wedding ring lost Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Tantalum Wedding Ring Found in NJ!

  • from Madison (New Jersey, United States)

Tantalum is a rare earth metal often used in men’s wedding rings. The metal reads very similar to iron on metal detectors and can be difficult to find in metal rich locations.

HILLSBOROUGH, NJ, — A wedding ring was reunited with its owner in the woods in Central New Jersey today thanks to the Ringfinders Metal Detecting service.

This morning, I received a text from Rory who lost his ring in the woods while doing some yard work. The ring was made of rare earth metal, tantalum.

I arrived at the residence and listened to Rory’s description about how he lost the ring while doing yard work. The ring had been flung from the backyard into a wooded lot behind the residence.

Slowly the area was meticulously grid searched. Rory mentioned that he thought he heard the ring land perpendicular to the current search area.

As the search shifted to that area, a tone very similar to iron was detected in the leaves under a bush. As the leaves were cleared away, there lie the tantalum ring, 45 minutes into the search.

A tantalum ring is recovered after a 45 min search.

Rory was reunited shortly thereafter with the ring and was extremely grateful. Another successful recovery in central NJ for the Ringfinders team. Lose a ring in NJ? Give me a call – will travel anywhere in the state.

The tantalum ring’s owner, Rory receives his ring back.


Lost Ring Farmington, MO… FOUND!

  • from Fredericktown (Missouri, United States)

I received a call from Ryan on 9/19/22 and he explained to me that he had lost his wedding ring at a soccer park and wanted to know if I could help.   “Yes, I sure can”, I told him.  So we set it up for 6:30 am the next morning.  I had about a two hour window to find the ring before heading off to work.  Ryan pretty-much walked with me the whole time, bending down to search with me many times.  We had gone over about three quarters of the soccer field after about 90 minutes when all of a sudden,  a solid hit on the Equinox!  Ryan bent down to check… nothing.  Then I moved to the detector once more over about 3” from where Ryan checked… BOOM there it was!  I looked at Ryan and asked, “Hey bud, is this it?”  He was thrilled to say the least!   What a great start to the day for both of  us.




Lost Ring Hawaii … Found!

  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

This recovery happened to have an international case attached to it as I received an email from Masako and she was located in Japan. She sent me a picture of her lost wedding ring which she lost in the water while here in Hawaii doing a tour out at the Kaneohe Sandbar. Because of a language barrier we used the internet to communicate and it was interesting to say the least. After a few emails concerning logistics and several attempts due to coordinating a boat with the company that she had the tour with and my scheduled times off from work and family I was able to get out and look for her lost ring! After many hours and countless scoops later I hear this faint sound. I dug it and BAM there in the scoop is her ring…What a miracle… a platinum ring with 3 diamonds and a small ruby inside the band I know its Masako’s ring. I yelled out… I FOUND it! The captain who escorted me out was as happy as I was because this was one of their customers who lost her ring while on their tours “captain bruce tours”  and as I held up the ring and gave it to him as he drove the boat over we both said at the same time… AMAZING! it was a nice ride back to the main island and as we were in route I emailed Masako to let her know the ring is found and on the way to be shipped back to her home in Japan. Another Amazing recovery!