lost ring in back yard Tag | The Ring Finders

Husband’s White Gold Ring Found in Bonnie Doon Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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I received a call from Laura yesterday asking if I could help her to locate her husband’s wedding ring that she had accidently lost on Saturday morning either in her home or yard.

I met Laura at her home and she told me that on Saturday she was in the laundry room and her husband’s ring was lying on the counter. She picked up the ring and put it in her pocket and went about doing her house work, gardening chores, and shopping errands. It was not until later that afternoon that she realized the ring was missing from her pocket. She showed me shorts similar to the ones she had been wearing. The pockets were too deep for the ring to have fallen out of.

I checked her back yard, around the flower beds, her rock pond, the front yard, her truck, and garbage bags that she had put out for recycling. Two hours of searching and no luck. There was a kitchen garbage bag still in the house that I had not checked. Laura emptied the bag while I went back to recheck the pond. I heard her scream “I found it”. She was very excited and I was glad for her.

Laura asked me if I was an ex-police officer. When I asked her why, she replied that I was always questioning her with possible scenarios regarding the ring. I replied that I asked all these questions to try and trigger your memory, and to give me clues as to where the ring might be.

Laura then realized that she had cleaned up the kitchen and maybe she put the ring down on the counter top and without thinking wiped the top off and that was probably when the ring had fallen into the garbage container.

Another Happy Client! Thank you, Laura and Chris, for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to help you find your lost ring.

Rings Lost in Snow Found – Waterford CT

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

After Winter Storm Juno finished dumping snow on Southeastern Connecticut, I received a call from a couple who lost their engagement ring and wedding band in their backyard. First, they tried renting a metal detector from a local sporting goods store, no luck. Not giving up, they spent a couple of days using metal detectors purchased from Amazon, still no luck.

Upon my arrival, we went into the back yard where I found shoveled pathways and remaining footprints from the previous searching.  The Search was difficult due to the foot of frozen, uneven snow. About 30 minutes into the search, I heard the unmistakable “ring” signal. My XP Deus told me it was less than 8 inches deep, so I knew it wasn’t another signal bleeding through the snow from underground. Waving over the husband, we dug through the snow and recovered a beautiful 14k white gold wedding band.

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Unfortunately, the engagement ring wasn’t right next to the wedding band. After covering the same area three different times, and another thirty minutes later, I caught a weak signal about 10 feet away from where I found the first lost ring. After brushing away a couple of inches of snow, the signal strengthened. A little more careful digging and diamond poked through the snow. We found the second ring lost in the snow!

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Lost your ring in the snow? Contact me now:

Call or text | 860-917-8947

Email | uncoverthings@yahoo.com

Website | www.metaldetectionkeithwille.com


How to Find a Lost Ring in in Burnaby, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call this morning from a young lady who found The Ring Finders online. She told me that she lost her ring in her back yard while throwing a ball for her dog. She searched and searched but could not find her ring, I told her that I’d be there in an hour to help find it for her.

When I arrived at her home she showed me the back yard and the grass was short, my first thought was it’s not in the grass because it would be an easy spot. That being said I started my search where I thought the ring should be and to element the area. After a few minutes and no ring I expanded my search area and in the bushes behind me and close to the house I found her ring.

It’s so important to search everywhere and not just focus on the area you think it should be in…It’s amazing where rings show up but it doesn’t surprise me anymore.



I never get tired of finding people’s lost rings… it’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing how happy you can make someone. Ask anyone who has had the opportunity to find a ring for someone and they will say the same thing.


We live for the Smiles…If you lost your Smile call me ASAP

Chris Turner -778-838-3463

Detector used-Garrett AT Gold, Garrett Pro Pointer

You can watch the video of the search below…