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Metal Detecting Vancouver Beach for Hong Kong Gold Wedding Band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Last week I received a call from the Lifeguards at Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver, they had a young couple from Hong Kong that couldn’t speak very good English and needed my Ring Finders Service.

I jumped into my car and headed to the beach to meet and help them find what they had lost. When I arrived and met Eugene and his wife I thought I was looking for her lost ring but after talking a while I figured out it was his 24k yellow gold wedding band.

He explains that he was swimming and on the second stroke not far from shore he felt the ring come off his finger. The only problem was both Eugene and his wife wasn’t 100% sure where he was in the water…This makes the search hard and I spent close to 3 hours in chest deep water doing a grid search, they both felt it was from the spot they showed me and west down the beach. I didn’t find the ring that evening and I couldn’t return until the next weekend at low tide.

When I arrived at the beach on the following Saturday I started my grid search of the same area but this time the tide was out and the grid search was much easier!
I searched in the rain and extend my grid west down the beach and no ring!

I wasn’t sure if Eugene and his wife might have came back the next day and found the ring, I emailed him twice but never heard back. This plays in the back of your mind when you can’t find what you’re looking for…

My instinctskicked in and I went against the flow and headed in the opposite direction and 30 + yards from my start point I found his beautiful 24k gold wedding band! This was no where near where they showed me but my thoughts are there is a ring out there…Find it!

I spotted the ring before my metal detector went over it and it was only half buried into the sand, the sand is very hard packed in this area of the beach and after 6 days of high & low tides it was still visible to the eye.

What I thought was about 1 1/2 hours of searching turned out to be 3 hours, in total for the two searches it took me close to 5 1/2 hours to find this ring…

I love my job!

Lost something? Call me ASAP! 778-838-Find(3463)

Ring Testimonial…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I lost my wedding band over a month ago now and I was quite disappointed to say the least. I’ve never taken my ring off except for a few hours to do odd chores around the house for the last 10 years. After losing the ring, it felt like I lost a part of me. So I started scouring “lost and found” ads in the paper and craigslist hoping to find my ring. And this is how I found Chris Turner, on Craigslist, offering his service to find lost jewelry for people. So I contacted Chris, told him where, when and how I lost it. He said he’ll try to look for it but there won’t be any guarantee. I resigned to the fact that he won’t find it since it’s been lost in the lake for at least 3 weeks after calling him. But lo and behold, one beautiful Saturday morning he gives me a call to let me know he found it!!!! They say miracles don’t happen but it did, Chris happened. I want to take this opportunity to say thanks to you again buddy. Big Thanks!!!



Metal detecting for a lost gold wedding band at Crescent Beach/South Surrey

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Metal Detecting 3rd Beach in Vancouver in 4 feet of water for a lost wedding band…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I receive a call at around 3pm on Saturday in regards to a lost gold wedding band at 3rd beach in Vancouver. The man tells me that he was at the beach swimming at low tide in about 4 feet of water when he felt the ring come off his finger.

The great thing is he made a mental note of the area using the lifeguard chair on the beach and trees in front of him in the far distance. This is amazing because it gives me a good chance to get close to the area the ring was lost in and this is very important because if you ever look at the ocean and say…Hey I lost my ring some where out there, can you find it? It’s like looking for a needle in haystack!

I had no chance that day to search as the tide was coming in and by the time I got there it would have been to deep. I checked the tide schedule and it was a higher low tide the next day by 1 foot and even high the next few days… We met on the Sunday at low tide and he showed me the area he thought it would be in…The ocean wasn’t that warm!

I started my grid search which is very difficult in the water and close to 30 minutes and cold body we went to the shoreline to talk about the location.

He asked me if the ring would have moved very much in the past 24 hours and I said not much at all as the gold ring is heavy and like all gold it works its way down into the sand. I took my ring off and dropped it at the shoreline and we watched as the waves never moved the ring, it slowly became covered by sand and disappeared.

I knew we had to find the ring today because if we didn’t the tide would have been to deep for the next week or so to search for it.

He walked back out to chest deep water and looked around and lined himself up with the lifeguard chair and said to me “it has to be around here” I walked up towards him swinging my loop under water and when I got to him I turned to the right about one yard and got a great signal! I knew it was his ring, I scooped up the sand and without looking I held the scoop up to him and his smile said it all!

Note to anyone who ever looses a ring in the water…If its chest deep of water…#1 Line yourself up with something on the beach…Log, big rock, exct. #2 slowly walk towards the log and count your steps or yards. When I get there we count the steps and this gives me a fantastic chance to get into the specific area that I need to find your ring!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video…2nd one down

The Ring of Love! Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I just finished my search at 3rd beach where I found a wedding band for a gentleman and my phone rings. It’s a British fellow who lost his ring at Spanish Banks Beach. We talked for a minute and I headed out there to help him find his ring.
We met at the beach and he shows me the area he thought the ring was lost then tells me that he and his girlfriend got each other rings and put them on each others fingers as a promise to get married when they get back home to Europe.

I can tell how much the ring meant to him and how much he loved his girlfriend. I started my search around the volleyball court and I found 2 toonies and a few pull tabs. I ask the people playing volleyball if I could search the one area that Graham was playing in the day before, and they said sure…(Thanks for that!)

I waited till the game was over and began my search. Nothing! I asked Graham if he was sure that the court was in the exact position as the day before and he said it was, just then one of the players told us that the court was moved to the left by almost half the width.

This was great news because it gave us hope that we could still find the ring…minutes later it was found! The excitement on your face truly made me believe that this was the Ring of Love!

I’m so happy I could help you out and I wish your lady a lifetime of happiness!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…

Metal detecting Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver for the ring of Love!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Metal detecting 3rd Beach in four feet of water for a lost gold wedding band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost Gold Ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

It’s Saturday around 5 pm and I just made my wife and I dinner, I’m about to dig in and my phone rings…Lost ring at English Bay Beach in Vancouver… I ask a few question and take a few bites of my meal and I’m on my way to the beach to see if I can find this young mans diamond pinky ring.
I meet a group of young men and one young lady and they tell me how they were playing volleyball and how when he was diving for the ball he felt his ring come off and some of his friends thought they saw something hit the sand…

The young man tells me how special the ring is to him and how it was given to him by his parents and he was the first brother to receive such a gift. I could tell how much it meant to him and how devastated he was by loosing it.

We discuss the area he thought it was lost in and I started my search, close to 30 minutes and no ring…? I sat down a we talked some more about where the ring could have gone and he said he was hitting the ball hard and thought maybe it went further out from my grid…He was right! I extended my grid search and found his ring!

He was speechless when I asked him if this was his ring, and held it up for him to see.

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…