lost ring Pensacola beach Tag | Page 2 of 6 | The Ring Finders

Wedding Ring Found at Opal Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

On the last day of their vacation at Pensacola beach, Phil and his wife decided to visit a less travelled beach late in the afternoon. They were due back home in Fort Worth the next day and had to leave soon. I always try to provide service to accommodate and agreed to meet him in an hour to find his lost ring. I finished up what I was doing, jumped in the van (that fortunately had my detecting equipment already in it ready to go) and headed out. We met up a 6pm, got to the spot he lost the ring by 6:30 and started searching. I searched for about 30 minutes I got the signals that were unmistakeable a gold ring. Needless to say, they were relieved. The travel home plan was kept in tack and the lost ring worries were no more. Everyone was happy! The satisfaction I get helping people like Phil is why I do this!

2 lost rings in Orange Beach – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Jordan for the first time after finding her beautiful canary diamond engagement ring and her diamond wedding band a month ago in Orange Beach. I usually have lots to say but I think in this case, I will let Jordan’s comments speak for themselves. Great advice!  Im so happy that I could help. 😃👍💍

“Ben and I had a much needed weekend getaway! The main reason for our weekend trip though was to get my wedding rings back. About a month ago, we went to the beach with our family and friends. While I was in the ocean throwing the football with Ben, the football hit my left hand and my engagement ring and wedding band went flying through the air into the ocean. We looked for it forever. We had even random people from the beach trying to help us find it, but no luck. I had seen where someone with an underwater metal detector had found someone’s engagement ring in the water so I went back to where I had lost it and saved my coordinates hoping I could find someone with an underwater metal detector. One of our friends had sent us a website called the https://theringfinders.com. That’s where I contacted Dave. He went out there 4 days after I had lost my rings and didn’t find just one ring, but both! I was so excited and Ben was in disbelief because he said there wasn’t anyway that guy was going to be able to find it 😂.  So if you are ever in my situation, save your coordinates and contact Pensacola Ring Finders”

Lost Ring in the Waves! – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Yesterday afternoon I was wrapping up a nice weekend when I got a call from Marcus. He was out at Pensacola Beach and had dropped his large, solid gold class ring out in the Gulf while throwing football with his friend. This is a problem anytime but it was made bigger because Marcus said that he was between 4.5-5.5 feet deep. This is about my limit without scuba diving because it is so hard to set the scoop in deep water when you keep floating off in the current and waves. Marcus had a really good mark where he was though and seemed like a very nice guy so I decided to give it a try. My wife decided to tag along and she is always good luck. When we got there and walked out to the west side of the pier where the surfers go, we met Marcus and recapped where he thought he had dropped it. He had counted seven pilings of the pier out and had marked about 200ft west with his chairs. I had a good starting point as I waded out. I noticed that the water was just gorgeous and it was so clear I could easily see the shells on the bottom. As I made my way to the 7th piling I started to worry a bit because I was taking quite a few large swells that were well over my head. I got set and started my grid trying my best to stay online. I tweaked my machine a bit for the conditions and as soon as I put it back to the sand I heard a screaming gold tone. I knew that had to be his big gold ring and tried to set my feet to scoop it. I started to panic as I kept getting pushed off the spot and I worried I would lose the mark. As soon as I heard it again I put my scoop down and tried to push down. That didn’t work as the next wave rolled me inshore. I made my way back out and heard it again and told myself to relax. Marcus had given me great directions and this ring was so large that I knew I would find it again so I took my time. I waited for a lull in the waves and then set the tip of the scoop where I knew I wouldn’t scratch the ring. I looked up to double check that I had time between the next incoming wave. I blew all the air out of my lungs to make myself as heavy as possible and jumped up to forcefully land on the scoop driving it into the sand. I fell backwards to lift up the scoop under where I hoped Marcus’ ring would be just as the next wave put me under water again. I held on for dear life and as I came up I didn’t even need to look down into the scoop. I could see that big gold ring shining through the holes in the side. 😃👍 I left the ring in the scoop and concentrated on keeping it out of the waves as I half body surfed and half tumbled my way to shore. It had been less than 10 minutes but I was worn out. My wife gave me the “did you find it shrug” but I was scared to let go of anything until I got to about knee deep water. I finally gave them all a thumbs up and a huge smile and Marcus came running in disbelief. He pulled his ring out of the scoop and said “that’s amazing, you are the man!”  That made it all worth it. Congratulations on getting your ring back Marcus. I’m so glad I could help!

Lost Grandfather’s Ring -FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Last weekend, I got a text late in the evening from Samuel’s Mom asking about whether or not I could help her son.  He was out in the water at that very second searching frantically for his Grandfather’s ring that he had accidentally slung into the Gulf while skipping sand dollar pieces with his friends.  I realized that this was an important one so I gave her a call and she patched in Samuel so I could ask him some questions.  I went over some info and asked him some questions about water depth and how the ring had come off.  Most importantly, I had him drop a Google Maps pin where he was on the beach and then where he thought it might have landed.  I told him that I would reach out the next day when I got to the beach.  We got our signals a bit crossed and when I called, he was still about 45 mins away.  I told him that with his permission, I would go ahead and start searching.  I thoroughly did the area where I thought it might be and even found another ring.  Unfortunately, I knew that it wasn’t Samuel’s so I prepared to keep looking.  About that time, one of Samuel’s friends walked up and said that she thought it was a bit farther west.  I promptly relocated and began doing my grid search there.  I spent a lot of time in that area and found all kind of things that were not what I was looking for.  I spoke to Samuel’s friend again and she mentioned a sign that was a little back towards where I had been earlier.  Samuel had also mentioned the sign.  I decided to go out deeper and make that my center point.  I started heading towards the beach and about the time I did, I saw what had to be Samuel jogging across the dune trail heading my way.  Samuel’s friend told him that we hadn’t found it as he waded out.  As he was walking out to me I got another good tone.  I scooped it up and looked inside the scoop and told him that maybe he was good luck and held it out to him.  He looked in the scoop and couldn’t see because of all the shells. He said, “is there something in here?”  I told him to take another look and watched as he saw it. I love watching people go from concerned to absolutely thrilled in a split second. 😃. Congratulations Samuel!  I’m so honored that you and your Mom trusted me to go find your Grandfather’s ring for you. 👍

Lost Gold Ring and a Special Dime!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Saturday night I was about to turn in when I got a message from Megan.  I quickly read it and knew I had to help her so I asked her to give me a quick call.  She immediately called and explained that earlier in the day she was swimming in the Gulf when the ring that was on her pinky finger slipped off.  This ring had been her father’s and she had it resized to fit on her finger.  She was frantic to get it back.  Megan knew exactly where she had been sitting on the beach so after a quick Google Map pin to mark the area, we made plans to meet in the morning.  I got there a little before she did and had already made a few passes in the Gulf when she arrived, said hello and sat down to watch.  I went back and forth with zero targets for a long time until I finally heard a good tone.  It was too high pitched for the gold band I was looking for but I never pass up a good tone so I quickly dug it up.  I called out to Megan that “it was just a dime” and kept going.  I didn’t go two steps until I heard a perfect low tone and I signaled to Megan to watch.  Sure enough, I had her delicate gold ring in the scoop and I started walking towards her.  I held it out to her and I could see that she was crying a little when to my surprise the first thing she asked was if I still had the dime.  I said that I did and gave it to her and she smiled with a tear in her eye.  She went on to explain that her family had “this thing with dimes”.  It started back in 2014 when her Grandfather passed away.  Before he left, Megan’s Grandmother asked him to “drop a dime” to let them know he was okay.  Dimes started appearing for the whole family and the stories have continued for years.  Megan’s Grandmother passed in April and she dropped dimes for Megan and her cousin within hours.  So you can imagine that after over an hour and a half of watching me find nothing, the words “it’s just a dime” made her perk up and take notice.  Megan said that when within 60 seconds later she had her ring back, all she could think was “OMG, no way Grandma”.  I love this hobby!!!  I’m so glad you got your ring back Megan and I’m very glad I could help deliver a dime!  God Bless!

Lost Ring from the Boat – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Bryan is a Police Officer from Tennessee and brought his whole family down to Perdido Key to enjoy a well deserved vacation.  They decided to rent a boat and headed down the waterway to the East and finally settled at a place where a lot of boats pull up close to the shore and enjoy the water and sun and sand.  Bryan’s wife took her ring off to apply sunscreen and put it down on the boat and quickly forgot that it was there.  It was only later in the day after they had moved the boat a couple of times and started to head back to the boat rental place that she had the panicked realization that she didn’t have her ring on and it was nowhere to be found.  Thankfully, when they got back, a kind soul saw them distressed and suggested that they reach out to me.  Bryan wasn’t completely sure of the name of the place and as he described it, I got a knot in my stomach.  All National Parks, National Seashores and Florida State Parks have made it illegal to metal detect.  To make matters worse, this was very close to a National Historic area and that makes it crazy illegal.  I explained to Bryan that I couldn’t go there and of course he understood.  Over the years, I have had this happen a few times and I’ve learned that the best way to approach it is to have the person who lost the ring reach out to the Park services.  We spent the next few hours googling and ultimately finding some contact info.  It wasn’t long until a contact that Bryan spoke to in Ohio of all places was able to put him in touch with the Chief Ranger here in FL and before you knew it, we had written permission to go on an adventure.  Bryan lamented that they no longer had the boat and were leaving for home on Saturday.  I was so vested in this ring now that I told him I would not only take vacation from work on Friday but I would also take him out there in my own personal boat.  We made plans to meet Friday morning and I called my Father-in-law, Tom and asked him if he wanted to go on a big search.  As always, Tom was ready to go.  The three of us headed out this morning in my boat and enjoyed the calm water and the dolphins rolling.  We even had a big spinner shark put on a show in the air off the starboard bow.  We were on a mission though and as soon as we dropped anchor we all piled off into the water.  Bryan had a pretty good idea where they started the day but as I mentioned before, they had moved the boat a few times and weren’t sure where it had fallen off.  I told Tom that I would start on the right and he took off to the left.  We both started our grid searches and it wasn’t long until we realized just how big this area was.  I learned more about Bryan though as we walked along and determined that regardless of how things went, I would consider him a friend.   After about an hour, I sent Bryan over to check on Tom.  I saw from a distance that Tom had a signal and I stopped to watch since targets had been few and far between out here. Tom gently scooped a couple of times so I knew it was deep.  He held out the scoop to Bryan and pulled something out that I couldn’t see from that distance.  I yelled “Did you find it” but I needn’t have bothered.  Even at that distance I could see Bryan’s expression change to one of shock and disbelief and gratitude all rolled into one.  Bryan had his wife’s ring back!  It was an awesome ride back with more dolphins and a huge group of jet skiers but the best part was facetimeing with Bryan’s happy bride.  Bryan, you are a good man and I thank you for all you do for your community.  I’m glad we could make that drive back to Tennessee a little bit easier tomorrow.  Nice Job to you Tom!  I’m glad you are on my team.

Lost Ring Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

It would be great if every Saturday morning could start out like this one. This one actually started out yesterday with a phone call from Mary from Ohio. Mary explained that their family had been coming to Navarre for decades but this trip had started out on a sour note. That morning her son-in-law was in the gulf throwing the football back and forth when suddenly he realized that his wedding ring was no longer on his hand. To make matters worse, Jason is left handed so when he threw the ball he could have flung the ring off just about anywhere. When Mary told me everything, I explained how I could help and she said that she would call me right back after she talked to her daughter Diana. I was already planning my trip when I got a text saying that they had decided not to look for the ring. I was shocked and asked why, Mary explained that both her husband and Jason felt like there was no way it would be possible to find the ring in that huge body of water and they didn’t want to get their hopes up. I thought to myself that I knew I could find it but I hoped that my words didn’t get in the way of God’s plans for this young couple. After a long conversation, my wife laughed and said that it was different that I was the one trying to convince the other person to let me find the ring. 😊 I must have said something right though because Mary asked me to come the next morning. I drove to Navarre this morning and got there at 7am.  I got to meet everyone and quizzed Jason about the ring and explained what I was going to do. I told him that he was officially allowed to be optimistic now and he gave me a sheepish grin. I waded out about waist deep in the water and started my search. I made a couple of passes and heard the telltale sound of gold. I saw Jason and Diana and Mary all watching me expectantly as I very gently scooped up the ring. I got a huge smile and started wading that way. Diana rushed down to the water’s edge and said that she didn’t even believe it yet. When I presented the scoop and she pulled Jason’s ring out she burst into tears. I asked Jason if he was optimistic yet and he told me that I was amazing. I’d say that’s a good turn of events for the day. I love helping people like this! 😃

Lost Ring Pensacola – FOUND 5 months later!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I must admit that I assumed my first return during Spring Break this year would be someone out enjoying this nice weather. In reality, George lost his ring in his backyard 5 months ago. Like a lot of people, George had a pretty good idea where it was so he decided to go buy a metal detector and see if he could find it himself. When he finally gave me a call he remarked about how much iron there was in the ground and how hard it was to operate. George asked me to come out and take a look for him. George was right that it was a tough area but luckily I have some of the best machines in the world and I’ve been using them a long time. George pointed me to the area and I began my search. I did the part George had pointed out with a few coils and realized that the ring wasn’t there. I told George that I was going to expand my search and I didn’t make it too far before I heard a nice gold tone in my headphones and headed over to a thrilled George and his wife Michelle. Thank you both for trusting me to come find your ring. 👍

Lost Ring Found…. AGAIN!!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

My first ring recovery of 2023 is also another kind of first. This is the first time I have been called on to find the same ring for a second time. A little over two years ago Brenda and Henry called me to come out and find Henry’s 1968 University of Alabama class ring that had come off while putting out pine straw at their home in Gulf Shores. Henry had saved my number in his Rolodex so when it happened again in the exact same scenario, he knew who to call. Henry and I were talking to each other and he looked on as I set my machine to the area he was pretty sure that it had come off in. The first tone I got I explained was an iron tone and told him that I was pretty sure I remembered his ring was a 12-36 on my machine. Not thirty seconds later I got a strong 12-32. As I reached down and uncovered his ring, I told him that I wasn’t far off on the number and I would take it after 2 years. 😃. Henry was ecstatic as I gave him his ring back. I told him to keep a close eye on his ring this time but if he lost it again just give me a call and I’d be right there for the next time. It was a pleasure seeing you again Henry, give Brenda my best!

Ring found at Navarre Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Steve called me asking if I could find a ring. Steve’s wife lost her new anniversary ring while doing some yard work at their home in Navarre. Their backyard has a lush landscape with a thick carpet of grass where a ring could easily fall in and be hard to locate. In addition there property bordered a forested area with fairly thick understory vegetation. They didn’t know where the ring was lost, so Steve and I recreated their activity as best he could remember. First I carefully searched the grass areas with no luck. Next was going into the shrub plantings, also no luck. Then I expanded the search area assuming the backyard was the most likely place to look since that’s where she was working, no luck strike 3. In desperation I decided to look in the forested area bordering their backyard. I started a north/south grid about 5’ wide. There were no targets in the understory, clean ground with no metal in it. So when I got a signal it screamed, the sound was unmistakable, the sound of gold! Somehow the ring had left her finger and traveled about 15’ into the woods. I never met Steve’s wife because she was working that day but Steve called her and she was overjoyed. Ring recovered, everyone smiling, no more worries, made my day!