rent a metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring in the Overland Park Snow

  • from Kansas City (Missouri, United States)

Check out the YouTube video here:

After a recent arctic blast, Ted cleaned the snow off a car in his driveway, then departed in his own car parked on the street.  Shortly after, he realized his wedding band was missing.  He contacted me and we braved the 15 degree temps looking for his ring.  No luck in the driveway but wouldn’t you know, right on the snow packed street, I swung over a strong signal.  He was fortunate the snowplow didn’t move it.  I am fortunate to have another happy (but cold) customer!

Lost Aggie Ring to the Yellow Duckies

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

What a fun search, we got a call from a retired Fire Chief in Lewisville, Texas.  He was helping out with a community Fundraiser where they pushed 40,000 Yellow Duckies off the falls and each duck had a value, they raised over $200,000 but our Aggie while pushing the final Duckies off the falls his Aggie Ring flew off into the pond.
He was very distraught over loosing his ring and tried to rent a Metal Detector but not knowing how to use it was a challenge, he actually was talking to the Fire Department Rescue Scuba Divers about trying to find it for him when he found “The Ring Finders” and called us.

Ellen and I met him on Tuesday morning and found his ring, I love what we do….

Another Successful Find for the Ring Finders

Professional Metal Detecting service in Miami

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

This was an interesting recovery.  Somehow, her ring managed to fly off the third story balcony while doing her hair and land in the bushes below.  After all of us looking for a few hours, my detector located it almost 50 ft away!  We were all excited I was able to reunite them with her matching custom rings

Lost and Found Diamond Ring Miami Beach (metal detecting service)

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

I received a call from some vacationers enjoying South Beach who had just lost their Diamond wedding rings.  She had placed them in her towel and went to dry off and prooof, they were gone, eating by the sand.  She tried for hours to sift for them but I told her that would only make them go deeper and make them harder to find.  So I raced over there and within seconds I was able to find both rings!!  If you have lost some jewelry on the beach or anywhere else, in or out of the water, please give me a call LOUIS 305-608-1870 I have been metal detecting for almost 15 years, let me help you recover your lost treasure.

Lost ring in lake (metal detecting service)

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

I received call from a young lady who just had her engagement party the night before.  She was moving some kayaks into the lake when her new engagement ring fell off.  She did not realize this until after the party.  I received the call at 3am!!  The next morning I showed and scanned her whole yard and eventually found it in the lake!  If you have lost a ring or any type of jewelry, give me a call, LOUIS 305-608-1870.  I can help you find it.

Lost engagement ring on the beach, but found !!!

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lose a piece of jewelry, don’t panic, call me 305-608-1870.  I have a waterproof metal detector that can help you find your lost item.

She was from out of town and was just purposed to the night before on Miami Beach!!…. I got the call at 3am.  I was able to come right out and find her beautiful diamond ring for her.  This was one of my favorite recoveries.

Silver Chrome Hearts ring lost but found in Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost any type of jewelry and need someone to come find it for you, give me a call.  305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting recovery service.

This ring was lost on South Beach, in Miami Florida. Luckily one of the lifeguards had my number handy and was able to call me to come out.  This was one of my fastest recoveries. Maybe 30 seconds:-)


Lost and found Versace earring on Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost any type of jewelry, give me a call 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting recovery service.

She lost one of her Versace earrings in the shallow waters on Miami Beach.  Was able to find it for her before they left.

If you lose a ring or any type of jewelry, anywhere, call me as soon as possible.

Lost Wedding Band Blessed by Pope Francis…Found by Ring Finder in Potomac, Maryland

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Jon’s extremely special 10 karat yellow gold classic wedding band that was blessed by Pope Francis.

A beam of happiness shines across the countenance of Jon’s face just minutes after being presented with his beloved wedding band by metal detectorist and member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

I received a call from a woman named Julia who contacted me on behalf of her husband Jon. He lost his classic yellow 14 karat gold wedding band while working out at a local Park in Potomac, Maryland. This ring was not just a sentimental piece of property that meant so very much to the couple, but it also had tremendous spiritual meaning to Jon and Julia as well. The band that was placed upon the groom’s finger, had actually been blessed by Pope Francis himself! This special keepsake was extremely unique in every regard!

Just before Jon started doing pull-ups on some play equipment, he responsibly took his ring off and placed it in his shorts pocket for safekeeping. Then, after he finished his reps, Jon went on a jog around a pond that was situated in the middle of the park. He forgot to place his wedding band back on his finger and by the time he got around to the other side of the pond, the ring had fallen out of his pocket somewhere along the path. Though the concerned gentleman searched for the missing jewel for 45 minutes or so, none of his efforts helped to recover the lost band. Jon walked home sad and shared the news with his wife Julia.

Sometime that evening, Julia decided to take to the internet and search for a solution to try to find a way to recover the one-of-a-kind ring. She eventually stumbled upon the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. Before long, I received a call from Julia and I immediately made plans to visit the park where Jon’s “symbol of love” was lost.

With all of the information that Julia had given me, I felt pretty confident that I could attempt the recovery project without having Jon present. In fact, his wife hoped that this would turn out to be kind of a surprise for her distraught husband if I was somehow able to return it back to his finger.

As soon as I reached the play equipment, I took my metal detector out and scanned the entire area. I concluded that the ring was definitely not under any of the wood chips that surrounded the equipment. I then moved onto the path where Jon had jogged around the pond.

Because there was plenty of distance that I would have to metal detect around the body of water, it made the most sense to start from the play equipment and move counterclockwise in the direction that Jon had traveled. Every 20 yards, I detected 5 feet from the right edge of the path over to the grassy lawn area. Then, when I didn’t find the band, I backtracked and scanned 20 yards of grass (5 foot wide swings) heading back in the direction where I started detecting. When I didn’t find anything on the other side of the path, I started searching the next 20 yards of grass on either side of the concrete.

Although the project took quite a bit of time, I am delighted to share that all of my efforts proved to be most successful in the end! After metal detecting approximately 100 yards of grass (moving my coil with 5 foot wide swings back and forth) around the pond, my detector eventually gave me the target signal that I had been yearning to hear and analyze for nearly an hour and a half! In the grass, a few feet from the path, I found the precious wedding band that had been blessed by the Pope and placed upon Jon’s ring finger all those years earlier! I was beyond elated for the couple that would soon be surprised at my successful endeavors!

When I revealed my findings with Jon over by his house, the man couldn’t believe what I was able to return back to him! He truly thought the ring was gone for good! He had such disbelief about the whole matter that he studied his ring extremely carefully just to make sure that he wasn’t being set up for a huge disappointment. Thankfully, Jon realized quite quickly that what seemed to be an impossibility in ever seeing his ring again had actually become a true reality! I give thanks to the Lord for such a fantastic finish!


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Lake,Alcohol & the Ring Flies into the Lake Grapevine, Texas

  • from Dallas (Texas, United States)

We got a call from a really guy named Jordan.  He let us know that the previous Saturday while on a family day at the lake.  Actually Jordan’s birthday.  A mistake that sometimes happens when alcohol is involved, tempers flaired and his sweetheart in a moment of regret took off her ring and just tossed it in the lake.  They searched for over an hour even though the water was only 2-4 ft deep.  We set a time to meet Jordan the next day at Lake Lewisville.  Jordan brought his wonderful 24 ft Pontoon boat,  he took on a short ride to the Island in the middle of the lake where he and his family liked to beach their pontoon and spend the day just floating in the lake.  Upon arrival I jumped in and began search asking Jordan where his sweetheart was sitting and what direction she threw the ring.  We always ask if the person who threw the ring is athletic or not because that can make difference how far the ring may have gone,  I made several passes and then Ellen my wife hopped in the water and began to search as well.  The both use Garrett ATPro’s and waterproof Garret Pro-Pointers.  Ellen wasn’t in the wate 5 minutes when she called my name, I looked and could tell from the look on her face she had found the beautiful ring.  I walked over and sure enough, the beautiful White Gold Diamond Ring sat beautifully in her scoop.  Jordan heard us talking and was shocked that Ellen had found the ring in less than 10 minutes.  After some congratulations and photos we had a wonderful boat ride back to the marina.

Another Great Find for the Dallas Ring Finders