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  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This recovery started on June 27th with phone tag between Gabriel and myself late in the evening. Gabriel left me an email around noon time that explained He lost His wedding ring in the water at Waikiki. I knew Waikiki was a heavily hunted spot for metal detectors and needed to get down there ASAP before this ring is gone forever. I continued to call and email Gabriel until we finally got ahold of each other. I drove out to met up with the couple who are here on their honeymoon from Alberta Canada. We headed to the beach which we stood on the shoreline and I tried to gather as much information as possible. Gabriel explained to me where He and His wife were sitting and where they entered the water. This helped and really painted a picture for me which I was able to narrow down the search site. I encouraged the couple to pray and I let them know that if I find the ring while in the water since it’s dark I will turn on my head lamp and look towards them and make a nodding motion so they will know that the ring is found. I started my search and after a few passes I pick up a penny and a dime. And as i continued to look I get a great tone and start to dig… I hear something in the scoop and it sounds like a RING. I pulled out my Xtreme scoop from the water and there inside and is a 14K white Gold mens wedding band with the inscription of June 23, 2018. I knew it was Gabriels ring! I turned on my headlamp, made the nodding motion towards the anticipating couple on the shoreline and gave a loud shout of JOY. I headed back to shore where I could hear the couple talking… both excited and shocked. So, as I approched the couple who were stand anticipating the good news and extend my hand with Gabriels ring at the end of my fingertips… they both agreed that that it was his lost ring and now its found! They were amazed that I found it and in that short amount of time. It was with Gabriels help that put me in the right spot and it was definitely an ANSWERED PRAY ON ALL OF OUR REQUESTS.

Another successful recovery. Mahalo to Gabriel and Nancy May you guys enjoy your honeymoon / vacation the way you all deserve in Hawaii… TO LIVE ALOHA!

Lost Titanium Ring Found With Dowsing Rod On Belle Isle Park Detroit Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Third Time’s A Charm!

This pictured gentleman had his titanium wedding ring slip off back on Memorial day. I returned his call and he texted me a pic of the area where he thought they were. The area was roughly a football field size. I headed out on my own shortly after and did a quick check with my MXT in the most likely area. Did not come up with anything but lots of trash and trash masking more trash.
Since I didn’t have a target I.D. for titanium I went to my friend’s jewelry store and he happily provided some samples of titanium rings in the approximate size of the lost one. So now I knew what to look for on the MXT meter and ignore everything else. At home that night I also started to photo dowse the image and got a repeatable signal in a certain area as indicated by the 2 arrows pointing towards each other as well as the dashed line indicating the titanium ring’s fundamental ray and opposite ray. That’s a given that the ring was there.
So I went out a second time and met the man who lost the ring and we walked the area for as long as he could stay. I didn’t have my dowsing rod with me as this was a short notice meet with him. Did not search the photo dowsed area at this time as there were people sitting out picknicking, frisbee and what not and didn’t want to draw attention to a certain area. So a third visit today turned out productive. When I got on site, I went thru my usual dowsing procedure going off the photo dowse and got an area intersected where to metal detect. Still a large area but when the MXT signaled +18 I knew I got it! It was fairly close to where the red x is on the photo where this beautiful ring was hiding just below the grass, in fact I saw half of it peeking thru the grass I’m surprised no one saw it and picked it up. It was in the shade of a tree but had it been in the sun someone for sure would have saw the glint from the sun off it and grabbed it. So I immediately texted him with excitement and he wanted to meet today to get it back. He first tho had to cancel the order he had placed for a new one! So I learned something today I already knew but since I havn’t gotten “skunked” like this in awhile, that is don’t give up on finding things out there, keep at it, persist and you will succeed even if your third time isn’t a charm!

14K White Gold Engagement Ring Lost, Found, and Returned Shallotte NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a call on Thursday, June 28th from Katie saying she lost her engagement ring in a lake, the previous Sunday, and wanted to know if I could help. She wasn’t going to be available to show me the area until this Sunday due to her work schedule. We were going back and forth with text messages, and I asked her if she could send me a google earth map with the location. She also sent me a picture she had taken after she lost her ring. To try and get a better idea of the exact spot, I drew some lines on her picture and sent it back. She followed up with a revised view and confirmed the approximate place with a friend she had been with at the time of the loss. I didn’t have anything else going on today, Friday, so I told her I give it a try.
I got there today to start the search, and was greeted by a big warning sign saying “Alligators and other Wildlife are present in & around our lakes.” Not very comforting, but I haven’t heard of anybody getting eaten around the area, so I just kept my eyes open and paid real close attention to my surroundings. It took me a couple of hours of searching, having to stop twice for thunderstorms passing through. It wasn’t a big area, but I wasn’t having any luck finding her ring. After the second storm moved through, I, again, walked straight out from where she thought her ring was. When I got to just about waist deep, I got a solid 45 ID on the AT PRO, which was within the range of a small white gold ring. A couple of scoops and I had it. I sent Katie a text with the picture of her ring and said; BA-BOOM! I wasn’t getting a response from her, so I called her. When she answered, I asked her if she had read my text, to which she said, no. I told her to check her text, and when she did she said something like, “my baby!” I could hear her co-workers in the background sharing her excitement. She was getting off work, so we agreed on a meeting spot so she could get her “baby” back. When we met, I asked her for her story. As she told it, she was supposed to meet her fiancé for lunch, but instead went swimming with her friends, and that’s when she lost it. Everything is better now or should be once she tells him the ring is back where it belongs.
Katie, thanks for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. Best of luck to you and your fiancé!!


Wedding Day Save, North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Matt Fry (TRF Myrtle Beach) called me saying he had just received a call for a lost ring in my area. He gave me Craig and Ashley’s phone numbers, and details on what happened and where it happened. I called Craig and got a few more details on their location and was on my way.
When I walked out on the beach, I saw the family standing in the dry sand, excited that I was there. The story goes that Craig and Ashley were getting married on the beach and Ashley’s son, Anthony, was the ring bearer. The way I understand it, as Anthony was handing the wedding band to Craig to place on Ashley’s finger, he dropped it in the soft sand, oops!!! I didn’t ask, but I assume the ceremony went forward without the wedding band. When I got to the spot the ring was dropped, I could tell the family had frantically searched the sand as there was a huge pile of sand that had been moved around. I turned on the machine, made two swings, and got a great tone on the Equinox 800 with an ID of 6 on the screen. Perfect number for the 14K white gold wedding band, maybe size 5-6, I was looking for. I ended up taking 3 small scoops of sand off the top of the pile before I saw her ring shining up at me from the bottom of the scoop. I took the ring out and handed it to Craig to verify, yep, we had the right one!!! Craig turned around and gave it to Ashely, and she wasted no time putting it back on her finger. It’s a great feeling to get that lost treasure back where it belongs.
As we got the pictures done, and walking back to the parking lot, Ashley’s daughter, Arial stopped, looked at me, and said; “I will never forget you.” Wow, that was awesome!
Craig, Ashley, Anthony, Craig Jr, Arial, and Ashley’s parents, it was indeed my pleasure to meet you all and help return your precious ring. Best of luck to all.

Lost ring, found in Maine Lake

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)
  1. I received a call from a gentleman who lost his wedding ring off the dock at his parents camp on Toddy Pond. I drove up the following day donned my scuba gear said a prayer for St. Anthony’s help and made the recovery quickly utilizing only my pin pointer in about 9 feet of water. Since both the owner of the ring and his father are in the business of marketing eye wear to optometrist’s I will be donating a portion of his generous reward to the Camden Lions Club to help their work with those whom are visually impaired.

Two Platinum Wedding Rings Lost at Torrance Beach, CA…Found and Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, don’t wait, time will work against you, please call as soon as possible. 310-953-5268

Keith called yesterday about a loss of 2 rings that happened Saturday. His wife had been at the beach, when she decided to put sunscreen on. She removed her rings, applied her sunscreen, and without realizing they were not back on her finger, she stood up and moved around. The rings were gone. Keith found me on the internet the day after asking if I could help. I explained that I would do a search for them, but also explained how the County cleans the beach with machines daily, and that the beach is searched often by other detectorists, so the possibility of a recovery had diminished considerably. We arranged to meet later in the evening when the crowds had dissipated.

When I got to the beach, I saw that there was already someone working close to the area that we were supposed to search. I figured it was possible that he already found the rings. I called Keith to let him know I had arrived, and found he was already there. I met him, then went to introduce myself to the other gentleman who was already searching the area to inform him that my interest was to look for the rings, and not to move in on him. He seemed alright with that. So I began my grid. I worked in an outside area to work my way in as I continued along. Keith and his wife figured I should move closer to the water, so I began another grid in that area. The other gentleman continued to work around in the area as well. After about 8 or 10 passes, I got a good signal, scooped, and had a nice heavy platinum ring in my scoop, and figured the second one wouldn’t be far away. I looked and looked making many more passes in the area, but not finding it. The other detectorist hearing the commotion after my recovery of the first ring came over to look at the ring, when he realized that he might have the other one, so he poured out the contents of his find bag on a towel, and there it was. He thought he had found a washer, and hadn’t paid it much attention until he saw the other ring.

So between me and my new detector friend Chuck, we were able to bring some amazing smiles back to Keith and his wife. Another great day!

Keith sent the following testimonial:

“My wife was in a panic when she realized her engagement and wedding rings were missing on a Sunday afternoon. We retraced her steps and realized the last time we saw them was on the beach the day before.

I went to Yelp to look for metal detection equipment and Steve’s site was the first listed. I was surprised that he picked up the phone on a Sunday but he did and we arranged to meet; my expectations of finding the rings a day later were not high.

We met at the beach that afternoon. There are people who comb the beach as a hobby but my immediate impression was that Steve was a professional at this. He immediately struck up a conversation with another beachcomber and got him to join the effort. Steve clearly used a grid to search, not random wandering and covered all of the search area. I told my wife that this was not going to work…

But…about 20 minutes into the search he got a hit and scooped one ring out of the sand. Once the other gentlemen saw it, he recognized that he had already picked up the second ring earlier without realizing what it was (very simple design with no gems). He dumped his bag out and we had the complete set back. Huge relief!

Steve specializes in ring retrieval and sure came through for us. Great guy who wants to help people and clearly loves what he does. Lose something valuable and/or sentimental? Steve’s the guy to call!”


I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Lost ring found in Spring Mill Pond at Island Lake Recreation Center, Brighton, Michigan

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

While showing a friend the spot where I recovered a ring last week, I noticed a group of about 20 young men.  They had been playing a rowdy game that looked like a cross between football and lacrosse in waist to shoulder deep water, up and down the swimming area and now they had suddenly switched to that familiar search mode, with the players all bent over looking for something lost in the water.   I gave them about fifteen minutes and when they were getting out of the water, looking discouraged, I approached the group.

After some banter back and forth I finally isolated the young man who admitted to losing his wedding ring.  I was not able to search that evening so I gave him my card and told him I would return the following morning.   It was cold and breezy the next morning; but I found the ring in knee deep water with a 3 hour search.

Usually I get a contract, or at least a phone number; but I could tell he didn’t believe I could find it, and he didn’t really want to give me any information.  It was a few days before he called, and I was beginning to wonder if he wanted it back at all.

Let’s just say that he was surprised to hear I had his ring.  He sent me a wedding picture to verify he was the owner, and I put his ring in the mail.

You can check out my search on YouTube



Lost Platinum Wedding Band and Ring Found Sun Retreats Sea Isle City NJ

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder

I received a call from Bob who stated that his wife Emily lost her platinum wedding band and ring the day before.  The rings were lost in waist deep water in the lake at Driftwood RV Campground just outside of Sea Isle City and Avalon. After a thorough grid search of an area of the lake both rings were recovered!!!

Platinum wedding ring lost in yard found by Dennis Burlingame

Was just leaving the beach i was detecting with my buddy Keith when I got a call from Louis. He was playing wiffle ball and his ring flew off throwing the ball.Told him we were leaving the beach and would stop by but would take about half hour to drive there. When we got there Louis pretty much knew the area the ring should be so Keith and I starting detecting. There were a good amount of targets in the yard, the grass was thick but it helped that the ring wasn’t buried but it was stepped on at one time making it stuck in the ground some, but after about 20 minutes out pops the ring. After a few high fives, and a lot of smiles, we were on our way home feeling good after a great recovery.

The Ring Finders New Jersey
The Ring Finders New Jersey Facebook
Central Jersey Metal detecting service
Jersey Shore Ring Finder
Jersey Shore Ring Finder Facebook

Lost Wedding Ring returned at Kelowna City Park

  • from Kelowna (British Columbia, Canada)

Will. was visiting Kelowna from Vancouver and was playing in the City Park with his family. On the way back to the hotel he noticed his wedding band was missing. After spending 1 hour on his hands and knees searching, he found me on the website and I responded the next morning at 6am. He showed me the area they had been playing in and within 2 minutes his wedding ring was returned to him.