Lost & Found Ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Find a Lost Ring in the Ocean

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 

I received a text message the other night in regards to a lost ring at Spanish Banks Beach, in the ocean. The message asked if there would still be a chance to find it the next day as we were being hit with some high winds. I text back and said absolutely worth a shot, so we set up a time to meet the next morning, when I met this young man I could tell how much this really meant to him and his wife. He went on to tell me that he was only married for a little over a year and the ring meant the world to him and I could tell how much he loved his wife and didn’t want to upset her with the news that evening. He waited to tell her the next morning and he said she was very upset and he was in the doghouse for a little while, but after telling her he had asked me to come out and help that put her mind to rest a little bit.

He told me it was dark when he entered the water so I got him to mark off an area for me to search, I also knew because it was dark he may be off the mark by who knows 10, 20, 30 yards?. He had to get to work so I got down to business and started searching the area where the high title line met the dry line. He told me he was only 10 feet below the high tide line, of course I would search much further down for the what if factor.  I was pretty confident his ring was going to bed down pretty quickly in the sand due to the weight of his ring.

After close to 6 1/2 hours (17,961 steps) unfortunately I did not find his ring, I reached out to let him know, I could tell he was very disappointed, I told him I was going back the next day to extend the search area. That night I laid in bed thinking what I could have done differently, was there something I didn’t do or somewhere I didn’t look? I knew because it was dark he could be off the mark,  I did overextend my grid search but it wasn’t until the next morning when I saw where the high tide line was on the beach that changed everything.

When I got there the first day and looked for the high tide line and knowing it was a 14.74 high tide I was confident I was looking at the right line and started my search from there down. The next day I saw the high tide line I was working the day before and I saw my grid lines more than 20 feet down…Game changer! That told me the high tide ling wasn’t that high up, there was a seaweed line across the beach where the high tide was and I started my search from there and down and about 40 yards east out of my grid I found his ring!

Makes me so happy when I can find and continue these beautiful stories for people! The ring was close to a foot down and in a few days it may have been too deep to detect.






Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.



Heirloom Lost, Found and Returned on Chapoquoit Beach, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 31, 2018 Emily took a late evening dip in Buzzard’s Bay not knowing King Neptune would be ripping her heirloom engagement ring from her finger. The next day Cindy (her mother), Kevin (her fiance’) and a friend, Isabel had helped in looking for the ring to no avail. At 5:05 I pulled into the parking lot. After introductions and the story of the loss I made it into the water at 5:20. On the third pass in the delineated area and my first target, the ring was found. Many onlookers were amazed at how easily I had made the find. It was not me, it was Emily as she knew exactly were she lost the ring. It was within 8 feet of where she had shown me how she had lost the ring. Kevin showed up about 10 minutes late to see the recovery. But he was in time to enjoy the thrill of Emily having the family heirloom back on her hand, soon to be taken in marriage. Well wishes to a terrific couple.

Falmouth, Cape Cod, MA: Memory Recall is Key to Finding Lost Ring!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

As many questions that were asked it was not until James was in the water with me and remembered a small splash which he thought to be a gull’s dropping. But where was the little splash? Close to the big splash from a rock that was being tossed. But where is the rock…Here it is and the little splash was about 20 feet away.

After a two hour search this little splash was right on…but it was not make by a bird, rather it was made by Erin’s engagement ring. Another 3 minutes of searching and the ring was in my scoop. As Erin was not at the beach James had the honor of removing the ring from my scoop. It was now up to James to place the ring back on his wife’s finger.

Many on the beach had heard of the ring’s loss and were amazed that it was found in such a vast area. Had it not been for James’ keen memory, I might still be looking for the jewel that means so much to the wonderful couple.

Lost Silver Ring FOUND in Kerrville, TX. Louise Hays Park!

  • from Kerrville (Texas, United States)

Late Tuesday afternoon I received a Facebook message from Annette saying she had lost her ring on Sunday in Kerrville’s Louise Hays Park. She explained that she actually lost three rings but was able to find only two of them. She said she knew the approximate area that the ring should be in. I told her I would be happy to attempt to recover her ring but I would have to get permission from the City Parks Department in order to use a metal detector in the park. I emailed the Parks Department for permission but it was too late in the day to get a response. We decided to meet that evening at the site of the loss just to go over the details and spot the exact location. Arriving at the location my wife and I both said “Wow, it looks like the grass was just mowed today!” Sure enough the grass in the area of the loss was freshly mowed. What if the mower picked the ring up and spit it out to who knows where?

Late Wednesday morning I received an email from Ashlea at the Kerrville Parks Department saying I have permission to look for the ring with conditions such as no disturbing the soil, etc. I wrote back my thanks to Ashlea and stated this would strictly be a surface search. At noon I went down to the park and went to work detecting with my Garrett AT PRO and Garrett Pro Pointer. Wow, there was a lot crackling through my headphones – lots of great tones coming from below the surface! This particular area was very near concrete picnic tables that were probably there since the park was built in 1950. (Interesting side note: The entire 35 acre Louise Hays Park was built by the citizens of Kerrville in 1 day http://joeherringjr.blogspot.com/2013/01/kerrvilles-louise-hays-park-built-in-day.html#.V9n94pgrKVM ). Knowing the ring would be on the surface and not buried, I concentrated on my depth meter and used my Pro Pointer to pinpoint good targets. About 45 minutes of swinging and pinpointing (and lots of bottle caps and a few pennies) BINGO! There was this little silver ring hidden in the grass and clover!


I sent this picture of the ring where I found it to Annette and she replied OMG! We set a time to meet so she could place the ring back on her finger where it belonged. As you can see in the picture, Annette had a huge smile while I smiled from behind the camera.

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Thanks to my friend Ken for thinking of referring me to Annette and thanks to Ashlea at the Kerrville Parks Department for granting special permission in order to find and return a lost item on city property. If you lost your valuables call a member of TheRingFinders.com. Each member is a highly skilled metal detectorists and will do their very best to get your item back to you!


What is the best tool to find a lost ring? – TheRingFinders Richard Browne

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Toby rs

Toby ring rs

Toby was out for a fun day at the beach, just yards from his vacation hide-away.
A bit of catch was in order when it happened…the ball came in at just the right angle to whisk his wedding band off of his finger. The last glimpse he had of it was it flying out of sight. Game over.
Hours of searching with a rake, shovel, rented metal detector, many friends and family including his father-in-law crawling in the sand. Nothing seemed to work in the daylight…neither did flashlights in the dark of night.

His friendly neighbor started searching the world wide web and came across a site called TheRingFinders.com. Minutes later Toby was convinced to give Rick Browne a call. And so he did.

Within an hour the call was returned, tide time and weather check was made along with a meeting time for a search for the ring to begin. The next day after an introduction, bit of information gathering, the entourage was off, down the wooden stairs, the aluminum stairs (more like a swinging bridge) to the edge of the wet sand. After a quick demo of how and where the ring was lost and I began the search.

Forty-five minutes later, after covering the area I was shown plus a bit more, I was going to enlarge the area even more. One pass, one turn and three steps later my detector gave me the best signal I had had all day. A shallow scoop of sand and there it was, in my scoop, Toby’s ring. A quick rinse and it was presentable enough to let Toby retrieve his ring from the scoop. He did it in grandeur with yelps and praises. Of course with a smile a mile wide.