lost ring Hawaii Tag | Page 32 of 38 | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Kuhio Beach Waikiki…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I received a Craigslist alert for a lost gold wedding band. I just started drinking my morning cup of java and reading my email when the alert came in. The post was just 10 minutes old so I knew they must be awake so I gave the number a ring. A gentleman named Steve from Washington DC told me his ring fell off while he was walking in waist deep water at Kuhio Beach. I told him I lived 10 minutes away and he gave me some coordinates on where the ring fell off but he was leaving for Maui soon and was probably not going to be able to show me exactly where. I know the beach well and I was planning to detect that morning anyway so it might as well be there. After about 30 minutes of hunting a gentlemen came down to the beach and asked if I was Joe. It was Steve and he was able to narrow down the search area. I drew a few lines in the sand as shore markers and went to work. Steve came back and said we needed to move the eastern most mark more eastward as his wife was watching from their room in the hotel across the street and thought that area was more exact. In the end she was exactly right three lines into her extension area and I got the nice low gold tone and two scoops down was Steve’s gold wedding band. This was an hour after they departed for Maui so when I got back to my truck I texted Steve a pic of the ring. He responded immediately and asked if I could Express mail it to him on Maui. Steve got his ring back around 4PM today and sent me the pic above with it back on his finger. Aloha to Steve!

Lost Go Pro 4 in Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina Lagoon…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This hunt began when I got a call from Alex at Aulani Disney Resort. He told me a gentleman named Christian lost his Go Pro 4 with all their vacation photos while paddle boarding in the lagoon. I told him I could be there around noon to look. While en-route I got stopped at the freeway entrance as President Obama’s motorcade was heading to the North Shore. Thankfully the wait was only 15 minutes. Not many route options on the island of Oahu. When I arrived I went down to the beach to get the locating data and to meet Christian. The lagoon was extremely murky from the high west surf and visibility was only about ten feet which is horrible in Hawaii. Alex paddled out to the area as I snorkeled out. The depth was about fifteen feet so I started my search. I bring my metal detector in case the camera gets covered in sand and silt. As I started my grid the Go Pro came into view lying among some rocks. I put it inside my wet-suit and continued my metal detecting for other lost treasure. This time I only found a tungsten wedding band, a pair of sunglasses and a few coins. Never know around here what you might find. Christian and his wife were ecstatic that I found their Go Pro. It was still on when I found it. Aloha to Christian.

Lost Gold Wedding Band at Kaimana Beach, Waikiki…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find was from a craigslist alert I got last night at 8PM. The ad said lost my white gold wedding ring at Kaimana Beach this afternoon ten feet into the water. The ad was placed 8 minutes before my alert so I called the number and got Jamie from Ohio who was attending Law School on Island. Jamie told me while playing catch with a football he fell into the shallow water catching the football but losing his white gold wedding ring in the process. Several of his fellow classmates looked but the sand swallowed his ring completely and they couldn’t find it. I told Jamie to take his craigslist ad down immediately so no other detectorists go to the beach and hunt. Jamie described where in the water I should look and I told him I would check the tides to see if it could wait until the morning. When I looked the tide was on an extreme low and living ten minutes away I grabbed my gear and head lamp and cruised down to the beach. My daughter Korin was with me so I gave her my phone, put her in the life guard shack and with a flashlight told her to play Pokemon Go while I did my hunt. I walked down from the shower area as Jamie had described and walked into the shallow water. Not 15 seconds had gone by when I heard an excellent tone and two scoops down bingo there was Jamie’s ring. I immediately called Jamie but his phone went to voicemail. I left a message saying I found the ring and we could meet the next day for return. When Jamie called the next morning he was so excited that I got him out of the dog house and being a submarine veteran he was able to meet me on base to retrieve his ring. He had never been on Pearl Harbor so after getting his ring he went on a tour of the submarine base. I’m sure that brought back some great memories of his time in the fleet. Aloha to Jamie.

Lost Gold Wedding Band at White Plains Beach Oahu…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began on Wednesday 12/14 when I got a call from Lifeguard Kelvin at Barber’s Point White Plains Beach. He told me to call Alex from Ewa Beach Hawaii who lost his ring in the water. I called Alex and found out he had spent the day at the beach with his family and as he was getting ready to go home and getting out of the water he reached to feel his ring and it slid off into the water. He was in waist deep water and when he tried to take a look underwater a swell came through and tossed him just enough to lose his footing where he had lost the ring. He quickly went ashore to get some goggles in hopes of finding his Gold Wedding band. That was not to be as the surf buried it out of sight. He told Kelvin the Lifeguard who told him he would get in touch with the ring finder “Joe”. Alex questioned, “Is there really such a person?” Kelvin assured him there was and called me to contact Alex for hunting data. Alex described the area and the next day I took off early from work and headed out to the west side. After arriving at the beach and using the google map Alex & I created I started my search. This was the calmest I’d seen the beach and the lifeguard on duty said he agreed. After a few coins and a 50 caliber round I got a nice low tone and two scoops down pulled up a rather large men’s gold band. As Alex told me only 14K was inscribed inside. This must be it. Since only 5 minutes had gone by I decided to continue my hunt. The next leg I found a small women’s 10K Diamond Engagement ring. The thing is very green so I’m having it cleaned and will post on my FB page. It must have been there a long time. I met up with Alex at Kaiser Permanente where he is a nurse and sure enough it was his ring. Perfect fit! Alex thanked me for being his angel and we wished each other a Merry Christmas. Aloha to Alex.

Lost Rental Car Key FOB at Paradise Cove Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This hunt began when I arrived home from work on Friday. I got a call from Carrie visiting from Birmingham, Alabama. While loading their beach gear the Rental Car FOB became lost. Not knowing exactly where in the sand it was lost her husband Dave used a scuba flipper to dig and fling the sand in hopes of finding the FOB. After digging a trench and totally exhausted they found The Ring Finders thinking I should be able to find the metal key ring. Unfortunately it was peek rush hour traffic and its dark by 6:30 here so I asked if I could come out the next morning as its along the way to Ko Olina where I was going for another hunt. She agreed. A short time later there was a missed call so I called back. It was Carrie and she was in a pinch as the rental car company wanted to charge an exorbitant price to come get the car. I agreed to bring my lights and see what I could do that night. Upon my arrival a Luau was in full swing on the beach and hundreds of people were standing and walking in the sand where the FOB had been lost. Dave assured me the Luau would be departing the beach in 10 minutes to feast on the Kalua Pig. Sure enough 10 minutes later I was able to start my grid. I was impressed in the amount of sand Dave had moved. The trench was nearly a foot deep and three times that wide. First a clad dime, then a gold plated piece of bling. Then the ground went sterile for a few laps. Finally as I was detecting the side of the trench Dave dug I got screaming target and there was the FOB. Dave shrugged his shoulders…not where he thought it would be. That “key” ring was very expensive and we all were happy it was found. Aloha to Dave & Carrie.

Lost Gold and Diamonds Wedding Ring at Makaleha Beach, North Shore Oahu…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a call from Vince a soldier stationed in Hawaii from Lancaster, PA. While relaxing on the beach reading a book he placed his wedding band on his chest. When he got up to leave he forgot about the ring and it disappeared into the sand. He didn’t realize he lost it until he was back at his car. Vince went back to look but it was getting dark so he marked the spot and went home. He was searching for a metal detector rental and thats how he found me. I don’t rent metal detectors from my business, I’d rather provide the service myself. Works out better that way. Vince had a friend with a metal detector but that didn’t pan out so he called me back for a ring finder service. I met Vince & his lovely wife Iris at McDonalds and we proceeded from there to the remote beach. Vince took me to the area he thought the ring fell off and I started a grid search. He marked the spot previously with a seashell in the property barbed wire fence. I did a thorough grid search with only a few scrap pieces of metal found. Vince looked at the area and decided it might be farther to the East but not past the next tree. I started that grid search with only a few more coin targets. Just as I was getting to that last tree I got a great tone in my headset and one scoop down out popped Vince’s ring. Finally, and at the extreme end of the grid. Not always as we remember it! Vince & Iris were very thankful and Vince asked if he was out of the doghouse? She let him out! Oddly enough I got a text a few hours later from Vince saying someone with an Excalibur arrived at the beach shortly after I left. Lucky for us. Timimng is everything in this hobby. Aloha to Vince & Iris.

Lost Platinum& Diamonds Engagement Ring at Sherwood Beach Waimanalo…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started when I got a phone call from a local Wedding photographer. His clients went to Sherwood Beach in Waimanalo for a photo shoot and while the bride was walking to the spot her Engagement Ring dropped somewhere along the path or at the site. Everyone immediately started searching but with such a vast area to cover it was hopeless. The photographer’s assistant named Mao agreed to meet me the next morning with the unfortunate Japanese couple who were on their Honeymoon in Hawaii. The next morning at 11AM Mao, Mika & Shuichi from Tokyo Japan met me in the parking lot of Sherwood Beach. Mika demonstrated and Mao translated to me how the ring was lost. I asked Mika to walk slowly to the photo shoot area and I’d follow behind with the Excalibur. The ground was surprisingly sterile of metal targets. The few detections I was able to eliminate with my pinpointer. It was a sandy area covered in pine needles and mini pinecones. I asked Mika if she held her dress up with the ring in it all the way to the wooded photo shoot site and she said, Yes. I asked her to show me that area as we weren’t having any luck along the path. The woods looked so similar there were actually two sites Mika thought could be it. I thought this would be the rings first chance to fall out. OK I’ll search them both. These areas had plenty of metal trash so I had to work through it. After covering both areas with no ring I told Mika I wanted to go back to the first site as she hadn’t had me go more towards the beach as in the second site. Also most people for the first time like to look at the surf from the nearest vantage point. It paid off. I got a loud but scratchy tone and stuck the pinpoiter into the sand as with each of the other 25-30 targets and up popped the stunning engagement ring. Wow! “I found it” I shouted out to Mika. As she came running over tears were already pouring from her eyes. It had been about 45 minutes but that must have seemed like an eternity to Mika. Suichi & Mao joined us and we had a group hug. Everyone had a smile and the elation and thankfulness shown to me was overwhelming. Even I got a lump in my throat. Mika is going home to Japan that afternoon with her ring. Honeymoon saved. Aloha to Mika & Shuichi and to Mao for thinking of the ringfinders.

Lost 1914 $2.50 Gold Piece Medallion at Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Gold Medallion hunt began when I had a text from my wife saying Lucas from Ohio needed Metal Detecting services. I called Lucas and he had returned to Kailua where he was staying while on vacation from Air Force duty in Alaska. While he was playing with his daughter in the lagoon during one of the tosses into the water her hand accidentally grabbed his gold medallion necklace and it broke from around his neck. Lucas was able to retrieve the necklace immediately but the medallion vanished in the sand of the lagoon. He searched to no avail and then when he got home Googled metal detecting service and thats where he found All Island Treasure Detectors. Lucas sent me a Google Map pin drop of the location. Ironically, I was still at Aulani from a previous search so I told Lucas I’d start the search now. I gathered my gear and headed to the lagoon. I drew two lines on the shoreline and started my grid search. After a nickel & a dime target there was a very loud quivering sound target. One scoop and there was the Medallion. It’s great when the client gives excellent locating data. Aloha to Lucas and Thank You for your service to the country.

Lost Wedding Band at Aulani Disney Resort Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began Friday evening when I received a call from Alex at Aulani Beach Rentals. A newlywed couple were snorkeling in the lagoon and the husband lost his wedding band. I told Alex to give my number for coordination. Then I got a call a few moments later from Robert from Middle Tennessee. Robert explained that when him and his new bride tried snorkeling. After a brief swim Robert realized his ring was gone. He panicked…when did it come off? We decided to meet at the beach the next morning. When I arrived Saturday AM Robert was waiting. Robert showed me the extreme edges of the grid and then I went to work Fairly metal sterile area. After about seven legs of the grid I heard an excellent tone and two scoops later there was Robert’s Wedding Band. I called Robert who was checking out of his room and going to breakfast. I told him the great news and we decided to meet on the beach. When Robert arrived with his wife a look of amazement was on his face. Leaving tonight and the ring back on his finger. Most important Robert is out of the dog house. Aloha to Robert and his new bride!

Lost Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Marriot Ko Olina…FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started with a call from the Marriot staff concerning a Japanese couple who lost their ring at the resort. They were trying to coordinate an interpreter but wanted to be sure I was available. After 30 minutes with no call back I called the Marriot looking for the couple. Rush hour traffic was fast approaching and I wanted to get on the road ASAP. The couple couldn’t be found. Then a gentleman named Kevin gave me a call and said he knew where another couple lost their ring in the sand earlier in the day and if I’d come out to find as they searched by sifting the sand with no luck. I told Kevin I was on the way and I’d call him in about an hour when I arrived. Kevin and his family met me at Longboards’ bar on the beach and we headed down to the sandy area where he had been sifting for the ring. He already gridded out the area about the size of a large automobile. First screaming target was a Lincoln zinc cent. Ten seconds later was a low growler that was sounding good. Two scoops down and there was an incredible 10 diamonds in white gold ring. Well this can’t be it there is no solitaire diamond. Kevin said he assumed it would be since he was told it was an engagement ring. I finished the grid with 11 more cents. Now to figure out whose ring I found. Kevin thought the couple may have left the resort but was going to check and see if he could find them. Meanwhile with a traffic check I wasn’t leaving anytime soon. I grabbed my phone and started playing Pokemon Go! About 10 minutes later my phone rang and it was Genelle from Coeurd’Alene, Idaho who had lost her ring. She described it exactly and asked me how I could get it back to them. I told her traffic kept me at the resort so she was in luck I was 3 minutes from them. Genelle and her husband David met me by Longboards and after showing her the ring their were several Thank You Jesus comments. I think it might have been divine intervention that kept me at the resort so Genelle could get her ring back before leaving on a flight the next day. Such grateful people. Aloha to Genelle & David and the entire McHale family for such effort in making this ring find happen.