columbus Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a phone call about a lost Engagement Ring which was lost while clearing and cleaning the old plants from the flower beds. She was just doing her normal routine while wear gloves. Then after the job was done the ring was gone. We was able to perform the search the next day. Started the search in the first areas with no luck. Still continued through each flower bed area and the first dump site of two  for the plant waste materials. During the search of the second waste plant materials site, I had a hit in the dead plants, as I moved the plants away the hit disappeared which told me the item has fallen down into the older pile. Started moving the debris out of the way and there was the ring that has fallen and hidden itself. She was very happy to have the Ring returned to her.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost white gold man wedding ring. It recently snowed and after shoveling his driveway he brushed off his toddler that was playing in the snow and there went his ring slipping off into the snow somewhere. He searched and searched for a while with no luck. I was able to respond the same day to complete a search. After searching for a few, there was the ring hidden in the snow. He was very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Sunbury, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about losing a few items of jewelry during a motorcycle accident along the side of the road. We setup a time to complete a search and I was able to find three of the bracelets at the location. He was happy to have the bracelets returned to him.

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Bracelets in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a message about a lost Gold Diamond Women’s Ring. It was lost after placing the ring into her pocket, the same pocket she had a tissue in to wipe her daughters running nose. So as she pulled out the tissue the ring few out somewhere in the yard. We was able to schedule a time to complete a search. I search the yard and there was the ring hiding in the grass. She was happy to have the ring return to her.

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Lewis Center, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost earring. She lost the earing while walking her dog. She was pulled down to the ground by the dog and the earing came off somewhere is the grass. We walked to the location and started the search. After search for a few, there was the earing in the grass. She was very happy to have the earing returned to her. This is one a her favorite set of earrings.

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Earing in Reynoldsburg, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost engagement ring. The ring was toss out the car window while driving down the road by one of the kids. The next day, I was able to perform a search along the side of the road where the ring was toss, I search and search and finally the ring was found hiding in the grass. He is very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Newark, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost gold man’s wedding ring while he was playing with water balloons on a hot summer day with the family. We was able to setup a day and time to perform a search. I started the search in the area where the water balloons were being fill and thrown with no luck. I continue throughout the yard until the ring was found. He is very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received an email in January 2023 about a lost gold man’s wedding ring that was lost on his property in November 2021. He was simply playing with his dog and bouncing a tennis ball off the driveway and the next moment the ring flew off into the weeds. He search and search with no luck. Since living in Ohio and having cold weather in January, we opted to wait until warmer weather to perform a good thorough search. I started the search on one side of the driveway, searching through the leaves, sticks, ivy vine, and small plants with no luck with all awhile getting many hits of normal household yard trash. I continued to the other side of the driveway searching and searching. Then got a hit, I pulled back the leaves, ivy vines and there was the ring. He was very happy to have the ring returned to him after 22 months of being gone.

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Ring in Carroll, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

He lost his ring during a Forth of July celebration last year and was able to find the ring.

I will was able to perform a search and found the ring.

He was very happy to have the ring returned to him.

Lost Gold Man’s Ring in Carroll, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Ring in Carroll, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Ring in Carroll, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Engagement Band in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost Women’s Gold Diamond Engagement Band in their back yard. We setup a good day and time to complete a search.

The ring was lost as she was shaking her hand and then flew off somewhere in the grass. I started my search through the grass then had a hit. As I pulled the grass back then was the ring laying at the bottom of the grass.

He was very Happy to have the ring return to them.

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”

Lost White Gold Diamond Woman’s Ring in Columbus, OH. “FOUND”