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Lost Rolex Watch at 3rd Beach at Stanley Park, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

        I got  call and an email and a text message in regards to a lost Rolex Watch at 3rd beach in Stanley Park last night. The young man as you could imagine was pretty upset and found my service on the internet a day after he lost his watch.  He went back with a rake and searched the water but no luck.I called Patrick and told him that low tide was around 4 am and I’d like to meet him at 2am to start the search as the tide was going out.I met patrick in North Vancouver at 2am and we drove to 3rd beach to search for his Rolex. When we got to the beach Patrick showed me the area he thought the watch was at. It was a pretty  big area and the fact it was black out it was hard for him to pinpoint the exact area.I started the grid search with the help of Patrick who stood on the shoreline with a flashlight so I could use that as my reference point…After 45 minutes in about waste deep water we were rewarded with a beautifully  Rolex watch in my water scoop!I let out a yell that got Patrick very excited and when I got to shore I put the watch in his hand… This watch was very special  as he bought it after he graduated from carpentry school 3 years ago…Thank you very much Patrick for the generous reward! I will be donating 15 % of the reward money to Children’s Hospital as I do with all my recoveries.I love my job!Lost something?Call me ASAP!Watch the video of the recovery on the link below… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R9mzGpf7mc

Lost Silver Chain at Kits Beach, Vancouver BC…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I receive a call this morning from a young man who told me he lost a very special silver chain that was given to him by his girlfriend. He lost it at Kits Beach in Vancouver the evening of the fireworks.

That’s the worst time to lose something on the beach because after the fire works many metal detectorists will search the beaches all night long. I thought fore sure someone would have already found the chain.

I put out a few calls but no one heard of a silver chain being found on Kits Beach so I called the young man and we set a time to meet at the beach that day.

After about 20 minutes of searching for a parking spot we hooked up and discussed the search area and I told him that our chances where low and he understood.

He took me to the area and I set my grid and started to search, the people around the area were curious and watched as I searched. One pull tab, one bottle cap, one washer and then…Up from the sand hanging half out on my sand scoop was his beautiful silver chain!


Within seconds of seeing the silver glinting in the hot sun people started clapping and cheering… The young man and his girlfriend were all smiles.

I have found lots of rings and things over the years, this recovery made me smile to see how such a young man was so happy to see his silver chain that was given to him by his sweetheart. He told me how much it meant to him and another one wouldn’t be the same…

I Love my job!

Lost something? Call Me ASAP

Watch the video below…


-Video- Chesterman Beach…3 Lost Platinum Rings in Tofino, Vancouver Island…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This video is a search for 3 lost rings at Chesterman Beach,  Tofino,  Vancouver Island

Lost Platinum Wedding Band 2nd Beach, Stanley Park, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call late afternoon from a young man who had just lost his Platinum wedding ring. It was lost at 3rd beach at Stanley Park, Vancouver and the tide was coming in fast.

I jumped into my car and drove there and it took me 20 minutes to find parking! When I met Mike he showed me the area that he lost his ring and I started my grid search.

I met the lifeguard who said that I was in the wrong area as the tide had come in and it would be well over my head. I continued searching in hope that the ring was lost closer to shore, no such luck.

Sometimes you can’t find what your looking for and I knew that Mike was sad but I told him that I’d come back for low tide at 3 AM.

When I arrived back at the beach at 2:30 AM the tide was way out, I began my grid search and after one hour I found his platinum wedding band with a dragon on the outside and inscription on the inside.

I e-mailed Mike the good news and a picture of his ring and now its back on his finger.

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Lost your ring?

Call ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838(Find)3463

Metal Detecting for a lost gold wedding band on Crescent Beach/South Surrey

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call while I was at work, this young man told me the story about how his wife’s wedding band fell off her finger and into the ocean where they were standing. He said that they searched for 3 hours in knee deep water but had no luck in finding the ring.

The night before I was out searching for a young man’s wedding band at 12 AM and I was a little tired as I just switched to nights for work that day.

I listened to his story and I needed to check the tide chart on my Iphone to see when the next low tide was so I told him I’d call him back.

The next low tide was at 7:59 AM…I would be working to 4:30 AM that morning so I had to decide if I could make it out there…I figured I could drive out there after work and get a few hours of sleep then meet him and find his wife’s wedding band and get a few more hours sleep to wait out the morning rush hour, then go home and get a few more hours of sleep then go to work.

I called him back and we were to meet at 7AM that morning for the search. I drove out to the Crescent Beach area and slept in my car for a bit then at 7AM I met Mohumad.

Mohumad explained what happened that day and that he was sure of the area the ring was lost in, which helps a lot when your searching for something so small. He drove and I followed him to the beach, when we got there the tide was out and Mohumad showed me where he thought the ring would be.

He walked to the top of the beach where there was a big patch of seaweed and walked out towards the water and stopped and said this is the area here!

I started my search and within 20 seconds or so I found the ring! It helps so much when a person doesn’t panic and makes a mental note of the area the ring was lost in because it gives me a great chance to find the ring the next day. I had a similar search at a beach years back and it took me close to 3 hours to locate the lost ring.This was because the person didn’t make a note of the area but just pointed and said out there some where…Thanks Mohumad, it was great meeting you and I’m glad your wife has her ring back!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call ASAP…778-838-Find(3463)

Please watch the video below…