how to find a lost pendant Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Silver Pendant Found

  • from Oregon City (Oregon, United States)

I received a call from a young lady asking if I would be willing to come help her find a pendant she had lost a few months ago while mowing the yard. She described it as sterling silver with diamonds, “about the size of a penny.” Being Oregon, there had been inches of rain since it had been lost, followed by a good length of hot, dry weather.

She had found my listing on Ring Finders and knew it was more than a 500 mile round trip, but hoped I would be willing to make the trip if she covered the fuel cost. I told her I would head down the next morning and got my gear loaded-up for an early start. I took the Equinox 700 and Pro-find 35 pinpointer, along with my AT Gold as a backup.

After my 4 hour drive down, I met Abigail, and she showed me the area of the yard she was certain the pendant had been lost. She told me she had used an older metal detector that was in her family to search the area, and I could see she had also dug out a section of the grass by hand. I pulled out the Nox 700 with a 11″ coil and began going over the area. I quickly discovered this area was littered with metal. Abigail watched as I pulled out a few nails and couple of screws.

After about 30 minutes, I realized I needed a new approach. I switched over to my 5″ coil and started agian. Right away, I handed Abigail a penny, followed quickly by a second one. Just a few feet away, I heard a good tone, but it was faint and the VDI showed it to be several inches deep. I had to check, so I hit it with the pinpointer and pulled-up a clump of dried grass and saw the faint edge of something shiny, A bit of scraping with my finger and out popped the missing pendant! (I’m guessing the erroneous depth reading was due to the size of the item and how it was laying)

I palmed it and swept the pinpointer around a few times. I stood up and asked Abigail if she could tell me again what the item looked like. She said she had a picture of it on her phone and started scrolling. I asked, “Does it look like this?” and dropped the pendant in her hand.  I think all of us love to see that suprised, happy look.

Oh, and I did point out that it was smaller than a penny.


A Tale of Redemption: Recovering a Precious Necklace in Somis CA

  • from Santa Barbara (California, United States)

In the quiet of Sunday night, a distress call reached my ears, echoing with the urgency of Kirsten’s plea. Her voice trembled as she recounted the loss of her beloved Emerald and Diamond 18k gold necklace—a cherished memento of her late husband and son. Each stone held a memory, each setting a tribute to their enduring love. Determined to restore what was lost, I pledged to find it.

Today, under the bright Thursday sun, I stood at the threshold of Kirsten’s horse corral and riding arena—the suspected grounds of the necklace’s disappearance. With methodical precision, I charted a course, focusing my efforts on the sprawling expanse of the riding arena.

Navigating the challenges posed by the detector’s struggle with intricate gold chains, I embarked on the search. The arena’s terrain, a medley of sand, dirt, and layered felt, posed a formidable obstacle. Undeterred, I devised a meticulous grid, commencing from the heart and expanding outward, left to right.

As the hours ticked by, my persistence bore fruit—a resounding tone pierced the air, signaling a breakthrough. With bated breath, I knelt, my pinpointer guiding the way. And then, amidst the earth’s embrace, a glimmer of gold emerged—a testament to perseverance and hope.

In the triumph of that moment, Kirsten’s joy knew no bounds. Tears of relief mingled with gratitude as the necklace was returned to its rightful place—a symbol of love reclaimed.

When treasures slip through fingers and hope wanes, trust in the expertise of a metal detector expert to illuminate the path to recovery. For lost rings, jewelry, and cherished keepsakes buried beneath the earth, contact us at 805-290-5009 or visit Let us be your beacon of hope in times of loss.


Gold and Diamond Pendant Lost in House .. Calabasas, CA. .. Found in Carpet

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday afternoon I received a call from Marie who had lost a small gold and diamond heirloom pendant inside a house. She had been visiting friends in Calabasas, CA. when the pendant slipped off the chain while attempting to put on her necklace. The small pendant fell somewhere in the room which had a very thick carpet. Everybody in the family tried to find it with no success.
When Maria contacted me, I explained that it is difficult to use my normal metal detector inside a home. I have small hand held detectors that may work, depending on the location. Sometimes there are electrical noises like alarm systems or computer system equipment that interfere with metal detectors. Listening to her story, she may have also lost it outside the house, so we had to give it a try.
Maria didn’t want to bother her hosts anymore this day, asking me if I could come Monday. It was about noon Monday when I met her friend’s husband, Dave at the residence . He walked me into the room where the loss occurred. He had disassembled the bed removing the mattress and had moved the dresser to the other side of the room.
Two years ago I bought a UniProbe detecting unit just for situations like this. As a backup I chose to use my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT pinpointer.
Working on my hands and knees I covered about an 8’x 8′ area before I got a signal. There deep in the thick carpet was Maria’s very sentimental pendant. Dave was elated and couldn’t believe that it was found in a place that so many had looked. I was also impressed by how well my UniProbe pinpointer unit worked with such a small piece of gold. I did not get to meet Maria but I was the first person to tell her by phone that her priceless keepsake was found.
