Ring lost at Mission Beach found
Uriel was playing in an impromptu volleyball game when his ring flew off while hitting the ball. He thought it landed somewhere close by, but, after looking and searching, it didn’t show up. An online search brought Uriel and his friend to TheRingFinders.com site. His friend called me, and Uriel called Curtis Cox further north. Since I was a lot closer, I got the nod. As usual, the traffic on a Memorial weekend Saturday was a nightmare. I’m glad my wife came with me to circle around with the car as I went out to meet Uriel and search for his ring. I searched the inside boundaries of the court with only one target……a full Busch beer can! They can celebrate with that later! With nothing else in the small court, I started just outside of it. Got a nice hit on the first pass, and it was his ring. Total search time was only a few minutes. Drive time to the beach and back home was over 2 hours for just a 26 mile round trip! A pleasure to meet you Uriel, and thank you for the reward.