ca Tag | The Ring Finders

Seascape Beach ring found

  • from Monterey (California, United States)

Got a call from a person who lost their gold ring on Seascape Beach, near Aptos and Watsonville area.   She had her ring for safe-keeping in a bag with other belongings.  At a certain point, the bag tipped over .  She steadied the bag, put the thermos back inside, and was unaware that her ring must have slipped out at that time.  It was not till she got home that she realized her ring wasn’t in the bag.   She figured it must have slipped out when the bag had tipped earlier.   She went back to the spot, as best she could remember that exact spot.  But the dry loose sand had swallowed the ring.  It was not visible , and no amount of feeling around produced results.   She called me, and we were  able to help reunite a family heirloom ring to the owner.   Glad to help.     An added note :  This beach has extremely black mineralized sand, and the ring was very dainty, so I had actually missed it on the first pass through the suspect zone.   Going back through the 2nd time, I gave double scrutiny for whispers trying to come in over the static produced by the black sand conditions.  This time, got the signal I had missed on the first pass through. 

Lost wedding band in Oakley, CA…Found

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

My children and I established a Treasure Tuesday ritual in which every Tuesday we find some sort of treasure hunting/learning activity.  Sometimes it’s panning out pay dirt for gemstones, fossils, and even gold.  Some times we crack open geodes to reveal the crystals within.  In some instances we get out to metal detect a park, a field, a backyard. On one occasion we sought out stones to toss into the rock tumbler.  It’s been a fun and interactive way to spend family time with my boys.

This Treasure Tuesday I was requested to Oakley, CA to search for a missing wedding band lost during an allegedly wild backyard soiree.

Will had text me the prior day seeking out my services and availability. Permission was to be requested for access and the next day we would search.  It was a pleasant afternoon when I arrived and the scope of the area to be searched was much larger than expected.  The ring was known to be lost at the party, but exactly where in this large area was a mystery.  Luckily, as I started a grid search of one of the suspected locations, the home owner, who was wandering around the field along side of Will, was able to locate the missing ring laying on the surface.  We had made the recovery!

I did request to run my Equinox 800 over the ring to aid in my data collecting.  It was a solid 14 VDI in Field 2.

Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Lost rings in the San Fransisco Bay Area…Found!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Ring Finders are specialized in finding your lost valuables.  Anything from your wedding/engagement rings, bracelets, necklaces, even your lost keys, glasses, and cell phones.

Two tricks to successful recovery are to accurately know the location you may have lost the item ( identify landmarks, leave a marker, and note the time of day ). Next is to call early, don’t wait to get into contact with a Ring Finder.  The sooner someone is searching for your lost valuables, the better chance we have of locating it.


It is always my pleasure to help put smiles on the faces of those who believed they may have lost there cherished valuables forever.  I am glad to lend a hand day or night and have high end equipment to search beaches, parks, yards, hiking trails, lakes, water, etc.  And if I’m not specialized enough for the search or otherwise unavailable, I have a network of capable specialists to “Make the Recovery!”

Lost Rings , Monterey, Salinas , CA ….. Found

  • from Monterey (California, United States)

Hi, my name is Tom . I joined the Ringfinders to help folks find their lost jewelry & items.    If you’ve lost something where a metal detector might be helpful (terra firma, sand, etc…) & need help, contact me.     I will do my best to help you find what was lost.  I love any excuse to get out and hunt.