Dauphin Island lost and found Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Ring – Dauphin Island, Alabama

A heavy thunderstorm had just blown over the island and another round was on its way. Just as the rain slacked off between storms I got a phone call from Jeremy who was visiting from Florida. It was their anniversary and he had just given his wife Jenny a beautiful new diamond wedding set. As the storm blew in, they were frantically trying to get their beach tent and belongings off the beach and under the shelter of the house. Jenny told me she remembered wiping her hands on her pants and then realizing the slightly too big diamond ring was no longer on her finger. They had combed through the sand for about an hour before finding my Ringfinders bio and giving me a call.

Luckily, I was about 6 miles away and the rain had almost stopped so I grabbed my gear and ran out the door. I got there, listened to her story and started swinging. I silently whispered a prayer to find it before it started storming again ! Within the first 15 seconds I heard that familiar “could be a pull tab; could be a gold ring” tone in my headphones. A few gentle shakes of my scoop and there was Jenny’s new ring sparkling in the bottom.

Not all jewelry recoveries are that easy and fun, but that one sure was !

Lost ring – Dauphin Island, AL

I got a text from Luke saying that his friend Delilah had lost a ring at the beach on Dauphin Island while visiting for the day. He couldn’t give me a lot of detail, so he had Delilah text me. She had taken off the ring and put it on her chair before going into the water, but it somehow got moved. She didn’t even realize it was missing until later that night. Fortunately for both of us, she was able to send me a picture of the exact location where their chairs had been set up. After waiting for a passing thunderstorm to end, I set it out to find it. Within 15 minutes it was in my beach scoop. I  gave Delilah, who was already headed back home to Missouri, a call as soon as I was back  in my car and we both shed a few happy tears. It was just a simple sterling silver claddagh ring – not monetarily worth much. What I didn’t know until after I had  recovered it, was that it had belonged to her great grandmother and had been passed down to each first born daughter on their 16th birthday. I’m happy to say that, hopefully, it can continue to be passed down to the next first born daughter ! As always – reward refused because karma and seeing happy smiles is always the best reward !

Lost Diamond earring – Dauphin Island, AL

  • from Mobile (Alabama, United States)


I got a message from Roberta one evening about a gold and diamond earring she lost in the sand on Dauphin Island. In talking to her, she told me it was lost on the biggest beach area there – one where I dread looking for lost items because it’s soooo big with very few landmarks. Fortunately, she was smart enough to stick a big stick where she felt it come off, so I felt pretty good about going down to look.

It wasn’t five minutes into the hunt and the third target before her earring was shining in my scoop and soon back in her ear ! As always, reward declined ….. karma works for me. 




Lost ring – Dauphin Island, Alabama

Have I mentioned lately that jewelry recoveries are my favorite part of my metal detecting obsession ??

I saw a Facebook post yesterday evening by someone saying his buddy had lost a wedding band “somewhere between the pool and down by the beach”. It sounded like a long shot but I’m always up for a challenge ! I went down this morning and spoke with Ryan, who had lost the ring, and he wasn’t exactly sure where it had slipped off his finger. He walked me down to the water at one of my favorite detecting spots where, coincidentally,  I had just spent about 2 hours detecting yesterday. Ryan explained that he had waded out about waste deep and the sat in the water to watch the sunset Friday night. He was VERY sure about where he had put his bag down and waded out, but that was about it.

I waded in with not a whole lot of confidence…… more like a wing and a prayer. Ok, LOTS of prayer. I then quickly realized I had not brought my waterproof headphones, I didn’t have my long pants on and there was jellyfish and mucky water, and I had even forgotten to ask if the ring was silver, gold, tungsten or stainless. 😳 Ryan was busy at work at a nearby breakfast buffet so I didn’t want to go bother him again.

Much to my suprise, and probably even more to Ryan’s, it wasn’t 30 min later when I came walking back in to the restaurant holding his beautiful ring.  I had to scoop 4 fishing weights, 14 pull tabs, 2 bottle caps and a penny first, but there was no mistaking the sweet sound of that shallow gold signal when I hit it about 10 or so yards to the right of where he thought he had been, and just at the edge of how deep I could go in without my waterproof headphones.

As always, the generous reward offered was declined. Doing what I love and seeing the look on Ryan’s face was reward enough !
