Engagement Ring Lost in Yard, Freehold NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder
Jim contacted me via email about finding a ring that had been lost in his yard the day before. I replied and asked him to call me, which he did. During our conversation, he explained that he had hosted a large outdoor party with many guests, and at the end of the evening, Brenda realized her engagement ring was missing. She was certain she had worn it to the party but couldn’t find it the next morning. After an extensive search of his yard without success, Jim decided to reach out for help.
We arranged to meet the following day around dinnertime. When I arrived, Jim explained that the party had been quite lively, with a lot of drinking and horsing around, which likely led to Brenda’s ring falling off. He showed me the area where most of the guests had been, and I decided to start near the house and work my way outward.
As I searched, I picked up no promising signals and began to feel concerned. I asked Jim a few more questions about where Brenda might have been during the party. He mentioned it was possible she had wandered near the pool or further into the yard, but most of the activity had taken place in the side yard.
I continued my search in the side yard, and just as I was nearing the end of the area, I got a sweet, unmistakable tone. I immediately suspected it was the ring. Sure enough, after clearing away a bit of grass, I uncovered Brenda’s engagement ring, just an inch below the surface.
Another happy ending that could have easily been a disaster. Jim and Brenda were thrilled, and I was glad to have played a part in recovering such an important piece of jewelry.