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Lost Go Pro 3+ in Anahulu Stream Haleiwa Town……….FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

I got a call from Emily in Sydney Australia on Monday 27 July. She was vacationing in Hawaii on Saturday and while paddle boarding down the Anahulu Stream and trying to adjust the strap on her wrist she fell off the board and her Go Pro HERO 3+ with all her vacation photos came off. She reached but missed and watched it sink out of sight. The depth wasn’t deep merely a paddle board oar length but it was so murky her friend who dove for it couldn’t find it. A local diver from Surf N Sea tried with a light but it wasn’t found. Emily found me by Googling lost camera. I have thousands of dives in the ocean but I never went in a Hawaiian stream. Emily emailed me a Google map of the approximate location to look. A little farther out then the splash in the bridge pic. I checked my schedule and surf and tide reports then decided Friday at 4:30 on a high tide would be best. I was hoping the ocean water moving up into the stream would keep it clean. My buddy from work Tony acted as my Safety Observer keeping paddle boarders, kayakers and kids out of my dive zone. After donning my scuba gear I went in to check it out visually before getting my Excalibur detector involved. As I approached the bridge head on, when I was a few yards from the suspected location I let the air out of my BCD and down I went. It was only 8 feet deep but as soon as my feet touched the bottom a plume of muck exploded upwards. I immediately went still and remained neutrally buoyant at a foot off the bottom then slowly moved forward. The slightest movement stirred up the muck. The first thing I found was a HE>i John 3:30 wrist band. This was going to be successful. When the shadow of the bridge blocked my light I surfaced and told Tony the visibility is OK if I go slow. He was still directing water traffic away from me so I started pass number two. I was just about to turn around when I saw a square silted over shape in the sand with a small grey string sticking up. I pulled the string and a Go Pro HERO 3+ came into view. Wow I thought and I didn’t even get a chance to use my detector. Sometimes the Mark 1 Eyeball is just as good. I emailed Emily about our good fortune and we are arranging shipment of the camera back to Australia. The camera waterproof container looks intact so she should have all her vacation photos back. Aloha to Emily


How To find a Lost Ring on The Beach in Lions Head, Ontario!

I received a call a few days ago from a guy who had lost his wedding band in Lions Head ON. Myself and my father both avid users of metal detectors decided to take about an hour drive up to see if we could locate this item. We soon came to realize that the beach we were metal detecting had some large rocks making for a difficult search. The water depth in this location also dropped off very fast making it challenging to check further into the water. After about a steady two hours of searching as well as using goggles to go under and see if we could locate it by eye we decided to call the search off for the day as we covered pretty much all the area that we believed the ring was lost in. I had my suit about half off when he told us there was one more spot he would like us to search. The family created a rock statue and threw the rocks back in after they were done. I quickly suited back up and went over to the location the rocks had been thrown into. Within roughly a couple minutes I had a very strong beep ringing up at around a 63 on my Garrett AT Pro. I spend a small amount of time locating what rock this beep was coming from. I bent into the water and lifted a rock about the size of a football. Sure enough if his platinum ring and diamonds was not under that rock sparkling in the sun!!

We are very pleased to have helped this gentleman and look forward to many more searches to come!



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Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost Gold Wedding Ring. He was at a park with more than 50 other people. The ring fell off in the grass after using the restroom and applying hand sanitizer to his hands and rubbing it in. About a dozen people were on their knees looking through the grass to help find the lost gold wedding ring, but with no luck. I searched the area and there was the ring tuck down deep into the grass. The ring has a lot of sentimental value since he been wearing the ring for over forty years now. He was very happy to have the ring return back to him.



Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”


Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Granville Ohio. “FOUND”






Man’s large platinum wedding band lost in a lake in Forest Lake, MN – Now found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Tim took his boat out on the lake, anchored it near shore and was tossing a football with a buddy when his platinum ring flew off his finger into the water 3 weeks before his 10th wedding anniversary.

It was his wife who emailed me and set up a time to meet.  I took a buddy with me (to increase the odds of finding the ring) and we met Tim and his buddy at the boat launch after work.  Tim had a fast boat; we got up on an insta-plane and headed straight to the site.

Tim had used his phone to drop a pin where the ring was lost, so we anchored there and started the search.  After about 45 minutes, I switched my search method to having Tim stand in the water at the farthest point from shore where the ring could have been lost while his buddy stood at the closest point toward shore.

It wasn’t the search method that helped find the ring.  It was Tim and his foresight to use his phone’s GPS.  I found the ring in chest deep water right where Tim had said he had lost it.  Tim was thrilled and that ring went back on his finger immediately.  This will certainly make Tim’s 10th anniversary even more meaningful and memorable.


Ring Lost at Fiesta Island Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Christen called me with the typical tale of woe. Her husband, of a little over a month, had removed his ring to apply skin lotion and placed the ring in the beach chair pocket for safekeeping. They prepare to leave, chair gets folded up, ring ends up in sand. Since they didn’t notice it missing until they got home, the trick was figuring out just exactly where it was lost. After searching and retracing their steps as best they could, they went to the internet for help. Maybe rent a detector? Wait a minute, spend $60 to rent one and I still need to learn how to use it? Let’s go to plan B, getting someone with experience who has better equipment than the average rental detector. This is where I came in. I met Christen at the parking area and walked with her over to where they had been camped the previous day. She remembered being between two landmarks, so, that’s where I started my search. After my gridding the area for a little while, and finding lots of pull tabs, I was right about midway between the two landmarks. Good signal, scooped and found the ring. Good job getting me in the correct spot! Let the ring story continue! It was a pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.

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Lost Platinum Wedding Band at Lanikai Beach……………FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)



I received a call from Michael at around 4PM that earlier in the day he lost his Platinum Wedding Band in shallow water at Lanikai Beach. He told me he was leaving the next day and I knew the surf was coming up. With just a few hours of daylight left and a 45 minute drive I needed to meet them on the beach that evening. Lanikai as with most popular beaches in Hawaii is detected heavily and I didn’t want him to lose his ring. Then I found out my daughter had taken my truck so it was my wife’s van or this wasn’t going to happen. So my wife Wendy and daughter Korin loaded up and we were off to Lanikai to meet Michael. Surprisingly the traffic was light and we made it there in 30 minutes. Michael took me to the spot where he thought the ring came off and I did the usual wave curl first. That took about 15 minutes and I only found a quarter. I talked to Michael about how he lost the ring and he explained he was swimming in and as soon as his feet hit sand is when his ring came off. His lovely wife Yvonne also pointed out we should probably be looking a little more to the South. Why do women always have a better sense of location then us men because about 5 minutes later I had another really loud target and in the scoop was Michael’s platinum band. Altogether about 20 minutes and they get to leave tomorrow with Michael’s ring back on his finger. Michael commented that his ring normally fits very tight. I let him know typically you can lose two ring sizes in salt water. Aloha to Michael and Yvonne.

Holland State Park, Michigan lost wedding ring recovered

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

FullSizeRender (11)“Before the sunset twice the ring will be found” that was my goal. The ring was lost Saturday afternoon the sun set and Sunday before the sun set again the ring was found. I got an email from Jennifer K. while at a family gathering 70 miles away from the Park. I called Jennifer right away and she said they were at the beach celebrating the future marriage of a friend. While laying on the beach she applied some sunblock then went down to the water, up to her waist, to cool off. She noticed her ring on her right hand was coming off and adjusted it then noticed her wedding ring was gone.

Fortunately for her a friend took a picture of all of them on their blankets.image2 So that gave us, (Tom Townsend, Dave B. and myself), a reference as to where to look. Jennifer contacted both Tom Townsend and myself from the Ring Finders directory. I called up my detecting partner to meet me at the Park because I was 70 miles away. Before I got to the Park both Tom and Dave entered the water between the buoy reference that Jennifer had given us and checked up to waist deep water. When I arrived Tom was on a grid South of the referenced area and Dave started gridding North to South over the referenced area and I started my grid going East and West from the referenced area to the water. After I arrived it was about 30 minutes of gridding and Dave and I met almost at the same spot and there it was right where it was suspected of coming off. 0726151945

After the ring was found,0726151946 Dave went home and Tom and I entered the water to see if we could find some more rings. The first signal Tom got was a nice men’s Titanium wedding band.  The night ended as the sun set for the second time since the ring was lost and a call was made to Jennifer that her ring was found. We made arrangements for her to pick it up the next day when we will get a picture of her for our book of smiles.

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Found Diamond Wedding Ring South Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


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Chris called me on Tuesday in regards to his wife’s lost wedding ring which was thought to have been in the back yard. As I had other commitments I told Chris that I would be available on Friday evening, and that since the ring was lost in their back yard, it would be safe. Amanda was very distressed about her ring and  I reassured them both that if the ring was there I would find it for them.

Amanda told me she had been in the back yard for a couple of hours with friends, visiting and playing with their children. They then had gone inside the house for a while. When her friends left and after putting her daughter down for a nap, she realized that her ring was missing. Panic set in.

Amanda and Chris looked for the ring but had no luck.  Then Amanda went on Google to check about renting a metal detector.  Our website came up and she contacted me.

Amanda showed me the area in the back yard where she had been. I went to work slowly checking all possible areas in both the front and back yard as I knew how import this ring was to her.  Two hours later, I had to tell Chris and Amanda that the ring was not outside.  Amanda burst out crying. I told them that it had to be inside.  They told me that they had looked every where in the house and so I asked Amanda to retrace her steps.

She told me she had been in the freezer and the refrigerator.  Chris had also taken the plumbing apart in the bathroom incase the ring had fallen while Amanda was washing her hands.

I asked many questions and  Amanda told me she had been sitting on their leather couch.   Chris had already checked the couch but I needed to check for myself.   We turned it over and I checked the inside of the couch, and between the back rest and the cushions.  I then checked around the back support of the couch and found the ring.  I shouted “Bingo”.Amanda jumped out of her chair with enormous relief.

Thank you Chris & Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to reunite your wedding ring. Thank you for the generous reward.


2 Wedding Bands Lost in Lake Michigan Found!

  • from Grand Haven (Michigan, United States)


Chase H.

Chase H.

Chase's tungsten wedding band

Chase’s tungsten wedding band

Kevin W.

Kevin W.

Kevin's silver wedding band

Kevin’s silver wedding band

I received a call from Chase on Thursday afternoon saying he’d lost his tungsten wedding band in Lake Michigan.  His friend, Kevin, had also lost his wedding band 5 minutes before not far from where Chase had lost his.  I met them out at Holland State Park after work, about 2 hours before sunset, and got an idea of the general location the rings were lost.  They were roughly 40 yards off shore in about 4 1/2 ‘ of water near the buoys when they lost their rings.  Doing a methodical grid search, I was able to locate both rings in about 40 minutes.  They were only about 10’ from each other!  Two more happy faces for my Book of Smiles  🙂

Wedding ring Found in Ocean Beach

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

David and his wife were working in a community garden and after the planting was done, David realized his wedding ring was gone! What to do? The internet comes to the rescue. They found me through my Craig’s list ad and called me for help. Once I got to the search area, I realized I was going to have to use the small coil and turn down the sensitivity as there was a lot of mesh metal fencing all over the garden. We were able to move some of them but some were permanent, so, I’d just have to make do. Working backward from when he discovered the ring missing to when he started, I started my search with my trusty E-trac. After about 10-15 minutes, I got a nice 12-17 next to one of the freshly installed plants. About 2 inches down was his ring. Since his wife had a matching one, we were able to confirm it was his and return him to the world of married men again! Pleasure to meet you both and thank you for the reward.

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