the piles so that I could detect the leaves properly in order to reach maximum depths with my machine. Nothing worth mentioning was found in the midst of those piles of leaves.

Once I started my way into the woods where the leaves were thrown from the truck, I detected all kinds of metal objects that were scattered about, but I couldn’t detect the ring that we were looking for. There was a lot of little pieces of aluminum that were intermingled with old leaves and new piles of fallen ones, as well. There also was plenty of metal objects buried down in the dirt below the leaves. So, I knew at that point, it was not the time to go through every inch of that area until I first concluded that the ring was not hidden in the front of the house or on the backyard lawn. Metal detecting in the woods would require a lot of extra effort of pulling up one piece of metal at a time to eliminate every possibility that the ring was not in that particular spot. I decided that I would come back to that location if everything else failed.

Next, I skipped the lawn in the backyard for the time being and proceeded to the area of lawn near the couple’s side door (which was their primary entrance). After completing that section, it was clear that there was no ring to be found. Hannah shared that she had been working in the bushes on the day she lost the ring. So, when it was time to detect the front lawn, I carefully inspected all of the front hedges and made sure that the ring had not ended up in the middle of the bushes or underneath them. Then, when I concluded that the piece of jewelry was not lost in that section, I started metal detecting the entire front yard. Gridding from north to south and then from east to west, I was able to eliminate any possibility that the ring was lost on the front lawn and on the right side of the house, as well. White gold is tricky and you must go slow and use high sensitivity on your metal detector because you can easily miss it if you swing the coil too quickly over the target that you’re looking for. There was no ring to be found at this point.

Next, I metal detected the hill that was in front of the yard that dipped down where it met the edge of the street. All of that area was clear of any jewelry. Then, I checked along the hillside that was adjacent to the driveway, but I still found no ring in that location either. The last part of the front of the property that I could check was the opposite side of the driveway where there was a strip of land that separated the neighbors yard from Hannah and Levi’s yard. Unfortunately, there was no ring found there, as well. I followed that section all the way to the bottom of the driveway, but Hannah obviously did not lose her ring when she was raking leaves on that side either.

It was now time to hit the backyard and do a grid search over the entire lawn. From what Hannah told me, she never walked over to one particular side of the property in the backyard. However, I still wanted to make certain that the ring was not anywhere in that region, just in case she didn’t remember raking or walking over there at some point. With many of my searches, I find out much later that someone didn’t remember walking or working in a certain area where the ring ended up falling off their finger!

I worked hard and for a very long time metal detecting every inch of that backyard just to make certain that I didn’t miss the engagement ring. By the time I finished gridding that section, I was pretty convinced that it was not on the grassy lawn back there.

Throughout the search day, as Levi and Hannah were coming and going, I would give them updates and encourage them not to give up as I still had not found the missing ring. Yet, I would keep telling them that I was determined to locate Hannah’s beloved rock and get it back on her finger for the next day’s wedding dress event. She was so stressed by the whole situation that she headed out to the movie theater just to get her mind off of the missing ring story. She was so afraid that it was gone forever and that the gorgeous ring that Levi proposed to her with would never be seen again. I hoped so much to give a happy ending to the lost ring story!

By the time I finished searching the back lawn, I had been working for over 8 hours on their property. This included the hour and a half search inside the house. Night had fallen, the temperature outside was getting pretty cold, and I was physically wiped out. The best thing for me to do at that point was to take a break and get something to eat in town. Hannah was still away and so I talked with Levi and let him know that I would be leaving the property for awhile. Then, I would return to their place and resume the search.

As I put my metal detector, headphones, harness, gloves and headlamp back in the car, I could still hear the words in my head that were shared by Hannah and Levi’s next-door neighbor who was observing me earlier in the afternoon:

He said to me, “If the young lady lost anything out in the woods when they were throwing all those leaves back there, she will never see that thing ever again! There’s so much metal back there that was dumped over many decades before they bought their property. If it ended up back there, they will never see it ever again. It’s a million to one chance of her ever getting it back.”

I told the old fellow that I had seen miracles happen with my metal detecting and that everything is possible for him who believes in God who helps us through these very difficult situations. I told him that God loves the covenant of marriage and the ring represents the promise of commitment to the other person. So I told him that if it’s there, I know I can find it with God’s help!

In all honesty, I was steadfast in my words with what I told the gentleman. But, because I knew how much metal was back in the woods and how high the leaf piles were, his words were messing with my mind from time to time throughout the search. Words are powerful and that’s why we all need to keep listening to the positive and not focus on the impossibilities of our dire situations. I determined within to fight on and to somehow pull that ring from the property upon my return.

By the time I arrived back at the property, it was around 7:30 p.m.. Earlier, I was so burned out and hungry that I ended up taking way more time away than expected. Immediately, I gathered up my outside night gear and strategized my next search method. I decided to switch metal detectors and use one that had a smaller coil at the bottom of the shaft. This helps to detect for small objects, like a ring, in the midst of a debris field of other pieces of metal. I needed to isolate each hit of metal and find some type of clarity in the signals while observing the target below me. It was the only way that I would be able to determine if Hannah’s ring was out in the woods or not.

By this point in the evening, it was very cold outside. I made sure that I put on several layers and that I was wearing the best of the best in frigid temperature attire. Into the night with my headlamp, gloves and hat on, I made my way back into the woods, hoping that this was the location of where Hannah lost her beloved engagement ring. As I started metal detecting, I did notice that the 6” sniper coil was working effectively and I was able to zero in on individual targets rather than my earlier experience with problems interpreting the detector’s readings due to picking up several metal objects clustered near each other in the leaves and under the dirt.

I went from metal object to metal object pulling each target from the leaves. In some cases I would find out that the object was below ground, which I then had to pull the item so that it would not interfere with detecting other objects that I was checking into. I moved slowly down the path, farther into the woods. Every time I was getting a good signal, the target would end up being a small piece of aluminum or some type of wrapper which had aluminum foil on it. I would also find scattered about old broken pieces of household items. It was by far the toughest part of my long search with all of the scrap metal hanging out everywhere below the surface.

I was looking for metal that would give me low numbers on my detector screen; ones that would fluctuate between 4 and 5 and then jump up to maybe 6, 8 and 11. We were dealing with trying to find a lady’s white gold ring which is so much more difficult to detect, depending on how the ring was positioned in the leaves and dirt. Inch by inch and foot by foot, I made my way slowly farther into the woods, carefully detecting all of the possible locations of where the ring may have flown when Hannah was throwing leaves into the woods from the back of the pickup truck. This was my very last location for the day because there was no point in me retracing my steps in the other places that I had already detected. It was getting late and I knew this was the last leg for this particular trip. Hannah had already returned home some time back and had turned in for the night while Levi stayed up and watched television in the living room. I wanted to give this couple something to rise up to later that night!

After about an hour or so. I had eliminated quite a few spots where there were plenty of pieces of metal that were coming up in the range of what could possibly be Hannah’s ring. Unfortunately, none of them panned out. However, my “strike-outs” were about to finally change! As I moved the metal detector over a particular spot that was covered with leaves and dirt, I got a signal that was worth looking into. At that spot I was pulling up pieces of metal and rope that were buried in the ground around this particular object. I wasn’t sure if it was all one piece of metal or not. But, after removing one round shaped metallic object along with some more of the rope that was mixed up in the leaves and dirt, I was still getting a target signal, though very choppy sounding. I actually was just about to skip over it and keep moving down the gradual slope that took me farther into the woods, but I hesitated, and then stopped. I wanted to make sure that the target was not the missing ring (even though the signal was so choppy and seemingly insignificant to my search). So, I stayed right where I was detecting moments earlier and continued to move the coil over the location where I was getting that questionable hit. Once I got a pretty good fix on where the target was hidden, I took out my pinpointer and immediately identified the spot where I needed to reveal the object. For a slight second I saw something surface just before it ended up getting covered again in the leaves. It looked circular and silver in color. I thought I had found a lady’s hoop earring just from the initial angle that the object was leaning on. But, as I used my hands to sift through the leaves and dirt, I almost couldn’t believe what I saw popping out from beneath all of the leaves and debris. It was no earring! It was Hannah’s white gold engagement ring with the largest diamond on top surrounded by diamonds along the sides! Wow! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Because of the hour of night and how cold it was, everything was so depressing and dreary looking back there, with all of the leaves and dirt and the various little objects of metal and trash that I had come across since moving my way into the woods. And now, truly, a spectacular sight had emerged from the rough and darkness! It was like I was having a dream!

All of those hours of detecting in the car, in the house, in the corner of the backyard, in the huge leaf piles, in the woods, in the area near the side entrance, in the front yard, in the backyard, and then again for the second time in the woods…and finally…I found it! Finally! It was as if the moment wasn’t really happening! It was so surreal! I promised Hannah that I wouldn’t leave their property until I found her ring, and I delivered! For a metal detectorist who is searching for something lost, when that object is found there is such a feeling of relief and conclusion, knowing that you don’t have to keep looking any longer! It’s that wonderful feeling of knowing that you can return something so precious and important back to the rightful owner who is feeling like they will never see their keepsake ever again! And in many cases they would not have ever seen the item ever again had it not been found at that time of the search. None of the other metal detectorists, including Levi, were able to find it even after a week of searching. I was able to come into the situation and pull this most precious keepsake from the woods that was surrounded by so much metallic interference! I was so elated at that moment! I could not wait to reveal my findings with Hannah and Levi! The VDI numbers that were on my Equinox 800 screen were coming up just like I was expecting for this 14 karat white gold ring. The numbers were around 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11. It was approximately buried about 4 to 6 inches below the surface in a pile of leaves and dirt. What made it extremely difficult to recover was the fact that it was mixed with other pieces of metal which were apparently masking the precious metal that I was seeking after. This is probably why none of the other fellows were able to find the gem because there was just too much confusion in the ground at that particular spot, with so many other pieces of metal surrounding the ring.

My search was complete! I was beyond excited at that moment when I found Hannah’s ring! She would be able to wear the ring (cautiously, of course, because it needed to be resized) for tomorrow’s wedding dress fittings which she wanted to make so very special in having the engagement ring with her throughout the day!

After leaving the woods to return some of my gear to the car, I prepared for a wonderful ring reveal in sharing the awesome news with Hannah and Levi! The entire search took approximately ten hours, plus a two hour break! It is always worth the work to see the tears of joy and the shining smiles that I put on people’s faces like Hannah’s and Levi’s! Believe me, it was well worth it all!

“I have nothing but great things to say about our ring finder, Brian! I emailed him while practically in tears at work a few days after I had lost my beloved engagement ring. He promptly responded and we spoke on the phone on my way home from work. He was so energetic and confident that he would find my ring despite the fact that we had already had 2 other people (in addition to my husband) metal detect our property and had multiple family members on their hands and knees sifting through leaves and dirt to find my ring. To be honest, I didn’t think Brian would find it but I wanted someone with more experience with searching for engagement rings to give it a try before I completely lost hope. I wasn’t eating or sleeping and I was in tears every day over losing my ring. Brian assured me that he wouldn’t leave until the ring was found and to my surprise he found it after 12 hours of searching! It is apparent that Brian is passionate and determined in finding lost rings for people. Because of his determination, skills and optimism I get to continue to wear the gorgeous ring that my fiance’ proposed to me at the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany! Thank you Brian, you’re truly a good person for devoting your time and energy to finding rings for others!”

– Hannah

Williamsport, Maryland



If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and the RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the video will be uploaded soon. To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device. In the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING RETURNER, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE “BELL” to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view! 








Engagement Ring Found by Owner

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Not all ring finder stories end with a happy ending. As hard as the members of The Ring Finders try, some treasures just aren’t found and returned. Then there are the stories that have a very happy ending that members had nothing to do with. This is one of those stories.

I received a referral off of a Face Book group that I responded to. Jessica had lost her engagement ring while her and her fiancé, Oscar, were on a 6 mile bike ride. I contacted Jessica and offered to help. I had a couple of appointments the next day, so I told her I could come by at 4 pm to start a search of part of the route. She explained that she and Oscar were leaving to go back home at 4 the next day and wanted to know if I could come earlier. So we set it up that I’d be there at 9 am and we’d take a golf cart ride along the same route as their bike ride, so I could get a feel for the search area.

Everything went as planned and I was there at 9. We jumped on the golf cart and started the adventure. During the route, Jessica was showing me where they were riding in the streets, going with the flow of traffic, or on the sidewalks. I confirmed Jessica was wearing the ring on her left hand. Jessica told me she had put suntan lotion on before they started their bike ride. She also said that towards the end of the route, she had shaken her hands a few times to get the circulation back after grasping the handlebars for so long. We both came to the conclusion that if the ring was anywhere, it would be in the last half of the route. We also concluded the ring should be in the middle of the street, because they only rode on the sidewalk in two places and that was only for a block or two. Jessica and Oscar had retraced the entire route on foot and golf cart, searching the street area as soon as they got home and Jessica realized the ring was gone. So, I’m thinking the ring flew off her finger when she shook her hand, bounced and rolled across the road and ended up on the side of the road or in the grass areas. By 9:30, I started my search and covered about 2 miles of the route working both sides of the street before I had to leave for my appointments. I made it back at 3 pm and covered another 2 miles, again working both sides of the street. Right around 5 pm, I called it a day, planning on being back early the next morning and finish up the whole back half of the route.

At 9:08 pm, I received a text from Jessica, “Jim I can’t believe it but I just found my ring!!! It was inside my laptop?!! I don’t know how it got in there!!!! I was going through everything again and I noticed my laptop wasn’t closed all the way and I opened it and there it was!! I’m so relieved.” I immediately responded telling her how happy I was for her, and I truly was.

It’s completely and totally irrelevant how the ring got back to where it belongs, and as I said, I had nothing to do with it. The important thing is, her ring is back where it belongs. She is one very excited, happy young lady with a huge smile on her face making for a very happy ending!

Jessica and Oscar – Congratulations!!! Thank you for the beautiful card. Take care of each other, and I wish you two only the best in life.



Lady’s Yellow Gold Band Lost in Myrtle Beach – Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Joe Denton, NMB Minelab distributor, about a lady who had lost her Gold band in the dry sand in North Myrtle Beach. He gave me her number and I called her. I introduced myself and learned her name was Elizabeth and she had lost a yellow gold band. She told me she was in North Myrtle on 21st Ave North, right next to a life guard stand. No problem, I grabbed my Equinox 800 and headed out for the 10 minute drive to the beach. After finding a place to park on a busy Sunday, I made my way out to the beach. When I got out there, I called Elizabeth saying I was there and holding my detector up in the air so she could see me. She didn’t, I gave her a couple of landmarks like the banana boat ride. She didn’t see it. Ok, I must be in the wrong spot. I asked her again about being in North Myrtle Beach. She said she’d ask the life guard, and I asked to talk to her. The life guard said they were about 10 blocks up from the sky wheel on 21st Ave North. Ok, she wasn’t in North Myrtle Beach, she was in Myrtle Beach. This happens all the time with visitors; both Myrtle and North Myrtle have exactly the same street numbers. I explained that since she was in Myrtle, I needed to call the TRF for Myrtle, Matt Fry. I tried his number a couple of time, with no answer, so I called his wife. I explained the situation and she gave me permission to take the call. Matt and I have a great working relationship, so if one of us gets the other one’s call we’ll work it out.

I called Elizabeth back, told her I’d be there in about 25 minutes, and headed south. Once I got there, I went through the same routine of calling her and holding up my detector. This time she found me. She led me over to the spot and explained that the ring was dropped in the sand right off the blanket that was spread out. She told me the ring was yellow gold, but in my head I’m thinking white gold. So I’m looking for a VDI (visual display identifier) numbers between 8-10. I immediately got a VDI of 17, and passed over it. Took another step, it was like dah; I confirmed yellow gold, turned around and took out 2 scoops of sand. Bingo, I had it in the scoop. As I’m showing it to Elizabeth, another young lady was walking towards us and Elizabeth said “he found it.” This young lady’s name was Jessica and the actual owner of the ring. Jessica said she had taken her rings off so Elizabeth could put them in her bag, and this one was dropped in the sand. Elizabeth felt horrible, so both ladies started digging through the sand with no luck. Elizabeth had originally called Joe to rent a detector, and Joe sent her my way. All’s well that ends well!

Elizabeth/Jessica – so glad I could help find the lost treasure.

Joe – thanks for the referral!



Wedding ring lost in Lake Cushman – Found

  • from Tacoma (Washington, United States)

Matt, gave me a call at our dive shop (YSS Dive) in Hoodsport WA.   He told me that he had put his wedding ring in his pocket and when he went to take his keys out, the ring fell between the slats of his dock and into the waters of lake Cushman.  He thought he knew right where it fell into the water.  Since it was only 4 to 5 feet deep, he borrowed a pair of swim goggles from his kids and tried to look for it.  But had no luck.  I grabbed my scuba gear and small underwater metal detector and headed over to help.   After about a 10 minute search I discovered the ring had gotten wedged between the dock post and a support beam about 8″ up from the bottom of the lake.   I came up and handed Matt a rusty nail I found during the search and joked a little with him saying “All I’m finding are these rusty nails”.  However, at the end of the nail was his missing white gold wedding band!  I love seeing the reaction of people when they are reacquainted with their missing rings.   Matt was SO happy and said his wife would be extremely happy as well.

Lose a ring in or around the water?  Give me a call.  I’m happy to help!

Lost Chai Charm on Margate NJ Beach Found By Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)










Dean called me, late afternoon on May 24th, asking for help in finding a lost Chai charm, solid gold about the size of a quarter. He was down visiting his parents in Margate. He took his son and some other boys to the beach to play football. During the game, someone grabbed his son and got his gold chain, it snapped, and the charm went flying. He had the general idea of the area. I had to check with the Mrs. because it was 5 pm and we hadn’t had dinner yet.

I called Dean back and told him I would be down in about an hour. He went back to the beach and sent me pictures of the area because he wasn’t sure if I was coming down tonight or early in the morning. I left home while it was sunny and 70. I took the Atlantic City Expressway, rocking out to the Led Zeppelin channel on Sirius. I get to the beach; it is overcast, windy, and 56. Guess who didn’t bring a jacket?

I texted Dean and started to search. Dean came down about 10 minutes later and adjusted my location. There must have been one heck of a party here last year because there were so many rusted bottle caps. Any fresh drops would be immediately covered with sand because of the wind.

About 35 minutes into the hunt, I get a good tone, look down and see just a sliver of gold. Brushed the sand away, and it was the Chai charm I was looking for. Dean was amazed. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. His smile said it all. He told me the charm was given to him many years ago by his mom. He never wore it. His son mentioned to Dean that all the kids in school were wearing chains with charms, so Dean gave this charm to his son to wear. He said his son was devastated when he lost the gold charm today. He was going to be so surprised when he got back.

I love my Hobby!!


Comment from Dean:

Dave is the Man. Right after my son lost it, the lifeguard mentioned to me there are people with metal detectors who may be able to help. It was a blessing I found Dave. He was so concerned the beach would be cleaned in the morning, that he was there within a few hours. My son, myself and my entire family are still amazed Dave found it. It really makes for a great memory and story, but more importantly that there are people like Dave who just want to help. Cannot thank you enough Dave. Thank you again. 🙏🙏