how to find a lost ring in the sand Tag | Page 7 of 12 | The Ring Finders

3 Day Old Gold Wedding Ring Lost at Newport Beach…Found and Happily Returned

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 310-953-5268

I received a desperate call from Vanessa who needed to find a ring that was lost in the sand at the beach. I was able to let her know that I was immediately available, so we arranged for me to come at once to do the search.

I got to the beach where I found Vanessa, her husband Angel, and friends. It was her husband’s ring that was lost, and he proceeded to show me all the possibilities of where it could have dropped. I began a grid to insure I covered every inch of sand. I began at the most likely area, and then began to move into the other areas he had been. I made about 5 lines when I got a real good signal, but only a pull tab, and then a bottle cap. A couple of more grid lines, and another good signal; scoop in, gold ring out. Angel saw the ring bouncing around in the scoop, and came over in a hurry. I pulled it out and handed it to him, and everyone cheered. It was then that I found out that Angel and Vanessa had only been married for 3 days, and I thought; “Oh my What a Relief!” Anyway, it was great to be able to help them on this occasion.


Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Diamond Stud Earring Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC.

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Just after 4:30 pm on Wednesday, I got a text message saying in part, “This is Vicki H. Can you please come and try to find my diamond earring. Thanks. We are on 6th Avenue. Just down from Maritime.” Instead of texting back and forth, I prefer to call so that’s what I did.  As her phone was ringing, I’m saying to myself, please let this be in the dry sand. When she answered, that was the first question I asked her, and her response was “Yes!”  Got her location and told her I’d be there in 10 minutes. I grabbed my Gold Bug 2 detector and headed out.

When I arrived on the beach, I met Vicki and her sisters Nan and Judy. They showed me the 10×10 ft area and said they had been looking for the earring for about 40 minutes before they called me. I tested Vicki’s other earring to ensure I could get a signal, there was very little metal to try and detect. After a successful test, I started a very slow walking grid line. I could tell that they had been looking for the earring and I was concerned that they either moved it or buried it deeper in the sand. I got a couple of bottle caps and some small pieces of foil but didn’t hit her earring on my first pass over the area. Vicki and her sisters reconfirmed the area and I started my second attempt. I got a faint bleep in the sand and hand shoveled the sand onto a plastic strainer I brought. I re-checked the area and the strainer with the detector and had the target in the strainer.  I started finger sifting the sand trying to feel the earring with no luck. As I stood up to detect the area again, I got a beautiful sparkle as the sun hit the diamond in the sand. I reached down and picked it up, and realized how easy it was to miss it with my fingers. I held it up in front of me and Nan noticed it first and then Vicki. There were big smiles and the “I can’t believe it” words from all three ladies.

Vicki – Thank you for calling me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.



Lady’s 14K White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Sunset Beach, NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started with a Sunset Beach NC Face Book post saying in part, “on vacation and a friend had lost an important piece of jewelry, and we’re looking for someone that has a metal detector.” Someone responded to her post with my information. So, about 8:30 Friday night, I received a call from Victoria.  She started with telling me about the Face Book posts and was calling to see if I could help. I was ready! She also said the ring was lost in the dry sand, on the right side of the pier. She added that it was very unlikely the high tide would not reach the ring. I suggested we meet in about 30 minutes. I think Victoria was a little apprehensive about meeting a strange man, at night, on a dark beach, which I totally understood. She wanted to meet at noon the next day, which I had concerns with. Knowing that Sunset Beach is a big tourist destination in the summer, parking would be an issue. There would also be shoulder to shoulder people on the beach, at noon, on a Saturday. I also know that Sunset Beach is heavily detected by both locals and tourist. She understood, but noon it was.

I arrived about 10:30 a.m., figuring I’d be lucky to find a parking spot. Surprise, I got the last ‘free’ parking space on the Island, I think.  Since I had an hour and half to burn, I started detecting the beach. About 11:30 a.m. I text Victoria telling her ‘I was there,” and She immediately responded saying, “we are parking now.” We met up on the beach and Victoria introduced me to Jennifer, the young lady that lost her engagement ring. Victoria led the way across the top of the beach until we reached the area. Victoria had the presents of mine to tie one of her hair bows to a tiny bush growing up through the sand at the bottom of a sand dune. Jennifer wasn’t sure how far her ring may have flown off her finger when she had turned around while they were packing up to leave. I confirmed with Jennifer that I was looking for a white gold ring as I turned on my Equinox. On my second line, I got a solid 6 on my VDI, meaning ‘white gold.’ I looked over at Jennifer as I scooped up the sand. I gently shook the scoop to empty the sand out and saw some shells and Jennifer’s beautiful engagement ring at the bottom of the scoop. I walked over to Jennifer, held out the scoop, and let her remove her ring. She got a big smile on her face when she saw her ring.

Victoria – Thank you for contacting me.

Jennifer – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.


Man’s Tungsten Wedding Band Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a call from Angel saying her brother-in-law, Lee, had lost his wedding band in the sand. She said that he knew exactly where it was and it was above the high tide mark. Perfect! She also stated they had looked for quite a while with no luck.  I got the location from her and told her I’d be there in about 30 minutes, I was just sitting down to dinner.

I finished dinner, grabbed my detector, and text Angel  I was on my way. We had been having heavy storms all day, and it was still raining when I pulled into the parking lot. Angel, her husband, Kiel and Lee were standing in a parking garage out of the rain when Angel hollowed “Jim.” The rain was getting harder as we walked out on the beach. Lee walked ahead of us, and made his way across the top of the beach and starting pacing off steps seaward to where he lost his ring. He stopped and said, “Right here is where I was using my hands to dig a hole with my son. I was throwing the sand out in this direction.”  I turned my Equinox on, took a couple of steps and hit a target. Its VDI wasn’t what I was looking for so I passed over it. I took two steps and turned around and went back to the target. I’ve put a bigger coil on this machine and have found my VDI numbers are a little higher than they are with the standard coil. It took about 3 or 4 scoops of sand to get the target out. Evidently, when Lee was filling the hole back up, he buried his ring. I spread the scooped sand out and didn’t see anything. I ran the sand through my fingers and spotted his sand filled ring on the ground. I picked it and gently tossed it his way. His shock was apparent. Huge smiles from everyone. Lee told me that yesterday was he and his bride’s 1 year anniversary.

Angel – Thank you for contacting me!

Lee – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. A belated Happy Anniversary to you and your wife.


White and Rose Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found, and Returned in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Monday afternoon started with a message from Taylor saying in part “Hello Ring Finders I’m so so hoping you can help!!! I have lost my wedding ring!!!! We are staying at the sea mist oceanfront resort in Myrtle Beach.  I’m hoping you can help.” This ring call is in Matt Fry’s area, so I’m in the process of calling Matt when Taylor calls me. I ask Taylor a few questions that I could relay to Matt. She explained that her and her family had been there since around 8 a.m. She said she had taken her ring off to apply sun screen to the family and couldn’t remember if she put it back on or not. She also mentioned that she had gone in the ocean at some point but no deeper than knee deep. I explained to her that I’m trying to get a hold of Matt, who covers Myrtle Beach, for her ring search and that one of us would call her back shortly. When I got a hold of Matt, I started giving him the information. I then asked him if he wanted to take it,  I must have sounded pretty pathetic because he said “if you want to take it, go ahead. I’ve got work in the shop to do.”  I thanked him and called Taylor back saying I was on my way.

When I got to the beach, there was no place to park. I called Taylor and she met me in the resort’s parking lot and was able to get me a temporary parking pass. As we walked out to the beach, I learned they were on vacation from Virginia. She also mentioned that they had seen another detectionist earlier on the beach and had asked him if he could try and find her ring. He checked the area where they were sitting and then recommended they contact The Ring Finders, that’s how she found me. I know a lot of the guys detecting in Myrtle Beach and I know they’re good and thorough in their searches. But from the description that Taylor gave me, I couldn’t picture who it was. For my own piece of mind and to say I checked, I did a quick search around their umbrella and out in front a few feet. I then started a grid search from where they were sitting out to the low tide line. Probably 8 to 10 grid lines, I got a solid 13. On the equinox 800, a 13 VDI could be a pull tab, a man’s thin gold ring, a nickel, or a woman’s big white gold wedding band. After digging a scoop of sand and spreading it out on the beach, I didn’t see anything. I ran my coil over the area and got the 13 again. I didn’t see a thing so I’m thinking a pull tab.  I’m moving the sand with my foot and saw a very small silver looking “thing.” I reached down and plucked Taylor’s beautiful white and rose gold wedding ring out of the wet sand. I walked down to the water and washed the sand off the ring. I then made my way back up to where Taylor and Brandon were sitting, making it look like I was done. I stood in front of Taylor and ask her what her ring looks like. As she’s explaining her ring, I slowly hold it up next to my face so she can see it. She screamed “you found my ring” and exploded out of her chair. Big, Big Hug and some tears. This is why I love doing what I do!

Big shout out and thank you to Bill Judy, who was the detectionist that referred Taylor and Brandon to The Ring Finders and Matt Fry, who let me take this ring call.

Taylor and Brandon – Thank you for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure. Have a great rest of your vacation and a safe trip back home!



Lost ring at the beach, Ormond Beach, Fl….Found with metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Brenda and a friend were driving south along the Atlantic coast of Florida heading into the Ormond Beach area and decided to stop at one of the sandy parking areas along the road. Here and there they could see wooden board walks going over the dunes making it easy access to the beach but it just so happened that where they pulled off there were no such walkways. Instead there was a small trail that led onto the beach which was OK as here there were less people. After walking onto the sand Brenda removed her special heirloom ring and put it into the bottom of her bag thinking she would get it later on. For 45 minutes they enjoyed the sun, sand and cool ocean breezes and then headed back to the car. Before getting into her car Brenda opened the back of her Ford Escape and pulled a towel from her bag to wipe the sand off of her feet. Two hours later she arrived home in Dade City and as she went through her bag and car she could not find her precious ring. Slight panic set in as it slowly dawned on her that just maybe her ring had come out somewhere at the stop along the beach.

After receiving and reading Brenda’s text I agreed that it would be a long shot..BUT…I have seen miracles happen and I tried to encourage Brenda to not give up HOPE! We texted back and forth and I asked a ton of questions to try and narrow down the exact search area. Four days later I decided to make the one hour drive. I had drawn up a map of the most likely places to search and my number one spot most resembled what Brenda described and as I pulled off the road I could see the area had received allot of rain and there was a large puddle of water all along the side of the road. My plan was to search the parking area first and then work my way down onto the beach. It was raining cats and dogs so I put on my rain coat and boots, grabbed my water proof ATMax metal detector and carefully made my way along the edge of the road, being careful of the cars passing close by doing at least 45 mph! My first pass netted a few pull tabs and two pennies and half way back I got a sweet 45 reading that no one in their right mind would pass up. Being as it was in the middle of the puddle I used my Garrett AT pin pointer and grabbed a handful of sand and slowly rinsed my hand in the water to reveal a glimmer of gold! I was stunned as I stared at Brenda’s gold, diamond and opal heirloom ring in my hand! A shout of joy left my lips as I looked towards heaven and thanked my God Almighty for allowing me the blessing and opportunity of finding Brenda’s lost ring. I immediately took a selfie and texted Brenda, who was in the middle of helping her sister move. I waited a couple of minutes…and nothing. So I called her…she answered…and I asked if she saw my text? She hadn’t and for the next few minutes she was so overwhelmed that she could not talk, so I shared the details with her dear sister. What a thrill it is to be a part of such a joyous moment!

Lost something recently…or years ago and need my help? Call or text…ASAP!

Mike McInroe…super fortunate to be a part of

White Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Ocean Day after Proposal, Sullivan’s Island SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This morning, Wednesday, about 11am, I got a text “Good afternoon. Is this Jim Wren with Ring Finders?” I responded with “Yes.” She came back saying “My name is Mallory, my fiancé Nick proposed on Monday. Yesterday at around 8PM (the day after I got engaged) I got into the ocean at Sullivan’s Island. The tide took my engagement ring right off my finger. I am absolutely devastated…is there anything that could be done?”I called her and got more details. They were here on a little vacation from Chicago after they both graduated from Law School. With the loss of her ring and another issue going on, she wasn’t having a good vacation. I checked the tide tables and low tide on Sullivan’s Island was roughly at 2:30pm and with a 2 ½ hour drive, I could be there about 30 minutes before low tide. I know there are a couple of guys who are Ring Finders around Charleston, but when I’ve called in the past they weren’t available. So, instead of giving Mallory the run around trying to find somebody, and with time being a major factor, I just grabbed my gear and headed south.

When I got there, Mallory and Nick had a parking spot reserved for me. As we walked out on the beach, Nick showed me the area, which was larger than I thought. It was an area about the size of a football field. Luckily, Nick had found a plank on the beach and had used it to mark the spot where they came out of the water after the ring came off. On Tuesday, Mallory was in waist deep water about an hour after high tide. I started a north/south grid line parallel to the high tide line working towards the water line. After about 6 grid lines, I changed directions, and ran the grid line east/west perpendicular to the beach. On my second grid line pass the mid-tide line on the slope, I got a solid 8/9 on the Equinox 800 VDI screen, which is what I was looking for. It was further down the slope than I thought it would be, as well as deeper in the sand than I thought after less than 24 hours. After I got it out of the sand, I had to verify I had the right ring against the picture Mallory had sent. Boom, Perfect match!! I knew Nick and Mallory were watching, so I just held my arm up. Nick saw it first and came running, Mallory wasn’t too far behind him. Big smiles and hugs. Total search time was about 35-40 minutes.

Nick/Mallory – thank you for trusting me and The Ring Finders to find your beautiful engagement ring. Best of luck to both of you in all your future endeavors.



Ring thrown in lake, Kissimmee, Fl….Found and Returned to Owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Antwan and his dear fiance were having a bit of a rough time and out of frustration and anger he grabbed her engagement ring, walked out behind his house and stood on the edge of the lake contemplating what to do next. Some times common sense and good judgement prevail and other times a lack of good sense and angry feelings overwhelm the person and the dreaded throw takes place. And it didn’t take long for the regret and the old feeling of “What in the world did I just do?” to hit him square between the eyes—figuratively speaking!

He realized there was absolutely no way for him to retrieve the thrown ring so he went on line to look for someone who could possibly help him. And to his amazement he came across After reading some of the stories Antwan decided to give me a call and I agreed to meet him and do a search. Antwan said the water was only two or three feet deep so I went prepared to wade but after entering the water it was obviously allot deeper the further out I walked. I spent three hours digging cans and fishing lures along the shore and even went out up to my neck but I was not able to find his lost ring. I could tell Antwan was rather sad and I purposed to try again another day. So the following week I returned with my scuba gear and PVC grid frame and began a systematic search out into deeper water. My grid frame is 5 foot by 20 foot and that allows me to effectively search an 11 by 26 foot area very thoroughly and effectively. Two and a half hours into my search I got a loud large signal reading on my Pulse Dive with the 6 inch coil and I dug down 8 inches or so and still could not find the target so I continued on. I surfaced and moved my grid frame over 25 feet and continued my search. Going up the left side I reached the end of the grid in approximately 8 foot of water and got that same signal. I could tell it was the same target as I could feel the hole I had dug a few minutes earlier. As I continued sweeping the small coil across the muddy bottom I instantly got a sharp, small signal and digging my fingers into the mud I felt a small heavy object which was exactly what I was looking for! I immediately thanked my God for helping me find Antwan’s lost ring and calmly made my way to the surface. Five minutes later I rang the door bell and presented Antwan with his special ring! What a joy to see the relief and joy on his face and he was amazed at how beautiful his fiance’s ring actually was.

What an amazing experience and privilege it is to reunite someone with something so precious and sentimental! And it was truly an honor to help this hurting young man.

Lost something and need help recovering it? Call, text or email me and we can discuss your situation.

Mike McInroe….privileged to be a member of

Man’s 14K Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found, and Returned in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I received a call today from Josh looking for the guy with a metal detector that can find rings. I confirmed he had the right guy, and asked what had happened. He responded that he had given his gold wedding band to his wife, Emily, for safe keeping while they were on the beach. She had put it on her thumb and at some point it slipped off. I asked a few questions including where they were. When he responded they were staying at the Holiday Inn in Myrtle Beach, I knew I’d have to get a hold of Matt Fry. Since Matt’s The Ring Finder for Myrtle Beach, any calls I get for that area I pass to him. When I called, he said he was in the middle of something and to go ahead and take the call, thanks Matt. I called Josh back and told him I’d be there in 30-45 minutes.

Vacation time is definitely back in full swing at Myrtle Beach. Traffic was bumper to bumper, and parking was non-existent. I grabbed a parking spot in the hotel parking lot, and stopped by the front desk to let them know, so my car wouldn’t get towed. As I walked out on the beach, I saw a couple waving at me. When I got close, we introduced ourselves and Josh showed me a small area in the dry sand, maybe 5’X5’, where they thought the ring slipped off. I turned on the Equinox and thoroughly scanned the area with not even a peep. So, I started a grid line working north, still with no targets. After about 4 lines, I went back over the same area working the grid south. Two lines south from my original starting point; I got a solid 17, which told me I had gold! I scooped the ring out of the sand, shook the sand out and let Josh reach in the scoop and retrieve his wedding band of 7 years. Both Josh and Emily were extremely excited their lost treasure was found.

Josh and Emily, thanks for trusting me and the Ring Finders to help find your lost ring.




  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)



I was scheduled to conduct a search for a lost wedding band on Honeymoon Island last Monday afternoon when I received a call from Derek and Rhiannon Sunday evening. Rhiannon’s beautiful wedding ring had slipped off her finger while the family was enjoying some beach time earlier in the day. Even though Rhiannon realized the loss almost immediately, the family was unable to locate the ring in the sand. As the family was leaving Honeymoon Island, they reported the lost ring to a park ranger and the ranger passed along my contact information.

Because Sunday was the end of a busy Easter holiday weekend, we set up a search time for early Monday morning, hopefully before the hobby detectorists began searching the beach. Derek and Rhiannon took me to the location where they were sitting (thankfully they had marked it well and it was beyond the high tide line) and after only about a 3 minute search, I uncovered the ring, pulled it from the sand, held it up to Rhiannon, and the tears of joy began to flow. I know you Ringfinders know this already, but there can not be anything more satisfying than returning a precious item to someone when they thought they might never see it again. I love my job!

Thank you to the rangers at Honeymoon Island for connecting me to Derek and Rhiannon and thanks for the generous reward!