CTX3030 Tag | The Ring Finders

Torch Lake Mi lost ring found with a metal detector

I got a call from Alex about his lost ring at the Torch Lake sandbar. He was out on the boat with family enjoying the summer on the water.

Alex saw his ring fly off his finger and land in the water by the back of his boat. It took less than 5 minutes to find the ring.

Lost Gold Ring Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders -Emerald Isle,NC

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)


Jill was spending the day with her daughter at Emerald Isle’s Western Regional Beach Access.  Before leaving their beach location near the lifeguard stand, she noticed this special ring had gone missing.  It wasn’t until the next day, after talking the the police department, that she was informed there are services in the area who specialize with finding lost items.  Jill called me and I informed her that I would be there as soon as possible.  It was my concern, another detectorist may have already found the gold ring.  Upon arrival the search area was surprisingly empty of visitors and I started my search of the 15 x 15 yard area.  Jill even placed an X in the sand where she suspected the ring may lay buried from the day before…  On my 3rd pass, I received a strong signal on my Minelab CTX-3030.  One scoop and the ring was visible.  The location was less than 8″ from the center of Jill’s X mark.  Jill declined my offer to include her into The Ring Finder’s Book of Smiles

Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Recovered on Stinson Beach, California

  • from Stinson Beach (California, United States)

Jillian contacted me about her engagement ring that went missing on the beach over the weekend. She had a great idea of where it might be and was able to direct me to the probable location.

She also took the initiative to call lost and found, the local beach cafe, and anywhere else she could imagine it may have been lost. Smart!

I hit the road and located the area of the beach she remembered, then created a search grid. Within about an hour and a half, after pulling up every pop tab on the planet, I finally found her lovely gold diamond engagement ring! I called her right away so she could breathe a little easier, and we met up later that evening to get it back on her hand where it belongs.

I enjoyed getting to know the happy couple and I wish them well on their upcoming wedding and travels. I’m glad they found The RingFinders so I could help, and so happy it turned out positive.

Platinum engagement ring taken back from the woods in Ellsworth, Mi with a metal detector.

I received a text from Ali she had lost her engagement ring in the woods when throwing leaves down a hill. Ali was going to be out of town for a couple days, she wanted me to communicate with her fiance Nick. I got a picture of the location she was throwing the leaves down the hill. The area was about 50 feet wide and the hill is very steep at about a 45 degree angle. They had rented a metal detector and tried for 10 hours to find the ring but had no luck.

Nick had to work Saturday but let me get started before he got home from work. I wanted to get started early just to have more day light to work the steep hill.

I started the search and realized I needed a rope to stop me from going down the hill. I brought my anchor from my boat the wedged it between two trees. Wrapped the roped around my free arm then started a grid pattern as best I could. I searched about two hour with no luck. I started another grid search at a 90 degree angle to the previous search. A good grid search was impossible due to all the small trees and brush. After searching the new grid pattern for an hour, I got the signal I was looking for and saw a small portion of the ring sticking out of the leaves. I moved the leaves away and found the ring.

I thank Nick and Ali for trusting me to find her lost ring and the generous reward.

Lost Engagement ring found in Roscommon, Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a text from fellow ring finder Chuck Raison. He asked if I could go to Roscommon to look for a ring. He had commitments the next two days and Karyn would like some sooner. That turned out to be a good idea on Karyn’s part.

I met Karyn at 6:00 pm at a cross country ski shop and got the details. She had lunch outside on Friday with a friend then they went skiing. She did not realize the ring was missing till after she woke up Saturday morning. She had searched her house and car and could not locate the ring. That’s when her thoughts took her back to Friday and spending time outside in the cold. Her Fiancee did an internet search and came up with The Ring Finders and here we are on Monday night.

I started the search in the parking lot in the area her car was parked. I search the intimidate area where the car was and the area where they plow the snow. I searched the snow piles and had no luck. Then the search moved to the front of the building and the sides of the road. The trails are across the road from the business. No luck in those areas also. Then we moved the the deck where she had lunch outside. I searched the outside areas where they shovel the snow off the deck and had no luck. Then, I moved up on the deck and the area was shoveled clean and I thought there is no chance the ring is up here somebody would have picked it up. I walked around the deck area and once I rounded a black plastic spool they were using as a table, I spotted a round shining ring on the ground. I called Karyn over and said is that your ring? She picked up the ring and we were both in disbelief on how the ring sat in plain view since Friday and nobody picked it up.

Lost Heirloom Diamond Ring Recovered in Sunny Isles Beach, FL

  • from Stinson Beach (California, United States)

I was just beginning my day when I received a call from Mousha – she had lost her precious heirloom diamond ring the previous day on the beach after getting tumbled by the waves at the shoreline. I dressed in my warm swimming gear and biked to her location at the nearby lifeguard tower.

She had a very good description of where she had been sitting, swimming, and approximately where she was when the waves got a little rough. Her brother helped her estimate about how far away she had been from their sitting location when she was in the water. That description was incredibly helpful for coming up with a search plan.

I started with a W pattern along the high tide line down to the churn line first. Because the tide was moving out, I planned to move further into the water if nothing could be found in the wet sand. Fortunately, about an hour into the wet sand search, my CTX 3030 came back with a very solid signal.

I scooped about 8 inches of sand which contained the target. Then I was thrilled to see an exciting ring shape on its side just as she described! I grabbed my gear, marked the spot in the sand and ran back to join her near the guard tower. She couldn’t miss the huge smile on my face as I had her describe it one more time…then I revealed it to her.

That moment – the moment when I see someone’s face light up – is what it’s all about for me. That item had so much meaning to her, it’s not just a valuable ring, it’s a piece of her life and heart. I loved hearing her describe the meaning. She had designed the ring herself using scrap pieces of gold and diamonds that belonged to her mother and grandmother.

She later shared that she had no hope of finding it, and that she felt like a part of her heart was drifting in the ocean. Now she has this connection to her mother and grandmother back with her where it belongs. I’m very glad that she found Ring Finders and decided to take a chance and give me a call!

Engagement ring found in the snow Petoskey, Michigan with a metal detector

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

This adventure started with a Facebook message from Jasmine asking if I was available the next day. We exchanged messages for about a 1/2 hour. I got an address and details on the lost ring. I agreed to meet her the next day after work.

I got to her house and got the details and the search area. She was outside the back of the house playing with her dog in the snow. She was in an area about 25 feet by 40 feet. After going back into the house she immediately noticed the ring missing. Jasmine and her fiancee went and bought a metal detector from a local big box store and had no luck. They also used a blow torch to melt the snow without any luck. Then she searched “metal detector specialist” and my Facebook page came up.

I got the area down and started the search. Within the first 2 minutes into the search, I knew this was going to be a hard search. I was hitting 5 signals per swing of the detector. I ended up telling her this was going to be a hard find because all the signals. I asked whats with all the pocket change in the grass. She said her fiancee likes to throw his pocket change out the truck window into the grass. I ended up telling her not to wait outside with me this is going to take awhile. The temperature was below zero with a light wind. I initially tried to clear every signal and finally realized it would take a month to do that. I ended up putting on the 6″coil and just look for a gold signal. I knew by the size of the ring it should ring up between an 12:02 and 12:10 on the ctx. So after 2 hours and 10 minutes, I finally get a nice sounding 12:05 on the ctx. Slightly moved the snow with my foot and saw the ring sit up straight. I left the ring as it was and went to get Jasmine from the house. I almost had to drag her out of the house she was moving very slowly. She later explained to me, that just before I went to get her, she came to terms with herself that the ring was gone. We got out to the ring and I shined the flashlight on the ring and said I think your going to be very happy. She looked down at the ground and once she realized it was her ring she started screaming and jumped straight up into the air. She thanked me about 10 times and I just kept playing it down like normal. Then she said “No! you don’t realize what this means to me, You’re my hero you saved my wedding! I’m going to name a child after you!”. I was left speechless and didn’t know what to say after that. It turns out the ring was made from both grandmothers wedding rings being melted down to make this ring. They put the wedding on hold till this ring could be found. I’m not going to hold her to naming a child after me. If it happens, I would be happy to bring my family up to Petoskey to meet the child.

Jasmine, I was glad to help you and save the wedding.

Lost Wedding ring found in the leaves in Frankfort, Mi

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call from Christine that her sister had lost her Wedding ring at her parents house while getting the flower beds ready for winter. We agreed to meet the next day at noon.

We met at noon and I got the story. She was cleaning leaves out of some beds in front of the house. She had bagged up about 10 bags of leaves. She also dumped other plants/grass in the back of the property in 3 different piles. She had me check 2 of the bags of leaves and the area in front of the house. We had no luck so off we went to the piles at the back of the property. I searched the area twice with no luck. Her father had walked out to talk to me and watch the process. He stated she was in all 10 bags of leaves they had in the garage. So, off we went back to the bags in the garage. We had to bring them out into the driveway because the detector way picking up the tracks on the garage doors and the car. I searched through about 5 of the bags and finally got a signal in one of the bags. We took the bag out in the side yard and dumped it out to search further. Just as I was zeroing in on the ring they spotted it in the leaves I has moving around.

Lost wedding ring lost in the brush found with a metal detector Frankfort Michigan

  • from Traverse City (Michigan, United States)

I received a call about a lost wedding ring in a small brushy area on Crystal Lake in Frankfort Michigan. I knew this would be a short hunt just because the search area was about 10 feet by 10 feet. I started searching in the brush and overgrowth and found the ring under a low hanging branch from a pine tree. This was a short fun little search after work.

Lost Wedding ring found in the snow at the Grand Traverse Academy in Traverse City Michigan with a metal detector

I received a call from Anthony’s wife that he had lost his Wedding ring at work. I met Anthony about an hour later and found out what had happened. He had children outside on a nature walk at the school he works at. He felt his ring slip off his finder but could not concentrate on looking for it due to the children he had to keep an eye on. He came back after work and walked the area but could not locate the ring. The snow was about 5 inches deep in the area Anthony took me to. I started a grid pattern and walked about 8 feet and found the ring. It was stuck in the side of one of the footprints from them walking in the area earlier. I always like the easy short hunts.