# How to find a lost gold ring with a metal detector Tag | Page 2 of 5 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Ring – Found in Canonsburg, PA by metal detectorist Brian Carpenter

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Zach who had lost his gold wedding ring in the leaves in his backyard. He had been playing in the leaves when he noticed it was gone. We set up a time for me to come out and try to recover his ring. Zach was unable to be there but I met his wife who showed me where I needed to search. It was a pretty standard wooded area in the backyard with a ton on leaves. They had been moving leaves and looking around to no avail. I got started and determined it was not in the initial area where they thought it might be. I started to expand my search and suddenly got a nice hit. I removed some of the leaves and there was his ring. I texed Hanna and asked her to come outside and then showed her the ring. She was very happy that I was able to locate it and took pictures to show Zach were it was in the yard. Zach later texted me his thanks as well. I had been out a few times on some other searches and came up empty (however, in two of the cases the rings were found either while I was there or after I left – which is awesome!) so it was great to be able to locate Zach’s ring and return it. As always it was nice to meet and work with such kind and generous people and a pleasure to be of assistance.

Tungsten Wedding Ring Lost Off Highway 855, Lamont County Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Brandon called me yesterday requesting my service to locate his lost wedding ring that fell off his finger while driving North on highway 855.  After asking my usual questions I agreed to meet up with Brandon the next day.

I meet Brandon and his wife Kassidy this morning.  They showed me the area that the ring fell off his finger while he was driving at 100 km/hr.  Brandon had his hand out of the van window when the ring fell off, and luckly he stopped right away and marked the area and started to search with no luck.  He and Kassidy came back again the next day and spent another couple of hours with no luck.

After talking to them both and eyeing the situation up I knew the ring could only be a few feet off the shoulder of the highway.  I began my search and within ten minutes I found Brandon’s ring laying in the grass two feet off the highway. Brandon and Kassidy were ecstatic to have the ring back. They just got married three weeks ago! Another Happy ending.

Thank you Brandon and Kassidy for giving me the opportunity to search and locate your ring.

Lost Keys Grandin Neighbourhood, St Albert Alberta Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Mike called me to ask if it was possible for me to drop by his house and help him find his lost keys in his back yard. After asking Mike a few questions in regards to his keys I agreed to drop by.

I meet Mike in his back yard.  He was cleaning up around a wood pile and said he had left his keys on the side of the wood pile and when it was time to pick up his keys they were not where he had left them.

I quickly checked the area that Mike had raked up into a pile. Mike said he had double checked the pile with no luck, but had he raked another foot over, he would have found his keys!  Mike was very grateful to have his keys back.  Thank you Mike

***Lost your keys, key fob, ring, or any sentimental item,  Contact me ASAP  24/7 Norm Peters 780-497-2118

Gold Wedding Ring, Lost For 42 Years, Found With A Metal Detector and Returned To The Owner, In Saco, Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

This story started 42 years ago, when a Gold Wedding Ring was lost.

I purchased and have been living, in my current home since 1993 or 31+ years ago. The home, in Saco, Maine was built in 1893 and as you can imagine, there are lots of metal objects, in the ground. This is especially true because the previous two owners, of my home, were both plumbers. When I took up Metal Detecting 25 years ago, I quickly found out, just how much plumbing metal and other pieces of metal were there. I had been hoping to find lots of old coins and other cool stuff, on the property. Reality set in when I started detecting around the property. I can’t tell you how many pieces of small, cut, pieces of copper piping, I have found over the years. I have also found lots of solder, vintage bottles caps, from the 1950 and 60’s and various other pieces of metal. It’s always been a tough property to Metal Detect on, because of all the metal, in the ground. As the years passed, and I would remove the different metals, from the ground, the older coins, did appear, along with the modern day clad and yes, a few cool items. As I upgraded my Metal Detecting equipment, I would always take it out on the property and test it out, to learn the machine.
Fast forward to August , 2024. I had recently purchased a new Minelab Manticore Metal detector and wanted to start learning all the features, on the machine. One of the features I was most interested in was “Target Separation “. Target separation on the Manticore is supposed to show you, on the VDI screen, both Ferrous and Non Ferrous targets . The good targets (Non Ferrous) would show up along a center line and the not so good targets (Ferrous) would show above and or below the center line. Even though other machines have target separation the Manticore was using the latest technology, so that us detectorists could better see, what is actually under the coil and make better decisions, as to dig the item or not and also see a good target, within all the bad targets. In the past, the Ferrous targets may have “masked” the Non Ferrous targets and we wouldn’t even know there was a Non Ferrous item, among the Ferrous items, unless you dug the ferrous targets . As I started swinging the Manticore, I was receiving many, many targets. The VDI screen would show me all the targets, most above or below the center line and occasionally, right on the center line. I was digging every thing so I could understand what the item was, in relation to where it was on the screen. As it turns out, the Manticore was being extremely accurate. If a target was on the center line, it would turn out to be a non ferrous item, such as a coin. The targets above and below the center line, turned out to be ferrous, usually a nail or something. But what I really loved was that I could now see that there was a Non Ferrous item, mixed in with the ferrous items. This was very exciting for me.
So, on September 1st, 2024, I took the Manticore out into the yard, once again. I was getting more and more comfortable but had a 1/2 hour to kill, so let’s go learn the machine, even more. I was detecting on my side lawn, where I had detected 100 times, over the years. I have found Barber Dimes and Quarters, Mercury Dimes, Washington Silver Quarters and Roosevelt Silver Dimes, in this yard, along with Buffalo Nickels and a countless number of Wheat Pennies. I know there are more there, maybe deeper or being masked by a more dominant Ferrous item. After about 10 minutes of detecting, I received a mixed signal, showing many ferrous items and one non ferrous item, a perfectly round circle, on the center line. I grabbed my digging trowel and cut a plug, in the grass and removed it. I didn’t see anything and used my pinpointer, to locate the target. I removed a little more dirt and I could see, what looked like the outline of a gold ring. I brushed some more dirt off the target and, YES, it was a gold ring. I took it out of the soil and yelled to my wife, Cheryl, who was sitting on the porch. Cheryl came out and couldn’t believe I had found a gold ring, right in our own yard. We could see that there was an inscription on the inside the ring, that contained both letters and numbers. As Cheryl started cleaning the dirt, out of the inside the ring, the inscription read, “W.D.C. 8-15-81”. As soon as I saw this, I told Cheryl that “I know who this ring belongs to. It has to belong to Bill C*******”. There’s no way, it could be anyone else’s.
Now remember the two previous owners that I had mentioned. Well, the first of the plumbers raised his family here and his children went to the same Saco schools as I had, growing up, including our high school, Thornton Academy. As a matter of fact Bill, graduated just a year after me. I graduated in 1974 and Bill in 1975. We played Saco Little League together and over the years had even been in his house a few times. So I immediately think the W.D.C. is Bill and after graduating from Thornton Academy , he was married a little over 6 years later, in 1981. It all made sense. I just knew it had to be Bill’s.
I hadn’t seen Bill in many years, so I started contacting some of his classmates, to see if they had his phone number. Once I got his number, I called Bill. After a little chit chat, I asked Bill if he had ever lost a ring. I didn’t tell him anything about a location and Bill immediately answers that he had lost his wedding ring, at his mother’s house, years and years ago. I told Bill, “Well, I just found your ring, metal detecting, in the yard”. Bill just couldn’t believe it and let out a joyful laugh. We then agreed that the next time, Bill was in Saco, he would come over and I would return his ring.

A few weeks later, Bill texted me and we made plans to meet up at his boyhood home, the next day, September 22, 2024 and I would return his wedding ring, to him. I also plan to show him the exact spot , I had found his ring, 42 years after he had lost it
So this afternoon Bill stopped by and I was extremely happy to return his ring. When I asked Bill the story of him losing his wedding ring, he told me the following. Bill had graduated college and had been teaching school, in the Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bill had gotten married, in the Virgin Islands in 1981, while teaching school there and had also purchased his Gold Wedding Ring there. Bill and his wife, then moved back to Maine and back into his childhood home, with his mother, until they could get their own place. One day, Bill had gotten on the pull up bar, in the garage , as he had done, many times over the years. Bill normally would remove his ring and place it on top of the pull up bar, so he wouldn’t damage it, while doing his pull ups. This time however, he thinks he placed it in his shirt pocket and forgot about it. The ring then, somehow, ended up on the lawn. It was so long ago that Bill isn’t certain how it ended up out there, on the lawn, after he had gotten off the pull up bar. Forty two years later, Bill is holding his wedding ring, on the exact spot I found it. Full circle. It was great to see Bill and catch up. I am just so happy to be helping people, like Bill get reunited with their lost items. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to find the lost item.

A Challenging Yet Gratifying Ring Recovery in the Tall Grass

  • from Erie (Pennsylvania, United States)

I recently received a message from Ciri, someone in need of help after a distressing loss. While out walking her dog, Ciri’s wife had lost her diamond engagement and wedding band in the thick, tall grass and woods behind their home. This wasn’t a recent event either—the rings had been missing for nearly a month. Despite their best efforts, including multiple searches, the rings remained elusive. Feeling at a loss, they turned to the internet for help and found my page on The Ring Finders.

Understanding how important these rings were, I immediately agreed to help. The challenge was clear—finding such precious items in dense, overgrown terrain after a month would be no easy feat. Armed with my metal detector and determination, I headed to the location.

The search was as difficult as I had imagined. The tall grass and uneven terrain made it hard to navigate, and I had to be meticulous, combing through every inch of the area. It took about an hour of concentrated effort, but then, there it was—a glimmer of metal beneath the grass. The diamond engagement and wedding bands were safely recovered, ready to be returned to their rightful owner.

This return was easily one of the most challenging I’ve encountered, but the satisfaction of reuniting someone with such valuable and sentimental items made it all worthwhile. Seeing the relief and happiness on Ciri’s face reminded me why I love doing this work. Thank you, Ciri, for trusting me to find and return your beautiful rings.

Each search has its own set of challenges, but the reward of seeing the joy it brings makes every effort worth it. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here to help bring those precious memories back.

Lost Gold Ring Found And Returned, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I was searching for a Gold Ring, in Ocean Park, Maine, on Saturday, June 8th. The ring had been lost, a full week earlier, but my client wasn’t aware of my services, until she read about a recovery and return, the night before, in Old Orchard Beach Maine, by me, The Ring Finders of Maine. A gold ring, lost for a week, on the beach, is not impossible to recover, just very difficult. Anything could have happened, including, she was mistaken about where the ring was lost, tides have come and gone or even another detectorist, could have found it.

Anyways, As I was searching, I felt my phone vibrate, in my pocket. I saw I had a voicemail, from an out of state phone number. I read the transcript and it said

“Hey Dennis , how do you do. My name is Tom. We are here for a few days and the wifey thinks she lost her ring where she is sitting, on the beach. Could you please give me a call at your convenience. I appreciate it. Call 4 1 3-***-****, Thank you “

I immediately called Tom back and he explained to me that his wife were staying at The Royal Anchor Beach Resort, an ocean front resort , near the Town of Scarborough, Maine and Pine Point Beach, Maine. The Royal Anchor’s front desk, gave Tom my business card and encouraged him to call me. Tom told me that his wife had taken her ring off, to apply lotion. A little bit later, she realized she didn’t have her ring anymore and since, she hadn’t left the area, the ring should be fairly close to their beach chairs.

I told Tom I would be happy to help but would be approximately 1 1/2 hours, before I finished my search in Ocean Park. Tom replied, no problem, we are just sitting on the beach, for the afternoon and aren’t going anywhere. I told him I would call him, as I was leaving Ocean Park and would only take me a few minutes to get there, as I was only 3-4 miles from The Royal Anchor.

1 1/2 hours later, I finished up my 1st search, unsuccessfully and called Tom to let him know I would be there, in 5-10 minutes. Tom told me they were still sitting on the beach and they had the only 2 red beach chairs, there.

When I arrived, at The Royal Anchor, I saw Tom and his wife and the two red beach chairs. I introduced myself to Tom and his wife, Nancy. Nancy explained what had happened and it was exactly as what Tom had told me. Nancy hadn’t gone anywhere, since the ring had gone missing and was sure, it would be in an area around the chairs. Tom and Nancy had searched the sand themselves but could not locate the ring. Nancy also told me that the ring was Yellow Gold, with 3 Blue stones, set in it. Nancy then told my wife and I that the ring was a 50th Birthday present, from her father and that yesterday, June 7th, was her Birthday. Yikes, no pressure on me now. I just had to find her very sentimental ring.

I had Tom and Nancy, move the metal chairs back a little bit, so they wouldn’t interfere, with my detector. Once the chairs were out of the way, I started passing my detector’s coil, over the area. Within 10-15 seconds, I received the unmistakable sound of gold. I was so confident of this that I told Nancy and Tom that this would be their last lost ring. I plunged my pinpointer, into the soft dry sand and found the target. Put my hand, into the sand and nothing. Put my hand in a little deeper, and I could feel the round ring, pulled it out, saw the Yellow Gold and 3 Blue Stones and Told Nancy, “I got your ring “. She and Tom were elated and Tom even said something to the effect of “what took you so long. It took you like 10 seconds “ and we all laughed. Tom also stated that he couldn’t believe how deep the ring had already become and that they would never have found it that deep. The ring had worked its way down to the 5 inch area, in just a few hours. This most likely happened because the ring was heavy, the sand was very dry and while searching for the ring, Tom and Nancy, may have pushed it a little deeper. So thankful that a ring given to Nancy, by her father, as a 50th Birthday present, is now back on her finger, the day after her birthday. I just absolutely love do this.

The staff of The Royal Anchor cheered for me, after the ring was found and thanked me for coming and helping their guests. I also left more of my cards with them and they assured me, they would definitely call me when my service is needed, in the future.

Lost ring found in Aumsville Oregon

  • from Oregon City (Oregon, United States)

Oregon lost ring Oregon lost jewelry I received a late night message inquiring if I was Greg from Ring Finders, and if I could help locate a lost ring.

In our text exchange, Tamerik explained that the lost white gold ring was worn on a chain around his neck. He had been helping a friend move some chairs from a shed, across the backyard. It wasn’t until his friends father found the broken chain that he realized the ring was gone.

Aumsville is about a hour down the road and I was able to head down the next day in the late afternoon.

When I arrived, I met Tamerik and he showed me the area he thought the ring should be.  He showed me the shed where the chairs were stored, and the approximate path he took while carrying them.

I started with my Minelab, doing a quick search over the suspected area. Quickly I discovered the area was super trashy, with multiple hits at various depths. I switched to a more systematic grid-search, getting great hits, but nothing near the surface. After about a hour, both Tamerik (who had been watching), and I were getting discouraged.

Tamerik‘s friend was there, so we had another conversation. He pointed out the approximate location where he thought his father had found the broken chain. Putting on my thinking cap, I looked at the yard, and decided on the shortest path I would take. I switched to my Garrett AT Gold with a smaller coil (always bring multiple detectors).  After about 10 minutes, I got the signal I was looking for. Bent down, parted the grass, and there was the  missing gold ring.
Glad to be able to help out…..persistence pays off


Championship Ring Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Water Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday May, 11th, I started receiving multiple notifications, from Facebook, for my The Ring Finders of Maine page, an Emergency Metal Detecting Service. People had seen a Facebook post about a lost ring, on the beach, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Four or five people had commented on the post, to contact me, to search for the ring.

I then saw a message, from Nicole, stating,

“Hello! My daughter just informed me that she lost her Championship Ring, in OOB, today. She didn’t want to tell me sooner, because she was embarrassed, by it. I was told to reach out to you.”

The message came in at 5:49pm. I immediately replied with

“Hi, glad to help. It’s a very large beach, does she know which area?”

Nicole then sent me a photo of the Cheerleading Championship Ring and a photo of the area, her daughter had been in, earlier, in the day, with some of her friends. Nicole also told me that her daughter, Alyssa,  said she was on the right side of the pier, when facing the water. I could tell, from the photo that she had been in front of Palace Playland, an amusement park. She then sent me a video of two boys, running down and jumping into the water, for greater clarity and direction , on where her daughter and friends, had been, on the beach.

Alyssa lives in Sanford, Maine, about 25 miles from Old Orchard Beach. She and her friends had stopped in OOB, on their way to a cheerleading competition, in South Portland, where her team was competing, in another Championship competition, this very night. Alyssa is a member of Port City Athletics and competes in their All Star Cheerleading group. Alyssa would not be able to perform, this night, due to an injury to her knee, which will require surgery. Alyssa was very upset about losing the ring, thinking it would bring bad luck to her teammates, that night.

I then asked Nicole if her daughter, had also gone in the water. Yes she had. I then sent a photo to Nicole, showing the beach and asked, which section of the beach she was in? I had broken the beach up into 4 different colored quadrants and Nichole’s daughter said section #3, was where they were laying on the beach. From the photo and video sent to me, I’m thinking it was quadrant #4, not section #3. I then asked if someone could meet me there and pinpoint the area, her daughter had frequented the most. Nicole and her daughter agreed to meet me there and I told her that I would load my equipment up and be there in approximately 30 minutes, at 6:30pm.

I arrived at 6:30pm and Nicole hadn’t arrived yet. I decided to start a horizontal grid search, of the dry sand, in quadrant #4. I had been searching, with my metal detector, for maybe 15 minutes, when everyone arrived. I asked Alyssa, if I was in the general area. Yes and she showed me some of the holes that she had dug, just about 15 feet from where I was.

I continued the search and was finding nothing, but a vape pen, bottle cap and a few rusty nails. While I was searching, Nicole, Alyssa, her father and her friend, were performing a visual search, mostly down in the wet sand, near the water. Nothing was found by them. After I had been searching for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Nicole and the rest of them had to leave. I told Nicole, I would search for another 1/2 hour or so, as it was getting dark and I was getting closer to the water. I continued grid searching, the wet slope of the beach, down to the water area. If I didn’t find it, I would be back, in the morning, for low tide and search the wet sand, that was now underwater. As I was making my way down the slope, I was finding nothing at all. I was approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of the way, down the slope, when I received my 1st and only Non-Ferrous target. It was ringing up a 12-04, on my CTX-3030 and the screen was telling me about 4 inches deep. I dug a couple times and the target was still in the hole. I dug a 3rd time, and as the saying goes, 3rd times a charm. I pushed some sand aside and I saw Alyssa’s Cheerleading Championship Ring. A big smile, broke out, on my face. Now getting dark and approximately 2 hours of searching, has resulted in more smiles, for my “Book of Smiles”. A good day.

I then messaged Nicole and told her I had just found Alyssa’s ring, along with a photo. Nicole replied,

“OMG, Thank you so much. That’s insane. I will message you tomorrow and we can grab it! Thank you sooo much.”

Sunday, Mother’s Day became to hectic and I received the following message from Nicole

“Thank you Dennis!  Mother’s Day was a bit crazy and I ended up with a sick bunny and cheerleading watching!

Finding the ring ended up being good luck as her team WON another ring yesterday!!!  ( she’s superstitious and though losing it would hurt them) She has an injury that wouldn’t let her compete but she’s excited for them!

We can pick it up on Wednesday evening if possible???

Thank you again!!!”

We all met up on Wednesday , May 15 and I returned the ring to Alyssa. Just a few days earlier. Alyssa was upset and crying, about losing her Championship Ring. She also thought she would bring her team bad luck, because she had lost last year’s Championship Ring and her team was competing for another Championship,on Saturday night, the same day she lost her ring. Well, no bad omens here! Her team WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP AGAIN, incredible. Congratulations to all the cheerleaders, once again. Well done!!!

Alyssa is having the surgery on her knee, tomorrow, Thursday, May 16th. Prayers and well wishes go out to Alyssa. 🙏🙏🙏

Every ring, truly has a story behind it and what a great story this ring has. I absolutely love helping people like Nicole and Alyssa.


Gold and diamond wedding band found and returned on Bonita Beach

  • from Marco Island (Florida, United States)
  1. While swimming with his wife and enjoying their final days in paradise before returning to Michigan, Peter noticed that the gold and diamond ring he’d placed on his wife’s finger nearly 43 years ago to the day was missing.  Carefully he took notice of the spot, going in so far as to imbed an umbrella holder to mark the exact location.  Well it’s only lost until you call!  Their priorities were in order as they took their prayers and petitions to the Top, praying to God rather than St Anthony.  The rest is now history and new memories are being forged.   Gold and diamond wedding band found and returned on Bonita Beach, Bonita Springs Florida.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring found in Waterville, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

After being referred by fellow Ring Finder Dennis Boothby, who was unavailable, I took a ride up to Waterville this morning to reunite Sidney with his lost wedding band. The ring had been lost at the beginning of the month while clearing grass and brush on his property. Although he had rented a metal detector and tried finding it himself, he was unsuccessful. The search area was large about the size of a football field, but my decision to start at the brush pile proved to be the right choice with a new record for me set, by locating the ring in under a minute from beginning the search. I guess we can both give thanks for a second day in a row, Sidney for having the ring he has worn for 32 years of marriage back on his finger, and I for having picked the right end of that football field to start from. With Christmas coming I will be directing a portion of the generous reward I received toward sponsoring a local child’s Angel Tree wish.