lost ring Pensacola beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring on Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

With all of the beautiful weather, the first ring recovery of the year came in February. Sarah called and explained that she had lost her Tiffany wedding band out on the beach somewhere. She wasn’t positive where and was concerned that it might even be in her van. After a few questions I decided that it was probably in the sand and grabbed my gear and drove the hour over to Navarre. I ended up finding it very quickly and I think Sarah was shocked how fast she had her beautiful ring back on her finger. I made good on my promise from earlier saying “if it’s there, I can find it.”  😃👍. I look forward to a great year of helping people get their precious items back.

Lost ring on the Beach at Night – FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

My wife and I were out of town this weekend but luckily Hannah was right down the road when she gave me a call. Hannah and her husband were walking on the beach the night before when her husband fell and felt his wedding band go flying. I searched the entire area they thought it might be but it was nowhere to be found. My wife pointed to another area and said, “what about over there?”  I said it couldn’t hurt to try and only went a few feet when the gold band came up gleaming in the sand. I don’t know who was prouder, my wife or Hannah. Her husband is going to be thrilled when he gets home from work. 😃

Lost Ring in the Gulf – Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Late yesterday afternoon I got a call from Amanda. She was visiting from Wisconsin and had lost her platinum engagement ring out in the Gulf. They had looked for hours but weren’t able to find it and really wanted me to come before dark so they didn’t lose their spot on the beach.

My wife who is my good luck charm decided to come with me and we headed towards the beach.

When I got there, Amanda was with a big group of family. Some of them thought it was to the east and some to the west, some thought it was deeper and some shallower. Some had faith and some thought there was no way on earth I could find it. 😃 I love a challenge!

Amanda and a couple of family members came out with me and I got more information as I tried a few passes with no luck. I finally used a few of my tricks and changed areas based on what I heard from Amanda. Sure enough, I went just a little ways and to the astonishment of the family, I gently scooped up Amanda’s ring. 😃💍

Vacation saved!!!

Lost Heirloom Ring in Destin – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Jamie and Falon reached out this morning with some upsetting news. They were on a family vacation in Destin. The night before while taking family photos, Falon lost a very special ring somewhere on the beach. This ring was over 100 years old and belonged to her great grandmother. Her great grandmother had given it to her the night before Jamie and Falon got married years before. Falon also explained that they had lost her great grandmother back during COVID. I told them that I would drive over immediately. I started searching and it began to rain. I hoped that it wouldn’t start lightning but I needn’t have worried. In about 15 minutes I heard the sound I was looking for. It was pretty deep by that point but it came out shining beautifully. When I gave it back to the happy couple I was reminded why I do this. I hope having the ring back where it belongs makes the trip back home a little easier. 👍😃

Lost ring in the Sound, Pensacola Beach. – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Saturday afternoon I got a frantic call from Jason. He explained that his fiancé Kimberly had dropped her engagement ring in the water on the sound side at Pensacola Beach. He was really worried and told me that it had only been a few weeks since he had purchased the ring and he had to get it back. I packed up quickly and headed that way. It was so crowded that it took about 30 minutes to park. Once I finally got to them, Kimberly walked me out to the area where they had been playing and said that it really could be anywhere. I started my search and got to hear from other people who had been in the area and tried to help narrow down the search area. Finally, Kimberly waded out again to talk and I assured her that I would keep going until I found it. She had only taken a few steps back towards the beach when I heard the sound I was looking for. I knew it was lucky indeed when I saw the gold in the scoop nestled in next to a sand dollar. I hope that is a sign for awesome things to come from this marriage. Y’all are really nice people and I wish you the best. Congratulations.

Engagement ring in the bay – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Let me just say that this is the kind of best man you want!  Anthony and his wife Katie have been searching non stop since their best friend’s fiancé lost her ring somewhere at their home on the water in Fairhope. Unfortunately, they didn’t know exactly where it was lost and after a month of searching the water and the yard and even in the house, they were starting to think it was lost forever. Luckily the couple reached out to me and Tom and I headed to Fairhope. Anthony did a great job explaining the events of the day and I decided to start in the water and Tom hit the yard. Anthony said he timed us and it was only 39 minutes before I came up smiling with a beautiful ring in my hand. It’s not everyday that you can find a ring that has disappeared into the bay for over a month only weeks before the wedding. Thanks for letting us be part of a story that will be around for a lifetime. Congratulations!  💍

Lost Class Ring, Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Last night was awesome!  I got a message from Terri about 8:30 explaining that her daughter had lost her class ring earlier in the day in the edge of the Gulf. She had Lilly call me and explain some of the details. I knew we had to find this ring because it was her class ring for her Undergrad and her Graduate degree. I cringed when I asked if they had put any info on social media and she said yes. I looked online and found the exact location in multiple spots. I knew this ring had to be found immediately so I asked my wife if she was up for a night trip. She agreed so we headed out right away. I spent about an hour getting beaten by the shore break and then decided to change my search pattern a bit. It wasn’t long after that when I heard a very deep gold tone and gently scooped out Lilly’s very meaningful gold and Diamond class ring. We all high fived and celebrated by the glow of the flashlights. I’m very glad everyone was up for a night trip and Lilly has her ring back. 😃👍

Ring left behind at Pensacola Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Matt and Carolyn left to go home last week with something very important left behind. Unfortunately, Carolyn lost her wedding ring on the beach and they were unable to find it before they had to get on a plane. It had been a few days before several people referred them to me. Luckily they had great directions and were able to put me in the area to find it for them. They were also lucky enough to have Sam, a great friend who drove over to get it and mailed it back home safely to its rightful place. Sam even posed for a smiling picture with the ring. I’m so glad I could help. Congratulations y’all.

Engagement and Wedding Rings Recovered

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

It was a beautiful day at Gulf Shores. The family was visiting from Indiana, it was like a reunion. Their first day at the beach. Everything was going great when Lisa chased a little one before he got in water. She was wearing a top with her rings safely tucked away in a pocket that may not have been closed correctly. As she ran to the child, she took off the top and threw it towards her chair and towel. It was much later that she discovered her rings were missing. They called me for some help. I met them at their condo late that afternoon. Her husband Jason, had a fellow with a detector look for it earlier with no luck. Jason tested the detector on a gold chain and it wasn’t able to find it. So, when I got there the first thing Jason asked was will it find gold. He then tossed his gold chain in the sand for a test. Naturally my detector screamed at the chain. I explained that my detector was a state of the art machine and as far as I’m concerned the best on the market. Jason and Lisa pointed out the area they had been and weren’t sure if it was lost on the sand from the discarded top, the water or maybe some place else. Fortunately the tossed top seemed to be the logical place to start. From that point it didn’t take long to recover Lisa’s rings. Jason and Lisa couldn’t believe I was able to find it, commenting a needle in a hay stack. I could feel the tension unwind with family members now that the emergency was over. Everyone’s happy, vacation’s back on. Seeing the situation whole again is the best part being a Ring Finder.

Texas A&M Class Ring Returned to Young Man Serving in the Air Force

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I was really happy to help this young man out. He called me and asked if I would find his ring. He wasn’t able to meet me because he was tied up at work but said he had read some of Pensacola Ring Finders past stories and was confident I would recover it. Further he said his ring was a Texas A&M Graduation Ring, which is a really big deal to anyone who knows any of their Grads will tell you. It was a must find situation, no pressure right. Fortunately this fellow gave me directions that lead exactly to the spot on the beach where He lost it. The ring recovered and a happy young man no longer worried about this representation of his achievement! Go Aggies!