I had been called for help to search for a lost item, the location was a so far away and as I had not seen a detecting friend for almost a month due to “social distancing”. I ask Leighton to join in on the search. He agreed so off we went. The search was unsuccessful, but hope was that the ring had gone down the swimming pool’s drain and we would return with more gear and an underwater camera to continue the search. On our way home from the search Leighton received a message from an old friend about his mother’s lost gold necklace. Leighton made a few calls, got a name, address and more information about the chain. We were now on the way to help find Nadine’s chain. The chain had been her father’s and she has worn it as a bracelet since her father’s passing. It had Great Sentimental Value, one lost item that needed to be found and return.
Upon arriving at the address, we had to wait on Nadine’s grand entrance. Never have we been greeted by such a big bucket loader, one that Parker on Gold Rush would be proud to play with in his search for gold. Nadine was in the family’s new “toy”. A toy that I really hoped we would not need to move dirt around while looking for the necklace.
The area to search was small, and we had finished searching it in just a few minutes with no results. A barrel of clippings was nearby and beckoned to be dumped and searched. Now, knowing a chain is a difficult target for any metal detector to respond to, I was listening for any small signal. Two non-productive signal were examined and then one I heard a signal I just could not ignore. I did not visually see the chain, but my handheld pinpionter was surely telling a metal object was there. A push with the pin-pointer to move clippings around…there it was, the glint of gold.
The next happenings were hugs and Thank Yous, disregarding “Social Distancing” were in order. Corvid-19 would not dare to invade moments that just happen when such a sentimental item is found and returned. Photos and more Thank You words followed before Leighton and I were on our way home where we will wait for the next call requesting a metal detectorist’s help.